21 research outputs found

    Quality of care in inflammatory bowel diseases: What is the best way to better outcomes?

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a lifelong, progressive disease that has disabling impacts on patient's lives. Given the complex nature of the diagnosis of IBD and its management there is consequently a large economic burden seen across all health care systems. Quality indicators (QI) have been created to assess the different facades of disease management including structure, process and outcome components. Their development serves to provide a means to target and measure quality of care (QoC). Multiple different QI sets have been published in IBD, but all serve the same purpose of trying to achieve a standard of care that can be attained on a national and international level, since there is still a major variation in clinical practice. There have been many recent innovative developments that aim to improve QoC in IBD including telemedicine, home biomarker assessment and rapid access clinics. These are some of the novel advancements that have been shown to have great potential at improving QoC, while offloading some of the burden that IBD can have vis-a-vis emergency room visits and hospital admissions. The aim of the current review is to summarize and discuss available QI sets and recent developments in IBD care including telemedicine, and to give insight into how the utilization of these tools could benefit the QoC of IBD patients. Additionally, a treating-to-target structure as well as evidence surrounding aggressive management directed at tighter disease control will be presented

    Positioning of old and new biologicals and small molecules in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.

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    The past decade has brought substantial advances in the management of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The introduction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists, evidence for the value of combination therapy, the recognition of targeting lymphocyte trafficking and activation as a viable treatment, and the need for early treatment of high-risk patients are all fundamental concepts for current modern IBD treatment algorithms. In this article, authors review the existing data on approved biologicals and small molecules as well as provide insight on the current positioning of approved therapies. Patient stratification for the selection of specific therapies, therapeutic targets and patient monitoring will be discussed as well. The therapeutic armamentarium for IBD is expanding as novel and more targeted therapies become available. In the absence of comparative trials, positioning these agents is becoming difficult. Emerging concepts for the future will include an emphasis on the development of algorithms which will facilitate a greater understanding of the positioning of novel biological drugs and small molecules in order to best tailor therapy to the patient. In the interim, anti-TNF therapy remains an important component of IBD therapy with the most real-life evidence and should be considered as first-line therapy in patients with complicated Crohn's disease and in acute-severe ulcerative colitis. The safety and efficacy of these 'older' anti-TNF therapies can be optimized by adhering to therapeutic algorithms which combine clinical and objective markers of disease severity and response to therapy

    A székletkalprotektin meghatározásának szerepe a bélbetegségek diagnosztikájában és kezelésében

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    Absztrakt: Az elmúlt évtizedben a gastrointestinalis kórképek diagnosztikája sokat változott. Az endoszkópos és képalkotó módszerek mellett előtérbe kerültek a gyorsan elvégezhető laboratóriumi diagnosztikus vizsgálatok is. Külön előnynek számít, ha a vizsgálat könnyen ismételhető, így a krónikus betegségek követésére, az esetleges fellángolások időben történő felismerésére is alkalmas lehet. A székletkalprotektin meghatározása, mely más országokban már a mindennapi diagnosztika része, hazánkban is egyre több helyen hozzáférhető. Összefoglaló közleményünkben bemutatjuk a székletkalprotektin-vizsgálat szerepét és megbízhatóságát a gasztroenterológiai kórképekben, különös tekintettel a gyulladásos bélbetegségekre, a bélrendszeri fertőzésekre, az irritábilisbél-szindrómára és egyes gyermek gasztroenterológiai kórképekre. A különböző betegségekben és helyzetekben használatos határértékeknek és az ezekhez tartozó specificitásnak és szenzitivitásnak a bemutatásával szeretnénk segíteni a klinikai orvosokat a helyes döntéshozatalban. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(9): 322–328. | Abstract: The diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases have evolved significantly in the past few decades. Besides endoscopy and conventional imaging modalities, there is a growing interest for rapid point-of-care laboratory tests to help discriminate between diseases with similar clinical symptoms and/or help the follow-up of chronic conditions, predicting relapses. The fecal calprotectin testing is a routine diagnostic tool in many countries. It is also more and more accessible in Hungary as well. We aim to present a short review on the role and performance of fecal calprotectin test in the diagnosis and follow-up of gastrointestinal diseases, especially inflammatory bowel diseases, gastrointestinal infections, irritable bowel syndrome and pediatric conditions. By presenting the different cut-off values, sensitivity and specificity rates representative for each disease, we hope to further aid clinicians in decision-making regarding these conditions. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(9): 322–328

