2,754 research outputs found

    A new case manager for diabetic patients: a pilot observational study of the role of community pharmacists and pharmacy services in the case management of diabetic patients

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    The adherence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) patients with an individual care plan (ICP) is often not satisfactory, nor does it allow for a significant improvement in outcome, because of poor accessibility to services, poor integration of pathway articulations, poor reconciliation with the patient's life, or the lack of a constant reference person. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of community pharmacists and pharmacy services in improving adherence with periodic controls in DM2. The study was conducted at a rural pharmacy. A sample of 40 patients was calculated with respect to a historical cohort and subsequently enrolled. Clinical and personal data were collected in an electronic case report form. Pharmacists acting as a case manager followed patients carrying out their ICP developed by an attending physician. Some of the activities foreseen by the ICP, such as electrocardiogram, fundus examination, and self-analysis of blood and urine, were carried out directly in the pharmacy by the pharmacist through the use of telemedicine services and point of care units. Activities that could not be performed in the pharmacy were booked by the pharmacist at the accredited units. Examination results were electronically reported by the pharmacist to the attending physician. The primary endpoint was the variation in patient adherence with the ICP compared to a historical cohort. Secondary endpoints were variation in waiting time for the examinations, mean percentage change in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and blood pressure, impact on healthcare-related costs, and perceived quality of care. Adherence to the ICP significantly increased. Waiting times were reduced and clinical outcomes improved with conceivable effects on costs. Patients appreciated the easier access to services. Community pharmacists and pharmacy services represent ideal actors and context that, integrated in the care network, can really favor ICP adherence and obtain daily morbidity reduction and cost savings through proper disease control and an early diagnosis of complications

    Inhibition of dengue virus replication by novel inhibitors of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and protease activities

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is the leading mosquito-transmitted viral infection in the world. With more than 390 million new infections annually, and up to 1 million clinical cases with severe disease manifestations, there continues to be a need to develop new antiviral agents against dengue infection. In addition, there is no approved anti-DENV agents for treating DENV-infected patients. In the present study, we identified new compounds with anti-DENV replication activity by targeting viral replication enzymes – NS5, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and NS3 protease, using cell-based reporter assay. Subsequently, we performed an enzyme-based assay to clarify the action of these compounds against DENV RdRp or NS3 protease activity. Moreover, these compounds exhibited anti-DENV activity in vivo in the ICR-suckling DENV-infected mouse model. Combination drug treatment exhibited a synergistic inhibition of DENV replication. These results describe novel prototypical small anti-DENV molecules for further development through compound modification and provide potential antivirals for treating DENV infection and DENV-related diseases

    Drug design and synthesis of first in class PDZ1 targeting NHERF1 inhibitors as anticancer agents

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    Targeted approaches aiming at modulating NHERF1 activity, rather than its overall expression, would be preferred to preserve the normal functions of this versatile protein. We focused our attention on the NHERF1/PDZ1 domain that governs its membrane recruitment/displacement through a transient phosphorylation switch. We herein report the design and synthesis of novel NHERF1 PDZ1 domain inhibitors. These compounds have potential therapeutic value when used in combination with antagonists of β-catenin to augment apoptotic death of colorectal cancer cells refractory to currently available Wnt/β-catenin-targeted agents

    Automatic synchronisation of the cell cycle in budding yeast through closed-loop feedback control

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    The cell cycle is the process by which eukaryotic cells replicate. Yeast cells cycle asynchronously with each cell in the population budding at a different time. Although there are several experimental approaches to synchronise cells, these usually work only in the short-term. Here, we build a cyber-genetic system to achieve long-term synchronisation of the cell population, by interfacing genetically modified yeast cells with a computer by means of microfluidics to dynamically change medium, and a microscope to estimate cell cycle phases of individual cells. The computer implements a controller algorithm to decide when, and for how long, to change the growth medium to synchronise the cell-cycle across the population. Our work builds upon solid theoretical foundations provided by Control Engineering. In addition to providing an avenue for yeast cell cycle synchronisation, our work shows that control engineering can be used to automatically steer complex biological processes towards desired behaviours similarly to what is currently done with robots and autonomous vehicles

