106 research outputs found

    Valuation of public investment to support bicycling (FV-09)

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    In this paper we develop a framework to value public investments with the purpose of increasing bicycling that explicitly accounts internal costs of bicycling, which are typically neglected in current established approaches that value bicycle spending by means of gross health benefits alone, as are inframarginal benefits to existing cyclists. By monetizing internal costs independent of health benefits, we can assess the degree of internalization of private benefits and/or the internalization of external benefits such as environmental improvements due to altruistic preferences by cyclists. Our framework further conceptualizes the complementarity between “hard” (investments in infrastructure) and “soft” measures (informational campaigns) in bicycle policy. Finally, we propose an empirical method for identifying internal costs using a latent variable approach and apply it to eight Swiss cities. Our results imply that Swiss cyclists internalize more than mortality-based benefits. However, because data for some important bicycle mode choice determinants are not available, our results cannot inform policy directly at the current stage. Instead, the contributions of our paper are the development of an economically consistent framework to value public bicycle investments and the identification of crucial data needs for the development of comprehensive assessments informing bicycle policy decisions

    Contrasts in active transport behaviour across four countries: how do they translate into public health benefits?

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    OBJECTIVE: Countries and regions vary substantially in transport related physical activity that people gain from walking and cycling and in how this varies by age and gender. This study aims to quantify the population health impacts of differences between four settings. METHOD: The Integrated Transport and Health Model (ITHIM) was used to estimate health impacts from changes to physical activity that would arise if adults in urban areas in England and Wales adopted travel patterns of Switzerland, the Netherlands, and California. The model was parameterised with data from travel surveys from each setting and estimated using Monte Carlo simulation. Two types of scenarios were created, one in which the total travel time budget was assumed to be fixed and one where total travel times varied. RESULTS: Substantial population health benefits would accrue if people in England and Wales gained as much transport related physical activity as people in Switzerland or the Netherlands, whilst smaller but still considerable harms would occur if active travel fell to the level seen in California. The benefits from achieving the travel patterns of the high cycling Netherlands or high walking Switzerland were similar. CONCLUSION: Differences between high income countries in how people travel have important implications for population health.The work was undertaken under the auspices of the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence which is funded by the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust (RG69032). James Woodcock is funded by an MRC Population Health Scientist fellowship (RG68972). Anna Goodman's contribution to this research was funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (PDF-2010-03-130). The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health or those of other study funders.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.02.00

    Pigovian Transport Pricing in Practice

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    Pigovian transport pricing was implemented in a large-scale field experiment in urban areas of Switzerland. The pricing varied across time, space and mode of transport. One third of the participants were given a financial incentive to reduce their external costs of transport, whereas others were provided information only or served as a control group. The pricing treatment caused a significant reduction in the external costs of transport. This reduction is a consequence of mode substitution and a shift of departure times. The effect of providing information in the absence of pricing was statistically significant only for subgroups of the sample

    Atypical patterns of spinal segment degeneration in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    PURPOSE Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) affect the vascular perfusion of the lumbar spine. The treatment of AAAs with endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) completely occludes the direct vascular supply to the lumbar spine. We hypothesized that patients with AAA who undergo EVAR show a different pattern of spinal degeneration than individuals without AAA. METHODS In this retrospective institutional review board-approved study, 100 randomly selected patients with AAA who underwent EVAR with computed tomography (CT) scans between 2005 and 2017 were compared with age- and gender-matched controls without AAA. In addition, long-term follow-up CT images (> 6 months before EVAR, at the time of EVAR, and > 12 months after EVAR) of the patients were analysed to compare the progression of degeneration from before to after EVAR. Degeneration scores, lumbar levels with the most severe degeneration, and lumbar levels with progressive degeneration were analysed in all CT images. Fisher's exact test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and Mann-Whitney U test were performed for statistical analyses. RESULTS Compared with the control group (n = 94), the most severe degeneration was more commonly detected in the mid-lumbar area in the patient group (n = 100, p = 0.016), with significantly more endplate erosions being detected in the lumbar spine (p = 0.015). However, EVAR did not result in significant additional acceleration of the degenerative process in the long-term follow-up analysis (n = 51). CONCLUSION AAA is associated with atypical, more cranially located spinal degradation, particularly in the mid-lumbar segments; however, EVAR does not seem to additionally accelerate the degenerative process. This observation underlines the importance of disc and endplate vascularization in the pathomechanism of spinal degeneration. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE I Diagnostic: individual cross-sectional studies with consistently applied reference standard and blinding

    Integrated Impact Assessment of Active Travel: Expanding the Scope of the Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling.

