534 research outputs found

    Indigenous Climatic Perspectives: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Discourse Analysis

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    This dissertation presents a multidisciplinary analysis of climate discourse from Indigenous Climatic Perspectives (ICP). This research highlights how the manner in which we relate intellectually, culturally and spiritually to the environment has been dictated by economic ideology developed within Euro-American capitalistic paradigms. Hence, the origin of our climate disaster is traced to religious and philosophical assumptions about Nature and the environment, that operate unchallenged within spheres of discourse- scientific, religious and cultural. This dissertation presents an alternative means of analysis, Indigenous Climatic Perspectives, by which we can come to understand our place in the biosphere by embedding new theoretical and praxiological methodologies based on co-operation with environmental factors. Indigenous philosophy and religious practices are combined with other perspectives, such as ecofeminism, sociological analysis, urban studies and agro-ecology to present a coherent, climate-conscious discourse that is accessible and functional in terms of helping reduce the impact of climate destruction

    Proyecto eMadrid: metodologĂ­as educativas, ludificaciĂłn y calidad

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    Esta comunicación presenta un conjunto de trabajos de investigación sobre metodologías docentes, ludificación y calidad realizados en el seno del proyecto eMadrid, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. En primer lugar se resumen los trabajos realizados en los dos primeros años del proyecto. Posteriormente se presentan las líneas de trabajo previstas para los dos años restantesEstos trabajos se han financiado parcialmente por el proyecto eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715) de la Comunidad de Madrid, los proyectos FLEXOR (TIN2014-52129-R), RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) e iProg (TIN2015-66731-C2-1-R) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, y el proyecto “Adaptación de la metodología PhyMEL a la formación clínica mediante el uso de simuladores” financiado por la empresa Medical Simulato

    Analisi del reddito di aziende sud americane con allevamento di alpaca e lama

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    L'Altiplano del Perù e della Bolivia, collocato tra 3.800 e 5.000 metri sul livello del mare, si estende per oltre 180.000 chilometri quadrati ed è una eco-regione unica dove sono presenti i più importanti allevamenti di alpaca e lama. Molti studi hanno trattato l'ecosistema e lo sfruttamento agricolo, la genetica del bestiame, i sistemi di coltivazione e di allevamento e lo sviluppo e le condizioni socio-culturali. Pochi, invece, sono gli studi economici delle aziende di allevamento dei camelidi (Westreicher et al., 2006). Obiettivo di questo studio, che fa parte di una ricerca più ampia finalizzata al miglioramento del reddito degli allevatori andini, consiste nell'esame del reddito e del costo di produzione di otto gruppi di aziende del Perù e della Bolivia con allevamento di alpaca e lama per la produzione di fibra e carne: cinque imprese private e tre comunità rurali

    Libro de trabajo digital, un modelo para apoyar la colaboraciĂłn

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    Partiendo de la inquietud por desarrollar nuevas herramientas para el soporte a la colaboración en los entornos educativos actuales, este artículo presenta la arquitectura y resultados experimentales de un conjunto de nuevas herramientas para el soporte a la colaboración basada en la metáfora de Libro Digital de Trabajo, en escenarios de Evaluación Colaborativa. La plataforma utilizada para su implementación fue TabletPC, por cuanto ofrece una interacción basada en esquemas más cercanos al usuario y acorde con la metáfora de diseño propuesta. Los prototipos desarrollados permitieron verificar la validez de esta propuesta como modelo para sistemas de soporte al trabajo en grupo con la integración de mecanismos de Awareness, mientras constituye un referente tecnológico para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas groupware sobre plataformas TabletPC

    SĂ­ndrome hemofagocĂ­tico secundario a leishmaniasis visceral en un lactante mayor: reporte de caso

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    El síndrome hemofagocítico está caracterizado por la activación anómala del sistema inmune. De etiología primaria o secundaria a enfermedades infecciosas, metabólicas, inmunitarias o neoplásicas. Con incidencia de 0,12 a 1 casos por cada 100 000 niños y una sobrevida de dos meses de no recibir tratamiento. Se diagnostica con 5 de 8 criterios propuestos por la Asociación Internacional de Histocitosis, y tratamiento según etiología. . Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 15 meses de edad, procedente una zona endémica de leishmaniasis (Choluteca, Honduras), que ingresó al Hospital Escuela Universitario con cuadro clínico de fiebre prolongada y hepatoesplenomegalia. En los exámenes auxiliares de detectó: pancitopenia, serología positiva para leishmania, hipertrigliceridemia y valor de ferritina aumentada. Se hizo el diagnóstico de leishmaniasis visceral y síndrome hemofagocítico. Se trató con antimoniato de meglumina por 28 días, metilprednisolona y prednisona; con evolución favorable. El síndrome hem ofagocítico podría ocurrir secundario a leishmaniasis visceral por lo que su diagnóstico debería sospecharse tempranamente para un tratamiento oportuno y mejor pronóstico.

