35 research outputs found

    The polyclad fauna (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora) of the Sinop Peninsula (Black Sea, Turkey) with the description of a new species of Cryptocelis Lang, 1884

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    Between October 2013 and July 2014, 40 polyclad specimens were collected during the systematic sampling of mussel beds along the coast of the Sinop Peninsula (Western Black Sea). Six species were identified, including a new Cryptocelis species. Cryptocelis sinopae sp. nov. is characterized by possessing a prostatic vesicle lined with a ridged fold in its anterior end and the presence of two secretory glandular folds in the distal dorsal wall of male atrium. Additionally, new records of Echinoplana celerrima Haswell, 1907 and Leptoplana mediterranea (Bock, 1913) are reported for the Black Sea and Turkey; and Leptoplana tremellaris (Müller OF, 1774) and Prosthiostomum siphunculus Delle Chiaje, 1822 for the coast of the Black Sea of Turkey. A short description of the reproductive behaviour of Pleioplana okusi Bulnes, Kalkan and Karahan, 2009 and Cryptocelis sinopae sp. nov. will be also provided

    Dinámica estacional de los poliquetos de fondos blandos de la Bahía de Izmir (Mar Egeo, Mediterráneo oriental)

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    Seasonal dynamics of soft-bottom polychaetes were investigated at 29 stations (depths: 8-77 m) in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean) between 1997 and 2002. A total of 396 species belonging to 44 families were encountered, of which 32 species were new records for the Turkish fauna. Diversity and evenness index values were high at stations located in the outer part of the bay, whereas azoic conditions occurred in the polluted inner part of the bay, particularly in summer and autumn (fall). The highest population density was recorded at station 29 (inner part), with 11620 ind. m-2, where Capitella capitata capitata was the most dominant species (6820 ind. m-2). Stations located in the semi-polluted zone of the bay were generally characterized by high biomass values (max. 33.6 g m-2). The cluster and nMDS analysis showed that the soft-bottom of the bay has four major polychaete communities, mainly structured by prevailing environmental conditions and types of substratum.La dinámica estacional de los poliquetos que habitan los fondos blandos de la Bahía de Izmir (mar Egeo, Mediterráneo oriental) fue investigada en 29 estaciones durante el periodo comprendido entre 1997 y 2002. Un total de 396 especies pertenecientes a 44 familias fueron encontradas. De las especies identificadas, un total de 32 constituyen nuevas citas para la fauna de Turkia. Los valores de diversidad y de “evenness” fueron altos en las estaciones localizadas en las zonas más externas de la bahía, mientras que las condiciones azoicas encontradas fueron los responsables de los valores obtenidos en la parte más interna y más contaminada, particularmente en verano y otoño. La más alta densidad poblacional fue hallada en la estación 29 con 11620 ind. m-2, en donde la especie Capitella capitata capitata fue la especie dominante (6820 ind. m-2). Las estaciones localizadas en zonas semicontaminadas se caracterizaron por su alta biomasa (máximo de 33.6 g m-2). Los análisis estadísticos multivariantes realizados muestran que los fondos blandos de la Bahía de Izmir presentan 4 comunidades de poliquetos, preferentemente estructuradas en función de la contaminación ambiental y el tipo de sedimento. &nbsp

    Türkiye'nin Levant Denizi kıyılarında dağılım gösteren Eunicidae (Annelida:Polychaeta) türlerinin taksonomik ve ekolojik özellikleri

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    Türkiye’nin Levant Denizi kıyılarında dağılım gösteren Eunicidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) türlerinin taksonomik ve ekolojik özelliklerini saptamak amacıyla toplam 86 istasyonun (0-200 m) çeşitli biyotoplarından kalitatif ve kantitatif örnekler toplanmıştır. Faunistik analizler sonucunda 5 genusa ait 12 tür ve 4741 birey tespit edilmiştir. Saptanan türlerden Marphysa disjuncta ve Palola valida Akdeniz faunası için; Eunice antennata ve Lysidice margaritacea Levant Denizi faunası için; E. vittata, M. bellii ve M. sanguinea ise Türkiye’nin Levant Denizi faunası için yeni kayıtlardır. Eunice antennata, M. disjuncta ve P. valida egzotik türlerdir. Araştırma bölgesinde en baskın türün L. ninetta (%32), en yüksek frekans indeks değerine sahip türün ise E. antennata (%56) olduğu saptanmıştır. En fazla tür ve birey sayısı (10 tür, 2563 birey) kaya ve taş üzerinde, en az tür ve birey sayısı (3 tür, 8 birey) ise Cladocora caespitosa üzerinde bulunmuştur

