78 research outputs found

    Coastal dune degradation in Andalusia: a spatiotemporal and multiscale approach

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    Desde mediados del siglo pasado, las costas de la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía han conocido un acelerado proceso de urbanización que, como factor social de primer orden, ha provocado −y provoca en la actualidad− una degradación ambiental y paisajística generalizada, especialmente acusada en los ecosistemas dunares. Los sistemas playa-duna, frágiles y cambiantes por naturaleza, pese a constituir un patrimonio natural estratégico, de alto valor eco-cultural y socioeconómico, han sufrido un fuerte retroceso que no ha sido cuantificado ni georreferenciado. Con objeto de conocer la magnitud de dichos cambios, se presenta un análisis multiescalar y geohistórico fundamentado en la fotointerpretación y la cartografía: en primer lugar se identifican, a escala regional, los espacios dunares que han sufrido una regresión superficial, y se evidencia que Andalucía ha dilapidado 1/3 de los arenales costeros en seis décadas. En segundo lugar se analiza, a escala local, un caso de dunas amenazadas, paradigmático y extensible al resto del territorio.Since the middle of the last century the coasts of Andalusia have undergone a process of rapid urbanization as a major social factor, which has caused −and is now causing− environmental and landscape degradation that has been especially prevalent in dune ecosystems. Coastal dunes, fragile by nature, in spite of representing a strategic natural heritage, as well as having high eco-cultural and socioeconomic value, have suffered serious damage that has not been quantified or georeferenced up to the present time. In order to ascertain the magnitude of these changes, this study presents a geohistorical and multiscale analysis, based on photo interpretation and mapping: first identified, at regional level, sand dunes that have been lost surface area, and evidence that Andalusia has lost 1/3 of foredune systems over the last six decades. Secondly, analyzed a local case of a threatened dune, which is paradigmatic and may be extended to the rest of the Spanish coastline.El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto financiado por la Obra Social de la Fundación la Caixa (2005-APM) “Reconocimiento biofísico de un sector costero con posibilidad de ser reserva marítimo-terrestre”

    Las raíces del paisaje. Condicionantes geológicos del Territorio de Segovia

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    Teniendo en cuenta el volumen de publicaciones que utilizan el paisaje como hilo conductor, podríamos decir, sin miedo a equivocarnos, que el paisaje está de moda. Son muchas las aproximaciones que, desde distintas disciplinas, se hacen a este objeto de estudio, pero el caso que nos ocupa es una aportación al conocimiento de los paisajes poco corriente, ya que se realiza desde una óptica geológica y geomorfológica

    Indicatori per il Paesaggio

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    En reseña de:VALLEGA, A.: Indicatori per il paesaggio. Milán, 2008. FrancoAngeli. Il Paesaggio. Saggi e manuali, 308 págs

    El papel de los espacios montañosos como traspaís del litoral mediterráneo andaluz: el caso de Sierra Bermeja (provincia de Málaga)

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    El papel de los espacios montañosos como traspaís del litoral mediterráneo andaluz: el caso de Sierra Bermeja (provincia de Málaga)

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    Wetlands planning and management in Andalusia within the frame of the Ramsar Convention

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    Las zonas húmedas de Andalucía han sido objeto de explotación y transformación desde tiempos remotos, lo que ha originado una importante degradación de estos frágiles ecosistemas. Sin embargo, la sociedad ha ido cambiando su percepción y relación con los humedales, evolucionando desde las antiguas desecaciones al actual uso racional y reconocimiento de los valores naturales, bienes y servicios que ofrecen. En este sentido, el Convenio Ramsar ha supuesto un importante punto de partida para los numerosos instrumentos, planes y estrategias que en los últimos años han tratado de garantizar la conservación y revalorización de los humedales. En el presente artículo se realiza una reflexión, sistematización y análisis crítico de las distintas medidas y acciones que se han ido desarrollando para rehabilitar, recuperar y, en definitiva, gestionar las zonas húmedas de Andalucía. Se detecta que las actuaciones derivadas de la planificación resultan insuficientes y dificultan la gestión integral de estos ecosistemas.Wetlands in Andalusia have been object of exploitation and transformation from ancient times, which has caused an important deterioration of such fragile ecosystems. Nevertheless, society has changed its perception and relation with wetlands, developing from the old desiccations to the present rational use and recognition of the natural values, goods and services that they can offer. In this sense, the Ramsar Convention has supposed an important starting point for the numerous instruments, plans and strategies that have tried to guarantee the protection and revaluation of wetlands during the last years. The present article poses a reflection, systematization and critical analysis about the different measures and actions which have been developed in order to restore, recover and, in one word, manage the wetlands in Andalusia. It can be detected that the actions derived from this planning turn out to be inadequate and that they complicate the comprehensive management of these ecosystems.La realización de este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación del Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España (FPU12/00163)

    Elemental Concentration in Serpentinitic Soils over Ultramafic Bedrock in Sierra Bermeja (Southern Spain)