    Modelling carbon stock and carbon sequestration ecosystem services for policy design: a comprehensive approach using a dynamic vegetation model.

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    Ecosystem service (ES) models can only inform policy design adequately if they incorporate ecological processes. We used the Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land (LPJmL) model, to address following questions for Mexico, Bolivia and Brazilian Amazon: (i) How different are C stocks and C sequestration quantifications under standard (when soil and litter C and heterotrophic respiration are not considered) and comprehensive (including all C stock and heterotrophic respiration) approach? and (ii) How does the valuation of C stock and C sequestration differ in national payments for ES and global C funds or markets when comparing both approach? We found that up to 65% of C stocks have not been taken into account by neglecting to include C stored in soil and litter, resulting in gross underpayments (up to 500 times lower). Since emissions from heterotrophic respiration of organic material offset a large proportion of C gained through growth of living matter, we found that markets and decision-makers are inadvertently overestimating up to 100 times C sequestrated. New approaches for modelling C services relevant ecological process-based can help accounting for C in soil, litter and heterotrophic respiration and become important for the operationalization of agreements on climate change mitigation following the COP21 in 2015

    Role of Condom Negotiation on Condom use among Women of Reproductive Age in three Districts in Tanzania.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: HIV/AIDS remains being a disease of great public health concern worldwide. In regions such as sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where women are disproportionately infected with HIV, women are reportedly less likely capable of negotiating condom use. However, while knowledge of condom use for HIV prevention is extensive among men and women in many countries including Tanzania, evidence is limited about the role of condom negotiation on condom use among women in rural Tanzania. METHODS: Data originate from a cross-sectional survey of random households conducted in 2011 in Rufiji, Kilombero and Ulanga districts in Tanzania. The survey assessed health-seeking behaviour among women and children using a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. A total of 2,614 women who were sexually experienced and aged 15--49 years were extracted from the main database for the current analysis. Linkage between condom negotiation and condom use at the last sexual intercourse was assessed using multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Prevalence of condom use at the last sexual intercourse was 22.2% overall, ranging from12.2% among married women to 54.9% among unmarried (single) women. Majority of the women (73.4%) reported being confident to negotiate condom use, and these women were significantly more likely than those who were not confident to have used a condom at the last sexual intercourse (OR = 3.13, 95% CI 2.22-4.41). This effect was controlled for marital status, age, education, religion, number of sexual partners, household wealth and knowledge of HIV prevention by condom use. CONCLUSION: Confidence to negotiate condom use is a significant predictor of actual condom use among women in rural Tanzania. Women especially unmarried ones or those in multiple partnerships should be empowered with condom negotiation skills to enhance their sexual and reproductive health outcomes

    A Combination of Compositional Index and Genetic Algorithm for Predicting Transmembrane Helical Segments

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    Transmembrane helix (TMH) topology prediction is becoming a focal problem in bioinformatics because the structure of TM proteins is difficult to determine using experimental methods. Therefore, methods that can computationally predict the topology of helical membrane proteins are highly desirable. In this paper we introduce TMHindex, a method for detecting TMH segments using only the amino acid sequence information. Each amino acid in a protein sequence is represented by a Compositional Index, which is deduced from a combination of the difference in amino acid occurrences in TMH and non-TMH segments in training protein sequences and the amino acid composition information. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm was employed to find the optimal threshold value for the separation of TMH segments from non-TMH segments. The method successfully predicted 376 out of the 378 TMH segments in a dataset consisting of 70 test protein sequences. The sensitivity and specificity for classifying each amino acid in every protein sequence in the dataset was 0.901 and 0.865, respectively. To assess the generality of TMHindex, we also tested the approach on another standard 73-protein 3D helix dataset. TMHindex correctly predicted 91.8% of proteins based on TM segments. The level of the accuracy achieved using TMHindex in comparison to other recent approaches for predicting the topology of TM proteins is a strong argument in favor of our proposed method. Availability: The datasets, software together with supplementary materials are available at: http://faculty.uaeu.ac.ae/nzaki/TMHindex.htm
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