12 research outputs found

    Sustainable Construction Of Rural Housing In Guadua: A Step-By-Step Learning For Rural Communities

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    Population growth has generated the search for fast, economical and environmental housing alternatives that guarantee the wellbeing of the population.  In recent years, the use of plant-based materials in construction has increased, from ancestral practices to the technical aspects based on the Colombian Seismic Resistant Construction Regulation NSR-10. This article explains the sustainable construction systems of guadua housing for rural communities in Colombia, seeking to take advantage of the available resources, the natural properties of guadua and the low costs of the material, with the generation of a pedagogical manual for the use of this resource and the learning of rural communities so that they can make their own construction of guadua housing. The guadua construction pedagogical manual contains specifications, preparation, tools, type of cuts, type of joints, material protection, construction systems and process recommendations. Guadua construction for rural communities in Colombia is a viable alternative from an economic, environmental and social point of view, as it is a low-cost resource available in the country, and generates the possibility of solving housing problems for people affected by natural disasters, conflicts, among others

    Practical And Theoretical Construction Skills For Medium Complexity Housing Projects

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    Quality education generates technical and professional competencies in students, with the implementation of pedagogical strategies, which have the purpose of facilitating their training and learning. In the academic training of civil engineering students at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, strategies are generated for the student to appropriate knowledge and develop skills, through active learning based on the methodology of learning by doing, with the creation of construction models of medium complexity housing, bearing in mind the Colombian earthquake resistant construction regulations. The university's project fair is a scenario for the exhibition of the work of civil engineering students, where their participation is encouraged and practical and theoretical construction skills are sought. The construction systems and processes was one of the categories of the project fair, where the construction of medium complexity housing was evidenced, in which 20 civil engineering students of the sixth semester participated in the subject of construction 1. and evaluation of the teacher, the strengthening of their competencies is identified, mainly that of analyzing, projecting and designing civil engineering works, using the appropriate information for the solution of application problems, the ability to identify, plan and solve problems, among others, being a contribution to their professional development


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    The construction systems and processes was one of the categories of the project fair, where the construction of medium complexity housing was evidenced, in which 20 civil engineering students of the sixth semester participated in the subject of construction 1. and evaluation of the teacher, the strengthening of their competencies is identified, mainly that of analyzing, projecting and designing civil engineering works, using the appropriate information for the solution of application problems, the ability to identify, plan and solve problems, among others, being a contribution to their professional development. The construction sector generates some greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur, and, due to the high demand for energy and natural resources required for its development, there arises the need to investigate alternatives that promote the use of waste for the development of building materials that meet technical standards, thereby mitigating the environmental impact in each of the construction processes that are used in traditional construction and the environment where they are executed, contributing to the preservation of species and ecosystems. This article seeks to generate a practical and pedagogical application in the development of an eco brick based on coffee husk and clay implementing the technique of compressed earth blocks (BTC), in order to provide innovative processes in the construction of sustainable housing for the benefit of rural communities, due to its low cost of manufacture, ease of processing, availability and accessibility of resources and that these are articulated to the circular economy of processes and waste generating a positive impact from the environmental, this research has a methodology practice which had development steps such as 1: bibliographic research 2, technical tests under the Colombian technical standards 4205. 3, testing of prototypes 4 realization of prototypes according to mix design allowing as results that demonstrate the ease of implementation process, its impact and above all the applicability for rural communities, which allow to venture into the circular economy, thus demonstrating the theory of learning by doing and applying concepts of innovation, sustainability, and eco-materials

    Metodolog铆a para evaluar el factor confiabilidad en la gesti贸n de proyectos de dise帽o de equipos industriales

