167 research outputs found

    Quenched-Vacancy Induced Spin-Glass Order

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    The ferromagnetic phase of an Ising model in d=3, with any amount of quenched antiferromagnetic bond randomness, is shown to undergo a transition to a spin-glass phase under sufficient quenched bond dilution. This general result, demonstrated here with the numerically exact renormalization-group solution of a d=3 hierarchical lattice, is expected to hold true generally, for the cubic lattice and for quenched site dilution. Conversely, in the ferromagnetic-spinglass-antiferromagnetic phase diagram, the spin-glass phase expands under quenched dilution at the expense of the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. In the ferro-spinglass phase transition induced by quenched dilution reentrance is seen, as previously found for the ferro-spinglass transition induced by increasing the antiferromagnetic bond concentration.Comment: Added data, references. 4 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Ising Magnets

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    Determination of Teachers’ Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Self-efficacy and Knowledge Levels

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    Introduction:This study aims to determine teachers’ food allergy and anaphylaxis management self-efficacy and knowledge levels. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 399 teachers who worked in kindergarten and primary schools in a city center between March and June 2022. Data were collected through the Descriptive Characteristics Form and the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Self-efficacy Scale for School Personnel. Results: The average age of participating teachers was 31.18± 6.79 years, and 67.2% were females, 61.9% were married, 63.7% were classroom teachers, and 56.6% did not have children. Teachers’ Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Self-Efficacy Scale mean score was 21.21±6.22. Self-efficacy was higher in kindergarten teachers, teachers who had a student with food allergy, those who received first aid education after starting to work, those who think that food allergy and anaphylaxis management in school is the teachers’ duty, and those who wanted to know about food allergy and anaphylaxis management. Teachers with low self-efficacy felt/would feel most frequently panic while managing a child with food allergy (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study found that food allergy and anaphylaxis management self-efficacy was affected by teachers’ area of specialization, presence of a student with food allergy, receiving first aid education, and thinking that teachers are responsible for the management of the process. Keywords: Food allergy, Anaphylaxis, Child, School Health, Teacher, Public health nursin

    Osmanlı’da Tanzimat Döneminde merkeziyetçilik ve bu bağlamda yapılan idari düzenlemeler

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    1839’da ilan edilen Tanzimat Fermanı ile Osmanlı Devleti yeni bir süreç içerisine girmiştir. Bu süreç fikirlerde ve yapılarda pek çok sahada yeniliklerin gözlendiği bir dönem olmuştur. Tanzimat döneminde devlet idaresinde eski usul ve teamüllerin yeni asrın ihtiyacı için kâfi gelmemesinin yanında, memleket içinden ve Avrupa’lı devletlerin de baskıları sebebiyle, idarede yeni usullerin kabulü elzem olmuştur. Devletteki yenileşme fikri merkeziyetçilik etrafında cereyan ediyordu. Esasen tüm unsurları/ milletleri bir arada tutabilme ve böylece devletin siyasal bütünlüğünü koruma kaygısı yanında zor durumdaki mali yapısı da Osmanlı devletini merkeziyetçi yapıyordu. Bu amaçla bir yandan merkez idaresinde nezaretler ve meclisler oluşturularak, Avrupa ve bilhassa Fransa’dan mülhem kurumlar tesis edilirken diğer yandan taşra idaresinde ilk defa olarak yerel inisiyatifi temsil etmesi bakımından belediyecilik deneyimine girişilmiş, iltizam sistemi ve merkezin sıkı kontrolünden bağımsız taşra idarecilerinin yerine muhassıllık meclisleri, vilayet idare meclisleri gibi kısmen katılımcı kurumlar oluşturulmaya başlanmıştır. Ancak, Tanzimat döneminde yerel temsil göstergesi olan bu meclis ve idari amirler merkezin sıkı kontrolü altında görev yapmaktaydı. Bu bakımdan Tanzimat dönemi Osmanlı’da yerel yönetim deneyiminin ilk kez yaşandığı bir dönem olmasına rağmen, bu yerel kurulların oluşturulması ve uygulanması süreçleri temelde merkeziyetçi bir anlayışın ürünüdür.By the Tanzimat Declaration, which was declared in 1839 Ottoman State led to a new period. Tanzimat period was the process, which has been appear a lot of renovation about ideas and structurs. Besides the old regulations and traditions in government affairs couldn’t enough for new age’s requements, because of the press coming from the inner country and European governments, the new regulations’s acceptence were inevitable. The idea of innovation was focusing of centralization. The motivation of setting up the unity of all nations and so besides the wonder of maintain the political unity of the government, the financial conditions also made the Ottoman State centralized. By this objective in central adminstration some ministry were setting. While in Europe and particulary in France some significant institutions were being founded, on the other hand for the first time municipality was experienced. İltizam system, the Muhassıllık assembly and city provincial adminstrative assemblies were started to be founded. Howewer this assemblies, which symbolised the regional government was under the strict control of the centre of adminstrative board. iv The Tanzimat period was an age when regional rule was experienced for the first time, in addition it was considerable with its cenralization in adminstratio

    Analysis of a Novel Four Level Flying Capacitor H – Bridge Converter

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    In this paper, a novel four-level flying capacitor inverter and its comparison with the conventional flying capacitor topology in terms of THD analysis are proposed. This new topology have some advantages over conventional one as following: The blocking voltages are the same for all switches used in the configuration, there is no need for capacitor midpoint connection and this eliminates low frequency current which circulate in dc-link capacitors, and the number of flying capacitor is reduced as compared with conventional form of it. The operation of the topology, modulation strategy, simulation results, and THD analysis for the output waveforms are presented in this paper.Article History: Received: 17th July 2017; Received: October 14th 2017; Accepted: Januari 18th 2018; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Gülpınar, F., Sarı, F., and Uzun, Y. (2017) Analysis of a Novel Four Level Flying Capacitor H – Bridge Converter. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(1), 71-75.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.7.1.71-7

    Künt Karın Travmasına Bağlı Total Pancreas Kırılması: Nadir Bir Vaka Sunumu

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    A rare case of pancreatic fracture due to blunt trauma was presented. The patient was 70 year old male who had a motor vehicle collision and was suspected a pan-creatic trauma due his examinations with ultrasound and computerized tomogra-phy. The diagnosis of splenic injury and pancreas body total fracture in the point where the portal vein crosses the pancreatic body was made with the help of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. He was taken to emergency sur-gery where a splenectomy and a distal pancreatectomy were performed. We rep-resented this infrequent case of pancreatic fracture and its complications after blunt abdominal trauma and discuss the diagnostic and management practices

    Machine learning and data privacy in digital advertising

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    Dijital reklamcılık düşük reklam maliyetleri, hızlı ve etkili tüketici geri bildirimi, artan verimlilik ve ayrıntılı müşteri tabanı oluşturma avantajlarından dolayı şirketler için giderek daha önemli hale gelmektedir. Geleneksel reklamcılıkta daha çok sezgiye ve tecrübeye dayanan içerik üretme, dijital reklamcılıkta veriye dayalıdır. Böylece tüketicilerin dijital izlerine göre kişiselleştirilmiş hedef reklamlar sunulmaktadır. Hedef reklamcılık, dijital reklamcılığın odağına yerleşirken, bu alanda geliştirilen yöntemler hem şirketler hem de araştırmacılar için yeni ufuklar açmaktadır. Dijital reklamcılıkta hedefli reklamların sunulmasında teklif verme makineleri veya kişiye özel fiyat ve promosyon sunan fiyatlandırma motoru, genel olarak gelişmiş bir makine öğrenmesi algoritmasıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Makine öğrenmesi, şirketlere reklam üzerinde daha fazla kontrol gücü verirken, en önemli tartışma konusu ise reklamların kişiselleştirilmesi ve bunun sonucu olarak veri gizliliği ihlallerinin yaşanabilmesidir. Bu makale, makine öğrenmesi algoritmaları ile hedef reklamcılığın işletmelere sağladığı faydalar yanında, veri gizliliği endişelerine de odaklanarak konuyu bütüncül bir yaklaşımla ele almaktadır. Makalede hedef reklamcılığın getirdiği yüksek karlılığı korurken, tüketicilerin veri gizliliği endişesiyle satın alma davranışından vazgeçmelerini engelleyecek adımların neler olduğu tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak tüketici verilerinin dijital reklamcılıkta kullanılmasının önemi ortaya çıkmıştır. Bununla birlikte makine öğrenmesi algoritmaları ile kişiye özgü veri gizlilik ayarlarının yapılarak mahremiyetin, tüketicinin gizlilik sınırları çerçevesinde yapılandırılması gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Böylece şirketlerin hem kârlılığı koruması hem de veri gizliliği nedeniyle tüketici kayıplarının önüne geçmesi mümkün olacaktır.Digital advertising provides great advantages such as lower advertising costs, fast and reliable feedbacks from customers, increased efficiency, and the ability to create detailed databases of customers, which make it increasingly more important for companies. Production of contents is mainly based on intuition and experience in conventional advertising, while it is based on data in digital advertising. This makes it possible to offer targeted advertisements that are customized according to the digital trails of consumers. Targeted advertising has become the focus of digital advertising, and methods that have been developed in this field open new horizons both for companies and researchers. To provide targeted advertisements for digital advertising, bidding machines or pricing engines that offer customized prices and promotions are typically generated by means of a machine learning algorithm. Machine learning provides companies with more power to control advertisements; but the most important issue of debate is the customization of advertisements and therefore the possibility that data privacy is compromised. This paper discusses the issue with a holistic approach by focusing on the concerns of data privacy in addition to the benefits of targeted advertisements and machine learning algorithms for businesses. This paper also discusses the steps that would prevent consumers from not proceeding with a purchase due to concerns about data privacy, while maintaining the high level of profitability gained thanks to targeted advertisements. As a result, the importance of using consumer data in digital advertising was emphasized. However, privacy should be configured within the limits of consumer privacy by making personal data privacy settings with machine learning algorithms. Thus, it will be possible for companies both to protect their profitability and prevent consumer losses due to data privacy