491 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Mesin CNC Engraving 3 Axis Berbasis Arduino Uno Dengan GRBL Software

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    Di Indonesia perangkat Industri masih banyak didatangkan dari luar negeri. Hal ini tentunya membuat Industri di Indonesia sulit berkembang karena harga dari perangkat industri yang mahal. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dilakukan riset mengenai perancangan perangkat Industri produksi dalam negeri. Pada tugas akhir ini, dirancang suatu alat CNC (Computer Numerical Control) yang dapat digunakan engraving atau dengan istilah lain untuk menggambar suatu pola pada bidang tertentu secara otomatis. Desain yang telah digambar melalui personal computer akan dikonversi dalam bentuk G-Code. Selanjutnya mikrokontroler akan menerima masukan data digital dari personal computer melalui komunikasi serial. Mikrontroler akan membaca data yang telah ditransferkan oleh personal computer, data yang dibaca merupakan perintah untuk saklar elektronik untuk laser dan memberi logika pada driver motor stepper. Dari data yang diterima oleh driver motor stepper, data digunakan sebagai penggerak kedua motor stepper

    Implementasi Dynamic Programming Pada Penentuan Jenis Material Utama Bangunan Arena Futsal

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    Building futsal court need some planning, especially about the materials needed to build a futsal court such as synthetic grass, roofs, walls, benches, and some other materials. Each of materials have many choices usually based on quality and price. Thus it needs a system to assist on calculating the optimum materials combination based on a specified budget. Minimax Route method are used with dynamic programming techniques to maximize the quality of materials while minimizing the price of materials chosen. Based on system testing conducted to futsal court owners in Yogyakarta, the implementation are helpful and have many useful information for someone who want to build futsal court

    Identificación de las especies europeas del género Maja (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae): análisis de PCR-RFLP de una región del mtADN COI y consideraciones morfológicas

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    Four species of crabs of the genus Maja have been described along the European coast: M. brachydactyla, M. squinado, M. goltziana and M. crispata. The commercially important species M. brachydactyla and M. squinado achieve the largest body sizes and are the most similar in morphology, and are therefore easily confused. The four species of Maja were identified using a novel morphometric index and a polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). The relationship between carapace length and the distance between the tips of antorbital spines was used to distinguish adults of M. brachydactyla and M. squinado. PCR-RFLP analysis of a partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase type I (COI) revealed that the four species of the genus Maja can be unambiguously discriminated using the combination of restriction endonucleases enzymes HpyCH4V and Ase I. The molecular identification may be particularly useful in larvae, juvenile and young crabs, when the morphological differences found in adults are not applicable.Cuatro especies del género Maja han sido descritas en las costas europeas: M. brachydactyla, M. squinado, M. goltziana y M. crispata. Las especies M. brachydactyla y M. squinado, que tienen importancia comercial, alcanzan los tamaños más grandes y son morfológicamente muy similares, siendo muy fácil confundirlas. La identificación de las cuatro especies se ha realizado utilizando un nuevo índice morfométrico y un análisis de polimorfismos de fragmentos de restricción (RFLP). La relación entre la longitud del cefalotórax y la distancia entre los extremos distales de las espinas antorbitales se ha utilizado para la diferenciación de los adultos de M. brachydactyla y M. squinado. El análisis PCR-RFLP de una secuencia parcial de la citocromo oxidasa tipo I mitocondrial (COI) indica que las cuatro especies del género Maja pueden ser discriminadas usando una combinación de las endonucleasas HpyCH4V y Ase I. La identificación molecular puede ser particularmente útil en las larvas, juveniles y cangrejos jóvenes, cuando las diferencias morfológicas encontradas en los adultos no son aplicables

    Dependence of element composition of bile of freshwater and marine fishes on some abiotic and biotic factors

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    Introduction: The elemental composition and physical properties of fish bile is a very important marker for ecotoxicological and physiological studies as bile is able to accumulate elements from environmental compartments. In the present study we focused on the effects of long term (seasons and years) and spatial distance (different water bodies) as well as other biotic (feeding habits, fish species, gut morphology) and abiotic (water salinity) factors on element composition of bile of 429 individuals belonging to 22 forms/species of fishes. Methods: Element composition was determined using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The fishes were analyzed from one marine (the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea), two freshwater oligotrophic (Teletskoye and Baunt lakes), and one freshwater eutrophic water body (Chany Lake). In parallel, we have estimated the volume and density of bile from the same fishes using an automatic pipette and electronic balance. Results and discussion: Based on fish bile density and volume data, we hypothesize that gastric fish species (those fishes that have a stomach) require a low volume of bile, but with higher density if compared to agastric fish species (those lacking a stomach) that mainly possessed large volumes of bile, but with a lower density. We have found that the concentrations of the following Na, K, Ca, Mg, S, P (major elements) and Al, Cu, Fe, Sr, Zn (trace elements) were the highest among the 28 elements studied. There were significant findings to contribute to a better understanding of the physiology of bile. First, we have determined the conditions formed in a water body in a given year (season) are more important for element composition of fish bile rather than other tested factors (feeding habits, gut morphology, etc.). Second, the feeding habits of fishes (carnivorous compared to non-carnivorous) had a significant effect based on differences among several elements. Third, the clear distinction between marine and freshwater fishes was found only for K and Na. Understanding which elements are produced as part of waste elimination and those that are present as a consequence of vital biological functions could improve the ecotoxicological study of bile as a marker of heavy metal contamination.The sample collection, expedition, and chemical analyses (for all fish except pike, perch, roach, and ide) were paid by the Russian Science Foundation (grant number 19-74-10054). The sample chemical analyses for pike and perch was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant number 19-34-60028) whereas for roach and ide was paid by Russian international scientific collaboration program Mega-grant (mega-grant № 075-15-2022-1134).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A note on perturbation series in supersymmetric gauge theories

