725 research outputs found
The Direction, Timing and Causality Relationships Between The Cyclical Components of Real and Financial Variables During The Financial Liberalization Period in Turkey
The purpose of this paper is the determination of sources and pattern of business cycle in Turkey throughout the period 1988-2002 using quarterly data. The question of the paper is “Has financial liberalization increased the fragility of the financial and real sides of the Turkish economy?” The quantitative analysis of the paper includes the cross correlation and causality analysis. Financial development indicators are the bank credits and capital flows, efficiency indicators are the domestic and foreign interest rate spreads. It has been found that the pattern of real GDP is determined by demand side variables, whereas the source of fluctuations in the real GDP is the financial variables in Turkey. External spread, capital flows, and domestic spread are the transmission channels of a shock to the real economy.business cycle, liberalization, decomposition, efficiency indicator, development indicator, Turkey
The usual course of thorax CT findings of COVID-19 infection and when to perform control thorax CT scan
COVID-19 infection, a highly contagious disease caused by the SARS-CoV virus, and the World Health Organization declared this increasingly spreading disease as a global public health emergency (pandemic). In the diagnosis of COVID-19, the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is considered as the reference standard test. In the early stages, thorax CT findings could be present even before the onset of symptoms, thorax CT has quite high sensitivity in COVID-19 patients with false negative RT-PCR results, and it has a great importance not only in diagnosis but also in follow up. We think that it might be beneficial for our radiologist colleagues in the early diagnosis of the imaging features of this disease, by sharing the experiences we have gained by evaluating the typical and relatively atypical CT findings regarding the natural course of the tomographic findings of COVID-19 and when to control CT
Empiric treatment of children with gastroesophageal reflux- like symptoms: Effect of proton pump inhibitors
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is an important cause of morbidity in childhood. Although various diagnostic methods are available, short course of empiric treatment with a proton pump inhibitor is widely used in adults as a diagnostic test. Data about empiric treatment is scarce in children. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of empiric treatment of reflux-like symptoms in children.Pediatric gastroenterology outpatient files were searched and patients with a diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux were found. Patient complaints, history and the treatments provided were recorded. Treatment naive patients older than 2 years of age with symptoms suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux were selected and included if they were given empiric treatment with a proton pump inhibitor. Empiric treatment was found to be effective in 78% of patients. Treatment response tended to be better in children older than 5 years of age. Of the 22 non-responders 9 underwent endoscopy and pathological findings were discovered in 7 of them. Treatment of children with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms with a proton pump inhibitor might significantly decrease the need for extensive evaluations. However it is important to investigate non-responders to empiric therapy, as it seems there might be high probability of pathological findings
Left atrial myxoma combined with coronary artery disease in an elderly patient
Cardiac myxoma associated with coronary artery disease is a rare pathology in an elderly patient. Herein wepresent an 81-year-old woman undergoing simultaneous surgical treatment for left atrial myxoma combinedwith coronary artery disease. The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful. The initial removal ofmass should be performed to prevent systemic embolization of tumor fragment
The Direction, Timing and Causality Relationships Between The Cyclical Components of Real and Financial Variables During The Financial Liberalization Period in Turkey
The purpose of this paper is the determination of sources and pattern of business cycle in Turkey throughout the period 1988-2002 using quarterly data. The question of the paper is Has financial liberalization increased the fragility of the financial and real sides of the Turkish economy? The quantitative analysis of the paper includes the cross correlation and causality analysis. Financial development indicators are the bank credits and capital flows, efficiency indicators are the domestic and foreign interest rate spreads. It has been found that the pattern of real GDP is determined by demand side variables, whereas the source of fluctuations in the real GDP is the financial variables in Turkey. External spread, capital flows, and domestic spread are the transmission channels of a shock to the real economy
Prevalence of the patients with history of hepatitis in a dental faculty
Objectives: The aim of the study is to investigate the prevalence of the dental patients who had a history of hepatitis. Study design: A total of 13.527 records of patients who were examined between October 1, 2002 and October 1, 2004 were reviewed retrospectively. The medical histories of patients were taken before routine clinical and radiographic examination. A dental software program was used for the collection of data. The chi-square test was utilized to evaluate correlations between different parameters. Results: The percentage of the patients who had a medical history of hepatitis was 7.9% (n=1065). Within the total patients; history of hepatitis A was found as 3.2% (n=438), hepatitis B was 2.3% (n=308), hepatitis C was 0.1% (n=16). The frequency of the patients who were hepatitis B carriers was 0.8% (n=113) and 17% (n=181) of patients did not know which type of hepatitis they had suffered from. Conclusions: Because dentists are particularly at risk for contacting hepatitis, a strict sterilization procedure is mandatory to prevent the transmission
Metavethics in Higher Education Institutions: Is the Metaverse Second Forbidden Fruit of Humanity?
The metaverse which is considered as the digital big bang of humanity and the next evolution of the internet is anticipated to offer a living environment for civilization 5.0 and beyond in various domains including education. Each novice technology that enters our daily lives generates also fear, anxiety, and problems as well as hope, benefit, and attraction. The purpose of this research is to investigate what ethical problems the metaverse may cause in higher education institutions and how healthy metaverse universities can be created within the framework of ethics. Interpretative phenomenological research design was employed in the study and data was collected from the field experts and lecturers in higher education. The study indicated thirteen VR/AR/XR experts' and lecturers' visions on the metaverse-based ethical issues and practical implications that could be applied within the scope of five thematic nodes comprising metaverse awareness, security and data, safety and wellness, social equality and diversity, and accessibility. It is expected that the study will contribute to the design of a healthy and good metaverse in the future of higher education institutions pursuant to ethical values
Akşehir Müzesi’nde Bulunan Metal Bilezikler
Antik Çağ’da “Philomelion”olarak adlandırılan Akşehir, Strabon’a göre antik dönemde Phrygia Paroreia Strabon XII, 62, 190 bölgesi sınırları içerisinde yer almaktadır. Tarihi boyunca birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış olan Akşehir oldukça köklü ve zengin bir kültüre sahiptir. Söz konusu kültürlere ait ele geçen arkeolojik materyaller, burada yaşamış toplumların sosyal, teknolojik durumlarını anlamakta ve bu toplumların varlığına dair önemli kanıtlar sunmaktadırlar. Bu sebepten bölge tarihinin daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi adına Akşehir Müzesi koleksiyonunda bulunan arkeolojik eserlerin incelenmesi ve yayınlanarak bilim dünyasına tanıtılması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı da çeşitli yollarla müzeye kazandırılan, takı/süs eşyaları grubu içerisinde değerlendirilen metal bilezikleri inceleyerek öncelikle tarihlendirmelerini yaparak kentin kültür tarihine yönelik yapılacak araştırmalara bir nebzede olsa katkı sağlamaktır.İnsanoğlu yaşam sürdüğü her dönemde bilezik, küpe, kolye, halhal vb. takıları farklı amaçlarla severek kullanılmıştır. Bu süs eşyaları bazen ritüel, bazen de dünyevi amaçlar için tercih edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte kullanılan objeler zamanla her iki amaca da hizmet eder olmuştur. Önceleri tılsım, büyü, uğur gibi kavramların etkisiyle başlayan süs eşyası takma geleneği dönem dönem bu anlamlarının yanı sıra, mezar hediyesi, tanrılara sunu, imtiyaz göstergesi, zenginlik ifadesi ve güzel görünmek gibi amaçlar içinde kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada müze envanterine kayıtlı sağlam halde bulunan on üç adet bilezik ele alınmış olup, bunlardan on bir adedi bronzdan, ikisi de pirinç malzemeden üretilmiştir. Bu bileziklerin yapımında genelde döküm tekniği, detayların işlenmesinde de kazıma tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bazı eserlerin baş kısımları ise dövme tekniği ile oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmaya konu olan bilezikler, form ve süslemelerine göre iki farklı grup altında incelenmiştir. Eser grubu içinde tespit edilen formlar; şerit-bant kesitli kilitlenebilir bilezikler, uçları birleşen bilezikler ve uçları açık hayvan başlı bileziklerdir. Bu bileziklerden sekiz adedi bezemeli ve halka uçları açıktır. Bunların dışında kalan beş bilezik ise bezemesiz ve halka uçları kapalıdır. Yapılan incelemeler Akşehir Müzesi bilezik koleksiyonunun Orta Demir Çağı’ndan Bizans Dönemi’ne kadar olan geniş bir zaman aralığına ait örneklerden oluştuğunu ortaya koymuştur
Normal Values in Pattern Electroretinography
Amaç: Patern elektroretinogram (PERG) kaydı için standart koşulların oluşturulması ve sağlıklı bireylere ait normal değerleri araştırmak.Gereç ve Yöntem: Göz ve sistemik hastalığı olmayan 113 sağlıklı bireyin (76 kadın, 37 erkek), 226 gözü objektif refraksiyon, en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği ölçümleri, ön segment ve fundus muayeneleri biyomikroskopla yapıldıktan sonra çalışmaya dahil edildi. Patern elektroretinografi kaydı Roland-Consult RETIPORT(TM) (Almanya) cihazı ile yapıldı. P50 ve N95 komponentlerinin latans ve genlikleri kaydedildi. Veriler farklı yaş gruplarına ayrılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bireylerin yaş ortalaması 35.9514.8 yıldı (erkekler: 38.4617.10, kadınlar: 34.7213.59 yıl). Erkek ve kadın bireyler arasında PERG komponentlerinin latans ve genlikleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p0.05). P50 ve N95 latans değerlerinin yaşla birlikte zayıf bir pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği görüldü (p0.05). P50 amplitüdünde daha belirgin olmakla birlikte N95 amplitüdünün de yaşla negatif korelasyon gösterdiği tespit edildi (p0.05). N95/P50 amplitüd oranında yaşla ilgili herhangi bir korelasyon bulunmadı. İkili korelasyon analizinde ise P50 ve N95 amplitüdlerinin birbiri ile güçlü pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği tespit edildi. P50 ve N95 amplitüdlerinde 3. dekaddan sonra belirgin bir düşme olduğu, 4., 5. ve 6. dekadlarda değerlerin birbirine benzer seyrettiği ve N95 latansında ise 3. dekaddan 6. dekada doğru belirgin bir uzama olduğu görüldü.Tartışma: PERG değerleri açısından erkek ve kadın bireyler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılığın olmaması normal değerlerin tanımlanabilmesi açısından önemlidir. P50 ve N95 amplitüdünde yaşla birlikte özellikle 3. dekaddan sonra azalmanın olması, N95 latansında ise 3. dekaddan sonra uzama olması, PERG değerlendirmesinde yaş faktörünün dikkate alınması gerektiğini hatırlatmaktadır. N95/P50 oranının ise yaşla korelasyon göstermemesi, tek başına genlik yerine, genlik oranlarını değerlendirmenin daha doğru olacağını göstermektedir.Purpose: To construct standard conditions for pattern electroretinogram (PERG) recordings and to investigate normal values in healthy individuals. Material and Methods: 226 eyes of 113 healthy participants (76 females and 37 males) with no ocular and systemic disease were included in the study after objective refraction, best corrected visual acuity measurements and anterior segment and fundus examinations using biomicroscopy. The PERG recordings were made using Roland-Consult RETIPORT(TM) (Germany). Latencies and amplitudes of P50 and N95 components were recorded. Data was evaluated in different age groups. Results: The average age of participants was 35.95±14.8 years (males: 38.46±17.10, females: 34.72±13.59 years). There was no statistically significant difference between males and females in latency and amplitudes of PERG components (p0.05). The amplitude values of P50 and N95 showed a negative correlation with age being more prominent in the former (p>0.05). No correlation was found with age in N95/P50 ratio (p<0.05). A strong positive correlation was identified with P50 and N95 amplitude values in binary correlation analysis. P50 and N95 amplitudes showed a significant fall after the 3rd decade, the values were similar to each other in the 4th , 5th and 6th decades and the latency of N95 were markedly increased from 3rd to 6th decade.Conclusions: The statistically non-significant PERG values in male and female subjects is important for the determination of normal values. The decrease in P50 and N95 amplitude with age especially after the 3rd decade and the increase in latency of the N95, implies to consider the age factor in PERG evaluation. Since the N95/P50 ratio is not correlated with age, it would be more correct to evaluate the amplitude ratios instead of amplitudes
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