155 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study is to determine the crisis preparedness level of teachers in middle schools in North Cyprus Republic. The study provided a comprehensive review of crisis management in school in terms of its effects on middle school teachers, demographic variables and relationship to teachers’ performance and teachers’ crisis intervention abilities. The safety-related types of in-service training needs of teacher was also examined in the study. Based on the aims of the study, “Crisis Intervention Scale” which was developed by Gülyüz Debeş (2020) was used to investigate teachers’ perceptions about crisis management in schools. To analyze the data content and descriptive analysis was conducted. This was both quantitative and qualitative methodology. The interview technique was used in the study and descriptive analysis was also conducted as data analysis techniques. The participants of the study comprised 48 teachers in North Cyprus Republic Semester of 2020-2021 academic years. The questionnaire forms were delivered participants, 27 (%56.3) were female and 21 (%43.8) were male. The sample of the study was randomly selected. According to the arithmetic mean score of teachers’ (2.00 to 2.48) about crisis situations that had few effect on their performance in school. Meanwhile, the arithmetic mean score of teachers’ (2.06 to 2.63) about managing crisis situations with sufficient practice, teachers’ were very good at managing crisis situations with sufficient practice. In addition, the arithmetic mean score of teachers’ (1.92 to 2.92) about safety-related types of in-service training needs teachers’ were very high

    Avaliação das opiniões do gestor, professor, empregados (secretário e servidores) sobre a gestão escolar dos processos de digitalização e gestão do modelo de engenharia de sistemas em educação

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    The relevance of the study is to show the benefits of digitalization and management processes to education within system engineering. The Impact of the System Engineering Model on School Management is a comprehensive process that enables decision making based on facts with a logical process and analytical techniques for the most demanding system problems. Seminars have been held to carry out this research. Pretest and post-test were applied in the study and the results were evaluated. It tried to measure how effective seminars were in changing education. It is aimed to understand the effect of system engineering process on school management. The relevant areas and subfields of system engineering are also included. Direct relationships between the variables of motivation, participation and success that affect the relationship between teacher and student have been found. For this reason, educational processes, work towards improving the processes and the effects of these processes are important in terms of learning and teaching.La relevancia del estudio es mostrar los beneficios de la digitalización y los procesos de gestión para la educación dentro de la ingeniería de sistemas. El impacto del modelo de ingeniería del sistema en la gestión escolar es un proceso integral que permite la toma de decisiones basadas en hechos con un proceso lógico y técnicas analíticas para los problemas más exigentes del sistema. Se han realizado seminarios para llevar a cabo esta investigación. Las pruebas previas y posteriores se aplicaron en el estudio y se evaluaron los resultados. Intentó medir cuán efectivos eran los seminarios para cambiar la educación. Está dirigido a comprender el efecto del proceso de ingeniería del sistema en la gestión escolar. También se incluyen las áreas y subcampos relevantes de ingeniería de sistemas. Se han encontrado relaciones directas entre las variables de motivación, participación y éxito que afectan la relación entre el maestro y el estudiante. Por esta razón, los procesos educativos, el trabajo hacia la mejora de los procesos y los efectos de estos procesos son importantes en términos de aprendizaje y enseñanza.A relevância do estudo é mostrar os benefícios dos processos de digitalização e gestão para a educação dentro da engenharia de sistemas. O impacto do modelo de engenharia de sistemas no gerenciamento de escolas é um processo abrangente que permite a tomada de decisões com base em fatos com um processo lógico e técnicas analíticas para os problemas mais exigentes do sistema. Seminários foram realizados para realizar esta pesquisa. Pré-teste e pós-teste foram aplicados no estudo e os resultados foram avaliados. Tentou medir a eficácia dos seminários na mudança de educação. Pretende-se compreender o efeito do processo de engenharia de sistemas na gestão escolar. As áreas e subcampos relevantes da engenharia do sistema também estão incluídas. Relacionamentos diretos entre as variáveis de motivação, participação e sucesso que afetam a relação entre professor e aluno foram encontrados. Por essa razão, os processos educacionais, o trabalho para melhorar os processos e os efeitos desses processos são importantes em termos de aprendizado e ensino

