24 research outputs found

    Keyword binding as a method of reducing the length of indexes in library catalogues (based on the experience of Digital Library of Wielkopolska)

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    This paper presents a relatively simple and cheap method for shortening the subject indexes in library catalogs. The method involves taking a set of several dozen general concepts, characterized by a low semantic awareness barrier. Built around these words are subindexes made up of the words which appear in descriptions containing a particular general concept. The effectiveness of the method was studied by analyzing the content of fragments of subject indexes of the NUKAT central catalog of Polish libraries, the University Library in Poznań and the Library of Congress. Compared with the subject headings language method, this method reduces the length of an index by an average of two-thirds, and makes it significantly easier for readers to navigate the vocabulary used by the cataloger. This method has been developed for the needs of Digital Library of Wielkopolska, and will probably be used in all regional digital libraries in Poland

    Аеробна фізична активність у природі як компенсація типу поведінки

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    The aim of this theoretical article is to point out on the bases of scientific findings the relationship between aerobic physical activity in nature as compensation for the type A behavior. Type A behavior as a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) continues to be an important subject of study in today´s society. Physical activities in the nature, also called green exercise, are of significant relevance in the context of human health research, given our present lifestyle. They address mainly the aerobic regime of physical activities as a prevention of many diseases through improvements in cardiovascular system and skeletal muscles. The authors focused on the issues related to the types A and B of personality behavior developed by Mayer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman. Aerobic exercise activities, as significant prevention of heart diseases, deal with the compensation of precisely the A type risk behavior. The authors clarify this premise on practical examples. Even with the passage of several decades this issue has not been sufficiently researched. Its application in real life is quite justifiable due to increasing environmental changes and sedentary lifestyle. This article points out how different findings need to be linked in practice as a part of the necessary interdisciplinary collaboration of experts in the areas of medicine, psychology and sports.Цель этой теоретической статьи заключается в том, чтобы на основе научных выводов указать на связь между аэробными физическими нагрузками в природе в качестве компенсации поведения типа А. Поведение типа как фактор риска ишемической болезни сердца (ИБС) продолжает оставаться важным предметом исследования в современном обществе. Физические занятия на природе, которые также называются зелеными упражнениями, имеют важное значение в контексте исследований здоровья человека, учитывая наш современный образ жизни. Они касаются в основном аэробного режима физических занятий как профилактики многих заболеваний через улучшение работы сердечно-сосудистой системы и скелетных мышц. Авторы акцентировали внимание на вопросах, связанных с типами A и B поведения личности, разработанными Майером Фридменом и Рэем Х. Розенман. Занятия аэробными упраж­нениями, как важная профилактика заболеваний сердца, касаются компенсации именно поведения типа А. Авторы объясняют эту предпосылку на практических примерах. Даже с течением нескольких десятилетий этот вопрос недостаточно исследован. Применение его в реальной жизни вполне оправдано усиления изменений окружающей среды и малоподвижного образа жизни. Эта статья указывает на то, как различные результаты должны быть связаны на практике как часть необходимого междисциплинарного сотрудничества экспертов в области медицины, психологии и спорта.Мета цієї теоретичної статті полягає в тому, щоб на основі наукових висновків вказати на зв’язок між аеробними фізичними навантаженнями в природі як компенсацію поведінки типу А. Поведінка типу як фактор ризику ішемічної хвороби серця (ІХС) продовжує залишатися важливим предметом дослідження в сучасному суспільстві. Фізичні заняття на природі, які також називаються зеленими вправами, мають важливе значення в контексті досліджень здоров’я людини, враховуючи наш сучасний спосіб життя. Вони стосуються переважно аеробного режиму фізичних занять як профілактики багатьох захворювань через покращення роботи серцево-судинної системи та скелетних м’язів. Автори акцентували увагу на питаннях, пов’язаних із типами A та B поведінки особистості, розробленими Майєром Фрідменом та Реєм Х. Розенманом. Заняття аеробними вправами, як важлива профілактика захворювань серця, стосуються компенсації саме поведінки типу А. Автори пояснюють цю передумову на практичних прикладах. Навіть з плином кількох десятиліть це питання недостатньо досліджене. Застосування його в реальному житті цілком виправдано через посилення змін навколишнього середовища та малорухливого способу життя. Ця стаття вказує на те, як різні результати повинні бути пов’язані на практиці як частина необхідної міждисциплінарної співпраці експертів у галузі медицини, психології та спорту

    Keyword binding as a method of reducing the length of indexes in library catalogues (based on the experience of Digital Library of Wielkopolska)

