66 research outputs found

    Re-mining association mining results through visualization, data envelopment analysis, and decision trees

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    Re-mining is a general framework which suggests the execution of additional data mining steps based on the results of an original data mining process. This study investigates the multi-faceted re-mining of association mining results, develops and presents a practical methodology, and shows the applicability of the developed methodology through real world data. The methodology suggests re-mining using data visualization, data envelopment analysis, and decision trees. Six hypotheses, regarding how re-mining can be carried out on association mining results, are answered in the case study through empirical analysis

    The last observation of the long-spined exotic Sea Urchin (Diadema setosum) in the Gulf of Antalya

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    Diadema setosum, a Red Sea migrant, was first identified on the shores of the Kaş Peninsula in the Mediterranean. Approximately a year after this observation, the same species was reported for the second time from Konyaaltı Beach in Antalya Bay. This sea urchin rapidly multiplied and expanded its distribution along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, reaching as far as the Marmara Sea. Some individuals of this sea urchin, which expanded distribution to coastal areas posing a risk to swimmers, were observed to start dying in the summer months of 2022. Scuba diving surveys were conducted in five different areas with rocky and stony seabed structures in the Gulf of Antalya during the winter season (Cliffs, Konyaaltı Beach, Sıçan Island surroundings, Çaltıcak region, and Kemer Ağva Cape), and it was determined that 99% of the D. setosum population had died in February and March. No living individuals were encountered during scuba diving surveys conducted in the same stations in April and May. In conclusion; mass mortalities have occurred in the D. setosum population in the rocky areas of the Gulf of Antalya, including the cliffs, Konyaaltı beach, Sıçan island surroundings, Caltıcak region, and Kemer Ağva Cape. This study presents the first report on matter.Keywords: Diadema setosum; Gulf of Antalya; Sea urchin

    Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Katılım Payı Uygulamasının Mali Sürdürülebilirliğe Etkisi

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    Çalışmanın amacı hastaneye başvurduklarında hastalardan alınan tedavi katılım payının sağlık hizmetinin mali sürdürülebilirliğine etkilerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma yapılırken nitel ve nicel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Bu amaca ulaşma yolculuğunda literatürdeki çalışmalar, Kamu Hastaneleri Birlikleri yöneticilerinin anket vasıtası ile alınan ve analiz edilen görüşleri, konu hakkında Sağlık Bakanlığı yaklaşımları ve bağlantılı kurum istatistikleri kullanılmıştır. Ankete katılan yöneticilerden katılım payı alınmasını gerekeli görenler, Ülkemizde sağlık hizmetinin finansmanında sürdürülebilir bir mali sistem kurulmadığını ifade etmişlerdir. Ankete yöneticilerinin katılım payı uygulamaların sağlık hizmetinin mali sürdürülebilirliğine olumlu katkısı olduğuna inandıkları görülmektedir. Bu algının literatür taramaları, çalışmamızda aktarılan veriler, anket analizleri ile tutarlı ve uyumlu olduğu görülmektedir

    Encapsulating and representing the knowledge on the evaluation of an engineering system

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    This paper proposes a cross-disciplinary methodology for a fundamental question in product development: How can the innovation patterns during the evolution of an engineering system (ES) be encapsulated, so that it can later be mined through data mining analysis methods? Reverse engineering answers the question of which components a developed engineering system consists of, and how the components interact to make the working product. TRIZ answers the question of which problem-solving principles can be, or have been employed in developing that system, in comparison to its earlier versions, or with respect to similar systems. While these two methodologies have been very popular, to the best of our knowledge, there does not yet exist a methodology that reverseengineers and encapsulates and represents the information regarding the complete product development process in abstract terms. This paper suggests such a methodology, that consists of mathematical formalism, graph visualization, and database representation. The proposed approach is demonstrated by analyzing the design and development process for a prototype wrist-rehabilitation robot

    Insights into the efficiencies of on-shore wind turbines: a data-centric analysis

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    Literature on renewable energy alternative of wind turbines does not include a multidimensional benchmarking studythat can help investment decisions as well as design processes. This paper presents a data-centric analysis of commercial on-shore wind turbines and provides actionable insights through analytical benchmarking through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), visual data analysis, and statistical hypothesis testing. The paper also introduces a novel visualization approach for the understanding and the interpretation of reference sets, the set of efficient wind turbines that should be taken as benchmark by inefficient ones

