571 research outputs found

    Experimentos demostrativos para la construcción de conceptos en torno a las ondas sonoras

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    This work stems from a research process in the classroom and covers the design, development and implementation of a classroom strategy based on demonstration experiments, for the construction of concepts about sound waves. Classroom strategy that relies on constructivist teaching led by Novak, Gowin and David Ausubel, the focus is the significant learning proposal by Ausubel. Demonstrative experiments and the working module are used as a potentially significant material for the construction of knowledge. Perhaps the teacher guides the student to bilding his learning through inserted questions. The implementation of the work realizes in the ninth grade of the school Nuestra Señorade la Salette, and finally analyzes the impact that has a classroom strategy in the learningof the students around the sounds waves.El presente trabajo surge de un proceso de investigación en el aula y abarca el diseño, elaboración e implementación de una estrategia de aula basada en el uso de experimentos demostrativos, para la construcción de conceptos en torno a las ondas sonoras.La estrategia de aula tiene como fundamento pedagógico el constructivismo liderado por Novak, David Ausubel y Gowin centrándose en la propuesta de aprendizaje significativo de Ausubel. Se utiliza el experimento demostrativo y un módulo de trabajo diseñado, como materiales potencialmente significativos para la construcción del conocimiento y se orienta al estudiante hacia una actitud de aprendizaje significativa a través de preguntas insertadas.Se realiza la implementación del trabajo en el aula del grado Noveno del colegio Nuestra Señora de la Salette, para finalmente analizar la incidencia que tiene la estrategia de aula en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en torno a las ondas sonoras

    Methodology for the damage assessment of vehicles exposed to flooding in urban areas

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    Within urban areas, humans carry out a great diversity of activities, and some of them require the use of vehicles. Floods, especially in urban areas, can generate significant tangible direct damages to vehicles themselves and to the urban elements in case of loss of stability and collision, which cannot be dismissed. In this paper, after a state-of-the-art review on damage curves for vehicles, a methodology to assess the direct economic impact for vehicles exposed to flooding has been described, and applied within a study carried out in the framework of the BINGO H2020 EU Project. Only three different studies focused on damages to vehicles in contact with floodwater have been found. Contrasting damage curves for vehicles are found when comparing the three approaches, however, the ones proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) offer a high level of completeness and accuracy. Moreover, USACE''s development is the most current research and all the steps for the development of the damage curves are comprehensively described. Finally, after the description of a detailed methodology for flood damage mapping for vehicles, a procedure to evaluate the Expected Annual Damage for vehicles is offered

    Management of odonto-stomatological emergencies during the COVID-19 alarm state in dental clinics in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM), Spain:an observational study

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    Odontology practice has been severely compromised by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and Spain is one of the countries with higher incidence. Our aim with this study is to find out the number of cases and type of odonto-stomatological emergencies (OSE) treated in four dental clinics of the Madrid capital area and region (CAM) in the period covered between March 17th and 4th of May. We search the cases in the demographic/epidemiological databases of the CAM regional government and the Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the First Region (Madrid). We found that the most prevalent pathology was acute apical periodontitis whereas odontogenic abscess showed the lowest frequency. Prosthetic-orthodontic OSE represented 14% of cases. In this period of time, the most prevalent pathology acute apical periodontitis, odontogenic abscess reported the lowest frequency and prosthetic-orthodontic treatments were the third in number of cases. Most of OSE were resolved, without referring the patient to a hospital emergency department

    Non-Linear Models for Growth, Development, and Posture of L-33 White Leghorn Hens, according to Economic Indicators

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    The Zootechnical Factors established by the main indicators of bioeconomic behavior were determined for the pro-ductive-commercial cycle of L-33 White Leghorn hens in the province of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. A number of 55 cycles were analyzed for validation of mathematical models between 2002 and 2014; other 18 cycles were studied between 2014 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, generalized mixed models (GLIMMIX), and five-function modelling were used. SAS 9.3 for Windows was also used. The productive cycles were similar to the standard set up for the breed and line in Cuba. Laying was 293 eggs/poultry, with a conversion of 1.40 feed kg/10 eggs, and a cost of $ 0.36 CUP an egg. The starting sheds and year had effects on live weight, tarsus length, uniformity, and daily weight gain up to 175 days. Sexual maturity, conversion, egg production, egg cost, and net income were influenced by farm, whereas each farm´s starting shed and the years, had negative effects on most biological indicators. Low, but significant effects of combined climate variables were observed in the bioeconomic indicators. The Gompertz´s model for growth, and Mc Nally´s for laying, were the best predicting tools for production. Along with GLIMMIX, they will contribute with suitable criteria for better decision making to increase egg production