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    Nowadays the complexity of several industrial procedures and the equipment required establishes that not all assets failure patterns may be easily handled through maintenance service activities done after its manufacturing and use. In order to avoid all kind of high impact failures to use the product, there must be a stage of elimination by removing some maintenance needs, and it should be done considering their own foundations from the very first moment where the asset is designed and produced. These failures might emerge in production, quality, safety, environment and costs, among others, which are hard to identify and to control. All this requires different concepts and tools in industrial maintenance service and Engineering reliability straight to designing area. Hence, the right management of projects related to industrial equipment designing is essential to delimit the service life of them. Besides, customer鈥檚 satisfaction gets increased this way. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to introduce a methodology to measure the credibility factor of Industrial equipment designing projects management; which uses a descriptive methodology along with a design based on fieldwork. As a result, we could identify the elements and practice of the operational reliability that must be taken into account when starting a new project related to Industrial assets. Furthermore, we could identify all stages involved when designing an asset including several reliability tools in order to assess the products麓 systems criticality. It also allowed us to identify its functional profile, potential failures and the analysis of reliability, maintainability and availability.Actualmente la complejidad que han alcanzado los procesos industriales y los equipos que en ellos se desempe帽an hace que no todos los patrones de falla de un activo puedan ser manejados f谩cilmente a trav茅s de las actividades de mantenimiento efectuadas despu茅s de su fabricaci贸n y puesta en marcha, por lo que la eliminaci贸n de ciertas necesidades de mantenimiento deber铆a abordarse desde las mismas fases de dise帽o del activo, para evitar que se presenten fallas de alto impacto (en t茅rminos de producci贸n, calidad, seguridad, ambiente, costos, entre otros), dif铆ciles de identificar y atacar por parte del usuario. Esto involucra llevar conceptos y herramientas propias del mantenimiento industrial y de la ingenier铆a de confiabilidad, a la gesti贸n de los proyectos de dise帽o de equipos. Por lo anterior, la correcta gesti贸n de proyectos en el dise帽o de equipos industriales es crucial para la vida 煤til de los mismos, incrementando as铆 la satisfacci贸n de los clientes; es por ello que este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una metodolog铆a para evaluar el factor de confiabilidad en la gesti贸n de proyectos de dise帽o de equipos industriales. Se emple贸 una metodolog铆a descriptiva y un dise帽o fundamentado en el trabajo de campo. Se identificaron los elementos y pr谩cticas de la confiabilidad operacional que deben ser considerados en la gesti贸n de un proyecto de dise帽o de activos industriales. Adem谩s, se identificaron las etapas de dise帽o de un activo y la integraci贸n a ellas de herramientas de confiabilidad, para evaluar la criticidad de los sistemas del activo

    Competitividad e innovaci贸n en Norte de Santander

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    This is a review article that aims to know the state of competitiveness and innovation of C煤cuta and Norte de Santander with respect to the rest of the country and the world. With this in mind, a review of the work carried out by various companies and research institutions was made, as well as the impact that this type of effort has had on society. The study begins with the international context, then continental, national and finally regional, in order to make a contrast between the living conditions achieved by many countries that are at the forefront of technology and the concerns that are often suffered by developing countries. development, analyzing its origin and the consequences brought by the caretaker of the infrastructure necessary to produce something different in terms of raw materials. In addition, the way in which innovation is reached and problems are investigated are the main actors in this phenomenon that guarantees nations that take advantage of prosperity in the international market, to end with a compilation of the efforts that many governmental and non-governmental institutions governments are doing and how this has changed the economic landscape of the region and the country, identifying the main challenges and problems that the research and development sector needs to overcome the hand of Colombian society to mitigate the difficulties that may be a deficient nation in terms of innovation.El presente es un art铆culo de revisi贸n que tiene por objetivo conocer el estado de la competitividad e innovaci贸n de C煤cuta y Norte de Santander con respecto al resto del pa铆s y el mundo. Se hizo una revisi贸n del trabajo desarrollado por diversas empresas e instituciones de investigaci贸n, para conocer el impacto que este tipo de esfuerzos ha tenido en la sociedad. El estudio inicia con el contexto internacional, luego continental, nacional y finalmente regional, para poder hacer un contraste entre las condiciones de vida que logran muchos pa铆ses que se encuentran a la vanguardia de la tecnolog铆a y las carencias que suelen sufrir los pa铆ses en v铆as de desarrollo, analizando su origen y las consecuencias que trae el carecer de la infraestructura necesaria para producir algo diferente en cuanto a materias primas. Adicionalmente se indaga en la forma como se llega a la innovaci贸n y cu谩les son los actores principales en este fen贸meno que garantiza a las naciones que aprovechan la prosperidad en el mercado internacional, para finalizar con una recopilaci贸n de los esfuerzos que muchas instituciones tanto gubernamentales como no gubernamentales est谩n haciendo y c贸mo esto ha cambiado el panorama econ贸mico de la regi贸n y el pa铆s, identificando los principales desaf铆os y problem谩ticas que el sector de investigaci贸n y desarrollo necesita superar de la mano de la sociedad colombiana para mitigar las dificultades que supone ser una naci贸n deficiente en t茅rminos de innovaci贸n

    Modelo num茅rico de detecci贸n de fugas para sistema de tuberias.

