15 research outputs found

    Dental and periodontal health status of subjects with sickle cell disease

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    WOS: 000298209200008Background/purpose: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a chronic, hereditary, autosomal recessive disorder. The pathophysiology of SCD is thought to result from polymerization of hemoglobin S in red blood cells under hypoxic conditions, which results in vaso-occlusion. The aim of this study was to determine the periodontal and dental health status of patients with SCD. Materials and methods: Fifty-five SCD patients and 41 healthy individuals were evaluated. Detailed medical and dental histories were taken, and a record made of dental status (missing teeth, restorations, impacted teeth, root canal treatment), periodontal status [plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP)], alveolar bone level (ABL), mandibular cortex index, and bone quality index. Results: Two hundred and six teeth were missing, and a total of 195 teeth had restorations. Between-group differences existed for the PI, GI, and BOP; these variables were higher in patients than in the healthy individuals (P < 0.0001). No between-group differences existed for PD. In patients, there was a positive correlation between PD and BOP (P < 0.0001; r = 0.657), PD and GI (P = 0.02; r = 0.299), PD and PI (P = 0.01; r = 0.343); BOP and GI (P < 0.0001; r = 0.503), BOP and PI (P < 0.0001; r = 0.496); and GI and PI (P = 0.003; r = 0.388). The ABL in patients was found to be similar to that of the general population with an unknown periodontal condition. Conclusion: No clinical periodontal disease or attachment loss was detected in patients. However the PI, GI, and BOP were significantly higher in patients with SCD, which may reflect an as yet undefined variable response to microbes. There were no significant differences, however, in pocket depth between the two groups. Therefore we are unable to confirm any significant relationship between SCD and periodontal diseases. Oral health is not a major concern for SCD patients. The reason for this finding may be the potentially severe complications of SCD, which mean that oral and dental problems are not major concerns for this particular group of patients

    Evaluation of adipokine levels in obese women with periodontitis: A cohort study

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    Purpose: To evaluate the inflammation-related adipokine levels in the body fluids of obese female participants with and without periodontitis using healthy participants as a control group. Methods: A cohort design study was carried out at Kocaeli University between December 2014 and June 2015. The study sample comprised 25 obese female participants with periodontitis (Group 1), 31 obese female participants without periodontitis (Group 2), and 15 lean female participants with healthy periodontium (Group 3), from whom body mass index, clinical periodontal parameters were measured, and serum, saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples were collected. The three groups' periodontal parameters and adipokine levels were evaluated and compared, and the primary outcome was the difference in local and systemic adipokine levels between the study groups. Results: In the participants' serum samples, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and leptin levels were lower, whereas adiponectin levels were significantly higher in Group 3 than in the obese groups (P<0.05). In the participants' saliva samples, interleukin-1 beta, TNF-alpha, and resistin levels were lowest in Group 3, but adiponectin was lowest in Group 2 (P< 0.05). In the participants' GCF samples, interleukin-113, resistin, and adiponectin levels were higher in Group 1 (P< 0.05). This study showed that the amounts of the adipokines could differ in serum, saliva, and GCF samples from obese female participants with and without periodontitis and from lean female participants with healthy periodontium. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Periodontal diseases in different severities can affect overall health by altering the amounts of adipokines (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, leptin, resistin, and adiponectin) in serum, saliva, and GCF of obese female patients. Clinicians should be aware that periodontal disease can alter inflammatory adipokine levels and may affect other treatment outcomes in obese female patients.Kocaeli Universit

