63 research outputs found

    Literatur und Christentum. Provokative Herausforderung und meditative Übereinstimmung

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    Über das VerhĂ€ltnis von Christentum und Literatur heute und in nĂ€chster Zukunft kann man auf recht unterschiedliche Weise nachdenken. Naheliegend wĂ€re es, eine umfassende Analyse ĂŒber Autoren und deren Werke vorzunehmen, die mit dem Attribut "christlich" zu bezeichnen sind, um daran zu deklarieren, was sich als Zeittendenz entwickelt, eine lohnende Arbeit fĂŒr die Vermittlung wie fĂŒr die schriftstellerische Produktion. Sie liefert Material, zeigt die inneren Spannungen aufund kann das Christliche im Gesamtbereich der Literatur aufWeisen. Solche Arbeit wird und wurde geleistet (Paul Konrad Kurz, Paul HĂŒbner, Friedrich Kienecker, Gisbert Kranz, der Kreis um Walter Jens), beschrĂ€nkt sich jedoch notgedrungen auf den Gegenwartsbezug, erfordert Abgrenzung und eine genaue Bestimmung dessen, worin das unterscheidend Christliche liegt. Der Zustand der zeitgenössischen Literatur istjedoch so, daß dies nicht möglich ist und auch nicht sinnvoll erscheint. (...)   English Because the concept of christian Iiterature is questioned today a historical overview should give new insights. The main difficulty in this will be the change from sacred to a profane understanding ofliterature. This now is also recognized by the official church as the Pope's speech in Munich 1980 proofs. Literature in her special actual experiences appears as challenge and partner of Religion and Theology. Under this aspect also the bible is seen in a new light. The literate understanding of the bible is the decisive base in the discussion between Christianity and litemture. Bible reading outside the inner church tradition therefore is examined (Goethe, Heine, Th. Mann). Thus the christian conscience is broadened. Also the person of Jesus in profane Iiterature has own aspects. Instead ofthe earlier distance towards these texts they are today recognized. With the De-sacralization in general one can register a Resacralization in Litemture. This way Iiterature preserves the sacred-religious origins who arelost in modern conscience. A final analysis ofthe use ofmetapher is important for christian language understanding shows new perspectives. The considerations start with a critical reference to Friedrich Schlegels position.

    Women\u27s Magazines and the Tradition of Confessional Writing in Japan

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    Translation of Culture and Culture of Translation, ăƒ™ăƒ«ă‚źăƒŒ, ăƒ«ăƒŒăƒŽă‚Ąăƒłăƒ»ă‚«ăƒˆăƒȘăƒƒă‚Żć€§ć­Š, 1998ćčŽ10月12æ—„-15

    Der Sprachgebrauch in der Kirche - kritisch

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    Welche Forderung stellt man als Zuhörer an den, der spricht, und an das, wasgesagt oder geschrieben wird? ĂŒber alle Formen der sachlichen Information hinaus:daß der Sprechende glaubwĂŒrdig sei. Es ist dies eine Forderung, die heute allgemeinerhoben wird, von der auch die Kirche in keiner Situation absehen darf. Alleinhiervon hĂ€ngt ihre Zukunft ab. Die GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit wird greifbar in der Sprache,die wir sprechen und die wir tagtĂ€glich hören mĂŒssen. Man kann an ihr darlegen,daß und wie der Gebrauch der Sprache ethisch verpflichtend ist, gerade auch dort,wo es um Fragen des Glaubens geht. (...)EnglishIn some regard our language has become more and more empty talk, filling the air but lacking its credibility. This concept may be articulated in a different way, in a different place, but fundamentally it is the only possibility for mutual understanding in getting over political and ideological barricrs. With this criterion of credibility, Prof. Gössmann examines in this article the language in the Christian congregation. He develops ten propositions for critizising the style of religious sermons and he investigates the inadequate forms of praying which arc questioned because of their numbness as religious experience. Concluding, he cxamines to whatdegree the colloquial speech of the Christians became unfamiliar and thcrefore unauthentic through the vocabulary of the Church


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    Theologiegeschichtliche Frauenforschung als VerÀnderungspotential theologischer Ethik?

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    [Abstract fehlt

    Ueber die Einwirkung des JodÀthyls auf wolframsaures Silberoxyd

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    Percutaneous hepatic melphalan perfusion: single center experience of procedural characteristics, hemodynamic response, complications, and postoperative recovery

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    BACKGROUND: Percutaneous hepatic melphalan perfusion (PHMP) for the selective treatment of hepatic metastases is known to be associated with procedural hypotension and coagulation disorders. Studies on anesthetic management, perioperative course, complications, and postoperative recovery in the intensive care unit (ICU) have not been published. METHODS: In a retrospective observational study, we analyzed consecutive patients who were admitted for PHMP over a 6-year period (2016–2021). Analyses included demographic, treatment, and outcome data with regard to short-term complications until ICU discharge. RESULTS: Fifty-three PHMP procedures of 16 patients were analyzed. In all of the cases, procedure-related hypotension required the median (range) highest noradrenaline infusion rate of 0.5 (0.17–2.1) ÎŒg kg min(-1) and fluid resuscitation volume of 5 (3–14) liters. Eighty-four PHMP-related complications were observed in 33 cases (62%), of which 9 cases (27%) involved grade III and IV complications. Complications included airway constriction (requiring difficult airway management), vascular catheterization issues (which resulted in the premature termination of PHMP, as well as to the postponement of PHMP and to the performance of endovascular bleeding control after PHMP), and renal failure that required hemodialysis. Discharge from the ICU was possible after one day in most cases (n = 45; 85%); however, in 12 cases (23%), prolonged mechanical ventilation was required. There were no procedure-related fatalities. CONCLUSIONS: PHMP is frequently associated with challenging cardiovascular conditions and complications that require profound anesthetic skills. For safety reasons, PHMP should only be performed in specialized centers that provide high-level hospital infrastructures and interdisciplinary expertise
