68 research outputs found

    Uzaktan algılama görüntülerinin sınıflandırılması için sınır özniteliklerinin belirlenmesi ve adaptasyonu algoritması

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    Various types of sensors collect very large amounts of data from the earth surface. The characteristics of the data are related to sensor type with its own imaging geometry. Consequently, sensor types affect processing techniques used in remote sensing. In general, image processing techniques used in remote sensing are usually valid for multispectral data which is relatively in a low dimensional feature space. Therefore, advanced algorithms are needed for hyperspectral data which have at least 100-200 features (attributes/bands). Additionally, the training process is very important and affects the generalization capability of a classifier in supervised learning. Enough number of training samples is required to make proper classification. In remote sensing, collecting training samples is difficult and costly. Consequently, a limited number of training samples is often available in practice. Conventional statistical classifiers assume that the data have a specific distribution. For real world data, these kinds of assumptions may not be valid. Additionally, proper parameter estimation is difficult, especially for hyperspectral data. Normally, when the number of bands used in the classification process increases, precise detailed class determination is expected. For high dimensional feature space, when a new feature is added to the data, classification error decreases, but at the same time, the bias of the classification error increases. If the increment of the bias of the classification error is more than the reduction in classification error, then the use of the additional feature decreases the performance of the decision algorithm. This phenomenon is called the Hughes effect, and it may be much more harmful with hyperspectral data than with multispectral data. Our motivation in this study is to overcome some of these general classification problems by developing a classification algorithm which is directly based on the available training data rather than on the underlying statistical data distribution. Our proposed algorithm, Border Feature Detection and Adaptation (BFDA), uses border feature vectors near the decision boundaries which are adapted to make a precise partitioning in the feature space by using maximum margin principle. The BFDA algorithm well suited for classification of remote sensing images is developed with a new approach to choosing and adapting border feature vectors with the training data. This approach is especially effective when the information source has a limited amount of data samples, and the distribution of the data is not necessarily Gaussian. Training samples closer to class borders are more prone to generate misclassification, and therefore are significant feature vectors to be used to reduce classification errors. The proposed classification algorithm searches for such error-causing training samples in a special way, and adapts them to generate border feature vectors to be used as labeled feature vectors for classification. The BFDA algorithm can be considered in two parts. The first part of the algorithm consists of defining initial border feature vectors using class centers and misclassified training vectors. With this approach, a manageable number of border feature vectors is achieved. The second part of the algorithm is adaptation of border feature vectors by using a technique which has some similarity with the learning vector quantization (LVQ) algorithm. In this adaptation process, the border feature vectors are adaptively modified to support proper distances between them and the class centers, and to increase the margins between neighboring border features with different class labels. The class centers are also adapted during this process. Subsequent classification is based on labeled border feature vectors and class centers. With this approach, a proper number of feature vectors for each class is generated by the algorithm. In supervised learning, the training process should be unbiased to reach more accurate results in testing. In the BFDA, accuracy is related to the initialization of the border feature vectors and the input ordering of the training samples. These dependencies make the classifier a biased decision maker. Consensus strategy can be applied with cross validation to reduce these dependencies. In this study, major performance analysis and comparisons were made by using the AVIRIS data. Using the BFDA, we obtained satisfactory results with both multispectral and hyperspectal data sets. The BFDA is also a robust algorithm with the Hughes effect. Additionally, rare class members are more accurately classified by the BFDA as compared to conventional statistical methods.  Keywords: Remote sensing, hyperspectral data classification, consensual classification.Geleneksel görüntü işleme tekniklerinin direkt olarak uzaktan algılamaya uygulanması, sadece multispektral datalar için geçerli olabilir. Öznitelik vektörü boyutu 100-200 civarında olan hiperspektral dataların analizi için gelişmiş algoritmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Bununla birlikte, uzaktan algılamada, genellikle sınırlı sayıda eğitim örneğinin olması, özellikle öznitelik vektörünün boyutunun büyük olduğu hiperspektral datalarda, parametrik sınıflayıcıların kullanımını kısıtlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, istatistiksel dağılıma bağlı olmayan, sadece eldeki eğitim örneklerine dayanan bir algoritma geliştirerek yukarıda özetlenen uzaktan algılama için genel sınıflandırma problemlerinin üstesinden gelmektir. Önerilen Sınır Özniteliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Adaptasyonu (SÖBA) algoritması, karar yüzeylerine yakın sınır öznitelik vektörlerini kullanır ve bu sınır öznitelik vektörleri, maksimum marjin prensibini sağlayacak şekilde adapte edilerek, öznitelik uzayında doğru bölütlemenin yapılmasını sağlar. SÖBA algoritması iki bölümden oluşur. İlk aşamada sınır öznitelik vektörlerinin başlangıç değerleri uygun eğitim kümesi elemanlarından, yönetilebilir sayıda atanır. Daha sonra uygulanan adaptasyon işlemiyle, öğrenme süreci gerçekleştirilerek sınır özniteliklerinin, sonuç değerlerine ulaşması hedeflenir. Sınıflandırma sonuç sınır öznitelik vektörlerine olan  en yakın 1 komşuluk (1-EK) kuralı uyarınca yapılır. Ek olarak, SÖBA algoritmasının sınır öznitelik vektörlerinin başlangıç değerlerine ve eğitim kümesi elemanlarının eğitimde kullanılma sırasına bağlı olarak her çalışmasında kabul edilebilir derecede farklı sınır karar yüzeyleri oluşturması, konsensüs yapılarda kullanılması için elverişli bir özelliktir. Böylece birçok defa çalıştırılan SÖBA kararlarının uygun kurallarla birleştirilmesiyle tek bir sınıflayıcının aldığı karardan çok daha doğru kararlar elde edilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uzaktan algılama, hiperspektral data sınıflandırma, konsensüs