    Marphysa disjuncta Hartman 1961

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    Marphysa disjuncta Hartman, 1961 (Figures 8, 9) Marphysa disjuncta Hartman 1961: 81–83, pl. 10, figs 1–3; Hartman 1968: 729–730, figs 1–3; Fauchald 1970: 60–61; Miura 1977: 71–73, fig. 5. Material examined One specimen, LACM-AHF POLY 2393, North Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Los Angeles County, 2.2 miles [3.5 km] east-southeast (bearing 114° T) from Los Angeles Light, 33°41'36 ″ N, 118°12'37 ″ W, 13 fathoms [23.8 m], sand and mud, Hayward Grab, R / V Velero IV, Sta. 2107–52, coll. Allan Hancock Foundation, 20 April 1952. Five specimens, LACM-AHF POLY 2394, North Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Ventura County, 6.5 miles [10.5 km] 240° T from Ventura Pier Light, 34°13'02 ″ N, 119° 24'35 ″ W, 21.5 fathoms [39.3 m], dark olive green sandy silt, Hayward Grab, R / V Velero IV, Sta. 5339–57, coll. Allan Hancock Foundation, 20 October 1957. Description Topotype complete with 280 chaetigers, L10 = 5.1 mm, W10 = 2.4 mm, TL = 126.1 mm. Body rounded in first chaetigers, flattened after chaetiger 4 through the posterior, prebranchial segments enlarged, light pink colour in ethanol (Figure 8A). Prostomium (1.2 mm) shorter than peristomium (1.6 mm), slightly bilobed anteriorly, rounded, wider than long with five prostomial appendages. Prostomial appendages in a horseshoe pattern, longer than prostomium, similar thickness. Palps shorter than antennae, digitiform, reaching front of chaetiger 1. Antennae tapering, median antenna slightly longer than lateral antennae. Lateral antennae reaching middle of chaetiger 2, median antenna reaching front of chaetiger 3. Eyes absent. Palpophores and ceratophores short, wider than long. Palpostyles and ceratostyles without articulations. Peristomium cylindrical with distinct rings; anterior ring (1.1 mm) twice as long as posterior one (0.5 mm). Peristomial cirri absent. Maxillary apparatus with five pairs of maxillae. Maxillary formula = 1 + 1; 6 + 6; 7 + 0; 3 + 4; 1 + 1. Branchiae pectinate, from chaetiger 13 to 29, longer than dorsal cirri; 10 filaments at first one, up to 23 at chaetiger 25, stems tapering; filaments tapering, similar in size and thickness. Anterior dorsal cirri small: cylindrical from chaetiger 2 to chaetiger 12; elongated, cylindrical and tapering in chaetigers 13 to 42; thinner, spindle-shaped, become shorter from chaetiger 43 until last. Anterior ventral cirri small, conical, basally slightly inflated from chaetiger 2 to chaetiger 13; reduced, pad-like from chaetiger 14 to 44; reduced to small swellings, indistinct basally from chaetiger 45 until last. Prechaetal lobes inconspicuous, transverse fold in all chaetigers. Postchaetal lobes conical in all chaetigers, decreasing gradually until becoming inconspicuous (Figure 9). Supra-acicular chaetae with 18–20 limbate in anterior chaetigers, three to five in posterior and two to five pectinate chaetae in all chaetigers except anterior ones. Subacicular chaetae with 30–35 compound spiniger chaetae in anterior; three to five in posterior chaetigers. Limbate chaetae slender, marginally smooth (Figure 8B); one type pectinate chaeta, heterodont, marginal teeth longer than others, shafts narrow, thick, with eight or nine teeth (Figure 8D), present from postbranchial segments; compound spiniger chaetae with smooth and tapering blade, approximately 281 µm long (Figure 8C, F); shafts inflated. Compound falciger chaetae absent. Aciculae black with pale tips, three to four per parapodia, distally blunt. Subacicular hooks dark brown with light tips, unidentate (Figure 8E), distally blunt or slightly curved, first present from chaetiger 31. Pygidium with two long anal cirri.Published as part of Sahin, Güley Kurt, 2014, Marphysa cinari, a new species of Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from the coasts of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean) and re-descriptions of Marphysa kinbergi McIntosh, 1910 and Marphysa disjuncta Hartman, 1961, pp. 1989-2006 in Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) (J. Nat. Hist.) 48 (33 - 34) on pages 2000-2003, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2014.905125, http://zenodo.org/record/519407

    Sinop Yarımadası (Güney Karadeniz)'ndaki Cystoseira Yatakları ile Birliktelik Oluşturan Polychaeta(Annelida) Kommunitesindeki Zamansal Değişimler

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    Sinop Yarımadası (Karadeniz) kıyılarındaki Cystoseira (C. barbata ve C. crinita) fasiyesiyle birliktelik oluşturan Polychaeta türlerinin mevsimsel eğilimlerini tespit etmek için 9 istasyon seçilmiş ve Ekim 2013-Temmuz 2014 tarihleri arasında tüplü dalış yapılarak mevsimsel olarak örneklenmiştir. Örneklerin kalitatif ve kantitatif analizleri sonucunda, 17 familyaya ait 39 tür ve 10199 birey tanımlanmıştır. Bunlardan, Sabellaria spinulosa (Leuckart, 1849) Türkiye'nin Karadeniz kıyıları için ilk kayıttır. Syllidae bölgede en iyi temsil edilen familya olmuştur. En baskın ve sık türler Platynereis dumerillii(Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) ve Salvotoria clavata (Claparéde, 1863) olarak saptanmıştır. En yüksek tür sayısı (27 tür) sonbahar mevsiminde, en yüksek ortalama birey sayısı ise (27441,7 birey.m-2 ) bahar mevsiminde hesaplanmıştır. Cystoseira yataklarıyla birliktelik oluşturan poliket kommunitesi ve çevresel değişkenler arasındaki korelasyonun Kanonik Uyum Analizine göre oldukça yüksek (r 0.90) olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In order to determine seasonal trends of Polychaeta fauna associated with Cystoseira (C. barbata and C. crinita) facies along the Sinop Peninsula (Black Sea), a total of 9 stations were selected and sampled with scuba diving between October 2013 and July 2014, seasonally. The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples, 39 species and 10,199 individuals belong to 17 families were identified. Among them, Sabellaria spinulosa (Leuckart, 1849) was firstly reported from the Turkish Black Sea coast. Syllidae was the most representative family in the area. The most dominant and frequent species were Platynereis dumerillii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) and Salvotoria clavata (Claparéde, 1863). The maximum number of species (27 species) was observed in autumn, the highest mean number of individuals (27,441.7 ind.m-2) was counted in spring. The correlation between polychaete community associated with Cystoseira beds and environmental variables was strongly high (r 0.90) according to Canonical Correspondence Analysis

    Spatial and temporal variations of soft bottom polychaetes of Sinop Peninsula(southern Black Sea) with new records

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    The soft bottom polychaete community was examined seasonally at eight stations between August 2009 and July 2010. A total of 76 species belonging to 27 families were identified in the Sinop Peninsula (southern Black Sea), of which 23 species are new records for the Black Sea fauna and 7 species for the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Syllidae was the best represented family in the research area and contributed 15.78% of the total fauna. The most dominant and frequent species were Micronephthys stammeri and Protodorvillea kefersteini in the study area. Community parameters varied significantly among stations and seasons; number of species ranged from 1 to 21 per 400 cm2, density from 25 to 16,700 ind. m2, ShannonWiener diversity index value from 0 to 3.4, and Pielou evenness index value from 0 to 0.98. The highest population density was recorded at station C1 in winter, where P. kefersteini was the most dominant species (15,125 ind. m2). The correlation between polychaete community and environmental variables was strongly high (r 0.91) according to canonical correlation analysis. The main factors affecting the polychaete assemblages were depth and sediment texture