21,025 research outputs found

    Science with the World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet

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    The World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) will provide access to the UV range during the next decade. The instrumentation on board will allow to carry out high resolution imaging, high sensitivity imaging, high resolution (R~55000) spectroscopy and low resolution (R~2500) long slit spectroscopy. In this contribution, we briefly outline some of the key science issues that WSO-UV will address during its lifetime. Among them, of special interest are: the study of galaxy formation and the intergalactic medium; the astronomical engines; the Milky Way formation and evol ution, and the formation of the Solar System and the atmospheres of extrasolar p lanets.Comment: Just one text file (aigomezdecastro.tex). To be published in the proceeding of the conference: "New Quest in Stellar Astrophysics II: UV properties of evolved stellar populations" held in Puerto Vallarta - Mexico, in april 200

    Rationality and Brauer group of a moduli space of framed bundles

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    We prove that the moduli spaces of framed bundles over a smooth projective curve are rational. We compute the Brauer group of these moduli spaces to be zero under some assumption on the stability parameter.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Tbilisi Math. J; v2. reference adde

    The innermost regions of the jet in NRAO 150. Wobbling or internal rotation?

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    NRAO 150 is a very bright millimeter to radio quasar at redshift zz=1.52 for which ultra-high-resolution VLBI monitoring has revealed a counter-clockwise jet-position-angle wobbling at an angular speed 11\sim11^{\circ}/yr in the innermost regions of the jet. In this paper we present new total and linearly polarized VLBA images at 43 GHz extending previous studies to cover the evolution of the jet in NRAO 150 between 2006 and early 2009. We propose a new scenario to explain the counter-clockwise rotation of the jet position angle based on a helical motion of the components in a jet viewed faced-on. This alternative scenario is compatible with the interpretation suggested in previous works once the indetermination of the absolute position of the self-calibrated VLBI images is taken into account. Fitting of the jet components motion to a simple internal rotation kinematical model shows that this scenario is a likely alternative explanation for the behavior of the innermost regions in the jet of NRAO 150.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Presented in 'The Innermost Regions of Relativistic Jets and Their Magnetic Fields' conference. Granada, Spain, 201

    Changes in the trajectory of the radio jet in 0735+178?

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    We present multi-epoch 8.4 and 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array images of the BL Lac object 0735+178. The images confirm the presence of a twisted jet with two sharp apparent bends of 90^{\circ} within two milliarcseconds of the core, resembling a helix in projection. The observed twisted geometry could be the result of precession of the jet inlet, but is more likely produced by pressure gradients in the external medium through which the jet propagates. Quasi-stationary components are observed at the locations of the 90^{\circ} bends, possibly produced by differential Doppler boosting. Identification of components across epochs, since the earliest VLBI observations of this source in 1979.2, proves difficult due to the sometimes large time gaps between observations. One possible identification suggests the existence of superluminal components following non--ballistic trajectories with velocities up to 11.6±0.6h651c11.6\pm 0.6 h_{65}^{-1} c. However, in images obtained after mid-1995, components show a remarkable tendency to cluster near several jet positions, suggesting a different scenario in which components have remained nearly stationary in time at least since mid-1995. Comparison with the earlier published data, covering more than 19 years of observations, suggests a striking qualitative change in the jet trajectory sometime between mid-1992 and mid-1995, with the twisted jet structure with stationary components becoming apparent only at the later epochs. This would require a re-evaluation of the physical parameters estimated for 0735+178, such as the observing viewing angle, the plasma bulk Lorentz factor, and those deduced from these.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The formation of planetary disks and winds: an ultraviolet view

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    Planetary systems are angular momentum reservoirs generated during star formation. This accretion process produces very powerful engines able to drive the optical jets and the molecular outflows. A fraction of the engine energy is released into heating thus the temperature of the engine ranges from the 3000K of the inner disk material to the 10MK in the areas where magnetic reconnection occurs. There are important unsolved problems concerning the nature of the engine, its evolution and the impact of the engine in the chemical evolution of the inner disk. Of special relevance is the understanding of the shear layer between the stellar photosphere and the disk; this layer controls a significant fraction of the magnetic field building up and the subsequent dissipative processes ougth to be studied in the UV. This contribution focus on describing the connections between 1 Myr old suns and the Sun and the requirements for new UV instrumentation to address their evolution during this period. Two types of observations are shown to be needed: monitoring programmes and high resolution imaging down to, at least, milliarsecond scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science 9 figure

    La Garriganga

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    Debats oberts en el camp de l'avaluació de serveis i programes socials

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    En aquest article identifiquem els debats principals que en l'actualitat, i segons la nostra opinió, tenen lloc dintre del camp de l'avaluació de serveis i programes socials. Aquests temes de debat són diversos i plurals, i hi ha diverses propostes i reflexions al seu voltant, ja que no tots els autors identifiquen els mateixos temes de debat, alhora que, com és lògic, la seva resolució (la posició adoptada davant de cada polèmica concreta) varia enormement d'un autor a un altre

    La convergència lingüística: possible retardador del procés de gramaticalització?

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    En diferents zones d"Hispanoamèrica, la substitució del futur sintètic en -rá (cantaré, lloverá) per la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu (voy a cantar, va a llover) resulta cada vegada més evident (Bauhr, 1989; Troya, 1998; Almeida y Díaz, 1998; Blas Arroyo, 2005; Sedano, 2006). Si bé en les zones peninsulars monolingües aquesta substitució també es percep, sembla que en les zones bilingües on el castellà està en contacte amb el català la tendència és justament la contrària. En aquest article es pretén verificar aquesta tendència tot partint de la hipòtesi que la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu per expressar valors temporals prospectius es fa servir en menor grau, sobretot en els parlants amb el català como a L1. La justificació cal trobar-la en la influència del català sobre el castellà; concretament, en el paradigma verbal particular del català confusió amb el pretèrit perfet perifràstic (vaig cantar) i esforç articulatori i en el fet que Anar a + Infinitiu no ha gramaticalitzat els mateixos valors que el castellà a Ir a + Infinitiu manté els valors etimològics. Per comprovar-ho, ens valdrem del corpus RESOL; un corpus de dades orals constituït per 94 entrevistes semidirigides realitzades a nens de 6º de primària, i novament quan cursaven 1º de la ESO, a escoles de Mataró i de Manlleu. Un cop analitzat el corpus, les dades revelen que, efectivament, en les zones bilingües, els informants amb el català com a L1 tendeixen a utilitzar la forma sintètica en major grau que la forma analítica. En canvi, els parlants que tenen el castellà com a L1 fan servir majoritàriament la perífrasi Ir a + Infinitiu, tot i que aquest ús no es tan profús como en la resta de zones monolingües peninsulars. En definitiva, el fet de tenir el català como a L1 sembla ser un dels factor que condiciona o determina la proliferació de la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu en el castellà parlat a Catalunya, però, alhora, la convergència de diferents factors lingüístics és el que condiciona l"ús particular d"aquesta perífrasi verbal en la zona analitzada