42 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of the epithelial lining architecture in radicular cysts and odontogenic keratocysts

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    BACKGROUND: This paper describes a quantitative analysis of the cyst lining architecture in radicular cysts (of inflammatory aetiology) and odontogenic keratocysts (thought to be developmental or neoplastic) including its 2 counterparts: solitary and associated with the Basal Cell Naevus Syndrome (BCNS). METHODS: Epithelial linings from 150 images (from 9 radicular cysts, 13 solitary keratocysts and 8 BCNS keratocysts) were segmented into theoretical cells using a semi-automated partition based on the intensity of the haematoxylin stain which defined exclusive areas relative to each detected nucleus. Various morphometrical parameters were extracted from these "cells" and epithelial layer membership was computed using a systematic clustering routine. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed across the 3 cyst types both at the morphological and architectural levels of the lining. Case-wise discrimination between radicular cysts and keratocyst was highly accurate (with an error of just 3.3%). However, the odontogenic keratocyst subtypes could not be reliably separated into the original classes, achieving discrimination rates slightly above random allocations (60%). CONCLUSION: The methodology presented is able to provide new measures of epithelial architecture and may help to characterise and compare tissue spatial organisation as well as provide useful procedures for automating certain aspects of histopathological diagnosis

    Metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma to the mandible: Report of a case

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    Adenocarcinoma of the lung that metastasizes to the mandible is uncommon. There are only a few cases described in the English-language literature regarding metastasis to mandible from adenocarcinoma of the lung. This article shows a metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the lung affecting the mandible of a 55-year-old male patient where the metastatic lesion was detected before primary tumor. This article emphasizes the importance of detailed dentoalveolar examination and early diagnosis for finding the primary focus of metastatic lesions

    Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast: Clinical, mammographic, and sonographic findings with histopathologic correlation

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    PubMed ID: 12034610OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mammographic and sonographic findings of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast and to correlate the radiologic features with clinical and histopathologic findings. CONCLUSION. Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast often manifests as a rapidly growing, palpable mass that has high density on mammography and may be microlobulated on sonography. Complex echogenicity with solid and cystic components may be seen sonographically and is related to necrosis and cystic degeneration found histopathologically. Although it is a rare breast malignancy and these features are not unique, metaplastic carcinoma should be included in the differential diagnosis for breast masses with these imaging features

    Compound odontoma involving the four quadrants of the jaws: A case report and review of the literature

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    PubMedID: 24459676Odontomas are the most common odontogenic tumors, representing 70% of all odontogenic tumors. They may present in two specific forms; compound odontoma forms multiple small tooth-like structures, while complex odontoma forms an amorphous calcified mass. In this report, we present a 27-year-old male patient with multiple compound odontoma occupied regions at his jaws. The odontomas involve both alveolar and basal processes of the maxilla and mandible as well as both maxillary sinuses. Converse to conventional recommended treatment, which is surgical excision of the lesion, the management was removal of the lesion and clinical-radiologic followup. The first year's follow-up findings are presented in this case report. © Quintessence

    Steady-state bipartite entanglement supported by a squeezed environment

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    We examine the entanglement of two atoms induced by an external quantum system. Both two-level atoms are coupled to a third two-level system by dipole interaction, and the third system is under the influence of a certain environment. We examine different types of environments and show that the steady-state bipartite entanglement can be achieved. We show that a strongly fluctuating environment is more preferable because the transmission of quantum fluctuations to the atomic system creates and supports steady-state entanglement with a higher amount of concurrence than a nonfluctuating environment or an environment with strong classical fluctuations. Copyright © 2005 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" (Russia)

    Experimental investigation of cooling performance of milk cooling tank with the vapor compressed and solar absorption (LiCl-H2O) cooling system [Süt sogutma tankinin buhar sikiştirmali ve güneş enerjili absorpsiyonlu (LiCl-H2O) sogutma sistemleriyle sogutma performansinin deneysel incelenmesi]

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    In this study, utilization of a solar energy powered absorption cooling system has been investigated instead of conventional cooling systems for milk cooling purpose as an alternative method. In this study, a novel designed milk tank (1000 liter tank capacity and 2BII performance class) with rollbond type heat exchanger around the wall and conventional heat exchanger bottom of the tank for vapor compression cooling system was used. Performance investigation of the tank has been realized while the first and last milking experiments according to International and National Standards for the milk storage tank. Experimental studies have been realized for the hybrid combination of the conventional (vapor compression) cooling and the LiCl-H2O absorption cooling systems with an internal energy storage ability. According to experiments, the conventional and absorption cooling method were cooled down the milk at the first milking period in the reasonable time interval. On the other hand, while the conventional method was being completed in the reasonable time interval, hybrid method was not able to complete in accepted time limit. Utilization of the hybrid combination of the LiCl-H2O absorption and conventional cooling system showed 18.01 Wh/L specific energy consumption, but conventional cooling system showed 21.06 Wh/L specific energy consumption at the same cooling amount. In Turkey, utilization of solar and geothermal energy powered absorption cooling systems to increase energy savings in different cooling application can be significant method since Turkey has advantages about renewable energy sources such as solar and geothermal energy