    Therapeutic preferences and outcomes in newly diagnosed patients with Crohn’s diseases in the biological era in Hungary: a nationwide study based on the National Health Insurance Fund database

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    Abstract Background Accelerated treatment strategy, including tight disease control and early aggressive therapy with immunosuppressives (IS) and biological agents have become increasingly common in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of the present study was to estimate the early treatment strategy and outcomes in newly diagnosed patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) between 2004 and 2008 and 2009–2015 in the whole IBD population in Hungary based on the administrative database of the National Health Insurance Fund (OEP). Methods We used the administrative database of the OEP, the only nationwide state-owned health insurance provider in Hungary. Patients were identified through previously reported algorithms using the ICD-10 codes for CD in the out-, inpatient (medical, surgical) non-primary care records and drug prescription databases between 2004 and 2015. Patients were stratified according to the year of diagnosis and maximum treatment steps during the first 3 years after diagnosis. Results A total of 6173 (male/female: 46.12%/53.87%) newly diagnosed CD patients with physician-diagnosed IBD were found in the period of 2004–2015. The use of 5-ASA and steroids remained common in the biological era, while immunosuppressives and biologicals were started earlier and became more frequent among patients diagnosed after 2009. The probability of biological therapy was 2.9%/6.4% and 8.4%/13.7% after 1 and 3 years in patients diagnosed in 2004–2008/2009–2015. The probability of hospitalization in the first 3 years after diagnosis was different before and after 2009, according to the maximal treatment step (overall 55.7%vs. 47.4% (p = 0.001), anti-TNF: 73%vs. 66.7% (p = 0.103), IS: 64.6% vs. 56.1% (p = 0.001), steroid: 44.2%vs. 36.8% (p < 0.007), 5-ASA: 32.6% vs. 26.7% p = 0.157)). In contrast, surgery rates were not significantly different in patients diagnosed before and after 2009 according to the maximum treatment step (overall 16.0%vs.15.3%(p = 0.672) anti-TNF 26.7%vs.27.2% (p = 0.993), IS: 24.1%vs22.2% (p = 0.565), steroid 8.1%vs.7.9% (p = 0.896), 5-ASA 10%vs. 11% (p = 0.816)). Conclusions IS and biological exposure became more frequent, while hospitalization decreased and surgery remained low but constant during the observation period. Use of steroids and 5-ASA remained high after 2009. The association between the maximal treatment step and hospitalization/surgery rates suggests that maximal treatment step can be regarded as proxy severity marker in patients with IBD

    A varixeredetű felső gastrointestinalis vérzések elemzése: Nyugat-magyarországi prospektív, multicentrikus, népességalapú vizsgálat

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    Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az akut varixeredetű gastrointestinalis vérzés napjainkban is jelentős morbiditással és mortalitással jár. Célkitűzés: Célunk az akut varixeredetű felső gastrointestinalis vérzések incidenciájának, ellátási folyamatainak és kimeneteli tényezőinek átfogó felmérése volt. Módszer: Prospektív, multicentrikus vizsgálatunk keretében hat nyugat-magyarországi gasztroenterológiai centrum bevonásával elemeztük az ott diagnosztizált és kezelt, varixvérző betegek adatait. Rögzítettük a demográfiai, az anamnesztikus, a diagnosztikus, valamint a terápiát és a betegség kimenetelét érintő adatokat. Minden beteg esetében kockázat- és predikcióbecslést végeztünk a Glasgow-Blatchford Score (GBS), a pre- és posztendoszkópos Rockall Score (RS) és az American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Score alapján. Eredmények: A vizsgált egyéves periódusban (2016. 01. 01. és 2016. 12. 31. között) 108, akut varixeredetű gastrointestinalis vérzést találtunk (átlagéletkor: 59,6 év). Endoszkópos terápiára 57,4%-ban került sor, 39,8% sclerotherapiában, 18,5% ligatióban részesült. Transzfúziót a betegek 76,9%-a igényelt. A teljes halálozás 24,1% volt. A transzfúziós igény vonatkozásában a legmagasabb prediktív értékű a GBS volt (AUC: 0,793; cut-off: GBS >8 pont). Az ASA-pontszám szignifikáns összefüggést mutatott a transzfúzió-szükséglettel (OR 7,6 [CI 95% 2,7-21,6]; p8 points). The ASA Score was associated with transfusion (OR 7.6 [CI 95% 2.7-21.6]; p<0.001), endoscopic intervention (OR 12.6 [CI 95% 3.4-46.5]; p = 0.033), and showed similar trend with mortality (OR 3.6 [0.8-16.7]; p = 0.095). The increased international normalized ratio (INR) and creatinine levels were associated with mortality (p = 0.001 and p = 0.002).Incidence rates of acute variceal gastrointestinal bleeding in Western Hungary are high. The ASA Score, GBS predicted outcomes and transfusion requirements. The observed high mortality rates, coupled with relatively low rates of endoscopic ligation, warrant optimization of management strategies in acute variceal gastrointestinal bleeding. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(31): 1252-1259

