251 research outputs found

    Insulin resistance in type 1 diabetes: what is ‘double diabetes’ and what are the risks?

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    In this review, we explore the concept of ‘double diabetes’, a combination of type 1 diabetes with features of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. After considering whether double diabetes is a useful concept, we discuss potential mechanisms of increased insulin resistance in type 1 diabetes before examining the extent to which double diabetes might increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We then go on to consider the proposal that weight gain from intensive insulin regimens may be associated with increased CV risk factors in some patients with type 1 diabetes, and explore the complex relationships between weight gain, insulin resistance, glycaemic control and CV outcome. Important comparisons and contrasts between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are highlighted in terms of hepatic fat, fat partitioning and lipid profile, and how these may differ between type 1 diabetic patients with and without double diabetes. In so doing, we hope this work will stimulate much-needed research in this area and an improvement in clinical practice


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    In the frame of "GenoPom" PON-MIUR project, we have began a study of tomato ionome in order to identify the contribution of specific chromosome and part of them on the ionome. For this purpose, we have analysed by ICP-MS plants of an introgression line (IL) population derived from the cross between Solanum lycopersicum cv. M82 and S. pennellii (Eshed and Zamir, 1995) grown under controlled environmental conditions.we report results derived from tomato whole fruits ionome analysis of 30 IL, covering all 12 tomato chromosomes, along with the recurrent parent cv. M82. Among several detected elements, the following ones have firstly been analysed: Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn and Se. Each element concentration data were referred to cv. M82

    New lysosomal acid lipase gene mutants explain the phenotype of Wolman disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease.

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    Deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) leads to either Wolman disease(WD) or the more benign cholesteryl ester storage disease (CESD). To identifythe molecular basis of the different phenotypes we have characterised the LALgene mutations in three new patients with LAL deficiency. A patient with WD washomozygote for a null allele Y303X. The other two patients, with CESD, presentedeither homozygosity for T267I or compound heterozygosity consisting of Q64R andan exon 8 donor splice site substitution (G→A in position–1). The mutants T267I and Q64R and the previously reported L273S, G66V,and H274Y CESD substitutions, overexpressed in stable clones, were found to befully glycosylated and show an enzymatic activity of 3–8% of that ofnormal LAL. On the other hand, the Δ254–277 mutant proteinderived from exon 8 skipping and the Y303X protein were totally inactive. Bytransient transfection of hybrid minigene constructs, the CESD G→A(–1) substitution resulted in partial exon inclusion, thus allowing theproduction of a small amount of normal LAL mRNA and hence of a functionalenzyme. In contrast, a G→Asubstitution observed in WD at position +1 of the same exon 8 donor siteresulted in complete exon skipping and the sole production of an inactiveΔ254–277 protein.In conclusion,LAL genotypes determine the level of residual enzymatic activity, thusexplaining the severity of the phenotype.—Pagani, F., R. Pariyarath, R.Garcia, C. Stuani, A. B. Burlina, G. Ruotolo, M. Rabusin, and F. E. Baralle. Newlysosomal acid lipase gene mutants explain the phenotype of Wolman disease andcholesteryl ester storage disease. J. Lipid Res. 1998. 39:1382–1388

    Diacylglycerol oil for the metabolic syndrome

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    Excess adiposity has been shown to play a crucial role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. The elevated fasting and postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoprotein levels is the central lipid abnormality observed in the metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have indicated that diacylglycerol (DAG) is effective for fasting and postprandial hyperlipidemia and preventing excess adiposity by increasing postprandial energy expenditure. We will here discuss the mechanisms of DAG-mediated improvements in hyperlipidemia and in postprandial energy expenditure, and effects of DAG oil on lipid/glucose metabolism and on body fat. Further, the therapeutic application of DAG for the metabolic syndrome will be considered

    Enhancing allocentric spatial recall in pre-schoolers through navigational training programme

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    Unlike for other abilities, children do not receive systematic spatial orientation training at school, even though navigational training during adulthood improves spatial skills. We investigated whether navigational training programme (NTP) improved spatial orientation skills in pre-schoolers. We administered 12-week NTP to seventeen 4- to 5-year-old children (training group, TG). The TG children and 17 age-matched children (control group, CG) who underwent standard didactics were tested twice before (T0) and after (T1) the NTP using tasks that tap into landmark, route and survey representations. We determined that the TG participants significantly improved their performances in the most demanding navigational task, which is the task that taps into survey representation. This improvement was significantly higher than that observed in the CG, suggesting that NTP fostered the acquisition of survey representation. Such representation is typically achieved by age seven. This finding suggests that NTP improves performance on higher-level navigational tasks in pre-schooler

    Age-related effects on spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to different reference frames