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    The World Health Organization's Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling is a user-friendly web-based tool to assess the health impacts of active travel. HEAT, developed over 10 years ago, has been used by researchers, planners and policymakers alike in appraisals of walking and cycling policies at both national and more local scales. HEAT has undergone regular upgrades adopting the latest scientific evidence. This article presents the most recent upgrades of the tool. The health impacts of walking and/or cycling in a specified population are quantified in terms of premature deaths avoided (or caused). In addition to the calculation of benefits derived from physical activity, HEAT was recently expanded to include assessments of the burden associated with air pollution exposure and crash risks while walking or cycling. Further, the impacts on carbon emissions from mode shifts to active travel modes can now be assessed. The monetization of impacts using Value of Statistical Life and Social Costs of Carbon now uses country-specific values. As active travel inherently results in often substantial health benefits as well as not always negligible risks, assessments of active travel behavior or policies are incomplete without considering health implications. The recent developments of HEAT make it easier than ever to obtain ballpark estimates of health impacts and carbon emissions related to walking and cycling

    The price of precision: trade-offs between usability and validity in the World Health Organization Health Economic Assessment Tool for walking and cycling

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    Objectives The widely used World Health Organization (WHO) Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling quantifies health impacts in terms of premature deaths avoided or caused as a result of changes in active transport. This article attempts to assess the effect of incorporating ‘life-years’ as an impact measure to increase the precision of the model and assess the effect on the tool's usability. Study design This article is a methods paper, using simulation to estimate the effect of a methodological change to the HEAT 4.2 physical activity module. Methods We use the widely used WHO HEAT for walking and cycling as a case study. HEAT currently quantifies health impacts in terms of premature deaths avoided or caused as a result of changes in active transport. We assess the effect of incorporating “duration of life gained” as an impact measure to increase the precision of the model without substantially affecting usability or increasing data requirements. Results Compared with the existing tool (HEAT version 4.2), which values premature deaths avoided, estimates derived by valuing life-years gained are more sensitive to the age of the population affected by an intervention, with results for older and younger age groups being markedly different between the two methods. This is likely to improve the precision of the tool, especially where it is applied to interventions that affect age groups differentially. The life-years method requires additional background data (obtained and used in this analysis) and minimal additional user inputs; however, this may also make the tool harder to explain to users. Conclusions Methodological improvements in the precision of widely used tools, such as the HEAT, may also inadvertently reduce their practical usability. It is therefore important to consider the overall impact on the tool's value to stakeholders and explore ways of mitigating potential reductions in usability

    Active transport, physical activity, and body weight in adults: a systematic review

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    CONTEXT: Physical activity has various health benefits. Active transport can contribute to total physical activity and thus affect body weight because of increased energy expenditure. This review summarizes published evidence on associations of active transport, general physical activity, and body weight in adults. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic review of the literature was conducted in October 2010 using eight databases. A total of 14,216 references were screened; full texts were retrieved for 95 articles. Forty-six articles (36 unique studies) were included: 20 (17) from Europe; 18 (13) from North America, Australia, and New Zealand; and eight (six) from other countries. Analyses of the retrieved papers were carried out between November 2010 and March 2011. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Of 15 studies assessing active transport and physical activity, five found associations in the expected direction (more active transport associated with more physical activity) for all or most variables studied, nine found some associations, and one reported no associations. Of 30 studies assessing active transport and body weight, 13 reported associations in the expected direction (more active transport associated with lower body weight) for all or most variables studied, 12 found some associations, two presented some associations in the expected and some in the opposite direction, and three reported no associations. CONCLUSIONS: There is limited evidence that active transport is associated with more physical activity as well as lower body weight in adults. However, study heterogeneity, predominantly cross-sectional designs, and crude measures for active transport and physical activity impede quantitative conclusions

    Annoyance due to air pollution in Europe

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    Background Annoyance due to air pollution is a subjective score of air quality, which has been incorporated into the National Environmental monitoring of some countries. The objectives of this study are to describe the variations in annoyance due to air pollution in Europe and its individual and environmental determinants. Methods This study took place in the context of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II (ECRHS II) that was conducted during 1999-2001. It included 25 centres in 12 countries and 7867 randomly selected adults from the general population. Annoyance due to air pollution was self-reported on an 11-point scale. Annual mean mass concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) and its sulphur (S) content were measured in 21 centres as a surrogate of urban air pollution. Results Forty-three per cent of participants reported moderate annoyance (1-5 on the scale) and 14% high annoyance (≄6) with large differences across centres (2-40% of high annoyance). Participants in the Northern European countries reported less annoyance. Female gender, nocturnal dyspnoea, phlegm and rhinitis, self-reported car and heavy vehicle traffic in front of the home, high education, non-smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke were associated with higher annoyance levels. At the centre level, adjusted means of annoyance scores were moderately associated with sulphur urban levels (slope 1.43 Όg m−3, standard error 0.40, r = 0.61). Conclusions Annoyance due to air pollution is frequent in Europe. Individuals' annoyance may be a useful measure of perceived ambient quality and could be considered a complementary tool for health surveillanc
