835 research outputs found

    A rare case of secondary abdominal pregnancy following ruptured rudimentary horn

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    Abdominal pregnancies are classified as primary or secondary of which secondary abdominal pregnancies are more common. The incidence of abdominal pregnancy varies from 1 in 372 to 1 in 9,714 live births and accounts for 1.4% of ectopic pregnancies. Rudimentary horn pregnancy occurs in approximately 1/76 000 to 1/150 000 pregnancies. Abdominal pregnancies are classified as primary or secondary of which secondary abdominal pregnancies are more common. The incidence of abdominal pregnancy varies from 1 in 372 to 1 in 9,714 live births and accounts for 1.4% of ectopic pregnancies. Rudimentary horn pregnancy occurs in approximately 1/76 000 to 1/150 000 pregnancies. We report a case of secondary abdominal pregnancy in a 24-year-old primigravida at 19 weeks gestation who was asymptomatic on admission but a known case of unicornuate uterus with rudimentary right horn. Ultrasound revealed fetus in the abdominal cavity and was confirmed by MRI. Intraoperatively, fetus was found en sac in abdominal cavity and placenta in the cavity of the ruptured right rudimentary horn which was removed in toto with the horn


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    The measurements of embryo/fetus are referred to as fetal biometry. Fetal biometric measurements reflect the growth and wellbeing of the fetus during the antenatal period. These parameters aid not only in detecting fetal anomalies but also in estimating the correct gestational age as well as to calculate the estimated date of delivery. The main biometric measurements available in a routine scan report are Crown Rump Length in the first trimester; Bi-parietal Diameter, Head Circumference, Abdominal Circumference, Femur Length in the second and third trimesters. Apart from these primary biometric measurements, secondary fetal parameters can also be assessed on demand. Measurement of parts of human body is referred to as Pramana (measurement) in Ayurveda. The Pramana (measurement) of adult human anatomy is well explained in the Ayurvedic classics under the topic of Pramana Shareera (Anthropometry) but that of Garbha (embryo/fetus) is very vague or almost nil. Details about the stages of growth and development of Garbha (embryo/fetus), it's anomalies, signs and symptoms for the assessment of fetal gender etc. have been vividly narrated in the Ayurvedic classics but the parameters to assess the measurement of Garbha is not at all sufficient to come to a satisfactory conclusion. Here an attempt has been made to explore the Ayurvedic aspects of fetal biometry apart from it's modern review.


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    The union of Sukra (sperm) and Sonita (ovum) along with Atma (soul) in Garbhashaya (uterus) is termed as Garbha (embryo/fetus). It is formed as a result of combination of Panchamahabhutas (five elements) and Chetana (soul). Further these Panchamahabhutas (five elements) play an important role in Garbhavridhi (growth of embryo/fetus). Almost all Acharyas (scholars) of Ayurveda has similar opinion regarding the formation of Garbha (embryo/fetus). Four Garbhotpadakabhavas (factors responsible for the formation of embryo/ fetus) and six Garbhavridhikarabhavas (factors responsible for the development of embryo/fetus) aid in the formation and growth of Garbha (embryo/fetus). The developmental stages of Garbha (embryo/fetus) have been vividly narrated in Ayurveda as well as modern science. Almost all ancient scholars have described the month wise development of Garbha (embryo/fetus) but Harita has keenly observed the changes happening in weeks or a couple of days at a few instances. The concept of Garbhavridhi (growth of embryo/fetus) was of great interest to the Ayurvedic scholars; the developmental changes happening in the embryo during pregnancy is given much importance in modern parlance too. As per modern view the whole period of pregnancy can be divided into three trimesters each of which comprises of three months. Each trimester has its own milestones in the developmental aspect of embryo/fetus. The knowledge regarding the developmental events help in preventing various fetal anomalies thus aids in the formation of healthy individuals and thereby a healthy society. The basic facts pertaining to the growth, differentiation, specialization and development of an individual starting from fertilization till birth forms the core concept of this review. A keen study of both Ayurvedic and modern aspects of the developmental events during the gestational period has been attempted for a better understanding.