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    Although the presence of potentially toxic metals in soils is normally associated with human soil pollution, these elements also appear naturally in environments in which the lithological base contains ultramafic rocks such as peridotites. Serpentinitic soils tend to develop on substrates of this kind, often containing metals with few or no known biological functions, which in some cases are toxic for most plants. This study assessed the level of potentially toxic metals and other elements in an endorheic basin discovered in Sierra Bermeja (Southern Spain), one of the largest peridotite outcrops on Earth. In this location—of particular interest given that basins of this kind are very rare on peridotites—six geomorphoedaphic sub-units on three different substrates were identified. The distribution of microelements in these sub-units was analyzed, and stratified random sampling was performed to identify the major ions with essential functions for living organisms and the potentially toxic metals. The lowest values for macronutrients appeared in the soils formed on ultramafic materials. When analyzing the load of potentially toxic metals, no significant differences were detected between the soils formed on serpentinite and peridotite substrates, although different values were obtained in the soils formed over acidic rocks.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain through the ULTRAFORESTS (Ref. CSO2013-47713-P) and PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P) Projects

    Paleopopulations and ecological connectivity in the Natura 2000 Network: proposal for the serpentine‑soil Spanish firs of Sierra Bermeja (Serranía de Ronda)

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    Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada/ CBUA. This research has been supported by a contract for Univer- sity Teacher Training (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) (Ref. 18/03023) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de España), and research projects financed by the State Research Agency (SRA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P), MED-REFUGIA (RTI2018-101714-B-I00) and TED2021-132631B-I00; Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation: Oromed-Refugia (P18-RT- 4963); and ERDF Opera- tional Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme): ForestMed (A-RNM-688-UGR20).One of the conservation priorities of the Natura 2000 Network is the ecological connectivity of forests and species of com- munity interest to facilitate compliance with the obligations of the EU Habitats Directive. The location of paleo-populations and past distribution areas is a first step towards creating an ecological corridor which, with the protection enjoyed by Special Areas of Conservation, could positively impact the resilience of forest species in the face of Climate Change. The endangered relict forests of Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) are endemic in the Serranía de Ronda (Baetic Cordillera, Southern Spain) and form a highly fragmented habitat of community interest. Amongst these forests, the Spanish fir forests that grow on serpentine soils are particularly interesting. This ultramafic mountain range has suffered the highest recurrence of forest fires in all the Serranía de Ronda, and as a result, the Spanish fir forests have been subject to processes of local extinction throughout history. In this research, we used pedoanthracology to uncover ancient locations of Abies pinsapo; in this way, forest fires are the main cause of the disappearance of this emblematic species in Sierra Bermeja, and their charcoal remains allowed us to make a precise reconstruction of its past distribution area. On the basis of the data obtained, an ecological corridor linking these relict forests was proposed. This corridor has now begun to be implemented with the participation of public and private social agents.Universidad de Granada/CBUASpanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Espana) 18/03023State Research Agency (SRA)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): PALEOPINSAPO CSO2017-83576-PEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF): MED-REFUGIA RTI2018-101714-B-I00European Commission TED2021-132631B-I00Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation: Oromed-Refugia P18-RT- 4963ERDF Operational Programme in Andalusia (EU regional programme): ForestMed (A-RNM-688-UGR2

    The history of Abies pinsapo during the Holocene in southern Spain, based on pedoanthracological analysis

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    The results of this research are part of the contract for Formacion de Profesorado Universitario (University Teacher Training) (Ref. 18/03023) financed by the Ministerio de Educacion del Gobierno de Espana (Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain), and research projects PALEOPINSAPO (CSO2017-83576-P), Med-Refugia (Ref. RTI2018-101714-B-I00), Oromed-Refugia (Ref. P18-RT-4963) and Relic-Flora 2 (Ref. B-RNM-404-UGR18), dependents on the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana y la Junta de Andalucia (Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain and the Regional Government of Andalusia.The aim of this research is to reconstruct the ancient distribution area of Abies pinsapo Boiss. (Spanish fir) in the Serranía de Ronda region, southern Spain, during the Holocene. The main method was pedoanthracological analysis, the study of non-archaeological charcoal found in natural soils. In this research a total of 37 soil excavations were done in several mountain ranges with potentially favourable places for firs to have grown in the past. Specific sites and places such as hillsides, endorheic basins (with no outflow), sinkholes, summits and mountain passes were selected on the basis of evidence from a range of different sources including ancient documents, pollen studies and species distribution models. The soil samples collected from these sites were prepared in the laboratory and the charcoal was identified and radiocarbon dated. Statistical and cartographic analyses were also done. The study revealed evidence of past populations of Abies sp. in places where it is no longer found today. A total of 47 different chronologies were obtained from these sites with ages ranging between 9,931 cal bp and 78 cal bp. In addition, the wide variations in the charcoal values enabled us to make an initial estimate of the importance of ancient forest fires in different places in the Serranía de Ronda. When this information has been considered with all the other available data sources, it will be an essential resource for the efficient management of relict fir woods in southern Spain.Ministerio de Educacion del Gobierno de Espana (Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain) 18/03023dependents on the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana y la Junta de Andalucia (Ministry of the Economy) CSO2017-83576-P RTI2018-101714-B-I00 P18-RT-4963 B-RNM-404-UGR18Junta de AndaluciaCompetitiveness of the Government of Spai