    Avaliação das opiniões de vários atores sobre a gestão escolar dos processos de digitalização e gestão do modelo de engenharia de sistemas em educação

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    The relevance of the study is to show the benefits of digitalization and management processes to education within system engineering. The Impact of the System Engineering Model on School Management is a comprehensive process that enables decision making based on facts with a logical process and analytical techniques for the most demanding system problems. Seminars have been held to carry out this research. Pretest and post-test were applied in the study and the results were evaluated. It tried to measure how effective seminars were in changing education. It is aimed to understand the effect of system engineering process on school management. The relevant areas and subfields of system engineering are also included. Direct relationships between the variables of motivation, participation and success that affect the relationship between teacher and student have been found. For this reason, educational processes, work towards improving the processes and the effects of these processes are important in terms of learning and teaching.La relevancia del estudio es mostrar los beneficios de la digitalización y los procesos de gestión para la educación dentro de la ingeniería de sistemas. El impacto del modelo de ingeniería del sistema en la gestión escolar es un proceso integral que permite tomar decisiones basadas en hechos con un proceso lógico y técnicas analíticas para los problemas del sistema más exigentes. Se han realizado seminarios para llevar a cabo esta investigación. Pre-test y post-test se aplicaron en el estudio y los resultados fueron evaluados. Intentó medir qué tan efectivos eran los seminarios para cambiar la educación. Su objetivo es comprender el efecto del proceso de ingeniería del sistema en la gestión de la escuela. Las áreas y los subcampos relevantes de la ingeniería del sistema también están incluidos. Se han encontrado relaciones directas entre las variables de motivación, participación y éxito que afectan la relación entre profesor y alumno. Por esta razón, los procesos educativos, el trabajo para mejorar los procesos y los efectos de estos procesos son importantes en términos de aprendizaje y enseñanza.A relevância do estudo é mostrar os benefícios dos processos de digitalização e gestão para a educação dentro da engenharia de sistemas. O impacto do modelo de engenharia de sistemas no gerenciamento de escolas é um processo abrangente que permite a tomada de decisões com base em fatos com um processo lógico e técnicas analíticas para os problemas mais exigentes do sistema. Seminários foram realizados para realizar esta pesquisa. Pré-teste e pós-teste foram aplicados no estudo e os resultados foram avaliados. Tentou medir a eficácia dos seminários na mudança de educação. Pretende-se compreender o efeito do processo de engenharia de sistemas na gestão escolar. As áreas e subcampos relevantes da engenharia do sistema também estão incluídas. Relacionamentos diretos entre as variáveis de motivação, participação e sucesso que afetam a relação entre professor e aluno foram encontrados. Por essa razão, os processos educacionais, o trabalho para melhorar os processos e os efeitos desses processos são importantes em termos de aprendizado e ensino


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    Abstract. The relevance of this study is to show risks that are available at schools and identify some strategies to manage such risks if they are likely to occur. Thus, education given at schools becomes better and more effective once the right strategies are set for risk management. In this respect, schools need good quality planning to avoid any risk that would prevent students from learning and facing treats. Therefore, establishing risk managent policy and making risk analysis before the academic year begins will help to monitor risks, and see the weaknesses beforehand to maximise good qualityeducation. This research is done to reveal the opinions of teachers and managers and their past experiences in such cases. Pre-test and post-test were applied in the study and the results were evaluated. It also aimed to examine the current strategies used at schools and find out if the strategies, policies are good enough and applied correctly. As a result of the study, it is seen that schools quality can become better with the right setting of risk management, risk policies and risk strategies.Keywords: Risk, Management, Strategies, Policies, Treats, Educatio

    The Kizana Sultan Tekke in Eskicuma (Targovishte) and Turkish Type Female Saint Phenomenon on the Axis of Kizana Sultan in the Turkish-Islamic Mysticism

