214 research outputs found

    Assessing the volcanic hazard for Rome. 40Ar/39Ar and In-SAR constraints on the most recent eruptive activity and present-day uplift at Colli Albani Volcanic District

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    We present new 40Ar/39Ar data which allow us to refine the recurrence time for the most recent eruptive activity occurred at Colli Albani Volcanic District (CAVD) and constrain its geographic area. Time elapsed since the last eruption (36 kyr) overruns the recurrence time (31 kyr) in the last 100 kyr. New interferometric synthetic aperture radar data, covering the years 1993–2010, reveal ongoing inflation with maximum uplift rates (>2 mm/yr) in the area hosting the most recent (<200 ka) vents, suggesting that the observed uplift might be caused by magma injection within the youngest plumbing system. Finally, we frame the present deformation within the structural pattern of the area of Rome, characterized by 50 m of regional uplift since 200 ka and by geologic evidence for a recent (<2000 years) switch of the local stress-field, highlighting that the precursors of a new phase of volcanic activity are likely occurring at the CAVD

    Major explosive activity in the Monti Sabatini Volcanic District(central Italy) over the 800-390ka interval: Geochronological-geochemical overview and tephrostratigraphic implications

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    A review of the existing chronological, stratigraphic and chemo-petrologic data of the major eruptive units from the early phase of activity (800-390ka) in the Monti Sabatini Volcanic District (MSVD), belonging to the ultra-potassic magmatic region of central Italy, is presented along with new radioisotopic age determinations and geochemical analyses. Through the combined use of electron microprobe glass compositions, selected trace-element compositions, and single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, we provide a new chrono- and chemo-stratigraphic classification of the products emplaced in the 800-390ka time interval. Besides giving insights on the petrologic evolution of the Roman Comagmatic Region, the large dataset provides fundamental information that is applicable to tephrostratigraphic studies in the wide region encompassing the Tyrrhenian Sea margin to the Adriatic Sea basin. Distal tephras from this volcanic activity also act as important geochronologic markers for the coastal sedimentary successions deposited in response to glacio-eustatic fluctuations, as well as for successions in the Quaternary tectonic basins of the Central and Southern Apennines. An innovative approach based on the use of discrimination diagrams of Zr/Y vs Nb/Y ratios for fingerprinting altered volcanic rocks - recently developed and successfully employed in archaeometric studies - is here combined to the glass compositions for classifying the MSVD deposits and tested on two distal tephra layers, showing its potentiality for tephrostratigraphic correlation. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Diseño y ejecución de pisos y pavimentos industriales con hormigón reforzado con fibra

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    Actualmente se recurre a la incorporación de macrofibras sintéticas o de fibras de acero como reemplazo de las armaduras tradicionales en la construcción de pisos y pavimentos industriales, dado que mejora varias propiedades del hormigón fresco y endurecido. Las fibras controlan la propagación y ancho de las fisuras de contracción y permiten un mayor espaciamiento entre juntas; la resistencia residual que aportan las fibras aumenta la capacidad de carga de las losas. El empleo de Hormigón de Retracción Compensada Reforzado con Fibras (HRCRF) permite diseñar grandes losas minimizando la cantidad de fisuras y con menores aberturas de juntas. A fin de poner en evidencia las citadas ventajas, este trabajo presenta ejemplos de pisos y pavimentos industriales realizados en Argentina mediante estas tecnologías empleando macrofibras sintéticas o de acero, incluye resultados in situ y de laboratorio, información sobre trabajabilidad, contracción libre y restringida, resistencias a compresión y flexión y detalles constructivos

    Time intervals to assess active and capable faults for engineering practices in Italy

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    The time span necessary to define a fault as ‘active and capable’ can mainly be derived from the framework of the regulations and the literature produced since the 1970s on risk estimation in engineering planning of strategic buildings. Within this framework, two different lines of thought can be determined, which have mainly developed in the USA. On the one side, there is a tendency to produce ‘narrow’ chronological definitions. This is particularly evident in the regulatory acts for the planning of nuclear reactors. The much more effective second line of thought anchors the chronological definitions of the terms ‘active’ and, therefore ‘capable’, to the concept of ‘seismotectonic domain’. As the domains are different in different regions of the World, the chronological definition cannot be univocal; i.e., different criteria are needed to define fault activity, which will depend on the characteristics of the local tectonic domain and of the related recurrence times of fault activation. Current research on active tectonics indicates that methodological aspects can also condition the chronological choice to define fault activity. Indeed, this practice implies the use of earth science methods, the applications of which can be inherently limited. For example, limits and constraints might be related to the availability of datable sediments and landforms that can be used to define the recent fault kinematic history. For the Italian territory, we consider two main tectonic domains: (a) the compressive domain along the southern margin of the Alpine chain and the northern and northeastern margins of the Apennines, which is characterised by the activity of blind thrusts and reverse faults; and (b) the extensional domain of the Apennines and the Calabria region, which is often manifest through the activity of seismogenic normal and normal-oblique faults. In case (a), the general geomorphic and subsurficial evidence of recent activity suggests that a reverse blind fault or a blind thrust should be considered active and potentially capable if showing evidence of activity during the Quaternary (i.e., over the last 2.6 Myr), unless information is available that documents its inactivity since at least the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (ca. 20 ka). The choice of the LGM period as the minimum age necessary to define fault inactivity is related to practical aspects (the diffusion of the LGM deposits and landforms) and to the evidence that ca. 20 kyr to assess fault inactivity precautionarily includes a number of seismic cycles. In the extensional domains of the Apennines and Calabria region, the general geological setting suggests that the present tectonic regime has been active since the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene. Therefore, we propose that a normal fault in the Italian extensional domain should be considered active and capable if it displays evidence of activation in the last 0.8 Myr, unless it is sealed by deposits or landforms not younger than the LGM. The choice of the LGM as the minimum age to ascertain fault inactivity follows the same criteria described for the compressive tectonic domain

    Lake Ohrid’s tephrochronological dataset reveals 1.36 Ma of Mediterranean explosive volcanic activity

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    Tephrochronology relies on the availability of the stratigraphical, geochemical and geochronological datasets of volcanic deposits, three preconditions which are both often only fragmentary accessible. This study presents the tephrochronological dataset from the Lake Ohrid (Balkans) sediment succession continuously reaching back to 1.36 Ma. 57 tephra layers were investigated for their morphological appearance, geochemical fingerprint, and (chrono-)stratigraphic position. Glass fragments of tephra layers were analyzed for their major element composition using Energy-Dispersive-Spectroscopy and Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy and for their trace element composition by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Radiometric dated equivalents of 16 tephra layers and orbital tuning of geochemical proxy data provided the basis for the age-depth model of the Lake Ohrid sediment succession. The age-depth model, in turn, provides ages for unknown or undated tephra layers. This dataset forms the basis for a regional stratigraphic framework and provides insights into the central Mediterranean explosive volcanic activity during the last 1.36 Ma
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