1,225 research outputs found

    Best Interest of a Minor Theist: An American and Religiously Informed Response to Canada’s A.C. v. Manitoba

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    AbstractObjective The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of self-reported experiences of potential childhood traumas and polytraumatization, and to find cut-off values for different kinds of potential traumatic events in a national representative sample of adults in Sweden. In addition, to analyse the association between polytraumatization and both psychological distress and global self-esteem. Method A web-based survey - containing SCL-25 and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and Linköping Difficult Life Events Scale - Adult - was sent out to a nationally reprative sample and 5062 people chose to participate in the study. Results Results showed that almost everyone (97%) has experienced at least one potential traumatic event and that polytraumatization (the 10% of the participants with most reported traumas) was significantly (Z = 12.57, P < 0.001, r = 0.18) associated with psychological distress and global self-esteem. Gender differences were significant (Z = 8.44, P < 0.001, r = 0.12), in that men experience more noninterpersonal traumas but women report more symptoms. The effect sizes regarding the impact of potential trauma on self-esteem were largest for women with experience of polytraumatization in the age group 18–25 (r = 0.48). There was almost linear increase in psychological distress and linear decrease in self-esteem with increasing number of traumatic events experienced. Conclusion Experience of polytrauma can be considered an important factor to take into account in psychiatric settings as well

    Death odour changes movement pattern of a Collembola

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    We used video-tracking of individuals of a Collembola, Protaphorura armata, on a clay surface in a petri dish to analyse their movement pattern in an environment with attractive and repellent cues. An area with dead conspecifics was repellent whilst live conspecifics made the area attractive. An area which had been occupied for 24 hours by the predatory mite, Hypoaspis aculeifer, was avoided only if the mite had preyed upon P. armata before it was placed in the area. P. armata lost their looping behaviour, moved faster and more straightened out (decreased turning rate) in the presence of attractive or repellent odours. The resulting net squared displacement was faster than in the control and best described as a correlated random walk. Our results emphasise the importance of considering varying movement pattern in response to environmental cues when predicting dispersal and spatial distribution of an animal

    Degree of capillary saturation : a tool for better evaluation of the moisture content in concrete

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    KIMOD 1.0 Documentation of NIERÂŽs Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model of the Swedish Economy

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    KIMOD 1.0 is an annual large-scale macroeconomic model2 of the Swedish economy and is the result of a project that started in 2002 at the National Institute of Economic Research (NIER) in Sweden. In 2003, the model was used for the first time in policy analysis (see NIER, 2003) and from 2004 onwards it has also been applied for forecasting purposes. In November 2005, the time had come to document the first official version of the model, KIMOD 1.0. This document is a resulting part of the documentation project.

    Skogsdata 2006

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    Thermohaline circulation induced by bottom friction in sloping-boundary basins

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    We show that a velocity field in geostrophic and hydrostatic balance on the f-plane can be diagnosed from an arbitrarily prescribed distribution of buoyancy in a basin with closed depth contours. We emphasize the steady-state circulation associated with a large-scale horizontal buoyancy gradient, attained in the absence of wind forcing. For inviscid motion, the diagnosed field contains a free barotropic along-isobath flow which can be chosen arbitrarily, e.g. in such a way that the buoyant southern pool of surface water essentially recirculates. Including bottom friction, we show that steady motion requires that the net Ekman transport across closed depth contours must vanish. This constraint determines the free barotropic motion and thereby the entire velocity field, which proves to be independent of the strength of the bottom friction. The barotropic flow component serves to create a thermohaline circulation, i.e. a circulation which tends to spread the buoyant water horizontally. Analytical solutions and results from a numerical experiment are presented to illustrate the steady flow resulting in a basin where the upper-ocean density increases across the basin

    Survival of the fattest: unexpected findings about hyperglycaemia and obesity in a population based study of 75-year-olds

