27 research outputs found

    Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata

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    Knowledge graphs have recently become the state-of-the-art tool for representing the diverse and complex knowledge of the world. Examples include the proprietary knowledge graphs of companies such as Google, Facebook, IBM, or Microsoft, but also freely available ones such as YAGO, DBpedia, and Wikidata. A distinguishing feature of Wikidata is that the knowledge is collaboratively edited and curated. While this greatly enhances the scope of Wikidata, it also makes it impossible for a single individual to grasp complex connections between properties or understand the global impact of edits in the graph. We apply Formal Concept Analysis to efficiently identify comprehensible implications that are implicitly present in the data. Although the complex structure of data modelling in Wikidata is not amenable to a direct approach, we overcome this limitation by extracting contextual representations of parts of Wikidata in a systematic fashion. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of our approach through several experiments and show that the results may lead to the discovery of interesting implicational knowledge. Besides providing a method for obtaining large real-world data sets for FCA, we sketch potential applications in offering semantic assistance for editing and curating Wikidata


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    The followings are points drawn from the problem disscused : 1. effective publication is profoumdly needed by both private or goverment institution in attempt to gains public's attentions toward their products or services. 2. the qualities of media such as, information contents and the forms of the media programs also determine the succes of gaining the public interest. 3. information and communication services is not yet acting like private institution regarding efforts on actracting the public attention

    Analisis Peramalan Kebutuhan Persediaan untuk Keunggulan Bersaing pada Perusahaan Orca

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    Orca is a company that run in the field of handicrafts, mainly craft bracelet. In this era of tight competition this time, Orca needs a competitive advantage to survive in this industry. To have a competitive advantage, companies must have a good supply chain management as well. Unfortunately, Orca has obstacles in the inventory is one of the Drivers of suplly chain management. Inventories at Orca often occurs over load, causing storage costs become swollen or a vacancy occurs so that the company's stock experienced a loss of income potential. The aim of this study was to determine the best forecasting method to forecast the demand for raw materials from ORCA thus making optimum inventory and gain a competitive advantage. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. Quantitative data analysis was performed to predict the demand for raw materials ORCA using time series forecasting methods. Historical data demand and supply ORCA processed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab 17. The calculation of the error rate used is the method of MAD, MSE and MAPE. Based on the results of data analysis, forecasting method best known is the method of Quadratic Trend Model. This method was chosen because compared to other methods or the error rate to its lowest error, MAPE of 103, amounting to MAD 370, and MSD amounted to 205.095. Keywords: Forecasting, Inventory, Time Series, Competitive Advantage, Supply Chain Management

    Middle East - North Africa and the millennium development goals : implications for German development cooperation

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              Closed-loop controlled combustion is a promising technique to improve the overall performance of internal combustion engines and Diesel engines in particular. In order for this technique to be implemented some form of feedback from the combustion process is required. The feedback signal is processed and from it combustionrelated parameters are computed. These parameters are then fed to a control process which drives a series of outputs (e.g. injection timing in Diesel engines) to control their values. This paper’s focus lies on the processing and computation that is needed on the feedback signal before this is ready to be fed to the control process as well as on the electronics necessary to support it. A number of feedback alternatives are briefly discussed and for one of them, the in-cylinder pressure sensor, the CA50 (crank angle in which the integrated heat release curve reaches its 50% value) and the IMEP (Indicated Mean Effective Pressure) are identified as two potential control variables. The hardware architecture of a system capable of calculating both of them on-line is proposed and necessary feasibility size and speed considerations are made by implementing critical blocks in VHDL targeting a flash-based Actel ProASIC3 automotive-grade FPGA

    Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Memajukan Perhotelan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kepemimpinan perempuan dalam memajukan perhotelan. Subyek yang diteliti berjumlah delapan orang yang merupakan eksekutif perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode wawancara langsung, menggunakan instrumen pedoman wawancara semi terstruktur, dengan arah wawancara bertujuan untuk 1) Memahami kekuatan dan kelemahan pemimpin perempuan di industri perhotelan, 2) Memahami motivasi pemimpin perempuan di industri perhotelan, 3) Memahami strategi hotelier perempuan dalam berkarir, 4) Memahami bagaimana gaya manajemen hotelier perempuan. Dari keempat sub judul tersebut dapat menghasilkan penelitian bahwa Maskulin dan feminim adalah dua prilaku yang dapat dimiliki oleh laki-laki dan perempuan.  Perilaku tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap gaya kepemimpinan yang akan diterapkan oleh pemimpin perempuan ke organisasi di perhotelan, kelompok dan masyarakat luas. Oleh karna itu, baik laki-laki dan perempuan harus memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, sangat diperlukan sekali jiwa kepemimpinan pada setiap pribadi manusia. Jiwa kepemimpinan itu perlu selalu dipupuk dan dikembangkan. Diantaranya: dapat memberikan motivasi dan dukungan terhadap bawahan, menjadi pemimpin dan contoh yang baik kepada bawahan, bersifat tegas, kreatif dalam memimpin sebuah organisasi, bersikap adil, disiplin, serta arif dan bijaksana

    Pengaruh Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) terhadap Omzet Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dengan Mediasi Pencegahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid – 19) di Kabupaten Purwakarta