    Targeting PDZ domains as potential treatment for viral infections, neurodegeneration and cancer

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    The interaction between proteins is a fundamental event for cellular life that is generally mediated by specialized protein domains or modules. PDZ domains are the largest class of protein–protein interaction modules, involved in several cellular pathways such as signal transduction, cell–cell junctions, cell polarity and adhesion, and protein trafficking. Because of that, dysregulation of PDZ domain function often causes the onset of pathologies, thus making this family of domains an interesting pharmaceutical target. In this review article we provide an overview of the structural and functional features of PDZ domains and their involvement in the cellular and molecular pathways at the basis of different human pathologies. We also discuss some of the strategies that have been developed with the final goal to hijack or inhibit the interaction of PDZ domains with their ligands. Because of the generally low binding selectivity of PDZ domain and the scarce efficiency of small molecules in inhibiting PDZ binding, this task resulted particularly difficult to pursue and still demands increasing experimental efforts in order to become completely feasible and successful in vivo

    Selenotriapine – An isostere of the most studied thiosemicarbazone with pronounced pro-apoptotic activity, low toxicity and ability to challenge phenotype reprogramming of 3-D mammary adenocarcinoma tumors

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    Triapine, the most studied α-N-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone, revealed potent activity against advanced leukemia, but was ineffective against a variety of solid tumors. Moreover, methemoglobinemia, which is a side effect of triapine administration, may limits all clinical application. To enhance anticancer activity and reduce side effects, we applied an isosteric replacement of sulfur to selenium atom was performed by synthesis and characterization of selenium triapine analog, 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone (selenotriapine). Compared to triapine, selenotriapine revealed superior pro-apoptotic activity with activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway in both human monocytic leukemia (THP-1) and mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell lines. For MCF-7 2-D cultures, selenotriapine induced notable increase in mitochondrial superoxide radical generation and dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. A significant delay in growth of MCF-7 spheroids (3-D culture) was accompanied by phenotypic stem cell reprogramming (Oct-4 expression). Additionally, selenotriapine demonstrated a very low toxicity profile as compared to triapine, confirmed over alleviated extent of methemoglobin formation and higher IC50 value in brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay

    Systemic delivery of a specific antibody targeting the pathological N-terminal truncated tau peptide reduces retinal degeneration in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Retina and optic nerve are sites of extra-cerebral manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein are detected in eyes from AD patients and transgenic animals in correlation with inflammation, reduction of synapses, visual deficits, loss of retinal cells and nerve fiber. However, neither the pathological relevance of other post-translational tau modifications—such as truncation with generation of toxic fragments—nor the potential neuroprotective action induced by their in vivo clearance have been investigated in the context of AD retinal degeneration. We have recently developed a monoclonal tau antibody (12A12mAb) which selectively targets the neurotoxic 20–22 kDa NH2-derived peptide generated from pathological truncation at the N-terminal domain of tau without cross-reacting with its full-length normal protein. Previous studies have shown that 12A12mAb, when intravenously (i.v.)-injected into 6-month-old Tg2576 animals, markedly improves their AD-like, behavioural and neuropathological syndrome. By taking advantage of this well-established tau-directed immunization regimen, we found that 12A12mAb administration also exerts a beneficial action on biochemical, morphological and metabolic parameters (i.e. APP/Aβ processing, tau hyperphosphorylation, neuroinflammation, synaptic proteins, microtubule stability, mitochondria-based energy production, neuronal death) associated with ocular injury in the AD phenotype. These findings prospect translational implications in the AD field by: (1) showing for the first time that cleavage of tau takes part in several pathological changes occurring in vivo in affected retinas and vitreous bodies and that its deleterious effects are successfully antagonized by administration of the specific 12A12mAb; (2) shedding further insights on the tight connections between neurosensory retina and brain, in particular following tau-based immunotherapy. In our view, the parallel response we detected in this preclinical animal model, both in the eye and in the hippocampus, following i.v. 12A12mAb injection opens novel diagnostic and therapeutic avenues for the clinical management of cerebral and extracerebral AD signs in human beings