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    This paper presents a relatively simple and cheap method for shortening the subject indexes in library catalogues. The method involves taking a set of several dozen general concepts, characterized by a low semantic awareness barrier. Built around these words are subindexes made up of the words which appear in descriptions containing a particular general concept. The effectiveness of the method was studied by analyzing the content of fragments of subject indexes of the NUKAT central catalogue of Polish libraries, the University Library in Poznań and the Library of Congress. Compared with the subject headings language method, this method reduces the length of an index by an average of two-thirds, and makes it significantly easier for readers to navigate the vocabulary used by the cataloger. This method has been developed for the needs of Digital Library of Wielkopolska, and will probably be used in all regional digital libraries in Poland.Artykuł przedstawia stosunkowo prostą i tanią metodę skracania indeksów rzeczowych w katalogach bibliotecznych. Polega ona na przyjęciu zestawu kilkudziesięciu pojęć ogólnych - charakteryzujących się niską barierą świadomości semantycznej. Wokół tych słów budowane są subindeksy złożone ze słów występujących w opisach zawierających dane pojęcie ogólne. Skuteczność metody badano, analizując zawartość fragmentów indeksów przedmiotowych centralnego katalogu bibliotek polskich NUKAT, Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu i Biblioteki Kongresu. Metoda ta w porównaniu z metodą języka haseł przedmiotowych średnio trzykrotnie skraca długość indeksu i znacznie ułatwia czytelnikowi rozeznanie w użytym przez katalogera słownictwie. Została opracowana dla potrzeb Wielkopolskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej i prawdopodobnie będzie stosowana we wszystkich regionalnych bibliotekach cyfrowych w Polsce

    Keyword binding as a method of reducing the length of indexes in library catalogues (based on the experience of Digital Library of Wielkopolska)

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    This paper presents a relatively simple and cheap method for shortening the subject indexes in library catalogs. The method involves taking a set of several dozen general concepts, characterized by a low semantic awareness barrier. Built around these words are subindexes made up of the words which appear in descriptions containing a particular general concept. The effectiveness of the method was studied by analyzing the content of fragments of subject indexes of the NUKAT central catalog of Polish libraries, the University Library in Poznań and the Library of Congress. Compared with the subject headings language method, this method reduces the length of an index by an average of two-thirds, and makes it significantly easier for readers to navigate the vocabulary used by the cataloger. This method has been developed for the needs of Digital Library of Wielkopolska, and will probably be used in all regional digital libraries in Poland

    A Model of Library Networks Evolution

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    The paper discusses a model explaining the appearance and character of phenomena taking place in research libraries after World War II. Two dominating phenomena are discussed - integration of library networks and computerization. The described model is based on the assumption that the evolution of libraries (occurence of the said phenomena) is caused by the loss of equilibrium in the system and the effort to recover it. The factors which have led to unequilibrium in libraries and how it occured is briefly discussed

    Aesthetics of movement with sight disabled children - pilot study

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    The aim of the study was to establish the aesthetics of movement in people with vision defects. This knowledge will provide tools to improve the methodology of study in the area of assessment of movement aesthetics in people with disabilities. In order to establish its level a test was used which measured its selected elements such as precision, rhythm, harmony, fluidity and speed. The aesthetics of movement was assessed using exercise tests which were to represent the components of aesthetics of movement. Individual tests were carried out on blind and partially sighted children aged 6 to 15 years and on a group of healthy children of the same age. Using the test tasks a general indicator of movement aesthetics in blind children was obtained. The participants of the study were 145 children from four School and Education Centres for Blind Children in Poland and the control group consisted of 310 children from a primary school in Poznań. The studies confirmed a lower level of movement aesthetics in children with vision defects, but the differences in groups between the partially sighted children and children with correct vision were definitely smaller. A higher level of aesthetics of movement characterised children from older groups irrespective of their sex. The best developed property in blind and partially sighted children was precision


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    The paper contains an estimation of the library automation advancement, the quality of the computer infrastructure and the use of computer media in Polish scientific libraries on the basis of a questionnaire. The university libraries are generally more advanced in their efforts for automation and access to computer media. Special libraries serving the research institute are much less advanced in this field due to lack of adequate funding: half of them did not start preparation for introducing automated systems and did not introduce computer media in their collections and services. The authors stress that there exists no unified program of library automation for scientific libraries


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    The paper contains results of the questionnaire study targeted at estimation of printed materials resources and their use in Polish research libraries. The results are split with respect to the library type (academic/special) and specialization (chemistry, life sciences, technical sciences etc.). The data presented include overall volume of monographs and serials collections and the volume of yearly acquisitions. The percentage of foreign materials with English literature singled I out is also given. Additional information in this section includes data about acquisitions on the order of library users and acquisition processing time. The second group of the data includes circulation statistics, the number of unsatisfied requests, estimations of collections use, interlibrary loans statistics and collection pruning policies. In addition, there is an information about studies of users needs, easy access policies (e.g. Saturday and Sunday opening hours and loans on weekend days)