533 research outputs found

    Beam Effects on the Cryogenic System of LEP2

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    The LEP collider was operated during 1996 for the first time with superconducting cavities at the four interaction points. During operation for physics it was observed that the dissipated heat in the cavities is not only a function of the acceleration gradient, but depends also on beam characteristics such as intensity, bunch length and beam current. These beam effects had not been foreseen in the original heat budget of the LEP cryogenic system. The observations indicating the beam effect and its origin are presented. The available capacity of the refrigerators demonstrates that cryogenics might become a limiting factor for the performance of the LEP collider

    Coulomb-Volkov approach of ionization by extreme ultraviolet laser pulses in the subfemtosecond regime

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    In conditions where the interaction betweeen an atom and a short high-frequency extreme ultraviolet laser pulse is a perturbation, we show that a simple theoretical approach, based on Coulomb-Volkov-type states, can make reliable predictions for ionization. To avoid any additional approximation, we consider here a standard case : the ionization of hydrogen atoms initially in their ground state. For any field parameter, we show that the method provides accurate energy spectra of ejected electrons, including many above threshold ionization peaks, as long as the two following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled : (i) the photon energy is greater than or equal to the ionization potential ; (ii) the ionization process is not saturated. Thus, ionization of atoms or molecules by the high order harmonic laser pulses which are generated at present may be addressed through this Coulomb-Volkov treatment.Comment: 19 pages including 5 figures and figure caption

    Measurement errors in cirrus cloud microphysical properties

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    Some effects of ice crystals on the FSSP measurements in mixed phase clouds

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    In this paper, we show that in mixed phase clouds, the presence of ice crystals may induce wrong FSSP 100 measurements interpretation especially in terms of particle size and subsequent bulk parameters. The presence of ice crystals is generally revealed by a bimodal feature of the particle size distribution (PSD). The combined measurements of the FSSP-100 and the Polar Nephelometer give a coherent description of the effect of the ice crystals on the FSSP-100 response. The FSSP-100 particle size distributions are characterized by a bimodal shape with a second mode peaked between 25 and 35 μm related to ice crystals. This feature is observed with the FSSP-100 at airspeed up to 200 m s<sup>−1</sup> and with the FSSP-300 series. In order to assess the size calibration for clouds of ice crystals the response of the FSSP-100 probe has been numerically simulated using a light scattering model of randomly oriented hexagonal ice particles and assuming both smooth and rough crystal surfaces. The results suggest that the second mode, measured between 25 μm and 35 μm, does not necessarily represent true size responses but corresponds to bigger aspherical ice particles. According to simulation results, the sizing understatement would be neglected in the rough case but would be significant with the smooth case. Qualitatively, the Polar Nephelometer phase function suggests that the rough case is the more suitable to describe real crystals. Quantitatively, however, it is difficult to conclude. A review is made to explore different hypotheses explaining the occurrence of the second mode. However, previous cloud in situ measurements suggest that the FSSP-100 secondary mode, peaked in the range 25–35 μm, is likely to be due to the shattering of large ice crystals on the probe inlet. This finding is supported by the rather good relationship between the concentration of particles larger than 20 μm (hypothesized to be ice shattered-fragments measured by the FSSP) and the concentration of (natural) ice particles (CPI data). In mixed cloud, a simple estimation of the number of ice crystals impacting the FSSP inlet shows that the ice crystal shattering effect is the main factor in observed ice production

    Pancreaticogastrostomy After Pancreatoduodenectomy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the place of pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) in reducing pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy. From January 1988 to June 1991, 32 consecutive patients (mean age, 57 years) were operated on, 25 for malignant disease (78%). The pancreatic remnant was normal in 17 patients (53%) and sclerotic in the others. There was one operative death (3.1%) unrelated to PG. Post-operative complications occurred in five patients (16%). Only two complications were related to PG: 1 patient had anastomotic intra-gastric bleeding and was reoperated on, 1 patient with a normal pancreatic remnant developed a pancreatic fistula (3.1%) treated conservatively

    Airborne measurements of aerosol optical properties related to early spring transport of mid-latitude sources into the Arctic

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    Airborne lidar and in-situ measurements of the aerosol properties were conducted between Svalbard Island and Scandinavia in April 2008. Evidence of aerosol transport from Europe and Asia is given. The analysis of the aerosol optical properties based on a multiwavelength lidar (355, 532, 1064 nm) including volume depolarization at 355 nm aims at distinguishing the role of the different aerosol sources (Siberian wild fires, Eastern Asia and European anthropogenic emissions). Combining, first aircraft measurements, second FLEXPART simulations with a calculation of the PBL air fraction originating from the three different mid-latitude source regions, and third level-2 CALIPSO data products (i.e. backscatter coefficient 532 nm,volume depolarization and color ratio between 1064 and 532 nm in aerosol layers) along the transport pathways, appears a valuable approach to identify the role of the different aerosol sources even after a transport time larger than 4 days. Optical depth of the aerosol layers are always rather small (<4%) while transported over the Arctic and ratio of the total attenuated backscatter (i.e. including molecular contribution) provide more stable result than conventional aerosol backscatter ratio. Above Asia, CALIPSO data indicate more depolarization (up to 15%) and largest color ratio (>0.5) for the northeastern Asia emissions (i.e. an expected mixture of Asian pollution and dust), while low depolarization together with smaller and quasi constant color ratio (≈0.3) are observed for the Siberian biomass burning emissions. A similar difference is visible between two layers observed by the aircraft above Scandinavia. The analysis of the time evolution of the aerosol optical properties revealed by CALIPSO between Asia and Scandinavia shows a gradual decrease of the aerosol backscatter, depolarization ratio and color ratio which suggests the removal of the largest particles in the accumulation mode. A similar study conducted for a European plume has shown aerosol optical properties intermediate between the two Asian sources with color ratio never exceeding 0.4 and moderate depolarization ratio being always less than 8%, i.e. less aerosol from the accumulation mode
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