346 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zur Stabilitaet von Lanthaniden-Platin Verbindungen

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    Suppression of dissipation in Nb thin films with triangular antidot arrays by random removal of pinning sites

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    The depinning current Ic versus applied magnetic field B close to the transition temperature Tc of Nb thin films with randomly diluted triangular arrays of antidots is investigated. % Our experiments confirm essential features in Ic(B) as predicted by Reichhardt and Olson Reichhardt [Phys.Rev. B 76, 094512 (2007)]. % We show that, by introducing disorder into periodic pinning arrays, Ic can be enhanced. % In particular, for arrays with fixed density n_p of antidots, an increase in dilution Pd induces an increase in Ic and decrease of the flux-flow voltage for B>Bp=n_p Phi_0.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Commensurability effects in superconducting Nb films with quasiperiodic pinning arrays

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    We study experimentally the critical depinning current Ic versus applied magnetic field B in Nb thin films which contain 2D arrays of circular antidots placed on the nodes of quasiperiodic (QP) fivefold Penrose lattices. Close to the transition temperature Tc we observe matching of the vortex lattice with the QP pinning array, confirming essential features in the Ic(B) patterns as predicted by Misko et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett, vol.95, 177007 (2005)]. We find a significant enhancement in Ic(B) for QP pinning arrays in comparison to Ic in samples with randomly distributed antidots or no antidots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Une étude pilote sur le congé parental de pères au Tirol

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    La présente étude porte sur les pères en congé parental au Tirol. Les auteurs constatent que les réflexions systématiques à propos des pères en congé sont rares. Les auteurs tentent de répondre à la question suivante : le congé parental a-t-il des implications sur l'attachement père-enfant ? L'étude pilote porte sur un échantillon de 15 dyades père-enfant. La description et l'analyse du comportement d'interaction père-enfant ont été effectuées à l'aide du Child Adult Relationship Index (CARE-Index) élaboré par Crittenden (1988, 2000).A pilot study of fathers on parental leave in Tirol The current study examines fathers in parental leave in Tirol. The authors have come to realise that systematic reflections concerning fathers on leave of their work are rare. The authors attempt to answer the following question: does parental leave have implications on child/father attachment? The pilot study examines a small sample of 15 father/child couples. The description and analysis of father/child interactions was elaborated with the Child Adult Relationship Index (CARE-Index) designed by Crittenden (1988, 2000).Un proyecto piloto sobre el permiso parental en Tirol El estudio trata de los padres en permiso parental en Tirol. Los autores constatan que son muy pocas las reflexiones systématicas sobre los padres en permiso. ¿Tiene el permiso parental implicaciones sobre el apego padre-hijo? Los autores tratan de responder a esta pregunta en un estudio piloto con una muestra de 15 dyadas padre-hijo. La descripción y el analisis del comportamiento de la interaccion padre-hijo han sido realisadas con la ayuda del Child Adult Relationship Index (CARE-Index) elaborado por Crittenden (1988, 2000)

    Localization of superconductivity in superconductor-electromagnet hybrids

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    We investigate the nucleation of superconductivity in a superconducting Al strip under the influence of the magnetic field generated by a current-carrying Nb wire, perpendicularly oriented and located underneath the strip. The inhomogeneous magnetic field, induced by the Nb wire, produces a spatial modulation of the critical temperature T_c, leading to a controllable localization of the superconducting order parameter (OP) wave function. We demonstrate that close to the phase boundary T_c(B_ext) the localized OP solution can be displaced reversibly by either applying an external perpendicular magnetic field B_ext or by changing the amplitude of the inhomogeneous field.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Non-FG mediated transport of the large pre-ribosomal subunit through the nuclear pore complex by the mRNA export factor Gle2

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    Multiple export receptors passage bound pre-ribosomes through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) by transiently interacting with the Phe-Gly (FG) meshwork of their transport channels. Here, we reveal how the non-FG interacting yeast mRNA export factor Gly-Leu-FG lethal 2 (Gle2) functions in the export of the large pre-ribosomal subunit (pre-60S). Structure-guided studies uncovered conserved platforms used by Gle2 to export pre-60S: an uncharacterized basic patch required to bind pre-60S, and a second surface that makes non-FG contacts with the nucleoporin Nup116. A basic patch mutant of Gle2 is able to function in mRNA export, but not pre-60S export. Thus, Gle2 provides a distinct interaction platform to transport pre-60S to the cytoplasm. Notably, Gle2's interaction platforms become crucial for pre-60S export when FG-interacting receptors are either not recruited to pre-60S or are impaired. We propose that large complex cargos rely on non-FG as well as FG-interactions for their efficient translocation through the nuclear pore complex channe

    The weeping behavior in anorexic and bulimic females

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    Background: The aim of the study was to examine the proneness, the functions and triggering situations of weeping in anorexic and bulimic women. Methods: Participants were 36 anorexic and 31 bulimic female patients and 56 age-matched female controls. All women completed the Questionnaire on Adult Crying. We limited our study to results on 'crying proneness', 'functions of crying' and 'determining factors of crying'. Results: Bulimic patients reported to have cried significantly more often in the last 4 weeks, to be more likely to cry in situations of distress and to have used weeping significantly more often as a manipulative behavior than control women. Anorexic patients rated their tendency to cry significantly lower and experienced weeping as significantly more negative than controls. Conclusions: Compared to control women, anorexic patients associated weeping with negative feelings as opposed to bulimic patients who appeared to use weeping on an intentional basis. These deviations from control women seem to mirror the introvert character of anorexic patients and the extrovert impulsive personality of patients with bulimia nervosa, respectively.

    Mesoscopic cross-film cryotrons: Vortex trapping and dc-Josephson-like oscillations of the critical current

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    We investigate theoretically and experimentally the transport properties of a plain Al superconducting strip in the presence of a single straight current-carrying wire, oriented perpendicular to the superconducting strip. It is well known that the critical current of the superconducting strip, Ic, in such cryotron--like system can be tuned by changing the current in the control wire, Iw. We demonstrated that the discrete change in the number of the pinned vortices/antivortices inside the narrow and long strip nearby the current-carrying wire results in a peculiar oscillatory dependence of Ic on Iw.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure