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    Incidencia del método de musicografía Braille en el desarrollo de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de la música de las personas ciegas de la asociación Maricela Toleda ubicada en el distrito III del municipio de Managua en el II semestre del año 2014

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    Debido a que el contexto general que se tiene de las personas ciegas resulta en una tendencia que establece limitaciones de aprendizaje, independencia y desarrollo laboral. Esta investigación se desarrolló en el sector educativo y su relación con la vida laboral de los músicos ciegos, con lo que se propuso como finalidad la organización y adecuación de un material didáctico elemental para la enseñanza de educación musical a personas ciegas. Considerando que la musicografía Braille posee características específicas que hacen que las estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje sean planteadas de una manera diferenciada con relación a la escritura musical tradicional. Esta Investigación se desarrolló través de la recopilación de datos sobre experiencias personales y el sentir de los músicos ciegos pertenecientes a la asociación Maricela Toledo del municipio de Managua con relación a su proceso de aprendizaje musical. Procurando alcanzar avances a favor de un desarrollo de inclusión social y los beneficios derivados de estos logros, lo que nos permitió reconocer los retos frente a dicho proceso y orientar nuestro plan de intervención para potenciar un recurso básico en el aprendizaje de lectoescritura musical. Se hizo necesario plantear diversas cuestiones a fin de investigar las características específicas de la musicografía Braille y las estrategias utilizadas, en la enseñanza de la musicografía Braille que pudieran servirnos de referente a fin de sistematizar y analizar las diferencias entre la musicografía Braille y la escritura musical tradicional visual utilizadas por los docentes. PALABRAS CLAVES: Museografía Braille, Elaboración de Materiales Didácticos, Enseñanza de la Música

    Base de datos del Sistema de seguimiento a egresados en la Universidad de Nariño

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    El proyecto de investigación “SISTEMA DE SEGUIMIENTO A EGRESADOS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE NARIÑO SOPORTADO POR UNA BODEGA DE DATOS: FASE I”, requiere de una Base de Datos que soporte la plataforma virtual y permita realizar minería de datos

    Alimentación y actividad física en estudiantes modalidad presencial de una universidad pública de Cartagena, Colombia

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    Introduction: Food and physical activity are part of the habits and behaviors that allow to achieve well-being and improve health. These habits are influenced by personal, environmental and social factors. Objective: To identify the diet and physical activity in students of face-to-face modality of a public University of Cartagena. Method: the 1,292 students were selected by stratified probabilistic sampling, using the virtual "Survey of Health Risk Factors Related to Lifestyle" of the Colombian National Institute of Health. Results: The results indicate that the female sex predominated in the population, affiliated to the subsidized regime in socioeconomic stratum 1 and 2; enrolled in the nursing, engineering, human sciences and economic sciences mainly. As for food, it was found that the majority ate whole fruits and vegetables, but the consumption of fried foods, packaged/candy foods, sugary drinks, and the addition of salt to already served meals is high. Conclusions: The students have poor healthy diets and do physical activity a few days a week. It is necessary to promote institutional strategies to strengthen healthy habits by creating spaces that promote and maximize the health of the student population.Introducción: la alimentación y la actividad física hacen parte de los hábitos y/o comportamientos que permiten alcanzar el bienestar y mejorar la salud. Estos hábitos están influenciados por factores personales, ambientales y sociales. Objetivo: identificar la alimentación y actividad física en estudiantes de modalidad presencial de una universidad pública de Cartagena, Colombia. Método: 1292 estudiantes fue seleccionados mediante muestreo probabilístico estratificado, se utilizó la virtual “Encuesta de factores de riesgo en salud relacionados con el estilo de vida” del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Colombia. Resultados: los resultados indican que en la población predominó el sexo femenino, afiliados al régimen subsidiado en estrato socioeconómico 1 y 2; inscritos a la enfermería, ingeniería, ciencias humanas y ciencias económicas, principalmente. En cuanto a la alimentación se encontró que la mayoría comió frutas enteras y verduras; pero, es alto el consumo de fritos, alimentos de paquetes/golosina, bebidas azucaradas y adición de sal a las comidas ya servidas. Conclusiones: los estudiantes tienen una alimentación poco saludable y realizan actividad física pocos días a la semana. Se requiere promover estrategias institucionales para fortalecer hábitos saludables creando espacios que potencien y maximicen la salud de la población estudiantil