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    Remembering object positions across different views is a fundamental competence for acting and moving appropriately in a large-scale space. Behavioural and neurological changes in elderly subjects suggest that the spatial representations of the environment might decline compared to young participants. However, no data are available on the use of different reference frames within topographical space in aging. Here we investigated the use of allocentric and egocentric frames in aging, by asking young and older participants to encode the location of a target in a virtual room relative either to stable features of the room (allocentric environment-based frame), or to an unstable objects set (allocentric objects-based frame), or to the viewer's viewpoint (egocentric frame). After a viewpoint change of 0,circ,^{circ} (absent), 45,circ,^{circ} (small) or 135,circ,^{circ} (large), participants judged whether the target was in the same spatial position as before relative to one of the three frames. Results revealed a different susceptibility to viewpoint changes in older than young participants. Importantly, we detected a worst performance, in terms of reaction times, for older than young participants in the allocentric frames. The deficit was more marked for the environment-based frame, for which a lower sensitivity was revealed as well as a worst performance even when no viewpoint change occurred. Our data provide new evidence of a greater vulnerability of the allocentric, in particular environment-based, spatial coding with aging, in line with the retrogenesis theory according to which cognitive changes in aging reverse the sequence of acquisition in mental development

    Cognitive map formation through tactile map navigation in visually impaired and sighted persons

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    The human brain can form cognitive maps of a spatial environment, which can support wayfinding. In this study, we investigated cognitive map formation of an environment presented in the tactile modality, in visually impaired and sighted persons. In addition, we assessed the acquisition of route and survey knowledge. Ten persons with a visual impairment (PVIs) and ten sighted control participants learned a tactile map of a city-like environment. The map included five marked locations associated with different items. Participants subsequently estimated distances between item pairs, performed a direction pointing task, reproduced routes between items and recalled item locations. In addition, we conducted questionnaires to assess general navigational abilities and the use of route or survey strategies. Overall, participants in both groups performed well on the spatial tasks. Our results did not show differences in performance between PVIs and sighted persons, indicating that both groups formed an equally accurate cognitive map. Furthermore, we found that the groups generally used similar navigational strategies, which correlated with performance on some of the tasks, and acquired similar and accurate route and survey knowledge. We therefore suggest that PVIs are able to employ a route as well as survey strategy if they have the opportunity to access route-like as well as map-like information such as on a tactile map

    Two Key Aspects of Maintaining Professionalism During a Conflict

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    Rational detachment and effective communication are tools Extension professionals can use to increase their effectiveness at handling agitated individuals in conflict situations, such as those that can occur during certain 4-H events. If you need to enhance your ability to defuse conflicts, understanding these skills is an important step. You can learn to handle conflicts effectively and professionally without becoming angry or responding improperly. Rationally detaching from altercations can help you gain credibility and, thus, make your points more profoundly. Also, by using a three-pronged approach to communication—incorporating appropriate body language, tone of voice, and empathic words—you can gain control of potentially explosive situations rather than try to control those involved

    Дослідження харчової цінності діацилгліцеринової олії

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    Дана робота присвячена дослідженню впливу діацилгліцеринової олії на основні процеси ліпідного обміну в організмі. На основі отриманих біохімічних показників зроблено висновок, що вказана олія є нетоксичною, дозволяє запобігти накопиченню жирової маси та попередити розвиток тригліцеридемії та холестеринемії.Influence of diacylglycerol oil on the main processes of lipid metabolism was investigated. According received biochemical indexes we conclude that mentioned oil has no toxicity and helps to prevent the development of adipopexia triglyceridemia and cholesteremia

    Allocentric spatial perception through vision and touch in sighted and blind children.

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    Abstract Vision and touch play a critical role in spatial development, facilitating the acquisition of allocentric and egocentric frames of reference, respectively. Previous works have shown that children's ability to adopt an allocentric frame of reference might be impaired by the absence of visual experience during growth. In the current work, we investigated whether visual deprivation also impairs the ability to shift from egocentric to allocentric frames of reference in a switching-perspective task performed in the visual and haptic domains. Children with and without visual impairments from 6 to 13 years of age were asked to visually (only sighted children) or haptically (blindfolded sighted children and blind children) explore and reproduce a spatial configuration of coins by assuming either an egocentric perspective or an allocentric perspective. Results indicated that temporary visual deprivation impaired the ability of blindfolded sighted children to switch from egocentric to allocentric perspective more in the haptic domain than in the visual domain. Moreover, results on visually impaired children indicated that blindness did not impair allocentric spatial coding in the haptic domain but rather affected the ability to rely on haptic egocentric cues in the switching-perspective task. Finally, our findings suggested that the total absence of vision might impair the development of an egocentric perspective in case of body midline-crossing targets