AimIt is well known that the incidence of many respiratory infections shows seasonal variability. Unlike other respiratory infections, in many studies tuberculosis (TB) diagnoses increase in summer and the mechanism underlying this fluctuation remains unknown. We aimed to examine whether TB has an annual seasonal pattern in Tekirdağ.Materials and MethodsData were obtained from TB dispensaries in Tekirdağ retrospectively. There were 1311 cases of TB notified between January 2007 and December 2011. TB notifications show a seasonal pattern, with a peak in spring and summer, which is present in both pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis.ResultsTB notification was found highest in summer with the value of 28,4 %.ConclusionTB incidence in Tekirdağ showed seasonality like previous studies held in different countries. There is a need for large longitudinal studies to clarify the underlying mechanisms that may provide a better disease control