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    Distribution using hydraulic networks defines the planning, production, and flexibility of hydro-management in companies.However, leaks represent economic losses in terms of maintenance and fault location. In this context, the flow and pressure at the time a faultoccurs, are the analysis variables. As the first contribution of this research, we propose to simulate volumetric water losses. OpenFOAM freesoftware is the computational tool and the turbulence model k-蠅 was selected for fluid in transition, that is, fluid that is between the laminar andturbulent regime. The second contribution of this research consists of an algorithm to detect leaks in a pipe system. The algorithm is based onReynolds' theorem. Regarding the results obtained with the Reynolds Theorem, we can say that results are compared with a real hydraulicnetwork, obtaining percentage errors of 4% for the best data and 9% for the worst, and an average distance to find the leak equal to 2.7 meterswas shown that the pressure drops linearly according to Darcy's law. In connection with the results, in traditional methods pressure gauges areinstalled along the pipes to identify this pressure drop if the number of gauges is not sufficient, the leak can pass undetected. The methodproposed in this project allows locating the leak only using 2 manometers. Which makes it more practical for difficult access pipes.La distribuci贸n usando redes hidr谩ulicas define la planeaci贸n, producci贸n y flexibilidad de la hidro-gesti贸n en empresas. Sinembargo, las fugas representan perdidas econ贸micas en t茅rminos de mantenimiento y ubicaci贸n de las fallas. En este contexto, el flujo y presi贸nal momento de que ocurra un fallo son las variables de an谩lisis. Como primera contribuci贸n de esta investigaci贸n proponemos simular lasperdidas volum茅tricas de agua. De hecho, el software libre Openfoam es la herramienta computacional y el modelo de turbulencia k-蠅 seseleccion贸 para un fluido en transici贸n, es decir fluido que esta entre el r茅gimen laminar y turbulento. La segunda contribuci贸n de estainvestigaci贸n consiste en un algoritmo para detectar fugas en un sistema de tuber铆as. El algoritmo est谩 basado en Teorema de Reynolds. Respectoa los resultados obtenidos con el Teorema de Reynolds, podemos decir que resultados son comparados con una red hidr谩ulica real, obteniendoerrores porcentuales de 4% para los mejores datos y 9% para el peor, y una distancia promedio para encontrar la fuga igual a 2,7 metros. Sedemostr贸 que la presi贸n cae de forma lineal de acuerdo con la ley de Darcy. En conexi贸n con los resultados, en m茅todos tradicionales se instalanman贸metros a lo largo de las tuber铆as para identificar esta ca铆da de presi贸n, si el n煤mero de man贸metros no es suficiente, la fuga puede pasarindetectada. El m茅todo propuesto en este proyecto permite localizar la fuga 煤nicamente utilizando 2 man贸metros. Lo cual lo hace m谩s pr谩cticopara el caso de tuber铆as de dif铆cil acceso

    Desarrollo de una herramienta en Matlab para Sintonizaci贸n de Controladores PID, utilizando algoritmos gen茅ticos basado en t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n multiobjetivo

