85 research outputs found

    Modally Resolved Fabry-Perot Experiment with Semiconductor Waveguides

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    Based on the interaction between different spatial modes, semiconductor Bragg-reflection waveguides provide a highly functional platform for non-linear optics. Therefore, the control and engineering of the properties of each spatial mode is essential. Despite the multimodeness of our waveguide, the well-established Fabry-Perot technique for recording fringes in the optical transmission spectrum can successfully be employed for a detailed linear optical characterization when combined with Fourier analysis. A prerequisite for the modal sensitivity is a finely resolved transmission spectrum that is recorded over a broad frequency band. Our results highlight how the features of different spatial modes, such as their loss characteristics and dispersion properties, can be separated from each other allowing their comparison. The mode-resolved measurements are important for optimizing the performance of such multimode waveguides by tailoring the properties of their spatial modes.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Brain Abnormalities in Patients with Germline Variants in H3F3: Novel Imaging Findings and Neurologic Symptoms Beyond Somatic Variants and Brain Tumors

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Pathogenic somatic variants affecting the genes Histone 3 Family 3A and 3B (H3F3) are extensively linked to the process of oncogenesis, in particular related to central nervous system tumors in children. Recently, H3F3 germline missense variants were described as the cause of a novel pediatric neurodevelopmental disorder. We aimed to investigate patterns of brain MR imaging of individuals carrying H3F3 germline variants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, we included individuals with proved H3F3 causative genetic variants and available brain MR imaging scans. Clinical and demographic data were retrieved from available medical records. Molecular genetic testing results were classified using the American College of Medical Genetics criteria for variant curation. Brain MR imaging abnormalities were analyzed according to their location, signal intensity, and associated clinical symptoms. Numeric variables were described according to their distribution, with median and interquartile range. RESULTS: Eighteen individuals (10 males, 56%) with H3F3 germline variants were included. Thirteen of 18 individuals (72%) presented with a small posterior fossa. Six individuals (33%) presented with reduced size and an internal rotational appearance of the heads of the caudate nuclei along with an enlarged and squared appearance of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. Five individuals (28%) presented with dysgenesis of the splenium of the corpus callosum. Cortical developmental abnormalities were noted in 8 individuals (44%), with dysgyria and hypoplastic temporal poles being the most frequent presentation. CONCLUSIONS: Imaging phenotypes in germline H3F3-affected individuals are related to brain features, including a small posterior fossa as well as dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, cortical developmental abnormalities, and deformity of lateral ventricles

    Second Order Perturbations in the Randall-Sundrum Infinite Brane-World Model

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    We discuss the non-linear gravitational interactions in the Randall-Sundrum single brane model. If we naively write down the 4-dimensional effective action integrating over the fifth dimension with the aid of the decomposition with respect to eigen modes of 4-dimensional d'Alembertian, the Kaluza-Klein mode coupling seems to be ill-defined. We carefully analyze second order perturbations of the gravitational field induced on the 3-brane under the assumption of the static and axial-symmetric 5-dimensional metric. It is shown that there remains no pathological feature in the Kaluza-Klein mode coupling after the summation over all different mass modes. Furthermore, the leading Kaluza-Klein corrections are shown to be sufficiently suppressed in comparison with the leading order term which is obtained by the zero mode truncation. We confirm that the 4-dimensional Einstein gravity is approximately recovered on the 3-brane up to second order perturbations.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, comment and reference added, typos correcte

    Histone H3.3 beyond cancer: Germline mutations in Histone 3 Family 3A and 3B cause a previously unidentified neurodegenerative disorder in 46 patients

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    Although somatic mutations in Histone 3.3 (H3.3) are well-studied drivers of oncogenesis, the role of germline mutations remains unreported. We analyze 46 patients bearing de novo germline mutations in histone 3 family 3A (H3F3A) or H3F3B with progressive neurologic dysfunction and congenital anomalies without malignancies. Molecular modeling of all 37 variants demonstrated clear disruptions in interactions with DNA, other histones, and histone chaperone proteins. Patient histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) analysis revealed notably aberrant local PTM patterns distinct from the somatic lysine mutations that cause global PTM dysregulation. RNA sequencing on patient cells demonstrated up-regulated gene expression related to mitosis and cell division, and cellular assays confirmed an increased proliferative capacity. A zebrafish model showed craniofacial anomalies and a defect in Foxd3-derived glia. These data suggest that the mechanism of germline mutations are distinct from cancer-associated somatic histone mutations but may converge on control of cell proliferation

    Broadband indistinguishability from bright parametric downconversion in a semiconductor waveguide

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    This work was supported in part by the ERC, project EnSeNa (257531) and by the FWF through project no. I-2065-N27.Parametric downconversion (PDC) in semiconductor Bragg-reflection waveguides (BRW) is routinely exploited for photon-pair generation in the telecommunication range. Contrary to many conventional PDC sources, BRWs offer possibilities to create spectrally broadband but nevertheless indistinguishable photon pairs in orthogonal polarizations that simultaneously incorporate high frequency entanglement. We explore the characteristics of co-propagating twin beams created in a type-II ridge BRW. Our PDC source is bright and efficient, serving as a benchmark of its performance and justifies its exploitation for further use in quantum photonics. We then examine the coalescence of the twin beams and investigate the effect of their inevitable multi-photon contributions on the observed photon bunching. Our results show that BRWs have a great potential for producing broadband indistinguishable photon pairs as well as multi-photon states.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    Implikationen der Analyse kommunikativer Minimalformen. Augenblicks-Kommunikation am Fenster

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    Wir diskutieren in diesem Beitrag Implikationen, mit denen man zu tun bekommt, wenn man kleinste Formen situativer Vergesellschaftung – wir sprechen von kommunikativen Minimalformen – untersucht. Kommunikative Minimalformen sind kurzzeitige, nur wenige Sekunden dauernde, gemeinsam konstituierte Interaktionsereignisse. Ungeachtet ihrer Kürze weisen sie zum einen eine komplexe Interaktionsstruktur auf. Zum anderen besitzen sie auch eine klare soziale Implikation und eigene Wertigkeit. In dem hier untersuchten Fall, bei dem Passanten durch ein offenes Fenster in einen Privatraum blicken und dabei ertappt werden, zeigt sich diese soziale Implikativität als moralische Kommunikation im Sinne der interaktiven Bearbeitung eigenen Fehlverhaltens.In this article, we discuss the implications that need to be dealt with, when examining the smallest forms of situational socialization, which we call minimal communicative forms. Minimal communicative forms are jointly constituted interaction events that are short-term and last only a few seconds. Regardless of their shortness, they have a complex interaction structure with a clear sequential order. They also have a social implication and a value of their own. In the case examined here, in which pedestrians look through an open window into a private space and get caught while doing so, this social implication manifests itself as a moral communication in the sense of the interactive treatment of one’s own wrongdoing