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    DergiPark: 543378rumeliIn the understanding of traditional religion, the saintswere accepted as people with supernatural and superhuman characteristics bythe inspiration of God.The saints had gained a position close to the prophets in the eyes of thepeople because they believed that the saints have a miracle. Although it isseen that male saints are in majority in terms of gender factor,  the cult of female saints is encountered fromMiddle Asia to the Balkans in every region where Turks live. It is understood that these female saints, who are calledby various names, are a phenomenon with great effect on the people.One of these female saints is Kızana Sultan. Her tekke including tomp islocated at the entrance of Kızana (Momino) Village of Eskicuma (Targovishte)city in Bulgaria. The Kızana Sultan Tekke, which has undergone architectural changes in the historicalprocess, is a center of faith in which sacrife an animal for god, cem ceremonies,and various offerings are dedicated nowadays. It is believed that Kızana Sultan, who is also called by the names of Sultan Ana, Sarı Kız,Zühre and Fatma, has supernatural and superhuman characteristics such astransformation, invisibility and talking to animals.In this study, it isaimed to introduce the Kızana Sultan Tekke and determine the characteristics ofphenomenon of Turkish-type female Saint through the Kızana Sultan as areligious figure in the Turkish-Islamic mysticismCinsiyetfaktörü açısından değerlendirildiğinde erkek evliyaların çoğunlukta olduğugörülse de, Orta Asya’dan Balkanlara, Türklerin yaşadığı her coğrafyada kadınevliya kültüne de rastlanmaktadır. Çeşitli adlarla anılan bu kadın evliyalarınhalk üzerinde büyük etkiye sahip birer fenomen oldukları anlaşılmaktadır. Buevliyalardan biri olan Kızana Sultan’ın türbesinin de yer aldığı tekke,Bulgaristan’ın Eskicuma (Targovişte) şehrine bağlı Kızana (Momino) köyügirişinde yer almaktadır. Tarihi süreç içerisinde mimari olarak değişimlereuğrayan tekke, günümüzde de kurbanların kesildiği, cem törenlerinindüzenlendiği, çeşitli adakların adandığı bir inanç merkezidir. Sultan Ana, SarıKız, Zühre, Fatma gibi isimlerle de anılan Kızana Sultan’ın şekil değiştirmek,görünmez olmak, hayvanlarla konuşmak gibi doğa ve insanüstü özelliklerininolduğuna inanılmaktadır.Gelenekseldin anlayışında evliyalar, Allah’ın verdiği ilhamla doğa ve insanüstüözelliklere sahip kişiler olarak kabul edilmişlerdir. Evliyaların kerâmetsahibi olduklarına inanılması onlara halkın nazarında peygamberlere yakın birkonum kazandırmıştır. Buçalışmada, Kızana Sultan Tekkesi’ni tanıtmak ve dini bir figür olan KızanaSultan üzerinden Türk-İslam tasavvufunda Türk tipi kadın evliya fenomenininözelliklerini tespit etmek amaçlanmaktadır


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    Hz. Muhammed’e duyulan sevgi, her coğrafyada Müslüman Türkler için birleştirici bir unsur olmuştur. Peygamber’in şahsıyla sınırlı kalmayan bu sevgi, O’nun temas halinde olduğu kişi ve eşyaları kapsayacak şekilde geniş tutulmuştur. Özellikle Peygamber’in vücuduna ait parçalar Müslümanlar için ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Kutsal birer emanet olarak korunan bu unsurlar arasında sakal-ı şerifler sayıca çoğunluktadır. Osmanlı geleneğinde sakal-ı şerifler kıyafetlerin uygun yerlerinde taşınabildiği gibi genellikle camiler, tekkeler ve hanelerde özel muhafazaları içinde korunur, mübarek gün ve gecelerde ziyaret edilirdi. Bu gelenek Osmanlılarla birlikte farklı coğrafyalara da taşınarak devam ettirilmiştir. Balkanlar’da Osmanlılar tarafından fethedilen ilk yerlerden biri olan Bulgaristan topraklarındaki bazı camilerde sakal-ı şeriflerin muhafaza edildiği bilinmektedir. Ancak bölgenin Osmanlı hâkimiyetinden çıkmasına bağlı olarak bu yapıları tespit etmek zorlaşmıştır. Bulgaristan’daki camilerde korunan sakal-ı şeriflerden bazısı günümüze ulaşmayı başarırken, bazısının varlığı unutulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, mevcut örnekler ve mimari gelenekten hareketle Bulgaristan’da sakal-ı şerif muhafaza eden camiiler tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır.The love for Muhammad has been a unifying element for Muslim Turks in every geography. This love, which is not confined to the person of the Prophet, has been extended to include the people and things that he is in contact with. Particularly, the parts of the body of the Prophet have a special importance for Muslims. Among these elements, which are protected as sacred entrances, the sakalısherifs( hair from Prophet’s beard) dominate in number. In the Ottoman tradition, the sakal-ı sherifs were kept in the appropriate places of clothing and were generally preserved in their private enclosures in mosques and households, and were visited on blessed days and nights. This tradition was carried to different geographies with the Ottomans. It is known that some of the mosques in Bulgaria, which is one of the first places to be conquered by the Ottomans in the Balkans, kept the sakal-ı sherifs. However, depending on the region's emergence of Ottoman rule, it became difficult to determine the number of these structures. Some of the sakal-ı sherifs in the mosques in Bulgaria have survivedand some have been forgotten. In this study, it will be tried to determine the mosques that maintain the holy beard in Bulgaria based on the existing examples and architectural tradition


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    Ateşin bulunması ve kontrol edilmesi insanlığın gelişimini dinsel, düşünsel, sosyoekonomik olarak etkileyen, toplumsal yaşayışına yön veren önemli bir unsurdur. Öyle ki bazı inanç sistemlerinde tanrıların hediyesi ya da gazap aracı olarak kabul edilen ateş, başlı başına da bir tapım ve din oluşturacak güce sahip olmuştur. Eski Türklerin de ateşe büyük önem verdikleri, bazı inanışlarını ateş ve onunla ilgili unsurlar etrafında geliştirdikleri anlaşılmaktadır. Ateş ile tanrı, güneş, ocak, alev, ışık, duman, iyi-kötü ruhlar, hastalık, şifa, ödül, ceza gibi fiziki ve metafizik kavramlarla kurulan bağlantı sayesinde ateş kültü bazen esas bazen ise yardımcı bir unsur olarak Türk inanç dünyası içinde önemli bir yer işgal etmiştir. Ateşin sahip olduğu öneme bağlı olarak yakılış yeri, zamanı, şekli ve nedeni etrafında çeşitli ritüeller gelişmiş, kutsal ateşi yakmak ve kontrol etmek ancak seçilmiş kişilerin yetkisine verilmiş, bu kişiler ateş marifetiyle tanrı ve ruhlardan haber aldıkları gibi saçı, adak, kurban ve ölülerin ruhlarını tanrılara ulaştırmayı başarmışlardır. Bu çalışmada İslamiyet öncesi Türk kültüründe ateş kavramı etrafında gelişen inanış ve ritüeller ile kutsal ateşi kontrol etme kudret ve yetkisine sahip kişi ve yaratıkların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Finding and controlling of fire is an important element that affects the development of humanity in a religious, intellectual, socioeconomic and social way. So that in some belief systems the fire, which is considered to be the gift of the gods or the means of wrath, has had the power to create itself a religion and worship. It is understood that the ancient Turks attach great importance to the fire and develop some beliefs around fire and elements related to it. Fire cult has sometimes occupied an important place in the Turkish beliefs world as an essential element and sometimes as an auxiliary element thanks to the connection established with physical and metaphysical concepts between fire and god, sun,lightning, stove, flame, light, smoke, candle, good-bad spirits, illness, healing, reward and punishment. According to the importance of the fire, various rituals developed around the burning place, time, form and reason but burning and controlling the sacred fire were only given to the authority of the elected people, who have succeeded in reaching the hair, vows, sacrifices and spirits of dead to the gods as they have heard from gods and spirits via fire. In this study, it was aimed to examine beliefs and rituals that developed around the concept of fire with the people and creatures having power and authority by controlling the sacred fire before pre-Islamic Turkish culture

    Neogene Kinematics of the Potwar Plateau and the Salt Range, NW Himalayan Front: A Paleostress Inversion and AMS study

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    We provide new kinematic data from the Potwar Plateau (Pakistan) to evaluate the tectonic evolution of the region during the Neogene. The plateau is bound by two major strike-slip faults in the west and the east, accommodating its southwards translation. We have recognized two Neogene deformation phases in the plateau, based on paleostress inversion and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) tensors. The first phase lasted until the early Pliocene and was characterized by vertical minor stress and N-S compression, implying thrust tectonics. The second deformation phase is characterized by a near-vertical intermediate principal stress and near-horizontal major and minor stresses, interpreted to be associated with strike-slip tectonics since the late Pliocene. K-int vectors from 21 sites are relatively compatible with the major principal stress orientations (sigma(1)) and indicate two distinct domains. This is possibly because K-min orientations are related to compaction, whereas K-int orientations were always parallel to tectonic shortening and hence compression direction during both strike-slip (post-late Pliocene) and thrusting (pre-late Pliocene) phases. These phases are characterized by swapping of (sigma(2)) and (sigma(3)) orientations while (sigma(1)) maintained its orientation. The most prominent change occurs at the western part of the Potwar Plateau, where major principal stress directions (sigma(1)) and K-int axes fan out south-westwards. The eastern domain is dominated by NE-SW trending folds and thrust faults, which are absent in the western domain. These structural features are interpreted to be the result of the distribution of deposits of the Neoproterozoic Salt Range Formation as a substratum below the Potwar Plateau. The Salt Range Formation is very thick and widespread in the west area and almost absent in the east. This factor led to unconstrained southwards gliding of the Potwar Plateau over the salt deposits in the west as opposed to frictional sliding and substantial internal deformation in the east

    Multiphase deformation, fluid flow and mineralization in epithermal systems : inferences from structures, vein textures and breccias of the Kestanelik epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW Turkey

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    We investigate the multiphase deformation, fluid flow, and mineralization processes in epithermal systems by presenting a detailed study of vein textures and breccias of the Kestanelik epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW Turkey. The mineralization in the deposit is associated with several quartz veins. Fault-hosted veins and mode I veins share many textural and breccia characteristics owing to (i) overprinting of tectonic breccias formed during coseismic rupturing by subsequent coseismic hydrothermal brecciation and (ii) reworking of earlier vein breccia phases by repeated rupturing and hydraulic fracturing events. The spatial distribution of breccias at fault-hosted veins proposes that power of coseismic hydrothermal brecciation is controlled by the distance to the level of boiling within a vein. The brecciation affects the entire vein proximal to the level of boiling; however, it is limited to the footwall contact of the vein more distally at the upper levels of a vein. Varying number of mineralization events for the veins suggests that any individual earthquake event reopened only one or more sealed vein, but not all at once. Fewer mineralization events in fault-hosted veins compared to the mode I veins is either linked to (i) focusing of high fluid flux into the conduits of mode I veins that accommodate more dilation or (ii) reopening of mode I veins owing to the driven of extensional failure under low differential stress. Although fault-hosted veins record fewer mineralization events, they have higher average Au grade (4.106 g/t) compared to that of mode I veins (2.736 g/t). On the other hand, fewer mineralization events in wall rock structures compared to the adjacent faults is attributed to (i) absence or poor development of the damage zone structures in earlier seismic events or (ii) deactivation of them after clogging due to the rotation of the optimum stress field or (iii) their formation as hydraulic extension fractures. This study emphasizes the importance of detailed studies of vein infill for understanding the internal structural evolution of the veins in epithermal deposits that is interest to the geologists within both industry and academic fields

    Tecnologías de la información y llegar a la sociedad de la información

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    El rápido desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha hecho que los países que utilizan estas tecnologías sean un paso adelante en la competencia mundial. Gracias a las contribuciones de las organizaciones públicas, privadas y no gubernamentales de todo el mundo desde principios de los años noventa, se ha avanzado considerablemente en llegar a la sociedad de la información. La edad en la que vivimos se llama la era de la información. En esta sociedad donde el conocimiento se convierte en poder, se espera mucho de los individuos. Es necesario que las personas puedan acceder a la información por sí mismas, cuestionar la información que obtienen, usarla de acuerdo con sus necesidades y tener la capacidad de pensar científicamente. En este estudio, se utilizó el análisis de documentos escritos. A este respecto, el análisis de documentos escritos y documentos es un método de recopilación de información utilizado en la investigación cualitativa para respaldar la información obtenida tanto por sí misma como para la entrevista y la observació