    Akut myelomonosi̇ti̇k lösemi̇si̇ olan bi̇r hastanin peri̇odontal tedavi̇si̇

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    Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AML) is a malignanthematopoetic clonal disease of bone marrow and impaired production of normal blood cells. The leukemic cell infiltration may be companied by anemia and thrombocytopenia. Oral manifestations of the disease are gingival ulcerations, mucositis, gingival bleeding and gingival enlargement. A 47-year-old-man with AML-M4 referred to periodontology clinic for treatment of gingival hyperplasia and bleeding. At the second appointment, diffuse gingival ulcerations were seen. Two teeth were extracted under antibiotic prophylaxis. Gingival specimens were sent to pathology. Histochemical/immunohistochemical analysis showed AML. His medical therapy continued with chemotherapy and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. He died 9 months after initial diagnosis. This case report represents not only manifestations of AML such as gingival hyperplasia, ulcerations and bleeding, but also reflects the acute course of the disease in the oral cavity. Dental consultation is essential for diagnosis and improvement of medical conditions. Systemic diseases are not obstacles for dental/periodontal procedures under the proper circumstances.Akut miyelomonositik lösemi (AML), kemik iliğini kötü huylu, hemotopoetik klonal hastalığı olup, normal kan hücrelerinin üretimi hatalı olarak meydana gelmektedir. Lösemik hücre infiltrasyonuna, anemi ve trombositopenide eşlik edebilir. Hastalığın oral bulgularını, gingival ülserasyonlar, mukositis, dişeti kanaması ve dişetlerinde büyüme oluşturmaktadır. AML olarak teşhis edilen 47 yaşındaki, erkek hasta, dişetlerindeki büyüme ve dişeti kanamalarının tedavisi için, hematologu tarafından periodontoloji kliniğine yönlendirildi. Hastanın periodontoloji kliniğindeki ikinci randevusunda diffüz dişeti ülserasyonları mevcuttu. Aynı seansta, antibiyotik profilaksisi altında, hastanın iki dişi çekildi. Çekim bölgesinden toplanan dişeti dokusu, patolojik değerlendirme için patoloji bölümüne yönlendirildi. Dişeti dokusunda yapılan histokimyasal ve kimyasal/immunohistokimyasal analizler, AML tanısını doğruladı. Periodontal tedavisi biten hastaya kemoterapi uygulandı ve allojenik kemik iliği transplantasyonu yapıldı. Hasta ilk teşhisi takiben 9. ayda vefat etti. Bu vaka da, AML’nin oral bulguları olan dişeti büyümesi, dişeti ülserasyonları ve dişeti kanamaları açıkça izlendi. Bu bulguların seyri, hastalığın akut ilerleme safhaları ile paralellik göstermekteydi. Diş hekimi ile yapılan konsültasyonlar ve dental tedaviler, hastanın medikal durumunda düzelmeyle sonuçlanmıştır. Sistemik hastalıklar, uygun koşullar sağlandığında, dental ve periodontal girişimler için bir engel oluşturmamaktadır


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    Yaşları 20 ile 45 arasında değişen, 13 bireyeait, periodontal hastalık nedeni oluşmuş toplam 26 kemik içi defekt, yönlendirilmiş doku rejenerasyonu yöntemi ile tedavi edildi. Ayn› bireyin benzer iki kemik içi defektinden birine rezorbe olabilen glikoid ve laktid kopolimer esasl› Resolut membran, diğerine rezorbe olmayan e-PTFE esasl› Gore-tex membran rasgele seçilerek yerleştirilmiştir. Defekt bölgelerine ait plak indeksi, gingival indeks, sondlamada kanama indeksi, cep derinliği, ataçman seviyesi ve gingival marjin konumlar›n› içeren klinik ölçümler; operasyon öncesinde ve operasyonu takip eden 3., 6., 9., 12., 24., 36., 48. ve 60. aylarda kaydedildi. Resolut ve Gore-tex membran uygulanan gruplarda yap›lan grup içi değerlendirmelerde, her iki grupta da cep derinliğinde istatistiksel olarak anlaml› azalma, ataçman seviyesinde ise kazanç olduğu görüldü. Gruplar birbirleri ile karş›laşt›r›ld›klar›nda ise istatistiksel olarak fark olmad›ğ› görüldü. Çal›şman›n sonucunda, her iki membran›n rejeneratif tedavilerde benzer klinik iyileşme gösterdiğini ve 1. y›l sonunda elde edilen ataçman kazanc›n›n korunamad›ğ›n› görülmüştür. Uzun dönemde başar›l› sonuçlar elde etmek için idame dönemlerinin ve hasta motivasyonunun önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir

    Effects of exercise on periodontal parameters in obese women

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    Background: Several studies have demonstrated an association between obesity, periodontitis, and exercise. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effects of regular exercise on obese women with periodontal disease, using serum, saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples. A before-after study design was adopted to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks of regular exercise on obese women grouped according to periodontal status, without a control group (no exercise). The study sample comprised of 15 patients without periodontitis (NP group) and 10 patients with chronic periodontitis (CP group), from whom periodontal parameters were measured and serum, saliva, and GCF samples were collected. Body mass index (BMI), anthropometric measurements, somatotype-motoric tests, and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) were recorded at baseline and after exercise. Subjects and Methods: Med Calc was used for statistical analysis. Results: After exercise, a significant decrease in BMI and a significant increase in VO2max were observed in both groups. A significant decrease in probing depth and clinical attachment loss, serum leptin, GCF tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and leptin, and a significant increase in GCF resistin were observed in the CP group. A significant decrease in serum TNF-α and leptin levels and a significant increase in serum resistin and GCF TNF-α, leptin, resistin, and adiponectin levels were observed in the NP group. Significant correlations between bleeding on probing and levels of interleukin-1β and leptin in GCF were observed in the CP group. Conclusions: This study showed that regular exercise exerts different impacts with respect to clinical and biochemical aspects of periodontal and systemic conditions in obese women

    Molecular signatures of chronic periodontitis in gingiva: A genomic and proteomic analysis

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    Background: To elucidate molecular signatures of chronic periodontitis (CP) using gingival tissue samples through omics-based whole-genome transcriptomic and whole protein profiling. Methods: Gingival tissues from 18 CP and 25 controls were analyzed using gene expression microarrays to identify gene expression patterns and the proteins isolated from these samples were subjected to comparative proteomic analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The data from transcriptomics and proteomics were integrated to reveal common shared genes and proteins. Results: The most upregulated genes in CP compared with controls were found as MZB1, BMS1P20, IGLL1/IGLL5, TNFRSF17, ALDH1A1, KIAA0125, MMP7, PRL, MGC16025, ADAM11, and the most upregulated proteins in CP compared with controls were BPI, ITGAM, CAP37, PCM1, MMP-9, MZB1, UGTT1, PLG, RAB1B, HSP90B1. Functions of the identified genes were involved cell death/survival, DNA replication, recombination/repair, gene expression, organismal development, cell-to-cell signaling/interaction, cellular development, cellular growth/proliferation, cellular assembly/organization, cellular function/maintenance, cellular movement, B-cell development, and identified proteins were involved in protein folding, response to stress, single-organism catabolic process, regulation of peptidase activity, and negative regulation of cell death. The integration and validation analysis of the transcriptomics and proteomics data revealed two common shared genes and proteins, MZB1 and ECH1. Conclusion: Integrative data from transcriptomics and proteomics revealed MZB1 as a potent candidate for chronic periodontitis.Kocaeli Universit

    Haemodynamic Responses to Tracheal Intubation Using Propofol, Etomidate and Etomidate-Propofol Combination in Anaesthesia Induction

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to measure the haemodynamic responses to a etomidate-propofol combination used for anaesthesia induction and to compare the haemodynamic responses with the separate use of each drug. Methods: The patients were randomly divided into three groups as group P (n = 30, propofol 2.5 mg kg(-1)), group E (n = 30, etomidate 0.3 mg kg(-1)) and group PE (n = 30, propofol 1.25 mg kg(-1) + etomidate 0.15 mg kg(-1)). For each patient, the times of measurement of the heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure values were defined as baseline, after the induction, before the intubation, immediately after the intubation and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 minutes after the intubation. Results: In all 3 groups, a significant decrease in MAP values were seen at T2 and T3 compared to the baseline values, and this decrease was greater in group P compared to that in group E and PE (P < 0.001, P < 0.01). A significant increase was seen in all 3 groups in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) value at T4 after the intubation. When the groups were compared with each other, this increase was greater in group E than in the other two groups (with group P, P < 0.001; with group PE, P < 0.01). Conclusion: Etomidate-propofol combination may be a valuable alternative when extremes of hypotensive and hypertensive responses due to propofol and etomidate are best to be avoided