    Plantas utilizadas en medicina popular en la comarca de Baza

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    El presenta trabajo recoge los resultados obtenidos mediante la realización de encuestas en la Comarca de Baza, sobre las plantas que se utilizan en medicina popular. Se incluyen una serie de gráficos significativos de las familias, táxones y aplicaciones que se hacen de la misma.This work contains the results got from differente inquiries, about the plants which are used in popular medicine, made in the region of Baza. A number of significant graphis of the families, taxons and the applications of them is included

    Plantas utilizadas en medicina popular en la comarca de Baza

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    This work contains the results got from differente inquiries, about the plants which are used in popular medicine, made in the region of Baza. A number of significant graphis of the families, taxons and the applications of them is included.El presenta trabajo recoge los resultados obtenidos mediante la realización de encuestas en la Comarca de Baza, sobre las plantas que se utilizan en medicina popular. Se incluyen una serie de gráficos significativos de las familias, táxones y aplicaciones que se hacen de la misma

    Damage assessment methodology for vehicles exposed to flooding in urban areas

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    [EN] Urban floods may provoke important damages to vehicles, usually not taken into account within most studies related to urban flood risks damage assessments. Herein a methodology to estimate damages to vehicles exposed to urban floods is presented. After a state-of-the-art review, the most recent damage curves for vehicles developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2009) are presented as the best adaptive and the most comprehensively performed so far. The proposed methodology is applied to the Spanish municipality of Badalona, framed in the H2020 European Project BINGO. In order to conduct this methodology some aspects such as the vehicular distribution are analyzed within the study area. Finally, Expected Annual Damage (EAD) for flooded vehicles is calculated based on inundations related to design storms of different return periods (1, 10, 100 and 500 years).[ES] Las inundaciones urbanas pueden provocar importantes daños a vehículos que, en general, no son considerados en la mayoría de estudios sobre evaluación de riesgo por inundaciones. En este artículo se propone una metodología para la estimación de los daños a vehículos expuestos a inundaciones urbanas. Se presenta inicialmente el estado de la cuestión en lo que se refiere a curvas de daños para vehículos, escogiéndose las desarrolladas por el U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2009) por ser las más recientes, mejor justificadas y presentar mayor adaptabilidad al caso de estudio propuesto. La metodología propuesta se aplica al municipio español de Badalona, en el marco del proyecto europeo H2020 BINGO. Para llevar a cabo dicha metodología se definen y aplican conceptos como la distribución vehicular en toda el área estudiada. Finalmente, se evalúa el Daño Anual Esperado (DAE) relativo a coches a partir de los daños ocasionados por eventos sintéticos de 1, 10, 100 y 500 años de periodo de retorno.El trabajo presentado en este artículo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto BINGO (Project ID: 641739) financiado por el programa H2020 de la Unión Europea (Acuerdo No. 641739).Martínez Gomariz, E.; Gómez, M.; Russo, B.; Sánchez, P.; Montes, J. (2017). Metodología para la evaluación de daños a vehículos expuestos a inundaciones en zonas urbanas. Ingeniería del Agua. 21(4):247-262. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2017.8772SWORD247262214Casas M. C., Rodríguez R., Redaño Á. (2010). Analysis of extreme rainfall in Barcelona using a microscale rain gauge network. Meteorological Applications 17(1): 117-123.Cummins, J.D., Suher, M., and Zanjani, G., 2010. Federal financial exposure to natural catastrophe. In: D. Lucas, ed. Risk Measuring and managing Federal financial risk. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 61-92.España (2016) Orden HFP/1895/2016, de 14 de diciembre. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 17 de diciembre de 2016, 304, pp. 87816-88485. [online: http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2016-11948].Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Department of Homeland Security. Mitigation Division. (2015). Multi-hazard Loss Estimation Methodology. Flood Model. Hazus-MH MR5 Technical Manual. Washingtong, D.C., USA. 449p.Francés F., García-Bartual R., Ortiz E., Salazar S., Miralles J. L., Blöschl G., Komma J., Habereder C., Bronstert A., Blume T. (2008). Efficiency of non-structural flood mitigation measures: "room for the river" and "retaining water in the landscape." CRUE Research Report No I-6. 242p.Grigg N. S., Helweg O. J. (1975) State-of-the-art of estimating flood damage in urban areas. J Am Water Resour Assoc 11:379-390.Hammond M. J., Chen A. S., Djordjević S., et al (2015) Urban flood impact assessment: A state-of-the-art review. Urban Water J 12:14-29.Jongman, B., Kreibich, H., Apel, H., Barredo, J. I., Bates, P. D., Feyen, L., Gericke, A., Neal, J., Aerts,J. C. J. H., Ward, P. J. (2012). Comparative flood damage model assessment: towards a European approach. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12(12), 3733-3752.Martínez-Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B., Djordjević, S. (2016a) Stability criteria for flooded vehicles: a state-of-the-art review. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 10pp. (record online).Merz, B., Kreibich, H., Schwarze, R., Thieken, A. (2010). Review article "Assessment of economic flood damage." Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10(8), 1697-1724.Meyer V., Priest S., Kuhlicke C. (2011) Economic evaluation of structural and non-structural flood risk management measures: examples from the Mulde River. Nat Hazards 62:301-324.Shand T.D., Cox R.J., Blacka M.J., Smith G.P. (2011) Australian Rainfall and Runoff (AR&R). Revision Project 10: Appropriate Safety Criteria for Vehicles (Report Number: P10/S2/020). Sydney, Australia. 7p.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (2009). Economic Guidance Memorandum, 09-04, Generic Depth-Damage Relationships for Vehicles. Washington, D.C, USA. 9p.Velasco, M., Cabello, À., Russo, B. (2015). Flood damage assessment in urban areas. Application to the Raval district of Barcelona using synthetic depth damage curves. Urban Water Journal, 13(4), 426-440White G. F. (1945) Human Adjustment to Floods: A Geographical Approach to the Flood Problem in the United States. PhD Thesis, University of Chicago, USA

