273 research outputs found

    Indicators of the sense of intrusion in dikes

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se establecen una serie de criterios que permite deducir el sentido de la inyección en los diques. Estos criterios son de dos tipos: A) Criterios basados en indicadores cinemáticos de la deformación, que se observan a meso y microescala en los contactos dique-roca de caja, y B) Criterios basados en la observaci6n cartográfica de ciertas variaciones geométricas, texturales, composicionales y de la deformación a lo largo de la dirección de flujo dentro del dique. A su vez, los primeros se subdividen en: 1) EStructuras de flujo magmático. 2) EStructuras miloníticas dúctiles a dúctiles-frágiles. 3) EStructuras frágiles. La deducci6n del sentido de la intrusi6n en los diques tiene gran importancia, tanto para los los esquemas tectónicos regionales, como para el estudio de los flujos magmáticos.[Abstract] In this paper we study sorne criteria that are useful as indicators of the sense of intrusion in dikes. There are two types of criteria: A) Criteria based on kinematic indicators, which are observable on the meso and microscale, on the dike/host-rock interfaces; B) Criteria based on the cartographical observation of certain geometrical, textural, compositional, and deformational variations along the direction of intrusion of the dikes. The meso and microscale indicators might be subdivided into three main types of structures: 1) Structures of magmatic flow; 2) Ductile to ductile-brittle mylonitic structures); 3) Brittle structures. The deduction of the sense of intrusion in dikes is very important, both for the establishment of regional tectonic schemes, and for the study of magmatic flow patterns

    Prevalencia de la fibrilacion auricular en España

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    La fibrilación auricular se asocia con una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad y tanto su incidencia como su prevalencia son altas. No obstante existen escasos datos poblacionales sobre su epidemiología en España. El objetivo de este estudio es estimar la prevalencia de fibrilación auricular en España. Métodos Estudio transversal en población española de 40 o mas años. Se realizó un muestreo en dos etapas, una primera selección aleatoria de médicos de atención primaria de cada provincia española y, en segundo lugar, se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 20 individuos de la población asignada a cada médico participante. La prevalencia fue ponderada por edad, sexo y área geográfica según la distribución de la población española. Se realizó una lectura centralizada de los registros electrocardiográficos. Resultados Se evaluó a 8.343 personas con una edad media de 59,2 años IC95%: 58,6-59,8, 52,4% mujeres. La prevalencia global de fibrilación auricular fue de 4,4 % (IC95%: 3,8 – 5,1). La prevalencia fue similar en varones 4,4 % (3,6-5,2) y en mujeres 4,5% (3,6-5,3) y se incrementa progresivamente a partir de los 60 años de edad. En los mayores de 80 años la prevalencia fue del 17,7 % (14,1-21,3). En un 10% de pacientes se diagnosticó una fibrilación auricular no conocida. Conclusiones La prevalencia de fibrilación auricular en la población general española mayor de 40 años es elevada, del 4,4 %. La prevalencia es similar en varones y en mujeres, y se incrementa escalonadamente a partir de los 60 año

    Late cenozoic identation/escape tectonics in the eastern Betic Cordilleras and its consequences on the Iberian foreland

