61,265 research outputs found

    Stability of some epoxy-encapsulated diode thermometers

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    The stability upon thermal cycling and handling of ten small, epoxy-encapsulated silicon diode thermometers at six temperatures in the range from liquid nitrogen temperatures to about 60 C. The nominal temperatures of measurement were -196, -78, 0, 20, 40, and 60 C, as measured on the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968. Diodes were to be thermally cycled 15 to 20 times. Since NASA anticipates that the uncertainty in their temperature measurements will be + or - 50 mK, uncertainties as large as + or - 10 mK in the measurements of the evaluaton can be accommodated without deleteriously affecting the value of the results of the investigation

    A variable rate speech compressor for mobile applications

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    One of the most promising speech coder at the bit rate of 9.6 to 4.8 kbits/s is CELP. Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) has been dominating 9.6 to 4.8 kbits/s region during the past 3 to 4 years. Its set back however, is its expensive implementation. As an alternative to CELP, the Base-Band CELP (CELP-BB) was developed which produced good quality speech comparable to CELP and a single chip implementable complexity as reported previously. Its robustness was also improved to tolerate errors up to 1.0 pct. and maintain intelligibility up to 5.0 pct. and more. Although, CELP-BB produces good quality speech at around 4.8 kbits/s, it has a fundamental problem when updating the pitch filter memory. A sub-optimal solution is proposed for this problem. Below 4.8 kbits/s, however, CELP-BB suffers from noticeable quantization noise as a result of the large vector dimensions used. Efficient representation of speech below 4.8 kbits/s is reported by introducing Sinusoidal Transform Coding (STC) to represent the LPC excitation which is called Sine Wave Excited LPC (SWELP). In this case, natural sounding good quality synthetic speech is obtained at around 2.4 kbits/s

    Adaptive high-order finite element solution of transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems

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    This article presents a new numerical method to solve transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problems. A high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method is used for the spatial discretization, and the standard Crank-Nicolson method is employed to approximate the time derivative. An h-adaptivity method is used for grid adaptation with the time-stepping, and the penalty method is employed to handle the cavitation condition. The roughness model employed here is a simple indentation, which is located on the upper surface. Numerical results are presented comparing the DG method to standard finite difference (FD) techniques. It is shown that micro-EHL features are captured with far fewer degrees of freedom than when using low-order FD methods

    Exact solution of the zero-range process: fundamental diagram of the corresponding exclusion process

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    In this paper, we propose a general way of computing expectation values in the zero-range process, using an exact form of the partition function. As an example, we provide the fundamental diagram (the flux-density plot) of the asymmetric exclusion process corresponding to the zero-range process.We express the partition function for the steady state by the Lauricella hypergeometric function, and thereby have two exact fundamental diagrams each for the parallel and random sequential update rules. Meanwhile, from the viewpoint of equilibrium statistical mechanics, we work within the canonical ensemble but the result obtained is certainly in agreement with previous works done in the grand canonical ensemble.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Infinite reflections of shock fronts in driven diffusive systems with two species

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    Interaction of a domain wall with boundaries of a system is studied for a class of stochastic driven particle models. Reflection maps are introduced for the description of this process. We show that, generically, a domain wall reflects infinitely many times from the boundaries before a stationary state can be reached. This is in an evident contrast with one-species models where the stationary density is attained after just one reflection.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figs, to appearin JPhysA 01.200

    Critical phase in non-conserving zero-range processes and equilibrium networks

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    Zero-range processes, in which particles hop between sites on a lattice, are closely related to equilibrium networks, in which rewiring of links take place. Both systems exhibit a condensation transition for appropriate choices of the dynamical rules. The transition results in a macroscopically occupied site for zero-range processes and a macroscopically connected node for networks. Criticality, characterized by a scale-free distribution, is obtained only at the transition point. This is in contrast with the widespread scale-free real-life networks. Here we propose a generalization of these models whereby criticality is obtained throughout an entire phase, and the scale-free distribution does not depend on any fine-tuned parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phase fluctuations in the ABC model

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the steady state profiles in the modulated phase of the ABC model. For a system of LL sites, the steady state profiles move on a microscopic time scale of order L3L^3. The variance of their displacement is computed in terms of the macroscopic steady state profiles by using fluctuating hydrodynamics and large deviations. Our analytical prediction for this variance is confirmed by the results of numerical simulations

    Topological Change in Mean Convex Mean Curvature Flow

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    Consider the mean curvature flow of an (n+1)-dimensional, compact, mean convex region in Euclidean space (or, if n<7, in a Riemannian manifold). We prove that elements of the m-th homotopy group of the complementary region can die only if there is a shrinking S^k x R^(n-k) singularity for some k less than or equal to m. We also prove that for each m from 1 to n, there is a nonempty open set of compact, mean convex regions K in R^(n+1) with smooth boundary for which the resulting mean curvature flow has a shrinking S^m x R^(n-m) singularity.Comment: 19 pages. This version includes a new section proving that certain kinds of mean curvature flow singularities persist under arbitrary small perturbations of the initial surface. Newest update (Oct 2013) fixes some bibliographic reference