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mortality among 75-year-olds with and without diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG). DESIGN: Prospective population-based cohort study with a 10-year follow-up. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample of 618 of the 1100 inhabitants born in 1922 and living in the city of VÀsterÄs in 1997 were invited to participate in a cardiovascular health survey; 70% of those invited agreed to participate (432 individuals: 210 men, 222 women). OUTCOME MEASURES: All-cause and cardiovascular mortality. RESULTS: 163 of 432 (38%) participants died during the 10-year follow-up period. The prevalence of DM or IFG was 41% (35% among survivors, 48% among non-survivors). The prevalence of obesity/overweight/normal weight/underweight according to WHO definitions was 12/45/42/1% (14/43/42/1% among survivors, 9/47/42/2% among non-survivors). The hazard rate for death decreased by 10% for every kg/m(2) increase in BMI in individuals with DM/IFG (HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.86 to 0.97; p=0.003). After adjustment for sex, current smoking, diagnosed hypertension, diagnosed angina pectoris, previous myocardial infarction and previous stroke/transient ischaemic attack, the corresponding decrease in mortality was 9% (HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.86 to 0.99; p=0.017). These findings remained after exclusion of individuals with BMI<20 or those who died within 2-year follow-up. In individuals without DM/IFG, BMI had no effect on mortality (HR 1.01, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.07; p=0.811). The HR for BMI differed significantly between individuals with and without DM/IFG (p interaction=0.025). The increased all-cause mortality in individuals with DM/IFG in combination with lower BMI was driven by cardiovascular death. CONCLUSION: High all-cause and cardiovascular mortality was associated with lower BMI in 75-year-olds with DM/IFG but not in those without DM/IFG. Further studies on the combined effect of obesity/overweight and DM/IFG are needed in order to assess the appropriateness of current guideline recommendations for weight reduction in older people with DM/IFG

    Glasfiberarmerade betongbalkar.

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    Prov har utförts pÄ rektangulÀra betongbalkar dels av böjarmering med glas- och kolfiberstÀnger, dels av skjuvarmering med glasfibervÀv Eftersom inledande försök pÄvisade förankringsproblem med kolfiberstÀnger uteslöts de ur den vidare provningen