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    13 páginas, 5 figuras.[ES] La estructuración del cuadrante SE de la Península Ibérica (Béticas orientales y antepaís Ibérico), desde el Messiniense hasta la actualidad, ha sido el resultado de una serie compleja de eventos deformativos, relacionados con la actividad de una megazona de cizalla NNE-SSO en el SE de las Cordilleras Béticas (zona de cizalla Trans-Alborán-Palomares; TAPSZ). La deformación a lo largo de esta zona de cizalla se caracteriza por dos escenarios secuenciales diferentes: 1) períodos de concentración de esfuerzos, asociados con un frenado momentáneo del movimiento a lo largo de la TAPSZ, y con procesos de identación dirigidos hacia el NO, y 2) períodos de disipación de esfuerzos, que serían el resultado del escape lateral de bloques en forma de cuña, y del movimiento transcurrente renovado a lo largo de la TAPSZ. Estos eventos han generado campos de esfuerzos en el antepaís Ibérico, con una serie de consecuencias tales como el vulcanismo alcalino de Calatrava y Cofrentes, zonas de protorift, modificaciones de directrices estructurales previas, levantamientos/abombamientos localizados, y cambios en el régimen sedimentario de algunas cuencas.[EN] The structuration of the southeastern quarter of the Iberian Peninsula (eastern Betics and Iberian foreland), since Messinian time, was the result of a series of complex deformational events, as related to a major NNE-SSW sinistral shear zone disrupting the southeasternmost part of the Betic cordilleras (Trans-Alborán-Palomares shear zone; TAPSZ). Deformation along this shear zone was characterized by two differentiated and sequential scenarios: 1) periods of stress-build-up associated to momentary slip-obstruction along the TAPSZ, involving NW-directed indentation of the southeastern Iberian domain, and 2) periods of stress-release resulting from the lateral escape of wedge-shaped blocks, thus allowing full-scale strike-slip displacements along the TAPSZ. These events imposed compressional stress fields on the Iberian foreland, with a series of consequences such as alkaline volcanism in Calatrava and Cofrentes, protorift zones, changes in previous structural trends, localized uplift/doming processes, and changes in the sedimentary records of sorne basins.Financial support was provided by the Dirección General de la Política Científica through Project n.O PB87-0372.Peer reviewe

    Redes familiares cuidando a personas mayores dependientes: influencia del empleo y del estado civil de los hijos y las hijas

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    Our study addresses the care that children provide to the elderly, taking as a unit of analysis the support networks where they are framed. The objective is twofold: to investigate in their strategies to reconcile said dedication with employment, and in how the labor and family circumstances of each one condition their participation in the care. In its development we use qualitative methodology, specifically semi-structured interviews to obtain information and Grounded Theory to analyze it. The results show that, although responsibility is shared, the employment status of the siblings determines their contribution to parental care. They also collect common strategies to combine employment and care, such as the sacrifice of the professional career or the search for external support to the family, as well as the leading role that people who are in single situations usually assume. Within mixed networks, we also find that there are still gender differences.Nuestro estudio aborda el cuidado que sus hijos o hijas proveen a las personas mayores, tomando como unidad de análisis a las redes de apoyo en que se enmarcan. El objetivo es doble: indagar en sus estrategias para compaginar esa dedicación con el empleo y en cómo las circunstancias laborales y familiares de cada cual condicionan su participación en el cuidado. En su desarrollo usamos una metodología cualitativa, en concreto entrevistas semiestructuradas para obtener información y teoría fundamentada para analizarla. Los resultados demuestran que, aunque la responsabilidad sea compartida, el estatus laboral de los y las hermanas determina su contribución al cuidado parental. También recogen estrategias comunes para compaginar empleo y cuidado, como el sacrificio de la carrera profesional o la búsqueda de apoyo externo a la familia, así como el rol protagonista que suelen asumir quienes se encuentran en situación de soltería. Dentro de las redes mixtas, además, constatamos que siguen existiendo diferencias de género

    Geochemistry of the Quaternary alkali basalts of Garrotxa (NE Volcanic Province, Spain): a case of double enrichment of the mantle lithosphere