    Fluorescent membrane potential assay for drug screening on Kv10.1 channel: identification of BL-1249 as a channel activator

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    Resting membrane potential is a bioelectric property of all cells. Multiple players govern this property, the ion channels being the most important. Ion channel dysfunction can affect cells’ resting membrane potential and could be associated with numerous diseases. Therefore, the drug discovery focus on ion channels has increased yearly. In addition to patch-clamp, cell-based fluorescent assays have shown a rapid and reliable method for searching new ion channel modulators. Here, we used a cell-based membrane potential assay to search for new blockers of the Kv10.1, a potassium channel strongly associated with cancer progression and a promising target in anticancer therapy. We found that fluoxetine and miconazole can inhibit the Kv10.1 channel in the micromolar range. In contrast, BL-1249 potentiates Kv10.1 currents in a dose-dependent manner, becoming the first molecule described as an activator of the channel. These results demonstrate that cell-based membrane potential assay can accelerate the discovery of new Kv10.1 modulators

    Education and innovation - vet students into technology companies

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    VET education is an effective and accessible way for students, to improve their employability and inclusion possibilities. It allows them to train technically in a short time to do a job and try to access the labor market. However, not even obtaining a qualification aimed at vocational training ensures access to the labor market or real possibilities of emancipation. The success of VET graduates in their first work experience joining technology companies requires the development of many skills that are common to all professional careers, but also specific skills that derive from the innovative nature of the work method and objectives of these companies. For this reason, within the framework of the Erasmus + Program, the project VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking is being developed with the aim of promoting employability and inclusion of VET students at risk of exclusion. The project focuses on the creation of virtual tools, collaborative work methodologies and virtual training materials that allow these young people to improve their critical thinking capacity and their technological and digital skills. The project's methodology is based on the combination of the creation of training materials and a network of mobility in high-tech centres, where students will carry out a first work experience. Regarding training materials, one of the main results of this project is PERSONALIZED DIGITAL COURSE FOR LABOR TRAINING IN A TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER. This course generates personalized learning based on the student's previous knowledge and the characteristics of the technological company in which they will carry out their internship. The course follows an innovative methodology based on microlearning, a learning characterized by the resolution of relatively small exercises (pills) that are focused on the development of technical and work skills and the reinforcement of critical thinking as a fundamental mechanism. The objective of this course is not so much to provide new knowledge as to develop skills that allow the students to face problems or tasks unknown to them until then: self-training skills, assess their own way of reasoning, set objectives, raise relevant questions, state hypothesis, search for information, intellectual integrity, oral and written communication, work in multidisciplinary teams. Along with this course, within the framework of this project, the result ON YOUR SIDE is being developed, a digital educational software available for mobile devices, which will accompany the student throughout the mobility process, providing useful information such as specific training resources focused on the company where they will carry out their mobility, linguistic resources, collaborative work tools, as well as social integration resources in the destination country, among others. From this App, students will be able to access the aforementioned course. In this paper we present how, through microlearning methodology and critical thinking, students can solve the content pills through their autonomy and self-discovery.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    VET students into technology companies: a microlearning digital course to train critical thinking skills

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    This microlearning course is designed to support VET graduates or students, especially those with fewer opportunities, who join a technology company at the beginning of their professional career. It has been developed within the framework of the Erasmus + project “VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking”. This is an intiative co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, with a personalized digital course format, to take into account both the previous training of the VET student or graduate and the type of company they will join. The course has in its sights to develop in the VET student the specific competences required by the technology company to address the problems typical of fields of leading technology innovation, as well as fitting in multidisciplinary teams. To do this, this course generates an innovative methodology in which the education itinerary is built based on previous knowledge of the student and the needs and work field of the technology company. Besides its contents strengthen critical thinking as an essential mechanism for work in both dynamic and technology sectors. For that purpose, the student is asked a series of questions in the form of problems that, in addition to being related to the study plans of VET studies, require for their solution the search for information, its analysis and many times the making of a decision or adopting a personal position on it. We aim with our training projects, within the Erasmus + program, to convince students that they are capable of going further and further in the development of their professional skills being the technology sector an acceptable option for them, making their work increasingly valuable for their inclusion, for their own personal development, for that of the company in which they work and for society. But for this certain skills are required, and one of the most important is learning to learn autonomously and to accurately analyse the information received and the decisions that are made from it. It is generally true that the problems that one encounters in professional practice are not going to be the ones that you were taught in your VET studies. Vocational training has to head for equipping students with the necessary tools to face the new problems that they will face in their job and to grow professionally every day. We intend to show how valuable critical thinking skills are in analysing our way of thinking and making decisions. In this paper we present examples of the exercises included in the course, how their approach and the processes that have led to a solution relate with the standards of critical thinking and the different levels of help that are offered to the student for their solution. The course is accessible from a digital educational software “ON YOUR SIDE: VIRTUAL ASSISTANT FOR EUROPEAN MOBILITIES IN TECHNOLOGICAL CENTERS” developed in the framework of this Erasmus+ project in order to develop cooperative work between students with fewer opportunities doing their internships in technology companies and their inclusion in new job posts. We will also present this software in a very summarized way in this article.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    El pensamiento crítico como un paso adelante en la Formación Profesional. Estudiantes de Formación Profesional inmersos en centros de alta tecnología

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    [EN] This communication summarizes the results of the Erasmus+ project "CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams" in which european technologybased companies, higher research centers and vocational training centers have participated. For two years, strategies have been designed to develop training in critical thinking tools in vocational students during internships in high-tech centers. We have chosen a reduced set of critical thinking skills that we think can act as a catalyst for student training throughout their professional careers, and in creative work that contributes effectively to the company's objectives. The debate has crystallized in the writing of two tools: a template of help to the tutor in the company for the preparation of the work plan of the student and another template for the student's laboratory notebook. In one case and in another the writing of these notebooks requires the student and the tutor to reflect on the critical thinking skills that are intended to develop in the student.[ES] Esta comunicación resume parte de los resultados del proyecto Erasmus+ “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams” en el que han participado empresas de base tecnológica, centros superiores de investigación y centros de formación profesional europeos. Durante dos años se han diseñado estrategias para desarrollar la formación en herramientas de pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes de formación profesional durante prácticas realizadas en centros de alta tecnología. Se ha elegido un conjunto reducido de capacidades de pensamiento crítico que pensamos que pueden actuar de desencadenante de la formación del estudiante a lo largo de toda su carrera profesional, y en un trabajo creativo que contribuya de forma efectiva a los objetivos de la empresa. El debate ha cristalizado en la redacción de dos herramientas: una plantilla de ayuda al tutor en la empresa para la preparación del plan de trabajo del estudiante y otra plantilla para el cuaderno de laboratorio del estudiante. En un caso y en otro la redacción de estos cuadernos obliga al estudiante y al tutor a una reflexión relacionada con las capacidades de pensamiento crítico que se pretenden desarrollar en el estudiante.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el programa Erasmus + de la dentro del proyecto 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038469, Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) referencia nacional ZZ02Solano-Martínez, C.; Clara Trujillo, S.; Guillot Ferriols, MT.; Gómez Estrada, L.; Gómez Ribelles, JL. (2019). El pensamiento crítico como un paso adelante en la Formación Profesional. Estudiantes de Formación Profesional inmersos en centros de alta tecnología. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1342-1353. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10340OCS1342135

    Simulador de negocios Capstone: estrategia competitiva de Baldwin

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    En el presente trabajo de obtención de grado se muestra un análisis de las decisiones tomadas y resultados obtenidos en el simulador de negocios CAPSTONE durante ocho años por la gestión directiva, que a su vez son los autores de este documento y que representaron a la empresa Baldwin. El capítulo uno presenta el marco teórico donde se tratan temas de planeación estrategia y modelos de negocios, los cuales se aterrizan a casos de estudio en empresas de diferentes industrias. En el capítulo dos se explica cómo funciona el simulador de negocios CAPSTONE, as se define la estrategia y las tácticas a emplear por el equipo directivo de Baldwin en las áreas que conforman la compañía como lo son investigación y desarrollo, mercadotecnia, producción, finanzas, recursos humanos y TQM. Del capítulo tres al seis se presenta un análisis de las decisiones tomadas por los integrantes de la mesa directiva a lo largo de los ocho años de la simulación, así como la comparación con los de la competencia. Y por último en siete se muestran las conclusiones y lecciones aprendidas por parte del equipo directivo durante su gestión. En conclusión, este trabajo manifiesta la aplicación de los aprendizajes adquiridos durante la maestría aplicados a un entorno simulado que representa de una manera muy completa las situaciones reales de la industria.ITESO, A.C