    Effects of grapple-tilt on forwarder productivity

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    I Sverige gallras Ă„rligen ca 360 000 ha skogsmark. Skogsbolagen efterfrĂ„gar effektivare skogsmaskiner för att minimera kostnaderna i skogsbruket. TvĂ„ finska och en svensk studie pekar pĂ„ produktivitetsökningar i storlekar upp till tio procent vid anvĂ€ndandet av griptilt. Griptilten Ă€r en tillĂ€ggsmodul som monteras mellan gripen och rotatorn pĂ„ en skotarkran och möjliggör uppresning av virkesknippen till vertikal position. Syftet med studien var att mĂ€ta om det blev nĂ„gon effektivitetsskillnad för krankörningsarbetet under lastning av en skotare, med och utan griptilt i gallringsbestĂ„nd med tre olika bestĂ„ndstĂ€theter: 1000, 1500 och 2000 stammar/ha. Studerade faktorer i bestĂ„nden var ackumulering och jĂ€mndragning mot mark. Arbetet syftade Ă€ven till att studera om griptilten pĂ„verkar brĂ€nsleförbrukningen samt mĂ€ngden förarvibrationer. I bestĂ„ndet med 1000 stammar/ha var skotaren med griptilt 6,6 % effektivare. Med möjlighet att ackumulera flera virkeshögar per krancykel minskade tidsĂ„tgĂ„ngen med 6,44 cmin/hög. JĂ€mndragning mot mark medförde att tidsĂ„tgĂ„ngen ökade med 8,58 cmin/hög. I bestĂ„ndet med 1500 stammar/ha hade skotaren utan griptilt ca 1 % högre effektivitet, men kunde dĂ„ varken ackumulera eller jĂ€mndra virket pga. att det var för trĂ„ngt mellan de kvarvarande stammarna i bestĂ„ndet. Med griptilten var dessa moment genomförbara, men med en effektivitetsförlust pĂ„ 4,4 cmin/hög, jĂ€mfört med högarna som griptilten inte ackumulerade. I det tĂ€taste bestĂ„ndet (2000 stammar/ha) var skotaren utan griptilt ca 13,8 % effektivare, pĂ„ bekostnad av andelen krancykler som ledde till en skada. Andelen skador ökade frĂ„n griptiltens 7,5% till 25 % skador utan griptilt. Ingen av maskinkonfigurationerna klarade av att ackumulera virke i bestĂ„ndet med 2000 stammar/ha. VibrationsvĂ€rdena var relativt lĂ„ga (under 0,2 m/s2) och ingen skillnad kunde uppmĂ€tas mellan maskinkonfigurationerna för alla bestĂ„ndstyper. Skillnaden i brĂ€nsleförbrukning för de olika bestĂ„nden och maskinkonfigurationerna var som störst i bestĂ„ndet med 2000 stammar/ha dĂ€r skotaren med griptilt i genomsnitt hade 1,1 l/t lĂ€gre förbrukning Ă€n skotaren utan griptilt. I de övriga bestĂ„nden hade griptilten mellan 0,2-0,5 l/t högre förbrukning. Av studien kan följande slutsatser dras: ‱ Griptilten har potential att höja produktiviteten med minst 6 % i bestĂ„nd med tĂ€thet av ca 1000 kvarvarande stammar/ha ‱ Griptilten kan minska antalet skador pĂ„ kvarvarande bestĂ„nd med upp till ca 17 % ‱ Griptilten möjliggör ackumulering av virke i bestĂ„ndstĂ€theter upp till 1500 kvarvarande stammar/ha ‱ Griptilten underlĂ€ttar och effektiviserar jĂ€mndragning av virke mot marken (ca 15 % högre effektivitet) ‱ AnvĂ€ndning av griptilt ger inte mer vibrationer eller ökad brĂ€nsleförbrukning.In Sweden is about 360 000 ha of forest land thinned every year. Forest companies demand more efficient forest machines to minimize supply cost. Two Finnish and one Swedish study indicate a 10% increase of productivity when using a grapple-tilt compared to using a standard grapple. The grapple-tilt is a module that can be mounted between the grapple and rotator on a forwarders crane, and render the possibility to rise the timber heaps to a vertical position. This will in turn improve the possibilities to evening the log-ends in a heap to the ground and move them between the remaining trees in the thinning stands in a “easier” way. The purpose of this work was to study if there was any difference between the productivity of the loading work on a forwarder with and without grapple-tilt in thinning stands with three different stand densities: 1000, 1500 and 2000 stems/ha. Accumulation and evening log-ends to the ground was the studied factors in the stands. Another purpose of the work was to compare the fuel consumption and vibrations exposed to the machine operator. In the stand with a density of 1000 stems/ha, the forwarder with grapple-tilt was about 6.6 % more effective. With the possibility to accumulate heaps, time consumption decreased with 6.44 cmin/heap. Evening log-ends to the ground resulted in an increase of time consumption with about 8.58 cmin/heap. In the 1500 stems/ha stand, the forwarder without grapple-tilt was about 1 % more effective but could neither accumulate nor evening logs to the ground. With the grapple-tilt these operations were possible to do, but with an efficiency loss of about 4.4 cmin/heap, compared to the heaps which the grapple-tilt didn’t accumulate. In the densest stand (2000 stems/ha), the forwarder without grapple-tilt was about 13.8% more effective, at the expense of the number of damages to the trees in the stand. The number of crane cycles that resulted in damage to the threes was 25 %, compared to 7.5 % which was the percentual damage for the grapple-tilt. None of the machine configurations managed to accumulate heaps in that stand. The vibration values were relatively low (below 0.2 m/s2) and no great difference could be measured between the different stands and machine configuration. The difference in fuel consumption between the different stands and machine configurations was largest in the stand with 2000 stems/ha, where the mean consumption of the forwarder with grapple-tilt was about 1.1 l/h lower. In the other stands the fuel consumption was between 0.2-0.5 l/h higher for the forwarder with grapple-tilt. For the study, following conclusions can be made: ‱ Grapple-tilt has potential to increase the productivity with at least 6 % in stands with about 1000 stems/ha ‱ Grapple-tilt can decrease the number of damages to the stand with up to 17 % ‱ Grapple-tilt makes accumulation of heaps easier ‱ Grapple-tilt makes evening log-ends to the ground easier and does it in a more effective way (about 15 % more effective) ‱ No differences in vibrations or fuel consumption could be measured

    Metacognition and Learning Journals in Higher Education

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    The studies in higher education have its natural focus on the subject matters of study. This also holds for the master program Technology Management (TM). In addition it is important to complement the students’ academic knowledge with insights about metacognition, i.e. knowledge and understanding of themselves and their own behaviour. The introduction of so-called Learning Journals has proved to be a successful step in this direction. TM is a unique program at Lund University, where a selected number (40) of students from the Faculty of Economics (20) and from the Faculty of Engineering (20) are taught together during their last 2 years of study. Their different views on problems and challenges in today’s industry often complement each other. By the introduction of learning journals, they also learn about themselves, what influence their motivation, behaviour and attitude have on a group, and an understanding of their own preferred learning method. The learning journals are introduced in the course Project Leadership. In this course, the students are divided in groups of 4-5 students, each one managing one project. Throughout the whole course (2 semesters) the students are writing learning journals and supervisors are commenting monthly. The learning journals have four purposes; 1) providing an opportunity to reflect on the development of the project itself 2) enabling personal reflection on the own process, 2) enabling reflection on the own position and part in the group, and 4) through the longitudinal effect of the course; it provides an opportunity to compare journals over time to become aware of and able to analyse the own learning process. In a newly performed Placement report, students that have graduated from the Technology Management programme the last 10 years, rate their education 4.37 out of 5. Some students even consider the Learning Journals among the most valuable parts of the whole programme in retrospect