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    Exact results in supersymmetric Chern-Simons and N=2 Yang-Mills theories can be used to examine the quantum behavior of observables and the structure of the perturbative series. For the U(2) x U(2) ABJM model, we determine the asymptotic behavior of the perturbative series for the partition function and write it as a Borel transform. Similar results are obtained for N=2 SU(2) super Yang-Mills theory with four fundamental flavors and in N=2* super Yang-Mills theory, for the partition function as well as for the expectation values for Wilson loop and 't Hooft loop operators (in the 0 and 1 instanton sectors). In all examples, one has an alternate perturbation series where the coefficient of the nth term increases as n!, and the perturbation series are Borel summable. We also calculate the expectation value for a Wilson loop operator in the N=2* SU(N) theory at large N in different regimes of the 't Hooft gauge coupling and mass parameter. For large masses, the calculation reproduces the running gauge coupling for the pure N=2 SYM theory.Comment: 28 pages. V2: minor additions and reference adde

    The machinery at endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact sites contributes to spatial regulation of multiple Legionella effector proteins

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    The Dot/Icm system of the intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila has the capacity to deliver over 270 effector proteins into host cells during infection. Important questions remain as to spatial and temporal mechanisms used to regulate such a large array of virulence determinants after they have been delivered into host cells. Here we investigated several L. pneumophila effector proteins that contain a conserved phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P)-binding domain first described in the effector DrrA (SidM). This PI4P binding domain was essential for the localization of effectors to the early L. pneumophila-containing vacuole (LCV), and DrrA-mediated recruitment of Rab1 to the LCV required PI4P-binding activity. It was found that the host cell machinery that regulates sites of contact between the plasma membrane (PM) and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) modulates PI4P dynamics on the LCV to control localization of these effectors. Specifically, phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase IIIalpha (PI4KIIIalpha) was important for generating a PI4P signature that enabled L. pneumophila effectors to localize to the PM-derived vacuole, and the ER-associated phosphatase Sac1 was involved in metabolizing the PI4P on the vacuole to promote the dissociation of effectors. A defect in L. pneumophila replication in macrophages deficient in PI4KIIIalpha was observed, highlighting that a PM-derived PI4P signature is critical for biogenesis of a vacuole that supports intracellular multiplication of L. pneumophila. These data indicate that PI4P metabolism by enzymes controlling PM-ER contact sites regulate the association of L. pneumophila effectors to coordinate early stages of vacuole biogenesis

    Trophic diversification and parasitic invasion as ecological niche modulators for gut microbiota of whitefish

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    Introduction: The impact of parasites on gut microbiota of the host is well documented, but the role of the relationship between the parasite and the host in the formation of the microbiota is poorly understood. This study has focused on the influence that trophic behavior and resulting parasitism has on the structure of the microbiome. Methods: Using 16S amplicon sequencing and newly developed methodological approaches, we characterize the gut microbiota of the sympatric pair of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus complex and the associated microbiota of cestodes parasitizing their intestine. The essence of the proposed approaches is, firstly, to use the method of successive washes of the microbiota from the cestode’s surfaces to analyze the degree of bacterial association to the tegument of the parasite. Secondly, to use a method combining the sampling of intestinal content and mucosa with the washout procedure from the mucosa to understand the real structure of the fish gut microbiota. Results and discussion: Our results demonstrate that additional microbial community in the intestine are formed by the parasitic helminths that caused the restructuring of the microbiota in infected fish compared to those uninfected. Using the desorption method in Ringer’s solution, we have demonstrated that Proteocephalus sp. cestodes possess their own microbial community which is put together from “surface” bacteria, and bacteria which are weakly and strongly associated with the tegument, bacteria obtained after treatment of the tegument with detergent, and bacteria obtained after removal of the tegument from the cestodes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio