461 research outputs found

    Breaking of dormancy in the narrow endemic Jasione supina Sieber subsp. supina (Campanulaceae) with small seeds that do not need light to germinate

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    The germination properties of Jasione supina Sieber subsp. supina (Campanulaceae), which is endemic to Mount Uludağ, Bursa, Turkey, were determined. In this study, we investigated the effects of GA3, the combination of hormone series and short-term moist chilling (1-month), and long-term moist chilling (4-month) on the germination percentage and mean germination time in relation to seed dormancy breaking. All treatment series were incubated under continuous dark (20 °C, 24 h) and light/dark (20/10 °C, 12/12 h) conditions. Seeds were collected from specimens widespread on the alpine and subalpine grasslands and dwarf shrubs of Mount Uludağ (1800-1900 m a.s.l.). Depending on the concentration, GA3 and the combination of hormone and moist chilling treatments promoted seed germination in both dark and light/dark conditions. After 4-month-moist chilling treatment, seeds germinated 27% in a light/dark and 80% in a dark regime. Hormone and moist chilling treatments reduced the mean germination time. Our results showed that J. supina seeds have physiological dormancy, require prolonged times of moist chilling and preferentially complete germination in darkness

    A comparison of the antecedents of organizational identification and affective commitment

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    The present study was sought to clarify various antecedents of organizational identification and affective commitment. Data were obtained from 444 employees of various public and private organizations. Two hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to find out the differences in the relationships of organizational identification, affective commitment and their antecedents. It was found that strength of organizational identity, perceived external prestige, person-organization fit and need for affiliation predicted both organizational identification and affective commitment. Besides this, organization-based self-esteem predicted organizational identification but not affective commitment, and job satisfaction predicted affective commitment but not organizational identification. It was also found that self-esteem, distributional justice, procedural justice and interactional justice were not predicted any of these constructs

    The moderating role of emotion management in the relationship between mobbing and burnout

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the moderating role of emotion management (emotion regulation and emotional intelligence) in the relationship between mobbing and burnout with two samples (220 nurses and 220 engineers). The reason to use two samples was to investigate and being consistent with the discussions that employees who have a non-service occupation might also experience burnout. In both samples, emotional intelligence moderated the relationship between mobbing and burnout but the effect was not in the hypothesized direction; it did not buffer the effects of mobbing on burnout. Furthermore, cognitive reappraisal which is the dimension of emotion regulation moderated the relationship between mobbing and reduced personal accomplishment/professional efficacy in both samples and cynicism in engineers but the effects were not in the hypothesized direction. Expressive suppression which is the other dimension of emotion regulation moderated the relationship between mobbing and reduced personal accomplishment/professional efficacy in both samples and cynicism in engineers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Parameter estimation in switching stochastic models

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 2004.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2004.Includes bibliographical references leaves 96-100.In this thesis, we suggest an approach to statistical parameter estimation when an estimator is constructed by the trajectory observations of a stochastic system and apply the approach to reliability models. We analyze the asymptotic properties of the estimators constructed by the trajectory observations using moments method, maximum likelihood method and least squares method. Using limit theorems for Switching Processes and the results for parameter estimation by trajectory observations, we study the behavior of moments method estimators which are constructed by the observations of a trajectory of a switching process and prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of such estimators. We consider four different reliability models with large number of devices. For each of the models, we represent the system process as a Switching Process and prove that the system process converges to the solution of a differential equation. We also prove the consistency of the moments method estimators for each model. Simulation results are also provided to support asymptotic results and to indicate the applicability of the approach to finite sample case for reliability models.Güleryüz, GüldalPh.D

    Feature extraction with the fractional Fourier transform

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    Ankara : Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1998.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1998.Includes bibliographical references leaves 67-69.In this work, alternative design and implementation techniques for feature extraction applications are proposed. The proposed techniques amount to decomposing the overall feature extraction problem into a global linear system followed by a local nonlinear system. Different output representations for representation of input features are also allowed and used in these techniques. These different output representations bring cui additional degree of freedom to the feature extraction problems. The systems provide multi-outputs consisting of different features of the input signal or image. Efficient implementation of the linear part of the .system is obtained by using fractional Fourier filtering circuits. Expressions for the proposed techniques are derived and several illustrative examples cxre given in which efficient implementations for feature extraction applications are obtained.Güleryüz, ÖzgürM.S

    Education in interactive media: a survey on the potentials of computers for visual literacy

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    Ankara : Bilkent University, Department of Graphic Design and Institute of Fine Arts, 1996.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1996.Includes bibliographical references leaves 89-94.This study aims at investigating the potentials of multimedia and computers in design. For this purpose, a general survey on the historical development of computers for their use in education and possibilities related to the use of technology in education is conducted. Based on this survey, the depictions related to the incorporation of technology in design education in particular are compiled for the purpose of producing an example of multimedia application. The application uses the actual student projects of FA101 Basic Design course offered in the Graphic Design Department curriculum of Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture.Güleryüz, HakanM.S

    Yalın yönetim sistemlerinin hastanelere uyarlanabilirliği ve bir hastane uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Günümüzde rekabetin adı sürekli iyileştirmeden geçmekte ve Yalın Düşünce felsefesinin farkı bu noktada ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yıllardır imalat sektörü tarafından kullanılan ve faydaları açıkça görülen yalın üretim sisteminin, günümüzde bilgisayar teknolojisi ve bilgi çağının etkisiyle daha hızlı gelişen hizmet işletmelerince de kullanabileceği son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalardan anlaşılmaktadır. İşletmelerin uzun süreli başarılı olmaları, müşterilerini ve onların değişen isteklerini iyi tanıyıp tatmin edebilme kabiliyetleriyle yakından ilgilidir. Özellikle Sağlık sektörü hızla gelişmekte olan bir hizmet sektörü olup, sürekli iyileştirme, yüksek kalite, düşük maliyet ve müşteri tatmini için, çalışanların, yöneticilerin ve tedarikçilerin uyumu gibi imalat sektöründe önemli olan kavramlar günümüzde sağlık sektörünün de amaçları haline gelmektedir. Hastanelerden hizmet bekleyen kişilerin hasta insanlar olduğu göz önünde bulundurulmalı, sistemdeki israflar ortadan kaldırılmalı ve kaynakların verimliliği artırılmalıdır. Bu noktada imalat sektöründe yalın üretim teknikleri, hizmet sektöründe yalın yönetim teknikleri olarak adlandırılan Yalın Düşünce felsefesine olan ihtiyaç ortaya çıkmaktadır.Bu çalışmada Yalın Düşüncenin, hizmet sistemlerine uygulanabilirliği ve imalat sistemlerinde sağlanan faydaların hizmet sistemlerinde de ulaşılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Sakarya Eğitim ve Araştırma hastanesi görüntüleme merkezinde yalın araç ve teknikler kullanılarak israflar belirlenmiş ve ortadan kaldırıldığında yalın dönüşüme en büyük katkıyı sağlayacak israf kaynaklarını yok etmek için; elde edilen verilerle yeni bir randevu sistemi tasarlanmış ve uygulanabilirliği değerlendirilmiştir.Recently, competition's meaning always get through to the continuous improving and difference of philosophy of lean thinking comeout at this point. Lean production system whose benefits are seen clearly is used by manufacturing sector in many years, because of impact of computer tecnology and information age, service sector which is growing more can use lean production system.Because businesses to be successful in the long term, they are able to recognize and satisfy its customers and their changing needs. Especially, healthcare which is rapidly developing is a service system and continuous improvement, high quality, low cost and customer satisfaction, employees, compliance managers and suppliers began to be its aims. People who are sick wait for services from hospitals so should increase efficiency and eliminate the waste of resources in the system. At this point, arises the need for the philosophy of Lean Thinking.In this study, the applicability of Lean Thinking and the availability of Lean production?s benefits in service sector were researched. For this purpose, wastes defined at imaging center in Sakarya Training and Research Hospital by using Lean tools and techniques and a new appointment system was designed to eliminate wastes. Finally, the applicability of new system was evaluated

    Okul Müdürlerinin İletişim Becerilerinin Örgütsel Araçların Gerçekleşmesine Etkisi

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    Okullar; toplumun eğitim ihtiyacını karşılayan, bireylerin eğitilerek topluma kazandırıldığı en önemli kurumlardır. Okullarda ideal bir yönetimin varlığı, eğitim sisteminin başarısı açısından en önemli referanslardan birisidir. Okullara yüklenen misyonun başarılı bir şekilde yerine getirilebilmesi, okul müdürlerinin iletişim becerileri ve iletişim sürecindeki etkilerine bağlıdır. İletişimin kenetlemesi, yöneticiler, yönetilen bireyler, aynı düzeydekiler ve dış çevre arasında ortaya çıkan kaçınılmaz bir durumdur. Belirlenen amaçlara ulaşabilmek ve başarılı olmak için insanların motive edilmesi, liderliğin etkili bir şekilde uygulanması, gösterilen gayret ve çabalarda tün bileşenlerle birlikte eşgüdümün sağlanması, güncel bilgiler doğrultusunda gerekli kararların alınması ve faaliyetlerin her aşamada kontrol edilmesi gerekir. Bu fonksiyonların her biri bireyler arasındaki etkileşimi ve beraberinde iletişimi gerekli kılar. Bu çalışmada, okul müdürlerinin iletişim becerilerinin örgütsel araçların gerçekleşmesine etkisi incelenmiştir. Konu ile ilgili literatür çalışmaları yapılarak okul müdürlerinin iletişim becerilerinin başarısına bağlı olarak yönetim sürecindeki öğrenci, öğretmen ve örgütsel araçlar üzerindeki etkililiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır

    Understanding supplier sustainability performance: The role of dependence and relational capital

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    With increasing stakeholder pressure to improve sustainability performance, firms focus on understanding how buyer-supplier relationship characteristics play a role in encouraging or jeopardizing supplier sustainability efforts. In this study, we examine how buyer-supplier dependence and relational capital affect the environmental and social performance of suppliers. We adopt an embedded, multiple-case study design, and examine five large buying firms in Turkey and their multiple suppliers at the dyadic level. Our findings suggest that there is a complex interplay between dependence and relational capital, illustrating both complementary and conflicting roles on supplier sustainability performance. We develop propositions to be tested in future studies.Publisher's Versio