37 research outputs found
Comparison of Outcomes of Scrotal and Inguinal Incision Orchiopexy for Undescended Testis
Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the results of treating undescended testis with conventional inguinal orchiopexy or by scrotal orchiopexy (in selected cases with undescended testis that can be rubbed up to the top of scrotum in their examination under general anesthesia).
Materials and Methods: Physical examination files of 66 palpable undescended testes patients performed by two pediatric surgeons at a 5th level hospital in Kenya/Kiambu within the scope of the program (29/09/2018-07/10/2018) were retrospectively reviewed.
Result: There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of surgery time (p = 0.001). In both groups, there was no recurrence, testicular atrophy, and hernia or hydrocele formation complications. Scrotal hematoma was observed in one patient in each group.
Conclusion: Scrotal orchiopexy is a comfortable method that can be preferred in children because it requires less dissection, shorter operative time, no need analgesia, a single scrotal incision, and the fact that inguinal canal is not opened
The assessment of maternal deaths between 2015 and 2020 in Elazığ, Turkey
Objective: To determine the maternal deaths and the factors affecting them in our city. Methods: The maternal deaths occurred in our city between January 2015 and June 2020 were reviewed retrospectively. The review was conducted by checking “Maternal Death Registry Forms” of the Provincial Directorate of Health. In cases where additional data related with the cause of death were required, the relatives of the cases, associated family practitioner, The Council of Forensic Medicine or local authorities were contacted. The data of the cases including age, gravida, parity, abortion, delivery type, week of gestation during delivery, period of death and maternal deaths due to direct, indirect and incidental causes were recorded. Based on total live births and maternal deaths within 6.5 years, maternal mortality rate was found as the maternal death number per 100,000 live births. Descriptive statistics were used for the statistical analysis of the data. Results: A total of 46.618 live births occurred between 2015 and 2020 in Elazığ. The number of maternal deaths due to direct and indirect causes is 7, and maternal mortality rate was found 15.01/100,000. Hypertensive diseases during pregnancy (n=3, 42.8%), pulmonary embolism (n=1, 14.3%) and cerebral thrombosis (n=1, 14.3%) were among the natural causes of maternal deaths. Indirect cause for maternal death was cardiac diseases (n=2, 28.6%). When they were categorized according to the Three Delays Model, there were 3 death cases in the first delay model and 2 death cases in the third delay model, but there was no maternal death in the second delay model. Conclusion: Maternal death is an significant public health issue which develops due to the generally preventable causes and maintains its importance. The factors contributing to death should be paid attention in order to decrease maternal death rates
Toksični učinci patulina na timus mužjaka štakora u razvoju
Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by several Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Byssachlamys species growing on food products. In this study, we investigated the effects of patulin on the thymus of growing male rats aged fi ve to six weeks. The rats were receiving it orally at a dose of 0.1 mg kg-1 bw a day for either 60 or 90 days. At the end of the experiment, the thymus was examined for histopathology by light microscopy and for epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor (EGFR) by immunolocalisation. For morphometry we used the Bs200prop program to analyse images obtained with the Olympus BX51 light microscope. Cell ultrastructure was studied by electron microscopy. In rats treated with patulin, the thymus showed
haemorrhage, plasma cell hyperplasia, a dilation and fi brosis in the cortex, enlarged interstitial tissue between the thymic lobules, enlarged fat tissue, thinning of the cortex, and blurring of the cortico-medullary demarcation. Electron microscopy showed signs of cell destruction, abnormalities of the nucleus and organelles, and loss of mitochondrial cristae. However, no differences were observed in thymus EGF and EGFR immunoreactivity between treated and control rats.Patulin je mikotoksin koji proizvode plijesni sojeva Penicillium, Aspergillus i Byssachlamys na različitim prehrambenim proizvodima kao podlozi. Učinke patulina istražili smo na timusu mužjaka štakora u