    Cheetah:a computational toolkit for cybergenetic control

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    Abstract Advances in microscopy, microfluidics, and optogenetics enable single-cell monitoring and environmental regulation and offer the means to control cellular phenotypes. The development of such systems is challenging and often results in bespoke setups that hinder reproducibility. To address this, we introduce Cheetah, a flexible computational toolkit that simplifies the integration of real-time microscopy analysis with algorithms for cellular control. Central to the platform is an image segmentation system based on the versatile U-Net convolutional neural network. This is supplemented with functionality to robustly count, characterize, and control cells over time. We demonstrate Cheetah’s core capabilities by analyzing long-term bacterial and mammalian cell growth and by dynamically controlling protein expression in mammalian cells. In all cases, Cheetah’s segmentation accuracy exceeds that of a commonly used thresholding-based method, allowing for more accurate control signals to be generated. Availability of this easy-to-use platform will make control engineering techniques more accessible and offer new ways to probe and manipulate living cells

    Clinical case report of Hepatozoon canis in the city of Cali

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    El Hepatozoon canis es un protozoario que parasita los leucocitos de los caninos, su huésped definitivo es la garrapata común (Riphicephalus sanguineus) y el perro es el huésped intermediario, el cual adquiere la infección al ingerir una garrapata infectada con el parásito, este continúa su multiplicación y diseminación en el perro ocasionando sintomatología y daños multisistémicos en el organismo (1). La hepatozoonosis canina es una enfermedad poco estudiada y confundida a nivel mundial con otras enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas como lo son la Babesiosis y la Ehrlichiosis al presentar cuadros clínicos similares en los pacientes. En el reporte de este caso se evidenció un cuadro clínico poco especíifico con la enfermedad la cuál fue confirmada mediante frotis sanguíneo y observación microscópica al ser una de las formas más adecuadas para la diferenciación del parásito por su morfología específica. Los pacientes con Hepatozoon canis pueden ser asintomáticos o presentar variación en su sintomatología (2). Los pocos reportes a nivel mundial sobre el Hepatozoon canis llevan a un desconocimiento de clínicos y propietarios los cuales descartan la enfermedad y relacionan su sintomatología con otras enfermedades logrando así la no identificación de este protozoo, un mal abordaje y la no resolución del problema. Por esta razón la importancia de reportar y describir este caso clínico, para elaborar guías de abordaje clínico basados en la evidencia, los cuales sean de fácil acceso para los médicos veterinarios (3Hepatozoon canis is a protozoan that parasitizes canine leukocytes, its definitive host is the common tick (Riphicephalus sanguineus) and the dog is the intermediate host, which acquires the infection by ingesting a tick infected with the parasite, it continues its multiplication and dissemination in the dog causing symptoms and multisystemic damage in the body. Canine hepatozoonosis is a disease little studied and confused worldwide with other diseases transmitted by ticks such as Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis, as it presents similar clinical pictures in patients. In the report of this case, nonspecific clinical picture with the desease was evidenced which was confirmed by blood smear and microscopic observation as it is one of the most appropriate ways for the differentiation of the parasite due to its specific morphology, patients with Hepatozoon canis can be asymptomatic or present variation in their symptoms. The few reports worldwide on Hepatozoon canis lead to a lack of knowledge of clinicians and owners who rule out the disease and relate its symptoms to other diseases, thus achieving a poor approach and nonresolution of the problem. For this reason, the importance of reporting and describing this clinical case, to develop evidence- based medical approach guides which are easily accessible to veterinarians.PregradoMédico(a) Veterinario(a) y Zootecnist
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