    Comportamiento de dos cepas de estomatitis vesicular indiana (EV-I) y sus partículas interferentes defectivas en células BHK,21.

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    Dos cepas colombianas del virus de la estomatitis vesicular indiana (EV-I) con características epidemiológicas diferentes fueron estudiadas en cuanto a producción de virus estandar y habilidad para generar partículas interferentes defectivas (PID), utilizando cultivos celulares de la linea BHK 21. La obtención de virus estandar se hizo previa curva de crecimiento viral, empleando diferentes dosis de virus y recolectando a diferentes horas porst-infección. De esta manera se determinó que una tasa de infección virus/célula 1:10 a la 5 fue más adecuada y las horas de recolección postinfección, 23 y 28 para las cepas I-15165 e I-15577, respectivamente. La generación de partículas interferentes defectivas (PID) fue obtenida mediante pasajes seriados no diluídos. Se discute en este trabajo el comportamiento de las dos cepas en cuanto a su capacidad para generar PID, encontrándose que ambas tienen dicha capacidad a pesar de mostrar diferencias en su virulencia

    SEOM clinical guidelines for pancreatic and biliary tract cancer (2020)

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) and biliary tract cancer (BTC) are both aggressive and highly fatal malignancies. Nowadays we have a profound knowledge about the molecular landscape of these neoplasms and this has allowed new therapeutic options. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy in both cancers, but disease recurrence is frequent. In PC, adjuvant treatment with mFOLFIRINOX has improved overall survival (OS) and in BTC adjuvant treatment with capecitabine seems to improve OS and relapse-free survival. Concomitant radio-chemotherapy could also be considered following R1 surgery in both neoplasms. Neoadjuvant treatment represents the best option for achieving an R0 resection in borderline PC. Upfront systemic chemotherapy is the treatment of choice in unresectable locally advanced PC and BTC; then locoregional therapy could be considered after an initial period of at least 3-4 months of systemic chemotherapy. In metastatic PC, FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel have improved OS compared with gemcitabine alone. In metastatic BTC, cisplatin plus gemcitabine constitute the standard treatment. Progress in the knowledge of molecular biology has enabled the identification of new targets for therapy with encouraging results that could in the future improve the survival and quality of life of patients with PC and BTC