razvoju (dobi 5 do 6 tjedana). Mikotoksin je životinjama davan per os u dnevnoj dozi 0,1 mg kg-1 tj. t. 60 odnosno 90 dana. Na kraju pokusa štakori su žrtvovani, timus je podvrgnut histološkim analizama s pomoću svjetlosne mikroskopije, a imunocitokemijskim je metodama istražena stanična lokalizacija epidermalnog faktora rasta (EGF) i njegova receptora (EGFR). Morfometrijska analiza provedena je s pomoću računalnog programa Bs200prop povezanog u sustav sa svjetlosnim mikroskopom Olympus BX51. Elektronskomikroskopski je istražena ultrastruktura stanica timusa. Utvrđeno je da patulin izaziva krvaranja u timusu, hiperplaziju plazma-stanica, dilataciju i fi brozu u kortikalnoj regiji timusa, širenje
intersticijskog tkiva između režnjeva timusa, povećanje masnih stanica, smanjenje debljine kore timusa te nestanak kortiko-medularne demarkacije. Elektronskomikroskopski u tkivu timusa štakora tretiranih patulinom uočeni su znakovi raspadanja stanica, abnormalnosti jezgre i organela te gubitak mitohondrijskih krista. Unatoč navedenomu, na presjecima tkiva kontrolnih štakora i štakora tretiranih patulinom nismo utvrdili razlike u imunoreaktivnosti EGF i EGFR, što bi trebalo dodatno istražiti osjetljivijim molekularnim
COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology centers in Turkey
Background/aim: There is limited data on COVID-19 disease in children with kidney disease. We aimed to investigate the characteristics and prognosis of COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology patients in Turkey. Materials and methods: This was a national, multicenter, retrospective cohort study based on an online survey evaluating the data between 11th March 2020 and 11th March 2021 as an initial step of a detailed pediatric nephrology COVID-19 registry. Results: Two hundred and three patients (89 girls and 114 boys) were diagnosed with COVID-19. One-third of these patients (36.9%) were between 10–15 years old. Half of the patients were on kidney replacement therapy: kidney transplant (KTx) recipients (n = 56, 27.5%), patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (n = 33, 16.3%) and those on peritoneal dialysis (PD) (n = 18, 8.9%). Fifty-four (26.6%) children were asymptomatic. Eighty-two (40.3%) patients were hospitalized and 23 (28%) needed intensive care unit admission. Fifty-five percent of the patients were not treated, while the remaining was given favipiravir (20.7%), steroid (16.3%), and hydroxychloroquine (11.3%). Acute kidney injury developed in 19.5% of hospitalized patients. Five (2.4%) had MIS-C. Eighty-three percent of the patients were discharged without any apparent sequelae, while 7 (3.4%) died. One hundred and eight health care staff were infected during the study period. Conclusion: COVID-19 was most commonly seen in patients who underwent KTx and received HD. The combined immunosuppressive therapy and frequent exposure to the hospital setting may increase these patients’ susceptibility. Staff infections before vaccination era were alarming, various precautions should be taken for infection control, particularly optimal vaccination coverage
Effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training on symptoms and uroflowmetry parameters in female patients with overactive bladder.
İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Background/aim: To evaluate the effects of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) on symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) as well as uroflowmetry parameters and functional bladder capacity.
Materials and methods: Fifty-nine female patients with OAB symptoms were included. Patients were assessed by SEAPI-QMM, uroflowmetry, and abdominal ultrasound. A specially designed PFMT program using a Pilates ball was generated for patients. The training period was 1-h sessions twice a week for 6 weeks and aerobic home exercises to be performed at home 4 or 5 times every other
day. Following training, subjects were reevaluated for body mass index, SEAPI questionnaire, and uroflowmetry.
Results: Initial mean SEAPI score, mean maximum and average flow rates, and mean voided volume were 9.8 ± 7.2, 29.8 ± 16.4 mL/s, 16.3 ± 8.7 mL/s, and 211.6 ± 173.5 mL, respectively. After completion of the training program, SEAPI scores improved significantly to 3.4 ± 6.4 (P < 0.05). Maximum and average flow rate results did not show significant changes, whereas voided volume seemed to have improved in conjunction with patients’ symptom scores (Pearson correlation coefficient: 0.86).
Conclusion: According to our results, we think that proper PFMT results in increase of functional bladder capacity as well as improvement in OAB symptoms and can be recommended as first-line therapy or in conjunction with medical therapy in severe cases
Acil serviste değerlendirilen 91 spinal travmalı hastanın retrospektif analizi
WOS: 000376566300019Aim: Spinal trauma is one of the most important causes of trauma-related morbidity worldwide. Spinal injuries are often caused by traffic accidents 1404k), falls (20-30%), sports injuries (10-20%), and firearm injuries. The aim of this study is to stress incidence and injury mechanism of spinal traumas and types of spinal traumas in our province by retrospectively reviewing 91 patients. Material and Method:91 patients applied to the emergency department and neurosurgery clinic of Elazig Education and Research Hospital with spinal trauma between 2010 and 2013. Traffic accidents were classified as in-vehicle or out-of-vehicle accidents and falls were classified according to height es follows: falls from a heights') m and those from a height--1 m. Result: 36 patients were admitted due to falls from a height-1 m, 15 patients were admitted due to falls from a heightR1 m, 20 patients were admitted due to in-vehicle traffic accidents, 14 patients were admitted due to out of -vehicle traffic accidents, 2 patients were admitted due to sports injuries and one patient was admitted due to assault. Thirty-one patients underwent surgery due to neurological deficit and/or radiological instability. Fifty-eight patients were managed with conservative approach. One patient died during the pre-operative period. Discussion: The aim of this study was to indicate incidence of spinal trauma, mechanism of injury, and types of spinal trauma in our province as an epidemiological studyAmaç: Spinal travma dünyada travmayla ilişkili hastalıkların en önemli nedenlerinden birisidir. Spinal yaralanmalar sıklıkla trafik kazaları (%40), düşmeler (%20-30), spor yaralanmaları (%10-20) ve ateşli silah yaralanmaları sonucunda meydana gelir. Bu çalışmanın amacı bölgemizdeki spinal travmaların insidansını, yaralanma mekanizmasını ve spinal travma çeşitlerini 91 hastayı retrospektif olarak inceleyerek ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2010-2013 yılları arasında 91 hasta spinal travmayla Elazığ Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi acil servis ve beyin cerrahisi kliniğine başvurdu. Trafik kazaları araç içi ve araç dışı trafik kazaları olarak, düşmeler yüksekliğe göre 1 metre-aşağısından düşme ve 1 metrenin yukarısından düşme olarak sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: 36 hasta 1 metrenin yukarısından düşme nedeniyle, 18 hasta 1 metre ve aşağısından düşme nedeniyle, 20 hasta araç içi trafik kazası nedeniyle, 14 hasta araç dışı trafik kazası nedeniyle, 2 hasta spor yaralanması nedeniyle ve 1 hasta intihar nedeniyle kabul edildi. 31 hasta nörolojik defisit ve radyolojik instabilite nedeniyle operasyona girdi. 58 hastada konservatif tedavi uygulandı. 1 hasta pre-operatif dönemde hayatını kaybetti. Tartışma: Bu çalışmada, bölgemizdeki spinal travmaların insidansını, yaralanma mekanizmasını ve spinal travma çeşitlerini bir epidemiyolojik çalışma olarak ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır
Evaluierung der wirtschaftsstruktur im kirschenanbau der Türkei
Acar, Musa ( Aksaray, Yazar )Cherry production has a vital role regarding income source for producers and export sources for Turkey. In Turkey, several studies have done regarding the technical practices, and most of them were not considered the economic dimension of cherry production. This research aimed to determine the production inputs, costs and profitability of cherry production. This study aims to reveal the relationship between orchard size and profitability by using general economic calculations based on Afyonkarahisar, Denizli, Isparta, İzmir, Konya and Manisa provinces, in Turkey. It is assumed that this study may be able to close the existing gap regarding other studies in the literature to a certain extent. This study support that more prominent cherry orchards had higher profits compared to smaller. The relative profit varies between 2.2 to 3.0 in the farm size groups. In this study, it was found that relative profit is the highest in the bigger-scale orchards. The most crucial problem for producers is to achieve a profitable cherry selling price. This study found the output/input ratio is high. Orchard size and production cost have a significant influence on the economic success of a cherry orchard. Production cost has a negative influence on profitability with a low cherry yield. In other words, cherry production is profitable in the research region, but some recommendations can be made within the framework of research findings to get better