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    This document shows the versatility and efficiency by the development of a tool in Matlab for tuning proportional, integral and derivative controller (PID) using genetic algorithms (GA), based techniques for multiobjective optimization (MOP) based on Pareto fronts, calculating optimally constant proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain (KP, KI, KD) for error minimization, mitigation of the maximum overshoot and settling time reduction in a given plant. Performance that is implementing genetic algorithms provide solutions to multiple targets in PID controllers, the tuning of existing PID controllers Sisotool Matlab compares different control systems closed loop formed by a transfer function is simulated, the controller and feedback loop.In these systems the behavior that drivers have to pass on a stair at the entrance to the ground is analyzed. With the realization of this tool is to optimize the shape of tuning PID controllers currently in use, today there is no tool to help structurally the tuning process without using a complex programming level and extensive knowledge in control, the use and integration of a number of techniques that allow a more versatile and efficient tool, usable in the task of tuning PID controllers which can simulate and calibrate by methods of evolutionary computational intelligence without have profound knowledge of programming.Este documento muestra la versatilidad y eficiencia que presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta en Matlab para sintonizaci贸n de controladores proporcional, integral y derivativo (PID) utilizando algoritmos gen茅ticos (AG) basado en t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n multiobjetivo (MOP) fundamentado en frentes de Pareto, calculando de manera 贸ptima las constantes de ganancia proporcional, ganancia integral y ganancia derivativa (KP, KI, KD) para minimizaci贸n del error, atenuaci贸n del sobrepico m谩ximo y reducci贸n del tiempo de establecimiento en una planta determinada. Se compara el desempe帽o que tiene la implementaci贸n de algoritmos gen茅ticos en dar soluciones a m煤ltiples objetivos en controladores PID; con la sintonizaci贸n de controladores PID existente en Sisotool de Matlab se simularon diferentes sistemas de control de lazo cerrado conformados por una funci贸n de transferencia, su controlador y lazo de realimentaci贸n. En estos sistemas se analiza el comportamiento que presentan los controladores al aplicarle un step a la entrada de la planta.Con la fabricaci贸n de esta herramienta se pretende optimizar la forma de sintonizaci贸n de controladores PID que en la actualidad se est谩 utilizando; hoy d铆a no existe ninguna herramienta que ayude de forma estructural al proceso de sintonizaci贸n sin utilizar un nivel complejo de programaci贸n y un amplio conocimiento en control; el uso e integraci贸n de una serie de t茅cnicas que permitan obtener una herramienta vers谩til y eficiente; utilizable en la tarea de sintonizaci贸n de controladores PID y que con la cual se pueda simular y calibrar a trav茅s de m茅todos de inteligencia computacional evolutiva, sin necesidad de tener profundos conocimiento de programaci贸n


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    En el presente trabajo se muestra el desarrollo de Algoritmos y sistemas basados en patrones de c茅lulas madres y clonaci贸n Artificial aplicada en una operaci贸n de ensamble en procesos metalmec谩nicos de fabricaci贸n; la metodolog铆a de Clonaci贸n Artificial aplicada, surge como una alternativa para el desarrollo de medios, equipos de medici贸n y de control avanzados, que permiten responder a las exigencias de lamodernizaci贸n industrial, a trav茅s de r茅plicas funcionales (clones) de sensores, controladores y actuadores basadas en t茅cnicas de inteligencia artificial; en ellos se aplican m茅todos y procedimientos de clonaci贸n artificial y computaci贸n evolutiva

    Metodolog铆a para evaluar el factor confiabilidad en la gesti贸n de proyectos de dise帽o de equipos industriales