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    The area of Garrotxa (also known as the Olot area) represents the most recent (700,000–11,500 y) and better preserved area of magmatic activity in the NE Volcanic Province of Spain (NEVP). This region comprises a suite of intracontinental leucite basanites, nepheline basanites and alkali olivine basalts, which in most cases represent primary or nearly primary liquids. The geochemical characteristics of these lavas are very similar to the analogous petrologic types of other Cenozoic volcanics of Europe, which are intermediate between HIMU, DM and EM1. Quantitative trace element modeling, suggests derivation from an enriched mantle source by degrees of melting that progressively increased from the leucite basanites (,4%) to the olivine basalts (,16%). However, the relatively more variable Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signature of the magmas suggests the participation of at least two distinct components in the mantle source: (1) a sublithospheric one with a geochemical signature similar to the magmas of Calatrava (Central Spain) and other basalts of Europe; and (2) an enriched lithospheric component with a K-bearing phase present. The geochemical model proposed here involves the generation of a hybrid mantle lithosphere source produced by the infiltration of the sublithospheric liquids into enriched domains of the mantle lithosphere, shortly before the melting event that generated the Garrotxa lavas. The available geological data suggest that the first enrichment event of the mantle lithosphere under the NEVP could be the result of Late Variscan mantle upwelling triggered by the extensional collapse of the Variscan orogen during the Permo-Carboniferous. By Jurassic/Cretaceous time, large-scale NNE-directed sublithospheric mantle channeling of thermally and chemically anomalous plume material was placed under the Iberian Peninsula and Central Europe. However, the geodynamic conditions in the NEVP did not favor magmatism, which could not take place until the Cenozoic after extension started. This favored the second enrichment event of the mantle lithosphere by entrainment and storage of liquids generated in the sublithospheric plume material. After a relatively short period of time, as extension progressed, it triggered melting in the enriched portions of the mantle lithosphere during the Quaternary, generating the Garrotxa volcanism.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Effect of a simple educational program for physicians on adherence to secondary prevention measures after discharge following acute coronary syndrome: the CAM project

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Adherence to established guidelines for patients discharged from the hospital after acute coronary syndrome is known to be suboptimal. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a program for physicians centered on the treatment of acute coronary syndrome. Patients and method. 39 hospitals participated. Intervention: a set of measures was developed by consensus for the creation and distribution of educational materials. Outcomes of interest: proportion of patients in whom ejection fraction and residual ischemia were evaluated, treatment at discharge, and health and dietary recommendations to patients (smoking, diet, exercise, etc.) referred to all patients in whom these measures or treatments should have been used (“ideal patients”). Changes were assessed with four cross-sectional surveys. Results. A total of 1157, 1162, 1149, and 1158 patients were included. There were no relevant differences between these groups in baseline characteristics. In general, there was improvement in all variables between the first and the last survey. The proportion of patients who were weighed and measured increased (from 33.5% to 53.4%; P<.0001), as did the proportion of those in whom cholesterol was measured early (42.6 to 53.7%; P=.006). The proportion in whom residual ischemia was not measured despite indications for this test decreased (18.2% to 10.8%; P=.013), and the proportion increased for appropriate treatment with statins on discharge (68.6% to 81.4%; P<.0001), advice to quit smoking (60.1% to 72.2%; P<.0001) and advice to exercise (58.3% to 67.4%; P=.003). Conclusions. The educational intervention seems to have had a positive effect on improving the appropriateness of procedures and treatments for patients discharged after acute coronary syndrome.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones establecidas como eficaces en el momento del alta en los pacientes hospitalizados por un síndrome coronario agudo es subóptimo. El objetivo de este estu-dio es evaluar la eficacia de un programa de intervención centrado en el abordaje y tratamiento del síndrome coronario agudo. Pacientes y método. Participaron en el proyecto 39 hospi-tales. La intervención realizada consistió en el desarrollo con-sensuado de acuerdos de mínimos y la elaboración y difusión de materiales educativos. Entre las medidas de interés cabe destacar la proporción de pacientes en la que se evaluaron la fracción de eyección, la isquemia residual y los tratamientos y recomendaciones higiénico-dietéticas en el momento del alta (tabaco, dieta, ejercicio, etc.) del total de pacientes en los que se deben determinar según el acuerdo de mínimos («pacientes ideales»). Asimismo, se valoraron los cambios en 4 cortes transversales. Resultados. Se incluyó a 1.157, 1.162, 1.149 y 1.158 pacientes, respectivamente. No había diferencias en las características basales de pacientes analizados en cada corte. En general, se aprecia una mejoría entre el primer y el último corte en todas las variables analizadas. Mejoró especialmente la proporción de pacientes en los que se determi-naron el peso y la talla (del 33,5 al 53,4%; p < 0,0001). También se observó una mejoría en la medición precoz del colesterol (del 42,6 al 53,7%; p = 0,006) y una reducción del porcentaje de pacientes en los que no se realizó un test de isquemia pese a estar indicado (del 18,2 al 10,8%; p = 0,013); asimismo, aumentó la propoción de pacientes con un tratamiento adecuado con estatinas en el momento del alta (del 68,6 al 81,4%; p < 0,0001) y el número de recomendaciones sobre tabaquismo (del 60,1 al 72,2%; p < 0,0001) y ejercicio (del 58,3 al 67,4%; p = 0,003). Conclusiones. La intervención educativa parece que tie-ne un efecto positivo en la mejora de la adecuación de los procedimientos realizados y en los tratamientos prescritos en el momento del alta tras un síndrome coronario agudo