    Normal categories of normed algebra of finite rank bounded operators

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    In this article, we introduce the normal category L(S) [R(S)] of principal left [right] ideals of the normed algebra S of all finite rank bounded operators on a Hilbert space H and is shown that they are isomorphic, using Hilbert space duality. We also described the semigroup of all normal cones in L(S) which is isomorphic to the semigroup of all finite rank operators on H. Further, we construct bounded normal cones in L(S) such that the set of all bounded normal cones in L(S) is a normed algebra isomorphic to the normed algebra S.Comment: 16 pages 0 figur

    Seasonal variation of heavy metals in Subarnarekha River at Jamshedpur, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand

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    The present investigation is aimed at assessing the amount of heavy metals andcurrent water quality standard along the Subarnarekha river in Jharkhand. Three samples were collected along the stretches of Subarnarekha basin during the period : Jan-Dec, 2015, on the first week of every month. The concentrations Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cr, Co, Sr, Cd and Fe were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for seasonal fluctuation, source apportionment and heavy metal pollution indexing. The results demonstrated that concentrations of the metals showed significant seasonality. To assess the composite influence of all the considered metals on the overall quality of the water, heavy metal pollution indices were calculated. The deterioration of water quality and enhanced concentrations of certain metals in the Subarnarekha River near industrial and mining establishments may be attributed to anthropogenic contribution from the industrial and mining activities of the area. Various physicochemical parameters like pH, TDS, EC, DO, BOD, Total Hardness, Total alkalinity sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc. were also analysed. Eight parameters namely pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrate, Phosphate, Total Dissolved Solids and Faecal Colliform were considered to compute Water Quality Index (WQI) based on National Sanitation Foundation studies and discussed

    A Study on Fetal Biometry in Third Trimester in Relation to Maternal Prakruti

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    Fetal biometry refers to the various measurements obtained from sonography which denotes the development of the fetus in a particular period of growth. These measurements describe normal growth of fetal structures and are used to estimate the age and to monitor fetal growth. The biometric measurements attain an optimum value in the third trimester and any abnormality in the range of the values in this particular period can predict fetal anomalies as well.[1] Prakruti (constitution) is the inborn character reflected on the individual which forms the basis of one’s personality.[2] It is a group of characters inherited by an individual depending on the predominance of Dosha (humor) prevailing at the time of conception and which remains with him or her throughout life.[3] Out of the many factors which influence the growth and development of fetus, Prakruti has an important role to play. Hence an effort has been made to know the influence of maternal Prakruti on fetal biometry in the third trimester of pregnancy

    Effect of strain on the phase separation and devitrification of the magnetic glass state in thin films of La<SUB>5/8-y</SUB>Pr<SUB>y</SUB>Ca<SUB>3/8</SUB>MnO<SUB>3</SUB> (y= 0.45)

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    We present our study of the effect of substrate induced strain on La5/8 - yPryCa3/8MnO3 (y = 0.45) thin films grown on LaAlO3, NdGaO3 and SrTiO3 substrates that show large scale phase separation. It is observed that unstrained films grown on NdGaO3 behave quite similarly to bulk material but the strained films grown on SrTiO3 show melting of the insulating phase to the metallic phase at low temperatures. However, the large scale phase separation and metastable glass-like state is observed in all the films despite differences in substrate induced strain. The measurements of resistivity as a function of temperature under a cooling and heating in unequal field (CHUF) protocol elucidate the presence of a glass-like metastable phase generated due to kinetic arrest of the first order transformation in all the films. Like structural glasses, these magnetic glass-like phases show evidence of devitrification of the arrested charge order antiferromagnetic insulator (CO-AFI) phase to the equilibrium ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) phase with isothermal increase of magnetic field and/or iso-field warming. These measurements also clearly show the equilibrium ground state of this system to be FMM and the metastable glass-like phase to be AFI phase

    Pengaruh Nilai-nilai Kewirausahaan terhadap Kemampuan Praktik Kerja Industri

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    This research is aimed to know the influence of entrepreneurship value to confidence, achievement motivation, and courage to take the risks of industrial work practice skills. The method used in this research is ex post facto and survey. The results of this research showed that self-confidence significantly influence the ability of Prakerin SMK Bakti Nusantara as evidenced by the results 7.571 > t table 1.985 and has the effect of 35.5%. Significant effect on achievement motivation of ability Prakerin as evidenced by the results 3.241 > 1.985 t table and have the effect of 10.2%. Courage to take risks has a significant effect on the ability of Prakerin as evidenced by t test of 3.088 > 1.985 t table and have the effect of 9.3%. Whereas the results of self-confidence variable, achievement motivation and courage to take risks have a significant effect on the ability Prakerin simultaneously as evidenced by the F-test of 39.951 > F table 2.31 and has the effect of 56.8%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan diri, motivasi berprestasi dan keberanian mengambil risiko terhadap kemampuan Prakerin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ex post facto dan survey. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan diri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan Prakerin dengan thitung 7,571 > ttabel 1,985 dan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 35,5%. Motivasi berprestasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan Prakerin dengan hasil thitung 3,241 > ttable 1,985 dan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 10,2%. Keberanian mengambil risiko berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan Prakerin dengan hasil thitung 3,088 > ttable 1,985 dan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 9,3%. Sedangkan hasil variabel kepercayaan diri, motivasi berprestasi dan keberanian mengambil risiko berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan Prakerin dengan hasil Fhitung 39,951 > Ftable 2,31 dan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 56,8%
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