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    Nowadays the complexity of several industrial procedures and the equipment required establishes that not all assets failure patterns may be easily handled through maintenance service activities done after its manufacturing and use. In order to avoid all kind of high impact failures to use the product, there must be a stage of elimination by removing some maintenance needs, and it should be done considering their own foundations from the very first moment where the asset is designed and produced. These failures might emerge in production, quality, safety, environment and costs, among others, which are hard to identify and to control. All this requires different concepts and tools in industrial maintenance service and Engineering reliability straight to designing area. Hence, the right management of projects related to industrial equipment designing is essential to delimit the service life of them. Besides, customer鈥檚 satisfaction gets increased this way. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to introduce a methodology to measure the credibility factor of Industrial equipment designing projects management; which uses a descriptive methodology along with a design based on fieldwork. As a result, we could identify the elements and practice of the operational reliability that must be taken into account when starting a new project related to Industrial assets. Furthermore, we could identify all stages involved when designing an asset including several reliability tools in order to assess the products麓 systems criticality. It also allowed us to identify its functional profile, potential failures and the analysis of reliability, maintainability and availability.Actualmente la complejidad que han alcanzado los procesos industriales y los equipos que en ellos se desempe帽an hace que no todos los patrones de falla de un activo puedan ser manejados f谩cilmente a trav茅s de las actividades de mantenimiento efectuadas despu茅s de su fabricaci贸n y puesta en marcha, por lo que la eliminaci贸n de ciertas necesidades de mantenimiento deber铆a abordarse desde las mismas fases de dise帽o del activo, para evitar que se presenten fallas de alto impacto (en t茅rminos de producci贸n, calidad, seguridad, ambiente, costos, entre otros), dif铆ciles de identificar y atacar por parte del usuario. Esto involucra llevar conceptos y herramientas propias del mantenimiento industrial y de la ingenier铆a de confiabilidad, a la gesti贸n de los proyectos de dise帽o de equipos. Por lo anterior, la correcta gesti贸n de proyectos en el dise帽o de equipos industriales es crucial para la vida 煤til de los mismos, incrementando as铆 la satisfacci贸n de los clientes; es por ello que este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una metodolog铆a para evaluar el factor de confiabilidad en la gesti贸n de proyectos de dise帽o de equipos industriales. Se emple贸 una metodolog铆a descriptiva y un dise帽o fundamentado en el trabajo de campo. Se identificaron los elementos y pr谩cticas de la confiabilidad operacional que deben ser considerados en la gesti贸n de un proyecto de dise帽o de activos industriales. Adem谩s, se identificaron las etapas de dise帽o de un activo y la integraci贸n a ellas de herramientas de confiabilidad, para evaluar la criticidad de los sistemas del activo

    Metodology to assess the reliability factor in management of industrial equipment designing

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    Actualmente la complejidad que han alcanzado los procesos industriales y los equipos que en ellos se desempe帽an hace que no todos los patrones de falla de un activo puedan ser manejados f谩cilmente a trav茅s de las actividades de mantenimiento efectuadas despu茅s de su fabricaci贸n y puesta en marcha, por lo que la eliminaci贸n de ciertas necesidades de mantenimiento deber铆a abordarse desde las mismas fases de dise帽o del activo, para evitar que se presenten fallas de alto impacto (en t茅rminos de producci贸n, calidad, seguridad, ambiente, costos, entre otros), dif铆ciles de identificar y atacar por parte del usuario. Esto involucra llevar conceptos y herramientas propias del mantenimiento industrial y de la ingenier铆a de confiabilidad, a la gesti贸n de los proyectos de dise帽o de equipos. Por lo anterior, la correcta gesti贸n de proyectos en el dise帽o de equipos industriales es crucial para la vida 煤til de los mismos, incrementando as铆 la satisfacci贸n de los clientes; es por ello que este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una metodolog铆a para evaluar el factor de confiabilidad en la gesti贸n de proyectos de dise帽o de equipos industriales. Se emple贸 una metodolog铆a descriptiva y un dise帽o fundamentado en el trabajo de campo. Se identificaron los elementos y pr谩cticas de la confiabilidad operacional que deben ser considerados en la gesti贸n de un proyecto de dise帽o de activos industriales. Adem谩s, se identificaron las etapas de dise帽o de un activo y la integraci贸n a ellas de herramientas de confiabilidad, para evaluar la criticidad de los sistemas del activo.Nowadays the complexity of several industrial procedures and the equipment required establishes that not all assets failure patterns may be easily handled through maintenance service activities done after its manufacturing and use. In order to avoid all kind of high impact failures to use the product, there must be a stage of elimination by removing some maintenance needs, and it should be done considering their own foundations from the very first moment where the asset is designed and produced. These failures might emerge in production, quality, safety, environment and costs, among others, which are hard to identify and to control. All this requires different concepts and tools in industrial maintenance service and Engineering reliability straight to designing area. Hence, the right management of projects related to industrial equipment designing is essential to delimit the service life of them. Besides, customer鈥檚 satisfaction gets increased this way. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to introduce a methodology to measure the credibility factor of Industrial equipment designing projects management; which uses a descriptive methodology along with a design based on fieldwork. As a result, we could identify the elements and practice of the operational reliability that must be taken into account when starting a new project related to Industrial assets. Furthermore, we could identify all stages involved when designing an asset including several reliability tools in order to assess the products麓 systems criticality. It also allowed us to identify its functional profile, potential failures and the analysis of reliability, maintainability and availability