    The burden of Clostridium difficile infection between 2010 and 2013: trends and outcomes from an academic center in Eastern Europe

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    Modeling is now an essential ingredient in business process management and information systems development. The general usefulness of models in these areas is therefore generally accepted. It is also undisputed that the quality of the models has a significant impact on their usefulness. In the literature we can find any number of quality metrics, but hardly any study that investigates their relation with (perceived) usefulness and none that considers their relative impact on usefulness. We take a look at some of the most frequent quality dimensions and their relative impact on the perceived usefulness of models

    Patient and general population values for luminal and perianal fistulising Crohn’s disease health states

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    Background In patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), luminal disease activity paralleled by perianal fstulas may seriously impair health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Health utility values are not available from patients with CD that refect the health loss associated with both luminal and perianal CD. Objective To generate utilities for luminal and concomitant perianal fstulising CD health states directly from patients and from members of the general public. Methods A cross-sectional survey was undertaken enrolling CD patients and a convenience sample of members of the general population. Respondents were asked to evaluate four common CD heath states [severe luminal disease (sCD), mild luminal disease (mCD), severe luminal disease with active perianal fstulas (sPFCD), and mild luminal disease with active perianal fstulas (mPFCD)] by 10-year time trade-of (TTO). In addition, patients assessed their current HRQoL by the TTO method. Results Responses of 206 patients (40.8% with perianal fstulas) and 221 members of the general population were analysed. Mean±SD utilities among patients for sPFCD, sCD, mPFCD and mCD states were 0.69±0.33, 0.73±0.31, 0.80±0.29 and 0.87±0.26. Corresponding values in the general public were: 0.59±0.31, 0.65±0.29, 0.80±0.26 and 0.88±0.25. Patients with active perianal fstulas, previous non-resection surgeries, and higher pain intensity scores valued their current health as worse (p<0.05). Conclusions TTO is a feasible method to assess HRQoL in patients with perianal fstulising disease, often not captured by health status questionnaires. Utilities from this study are intended to support the optimization of treatment-related decision making in patients with luminal disease paralleled by active perianal fstulas

    Efficacy, drug sustainability, and safety of ustekinumab treatment in Crohn’s disease patients over three years

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    Long-term data on ustekinumab in real-life Crohn’s disease patients are still missing, though randomized controlled trials demonstrated it as a favorable therapeutic option. We aimed to evaluate ustekinumab's clinical efficacy, drug sustainability, and safety in a prospective, nationwide, multicenter Crohn’s disease patient cohort with a three-year follow-up. Crohn’s disease patients on ustekinumab treatment were consecutively enrolled from 9 Hungarian Inflammatory Bowel Disease centers between January 2019 and May 2020. Patient and disease characteristics, treatment history, clinical disease activity (Harvey Bradshaw Index (HBI)), biomarkers, and endoscopic activity (Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s Disease (SES-CD)) were collected for three-years’ time. A total of 148 patients were included with an overall 48.9% of complex behavior of the Crohn’s disease and 97.2% of previous anti-TNF exposure. The pre-induction remission rates were 12.2% (HBI), and 5.1% (SES-CD). Clinical remission rates (HBI) were 52.2%, 55.6%, and 50.9%, whereas criteria of an endoscopic remission were fulfilled in 14.3%, 27.5%, and 35.3% of the subjects at the end of the first, second, and third year, respectively. Dose intensification was high with 84.0% of the patients on an 8-weekly and 29.9% on a 4-weekly regimen at the end of year 3. Drug sustainability was 76.9% during the follow-up period with no serious adverse events observed. Ustekinumab in the long-term is an effective, sustainable, and safe therapeutic option for Crohn’s disease patients with severe disease phenotype and high previous anti-TNF biological failure, requiring frequent dose intensifications