29 research outputs found

    Evidence for Two Numerical Systems That Are Similar in Humans and Guppies

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    Background: Humans and non-human animals share an approximate non-verbal system for representing and comparing numerosities that has no upper limit and for which accuracy is dependent on the numerical ratio. Current evidence indicates that the mechanism for keeping track of individual objects can also be used for numerical purposes; if so, its accuracy will be independent of numerical ratio, but its capacity is limited to the number of items that can be tracked, about four. There is, however, growing controversy as to whether two separate number systems are present in other vertebrate species. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we compared the ability of undergraduate students and guppies to discriminate the same numerical ratios, both within and beyond the small number range. In both students and fish the performance was ratio-independent for the numbers 1–4, while it steadily increased with numerical distance when larger numbers were presented. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that two distinct systems underlie quantity discrimination in both humans and fish, implying that the building blocks of uniquely human mathematical abilities may be evolutionarily ancient, datin

    Fish Intelligence, Sentience and Ethics

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    Fish are one of the most highly utilised vertebrate taxa by humans; they are harvested from wild stocks as part of global fishing industries, grown under intensive aquaculture conditions, are the most common pet and are widely used for scientific research. But fish are seldom afforded the same level of compassion or welfare as warm-blooded vertebrates. Part of the problem is the large gap between people’s perception of fish intelligence and the scientific reality. This is an important issue because public perception guides government policy. The perception of an animal’s intelligence often drives our decision whether or not to include them in our moral circle. From a welfare perspective, most researchers would suggest that if an animal is sentient, then it can most likely suffer and should therefore be offered some form of formal protection. There has been a debate about fish welfare for decades which centres on the question of whether they are sentient or conscious. The implications for affording the same level of protection to fish as other vertebrates are great, not least because of fishing-related industries. Here, I review the current state of knowledge of fish cognition starting with their sensory perception and moving on to cognition. The review reveals that fish perception and cognitive abilities often match or exceed other vertebrates. A review of the evidence for pain perception strongly suggests that fish experience pain in a manner similar to the rest of the vertebrates. Although scientists cannot provide a definitive answer on the level of consciousness for any nonhuman vertebrate, the extensive evidence of fish behavioural and cognitive sophistication and pain perception suggests that best practice would be to lend fish the same level of protection as any other vertebrate

    Social isolation and aggressiveness in the Amazonian juvenile fish Astronotus ocellatus

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    We tested the effect of social isolation on the aggressiveness of an Amazonian fish: Astronotus ocellatus. Ten juvenile fishes were transferred from a group aquarium (60 x 60 x 40 cm) containing 15 individuals (without distinguishing sex) to an isolation aquarium (50 x 40 x 40 cm). Aggressiveness was tested by means of attacks on and displays toward the mirror image. The behavior was video-recorded for 10 min at a time on 4 occasions: at 30 min, 1 day, 5 days and 15 days after isolation. The aggressive drive was analyzed in three ways: latency to display agonistic behavior, frequency of attacks and specific attacks toward the mirror image. The latency to attack decreased during isolation, but the frequency of mouth fighting (a high aggressive attack) tended to increase, indicating an augmented aggressive drive. Our findings are congruent with the behavior of the juvenile cichlid, Haplochromis burtoni but differ from the behavior observed in another cichlid, Pterophylum scalare. Increased aggressiveness in A. ocellatus may be mediated by means of the primer effect, the effect of prior residence or processes involving recognition of a conspecific

    Opportunities to improve antimicrobial use in paediatric intensive care units: a nationwide survey in Spain.

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    Improving antimicrobial use is a complex process that requires an accurate assessment of ongoing problems and barriers. Paediatric intensive care units (PICU) have seldom been assessed from this perspective. Two Internet-based, self-administered surveys were conducted nationwide in Spain between January and February 2014. The first survey aimed to assess those characteristics of Spanish PICUs that could influence antimicrobial prescribing or antimicrobial stewardship. The second survey targeted Spanish PICU physicians and pursued to assess their attitudes and perceptions regarding antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use. Information about 29/39 contacted PICUs was obtained. A total of 114/206 (55.3%) paediatric intensivists responded. PICUs were heterogeneous regarding years since foundation, number of beds, type of patients admitted and staffing. Only 11 (37.9%) PICUs had available e-prescribing systems. Procalcitonin was available in 24 (89.1%) PICUs, but there were no procalcitonin-based protocols in 14 (60.9%) of them. Half of surveyed PICUs had implemented antimicrobial stewardship activities. Ninety-eight of the 114 PICU physicians (86%) who participated considered that antimicrobial resistance was a significantly relevant problem for their daily and that improving antimicrobial use in their PICU should be a priority (103; 90.4%). The main perceived problems regarding antimicrobial use were the excessive use of antimicrobials in patients with nonconfirmed infections and excessive use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials. The most valued antimicrobial stewardship interventions were the implementation of protocols to guide antimicrobial therapy. Spanish PICU doctors are aware of the relevance of the problem of antimicrobial resistance and the need to improve antimicrobial use. Targeted interventions should take into account their difficulties and preferences when feasible