    Deforrnational processes in sorne dikes of the Tardi -Hercynian dike-cornplex of the Southwestern Montnegre batholith (<<Cordillera Litoral Costero-Catalana»)

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    En este trabajo, estudiamos las deformaciones de algunos diques del Complejo filoniano Tardi-Hercínico de la zona SW del batolito del Montnegre (Cordillera Litoral Costero-Catalana). Estos diques pre-Triásicos, presentan diferentes composiciones y directrices (dominando la NE-SW), y se hallan emplazados en un batolito granítico calco-alcalino postectónico con respecto al ciclo Hercínico (ENRIQUE, P., 1978; ENRIQUE, P., 1983; ]UUVERT, M. y MARTINEZ, F. J, 1983; ENRIQUE, P. Y DEBON, F., 1987; ENRIQUE, P. el al., 1987; SERRA, A. y ENRIQUE, P., 1987). En estos diques se observan deformaciones de origen inttusivo en los bordes de los mismos, similares a las que venimos describiendo desde hace algún tiempo en el Sistema Central Español (UBANELL, A. G. Y DOBLAS, M., 1987a; DOBLAS, M. el al., 1987; DOBLAS, M. et al., en prensa) Parece obvio que para tiempos Tardi-Hercínicos se produjo en esta zona un régimen extensional, originando un complejo filoniano esencialmente lineal (NE-SW). Finalmente, trataremos de enmarcar este episodio extensional Tardi-Hercínico, dentro de un marco global, comparando las caracterlSticas de esta zona con el Sistema Central Español, y los Pirineos.In this paper, we study the deformation of sorne dikes within the Tardi-Hercynian dike-complex of the southwestern Montnegre batholith ("Cordillera Litoral Costero Catalana»). These dikes, which are mainly pre-Triasic in age, display different compositions and trends (dominantly NE-SW), and they were emplaced in a calc-alkaline granitic batholith, post-tectonic (with respect to the Hercynian cycle)(ENRIQUE, P., 1978; ENRIQUE, P., 1983; ]ULlVERT, M. & MARTINEZ, F.]., 1983; ENRIQUE, p. &DEBON, F. 1987; ENRIQUE, P. el al., 1987; SERRA, A. & ENRIQUE, P. 1987) In the borders of the dikes, we may observe intrusion-related deformational features, similar ro the ones described in the dike-complex of the Spanish Central System (UBANELL, A. G. & DOBLAS, M. 1987a; DOBLAS, M. el al., 1987; DOBLAS M. el al., in press). During Tardi-Hercynian times the area underwent extensional tectonics resulting in the emplacement of this linear-shaped dike-complex (NE-SW). Finally, we will include this Tardi-Hercynian extensional event within a generalized model, comparing the characteristics of the Catalonian province, with the Spanish Central System and the PyreneesDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEpu

    Basophil Activation Test Utility as a Diagnostic Tool in LTP Allergy

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    Plant-food allergy is an increasing problem, with nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) triggering mild/severe reactions. Pru p 3 is the major sensitizer in LTP food allergy (FA). However, in vivo and in vitro diagnosis is hampered by the need for differentiating between asymptomatic sensitization and allergy with clinical relevance. The basophil activation test (BAT) is an ex vivo method able to identify specific IgE related to the allergic response. Thus, we aimed to establish the value of BAT in a precise diagnosis of LTP-allergic patients. Ninety-two individuals with peach allergy sensitized to LTP, Pru p 3, were finally included, and 40.2% of them had symptoms to peanut (n = 37). In addition, 16 healthy subjects were recruited. BAT was performed with Pru p 3 and Ara h 9 (peanut LTP) at seven ten-fold concentrations, and was evaluated by flow cytometry, measuring the percentage of CD63 (%CD63+) and CD203c (%CD203chigh) cells, basophil allergen threshold sensitivity (CD-Sens), and area under the dose–response curve (AUC). Significant changes in BAT parameters (%CD63+ and %CD203chigh) were found between the controls and patients. However, comparisons for %CD63+, %CD203chigh, AUC, and CD-Sens showed similar levels among patients with different symptoms. An optimal cut-off was established from ROC curves, showing a significant positive percentage of BAT in patients compared to controls and great values of sensitivity (>87.5%) and specificity (>85%). In addition, BAT showed differences in LTP-allergic patients tolerant to peanut using its corresponding LTP, Ara h 9. BAT can be used as a potential diagnostic tool for identifying LTP allergy and for differentiating peanut tolerance, although neither reactivity nor sensitivity can distinguish the severity of the clinical symptoms.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga. This research was funded by grants from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: PI17/01318, PI18/00288, PI21/00346, AC18/00031; RETICS ARADyAL (RD16/0006/0001, RD16/0006/0007); Sara Borrell (CD20/00085) Program; RICORS (RD21/0002/0008, RD21/0002/0058); and Next Generation EU funds. Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (PE-0039-2018, RH-0085-2020, and PI-0099-2020), Senior Clinical Researcher Program (B-0005-2019), and Nicolas Monardes Program (RC-0004-2021). Roche Pharma S.A. “Stop Fuga de Cerebros” Program (SFC-0002-2020). Grants were co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). “Una manera de hacer Europa” “Andalucía se mueve con Europa”

    Assessment of medical management in Coronary Type 2 Diabetic patients with previous percutaneous coronary intervention in Spain: A retrospective analysis of electronic health records using Natural Language Processing

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    Coronary heart disease; Type 2 diabetes; Electronic medical recordsEnfermedad coronaria; Diabetes tipo 2; Registros médicos electrónicosMalaltia coronària; Diabetis tipus 2; Registres mèdics electrònicsIntroduction and objectives Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and stable coronary artery disease (CAD) previously revascularized with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are at high risk of recurrent ischemic events. We aimed to provide real-world insights into the clinical characteristics and management of this clinical population, excluding patients with a history of myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Methods This is a multicenter, retrospective study based on the secondary use of 2014–2018 real-world data captured in the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of 1,579 patients (0.72% of the T2D population analyzed; n = 217,632 patients) from 12 representative hospitals in Spain. To access the unstructured clinical information in EHRs, we used the EHRead® technology, based on NLP and machine learning. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) were considered: MI, ischemic stroke, urgent coronary revascularization, and hospitalization due to unstable angina. The association between MACE rates and the variables included in this study was evaluated following univariate and multivariate approaches. Results Most patients were male (72.13%), with a mean age of 70.5±10 years. Regarding T2D, most patients were non-insulin-dependent T2D (61.75%) with high prevalence of comorbidities. The median (Q1-Q3) duration of follow-up was 1.2 (0.3–4.5) years. Overall, 35.66% of patients suffered from at least one MACE during follow up. Using a Cox Proportional Hazards regression model analysis, several independent factors were associated with MACE during follow up: CAD duration (p < 0.001), COPD/Asthma (p = 0.021), heart valve disease (p = 0.031), multivessel disease (p = 0.005), insulin treatment (p < 0.001), statins treatment (p < 0.001), and clopidogrel treatment (p = 0.039). Conclusions Our results showed high rates of MACE in a large real-world series of PCI-revascularized patients with T2D and CAD with no history of MI or stroke. These data represent a potential opportunity to improve the clinical management of these patients.This study was funded by AstraZeneca Spain and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Cardiology