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    Tahun 2020 dunia mengalami sebuah bencana nonalam yang sangat meresahkan umat manusia, sehingga semua negara melakukan pengetatan terhadap kegiatan yang mengundang orang banyak.  Negara Indonesia telah mengambil kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar yang disingkat PSBB. Pemberlakuan PSBB ini bertujuan untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan data yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan juga Kementerian Koperasi dan UMKM kebijakan pemberlakuan PSBB ini mengakibatkan para pelaku UMKM mengalami penurunan omzet. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dari pemberlakuan PSBB terhadap Omzet UMKM melalui Pencegahan Penyebaran COVID-19.  Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 102 orang sebagai para pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Process by Hayes menggunakan software SPSS versi 24. Hasil nya dapat diketahui bahwa efek langsung dari pemberlakuan PSBB terhadap omzet sebesar 0,7170 dan signifikan. Efek tidak langsung nya sebesar 0,0299 dengan rentang kepercayaan interval dari 0,0294 sampai dengan 0,1454. Total efek sebesar 0,7469. Kesimpulan penelitian tidak ada efek mediasi

    Slope Stability Classification under Seismic Conditions Using Several Tree-Based Intelligent Techniques

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    Slope stability analysis allows engineers to pinpoint risky areas, study trigger mechanisms for slope failures, and design slopes with optimal safety and reliability. Before the widespread usage of computers, slope stability analysis was conducted through semi analytical methods, or stability charts. Presently, engineers have developed many computational tools to perform slope stability analysis more efficiently. The challenge associated with furthering slope stability methods is to create a reliable design solution to perform reliable estimations involving a number of geometric and mechanical variables. The objective of this study was to investigate the application of tree-based models, including decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and AdaBoost, in slope stability classification under seismic loading conditions. The input variables used in the modelling were slope height, slope inclination, cohesion, friction angle, and peak ground acceleration to classify safe slopes and unsafe slopes. The training data for the developed computational intelligence models resulted from a series of slope stability analyses performed using a standard geotechnical engineering software commonly used in geotechnical engineering practice. Upon construction of the tree-based models, the model assessment was performed through the use and calculation of accuracy, F1-score, recall, and precision indices. All tree-based models could efficiently classify the slope stability status, with the AdaBoost model providing the highest performance for the classification of slope stability for both model development and model assessment parts. The proposed AdaBoost model can be used as a screening tool during the stage of feasibility studies of related infrastructure projects, to classify slopes according to their expected status of stability under seismic loading conditions

    Low-dose perinatal supplementation with Enterococcus faecalis increases concentrations of short-chain fatty acids in the offspring but does not protect against allergic asthma

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    Childhood allergic asthma is associated with a dysbiotic gut microbiome in early life, and maternal perinatal treatment with probiotics is a potential way alter the infant microbiome, which may improve asthma outcomes. This study used a mouse model to examine the effect of maternal supplementation with the probiotic Enterococcus faecalis on faecal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations and asthma risk in the offspring. Pregnant/lactating mice were treated daily, from gestation day 6 to postnatal day 21, with an oral suspension of 106, 107 or 108 colony-forming units of a live preparation of the probiotic E. faecalis (Symbioflor®1). At weaning, offspring were subjected to an ovalbumin-induced experimental asthma protocol. Faeces were collected from the mothers and offspring at several different time points to determine SCFA concentrations. It was found that maternal supplementation with E. faecalis did not alter litter size, sex ratio or offspring weight, and was associated with an increase in SCFAs in offspring faeces at weaning and after allergy induction. However, allergic offspring from E. faecalis supplemented mothers showed no difference in asthma severity when compared with allergic offspring from control mothers. In conclusion, although maternal perinatal supplementation with low-dose E. faecalis was associated with increased faecal SCFAs in the offspring, it did not protect against offspring asthma. This is may be because SCFA concentrations were not increased to an immunoprotective level. We recommend that future studies concentrate on probiotic supplementation in high-risk cases, for instance, to repair gut dysbiosis resulting from antibiotic use in pregnant mothers or their infants.Fil: Arntz, Jeanne L.. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; AlemaniaFil: Alhasan, Moumen M. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; AlemaniaFil: Datye, Swarali. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; AlemaniaFil: Kahhaleh, Fariz G. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; AlemaniaFil: Almousa, Yahia. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; AlemaniaFil: Barrientos, Gabriela Laura. Hospital Alemán. Laboratorio de Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schwiertz, Andreas. MVZ Institute of Microecology GmbH; AlemaniaFil: Conrad, Melanie L.. Berliner Institut Für Gesundheitsforschung; Alemani

    Sedekah Jelantah: sebuah Inisiatif untuk Mempromosikan Sistem “Waste Management” dan untuk Menciptakan Komunitas Mandiri melalui Biofuel

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    WASTE COOKING OIL DONATION: AN INITIATIVE TO PROMOTE “WASTE MANAGEMENT” SYSTEMS AND TO CREATE AN INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY THROUGH BIOFUELS. The supply of fossil fuels has been running low, and fossil fuel needs cannot be met by fossil fuels. Indonesia is in dire need of a substitute energy source that is not only available sustainably but also to produce renewable energy. One alternative is energy based on used cooking oil. This idea is a very interesting idea because used cooking oil can be a very promising source of fuel. Unfortunately all this used cooking oil has not been utilized properly, even polluting the soil and water. The purpose of this community program is to communicate and socialize the importance of distributing used cooking oil to become a renewable energy source, thus preventing pollution problems due to waste cooking oil disposal. This community development is carried out by developing a system within the community to ensure the collection of used cooking oil for the sustainability of the renewable energy program as an alternative resource for energy that is environmentally friendly. This initiative was given the name Sedekah Jelantah program