    The Research of Sleep Disorders and Their Effects on Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure and Renal Transplant

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    Objective End stage renal insufficiency (ESRI) is defined as the irreversible loss of renal functions. In its treatment is used hemodialisis, peritoneal dialisis or renal transplantation. Sleep disorders cause excesive daytime sleepiness, mental problems, dysfunction in general health and functions; and therefore affect the quality of life in patients with ESRI. In this study is evaluated the relationship between sleep quality and the qulity of life in patients with hemodialisis, peritoneal dialisis and renal transplantation. Materials and Methods A total of 117 patients being treated in Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Dialisis Unit between years 2011-2012 were enrolled. Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used to determine sleep quality of patients, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (EUS) and Rolls Royce Quality of Life Scale were used. Results In PSQI, poor sleep quality was observed in 81.5% of patients with hemodialisis, which was 80.8% in patients with renal transplantation and 82% in patients with peritoneal dialisis. In Rolls-Royce Quality of life scale, general health, physical symptoms and activities were higher in patients with renal transplantation, and sleep disorders were higher in patients with hemodialisis. Conclusion Chronic renal insufficiency is a very common condition. Sleep disorders in these patients may affect self-care and show a negative influence on the quality of life. Fort his reason, sleep disorders should be questioned and treated in these chronically ill patients with ESRI

    Mevcut binalar için güçlendirme yöntemleri geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG01.05.2005Bugün ülkemizde ve diğer ülkelerde yaygın olarak uygulanan "sistem iyileştirmesi" yöntemi, dayanımı ve rijitliği yetersiz çerçevelerin bazı gözlerinin betonarme dolgu ile doldurularak yeni bir yatay yük taşıyıcı sistemi olmuşturulması olarak tanımlanabilir. Ülkemizde bugün karşılaşılan en önemli sorunlardan biri de hasar görmemiş ve kullanılmakta olan çok sayıda zayıf binanın depreme dayanıklı duruma getirilmesidir. Bu binaların güçlendirilmesinde, "sistem iyileştirmesi" yönteminin kullanılması elbette mümkündür. Ancak sözü edilen yöntemde dolgu duvarların oluşturulmasında beton kullanılacağından, binaların boşaltılması gerekmektedir. Çok sayıda binanın boşaltılması ve binada yaşayanların eşyaları ile birlikte başka bir konuta yerleştirilmesi pratik bir çözüm değildir. Bu proje kapsamında, depreme dayanıklı olmayan ve halen kullanılmakta olan binaların boşaltılmadan güçlendirilmesini sağlayacak yöntemler geliştirilmiş ve bunların gerekli dayanım ve rijitliği sağladığı deneysel ve analitik olarak kanıtlanmıştır.In the system behavior improvement technique, the general philosophy is to introduce a new lateral load resisting system, which will increase the lateral strength and the lateral stiffness of the existing system, which is generally a non-ductile frame with inadequate lateral stiffness. Various techniques based on this principle have been developed and applied in the past. Among them, the most widely used technique is the formation of new stiff walls through infilling some bays of the existing frame with reinforced concrete infills. Use of infilled frames as a method of seismic behavior improvement for existing structures is presently a very common application in Turkey. All these techniques are applicable at the cost of a certain discomfort to the occupants and, the application of these techniques in the rehabilitation of undamaged buildings may not very practical. With this project, the development of new strengthening techniques was achieved. Experimental and anaylical studies have been done to proove the effectiveness of newly developed strengthening techniques. In this study, rapid and yet reliable rehabilitation methodologies for Turkey have be developed

    SNP, GEN ve yolaklar arasındaki ilişkinin ortaklıklarına göre çok katmanlı bir grafik ile modellenmesi.

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    The analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) through Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) presents great potential for describing disease loci and gaining insight into the underlying etiology of diseases. Recently described combined p-value approach allows identification of associations at gene and pathway level. The integrated programs like METU-SNP produce simple lists of either SNP id/gene id/pathway title and their p-values and significance status or SNP id/disease id/pathway information. In this study, starting with the SNP id, we have annotated related gene ids and pathway ids consecutively. Then we have computed the intersection of these pathways, and visualized the common sub-graphs by an interactive graphical library. The tool developed in this thesis provides a visualization of the text output as graphical knowledge networks; hence, facilitates the efficient use of the information offered by the candidate SNP Biomarkers and helping discovery of SNP associated biological networksM.S. - Master of Scienc

    Riot Control Agents and Forencis Medicine View

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    Gösteri kontrol ajanları 100 yılı aşkın süredir sivillere müdahale amacıyla kullanılmaktadır.Ancak son 10 yılda kullanım sıklığı ve miktarları hem ülkemizde hem de dünyada artmıştır. Buajanlar sonucu meydana gelen ölüm ve yaralanmalar tıp literatüründe mevcuttur. Ölüm vakalarında Minnesota otopsi protokolü, yaralanma vakalarında ise İstanbul protokolü takip edilmelidir.Bununla beraber, gösteri kontrol ajanlarının etkilerinin daha iyi değerlendirilebilmesi için her ikiprotokole de ek bazı uygulamalar gereklidi

    Güncel Durumu ile Hukuki ve Tıbbi Açıdan Otopsi Süreci

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    Ersoy G, Toprak S. Güncel Durumu ile Hukuki ve Tıbbi Açıdan Otopsi Süreci. Klinik Gelişim. (22), 2009: 64-7

    Küreselleşmenin Yoksulluk Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

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