    The Trend of Tuberculosis in Tekirdağ

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    AimThe incidence rate of tuberculosis (TB) is estimated by the World Health Organization as 128/100.000 worldwide. The main principles of TB control are early case detection and diagnosis, followed by directly observed treatment of patients. The aim of this study was to analyse the dynamics of TB between 2007 and 2011 in Tekirdağ.Material and MethodsData were obtained from TB dispensaries and separated into oneyear categories. Case notification rates were analysed by different age groups (0–14, 15–24, 25–44, 45–64, 65 and above). The patients were divided into two groups according to involved organs: pulmonary (smear/culture positive=PSP and smear/culture negative/unknown=PSN/U) and extrapulmonary. Antibiotic susceptibility tests to major antituberculosis drugs were performed on M. tuberculosis strains that were grown in culture and suspected of being resistant. Resistance to both INH and rifampicin were accepted as multiple drug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB).ResultsA total of 162.291 patients were examined, and out of this population, 1311 (0.8%) tuberculosis patients were evaluated. The distribution of case notification rates by year were 44.6%, 34.6%, 33.4%, 28.6%, and 27.6%from 2007 to 2011, respectively. Pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB rates were 74.5%(46.0%PSP and 28.5%PSN/U) and 25.5%, respectively. Extrapulmonary TB rates were 42.3% and 17.6% in men and women, respectively. Resistance rates against INH, rifampicin, ethambutol, and streptomycin were 21.6%, 8.8%, 1.6%, and 6.4%, respectively. The MDR-TB rate was 6.4%.ConclusionSystematic implementation of directly observed treatment programs plays an important role in decreasing TB incidence. Because the TB rates in our region are above the average for Turkey, screening and follow-up procedures must be conducted more stringently and regularly

    Seasonality of Tuberculosis in Tekirdağ City, 2007-2011

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    AimIt is well known that the incidence of many respiratory infections shows seasonal variability. Unlike other respiratory infections, in many studies tuberculosis (TB) diagnoses increase in summer and the mechanism underlying this fluctuation remains unknown. We aimed to examine whether TB has an annual seasonal pattern in Tekirdağ.Materials and MethodsData were obtained from TB dispensaries in Tekirdağ retrospectively. There were 1311 cases of TB notified between January 2007 and December 2011. TB notifications show a seasonal pattern, with a peak in spring and summer, which is present in both pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis.ResultsTB notification was found highest in summer with the value of 28,4 %.ConclusionTB incidence in Tekirdağ showed seasonality like previous studies held in different countries. There is a need for large longitudinal studies to clarify the underlying mechanisms that may provide a better disease control

    Comparison of two pandemics: H1N1 and SARS-CoV-2

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to compare the clinical, epidemiological, and prognostic features of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic in 2020. METHODS: This retrospective study involved subjects from seven centers that were admitted and found to be positive for H1N1 or COVID-19 real-time polymerase chain reaction test. RESULTS: A total of 143 patients with H1N1 and 309 patients with COVID-19 were involved in the study. H1N1 patients were younger than COVID-19 ones. While 58.7% of H1N1 patients were female, 57.9% of COVID-19 patients were male. Complaints of fever, cough, sputum, sore throat, myalgia, weakness, headache, and shortness of breath in H1N1 patients were statistically higher than in COVID-19 ones. The duration of symptoms until H1N1 patients were admitted to the hospital was shorter than that for COVID-19 patients. Leukopenia was more common in COVID-19 patients. C-reactive protein levels were higher in COVID-19 patients, while lactate dehydrogenase levels were higher in H1N1 ones. The mortality rate was also higher in H1N1 cases. CONCLUSIONS: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic is a major public health problem that continues to affect the world with its high rate of contagion. In addition, no vaccines or a specific drug for the benefit of millions of people have been found yet. The H1N1 pandemic is an epidemic that affected the whole world about ten years ago and was prevented by the development of vaccines at a short period. Experience in the H1N1 pandemic may be the guide to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from a worse end

    An Inlet Patch Case with Difficulty Swallowing

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    Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa (inlet patch) is a clinical entity, described firstly by Schmit as a congenital anomaly, char-acterized by settling of gastric mucosa in any part of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It causes various clinical symp-toms due to acid secretion. Our case is oberved rarelly in case of inlet patch