1,066 research outputs found

    Body Mass Index variations and mediterranean diet adherence in breast cancer. Systematic review

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2020-2021Introducción: El cáncer de mama es la neoplasia más frecuente en las mujeres. Algunos factores de riesgo que clásicamente se han asociado con este son: sexo femenino, antecedentes familiares, presencia de BRCA1 o BRCA2, menarquia precoz, menopausia tardía, nuliparidad o primer embarazo tardío. Investigaciones más recientes señalan la obesidad y sobrepeso, así como la dieta mediterránea como factores modificadores del riesgo. Objetivo: Investigar la existencia de relación entre la adherencia a dieta mediterránea y el valor del IMC, respectivamente, con el desarrollo, evolución y recidiva del cáncer de mama. Material y métodos: Se realiza una búsqueda sistemática limitada a los últimos 5 años con el fin de obtener datos de la literatura médica más reciente. Tras una lectura en detalle se seleccionan 23 artículos para revisión. Resultados: Una alta adherencia al Patrón de Dieta Mediterránea, especialmente si se complementa con aporte de aceite de oliva adicional, parece relacionarse con un riesgo disminuido de cáncer de mama, sobre todo del tipo receptor de estrógenos negativo en mujeres postmenopáusicas. No se ha observado relación de la dieta mediterránea con el riesgo de recidiva. Un IMC elevado en edad adulta incrementa el riesgo de desarrollo de cáncer de mama. También se puede considerar un factor de mal pronóstico por asociarse a la aparición de eventos adversos. Conclusiones: La adherencia al Patrón de Dieta Mediterránea y el consumo de aceite de oliva se asocian a un menor riesgo de cáncer de mama. Valores elevados de IMC suponen un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de cáncer de mama y un indicador de peor pronóstico. La adherencia a dieta mediterránea y el control del IMC podrían resultar beneficiososIntroducción: O cancro de mama é a neoplasia más común nas mulleres. Algúns factores de risco que clásicamente se teñen asociado con este son: sexo feminino, antecedentes familiares, presenza de BRCA1 ou BRCA2, menarquia precoz, menopausia tardía, nuliparidade ou primeiro embarazo tardío. Investigación máis recentes señalan a obesidade e o sobrepeso, así como a dieta mediterránea como factores modificadores do risco. Obxectivo: Investigar a existencia de relación entre a adhesión á dieta mediterránea e o valor do IMC, respectivamente, co desenvolvemento, evolución e recidiva de cancro de mama. Material e métodos: Realízase unha búsqueda sistemática limitada aos últimos 5 anos co fin de obter datos da literatura médica máis recente. Despois dunha lectura en detalle selecciónanse 23 artigos para revisión. Resultados: Unha alta adherencia ao Patrón de Dieta Mediterránea, especialmente complementándose con aceite de oliva adicional, parece relacionarse cun risco diminuido de cancro de mama, sobre todo do tipo receptor de estróxenos negativo en mulleres postmenopáusicas. Non se ten observado relación da dieta mediterránea co risco de recidiva. Un IMC elevado en idade adulta incrementa o risco de aparición de cancro de mama. Tamén se pode considerar un factor de mal pronóstico por asociarse coa aparición de eventos adversos. Conclusións: A adherencia ao Patrón de Dieta Mediterránea e o consumo de aceite de oliva asócianse a un menor risco de cancro de mama. Valores elevados de IMC supoñen un factor de riesgo de desenvolvemento de cancro de mama e un indicador de peor pronóstico. A adherencia a dieta mediterránea e o control do IMC poderían resultar beneficiososIntroduction: Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm among women. Some risk factors typically associated with it are: female sex, breast cancer family history, BRCA1 and BRCA2 presence, early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity or late first pregnancy. Recent research has pointed out that obesity and overweight, as well as mediterranean diet, could be risk modifier factors. Objective: To investigate the existence of a relationship between mediterranean diet adherence and BMI, respectively, and the development, evolution and relapse of breast cancer. Material and methods: A systematic search, limited to the previous 5 years, was made with the objective of retrieving data from the most recent medical literature. After a detailed reading, 23 articles were selected for review. Results: A high adherence to Mediterranean Diet Pattern, especially if complemented with extra olive oil, seems to be related with a decreased risk of breast cancer, especially in premenopausal women with estrogen negative subtype. No relationship between mediterranean diet and relapse was observed. A high BMI at adult age raises the risk of breast cancer. It could also be considered a bad prognosis factor for being associated with the occurrence of adverse events. Conclusions: Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Pattern and olive oil intake are associated with lower risk of breast cancer. High BMI is a risk factor for the development of breast cancer and an indicator of bad prognosis. Mediterranean diet adherence and BMI management could be beneficia

    Identificar la circulación del virus de fiebre aftosa en la Isla Puná

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    La fiebre aftosa es una enfermedad de alta morbilidad que se encuentra altamente difundida en Ecuador. Este estudio epidemiológico se realizó en la Isla Puná, provincia del Guayas, durante los meses de Octubre Noviembre y Diciembre de 2011. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la circulación del virus de Fiebre Aftosa en la población bovina. Se estimó el tamaño de muestras en 322 animales, a través de la formula estadística para poblaciones finitas con el 95% ic. El método de muestreo empleado fue estratificado proporcional, y la selección de las unidades de estudio se las realizó al azar de un grupo etario comprendido entre 6 a 24 meses. Se empleo la técnica I-ELISA 3ABC como screening y las muestras sospechosas y positivas se sometieron a las muestras de Ensayo Inmunoenzimático de Electrotranferencia (EITB)como prueba confirmatoria, esta última no confirmo ningún caso reactivo, lo que estableció la pre-valencia de Fiebre Aftosa en la Isla Puna del 0%.....Foot-and-Mounth disease has a high morbidity rate widely spread around Ecuador. This epidemiology survey was carried out in Puná Island,Guayas Province in a period from October to December 2011. The aim of this study was to identify the viral ciculation rate of Foot- and-Mounth diseases in cattle. The sample was formed by 322 cattle calculated by the use of a statistic formula for finite populations with a confidence of 95%. The method used was proporcional estratified sampling and the study unids were done by random selection, taking cattle with an age between 6 and 24 months I-ELISA 3ABC (Enzyme-linked inmunosorbent assay) was chosen as screening test, the suspicious and positives samples were analyzed with EITB (Enzyme linked immunoelectrotransfer blot)as confirmatory test, In this study there were not found any reactivity sample therefore the prevalence of Foot-and-Mouth was set in 0%....

    Arquitectura vernácula e identidad cultural en asentamientos rurales en declive

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    La despoblació i l'abandó de les zones rurals és un fenomen que es repeteix a escala global i de manera transversal a la majoria dels territoris i cultures. Aquest procés de declivi afecta especialment a l'arquitectura vernacla, per la seva modesta materialitat i per tant els valors culturals que en ella resideixen, tant de caràcter material com immaterial. Aquest treball analitza la situació de l'arquitectura vernacla rural en zones en declivi en tres regions d'escala i plantejament cultural tan diferents com les àrees meridionals de la Xina, el Marroc i Espanya, prenent com a referència elements tipològics propis de cada regió. Aprofundeix en experiències en les quals el patrimoni cultural en perill es transforma en força dinamitzadora del territori sobre el qual s'assenta i obre la porta a solucions tant de conservació i valorització dels seus propis elements com de resolució dels problemes socioculturals de fons. La recerca identifica aspectes genèrics i universals del procés de retracció, així com condicions específiques de cadascun dels diversos territoris d'estudi. El treball va trobar com els casos presos en consideració comparteixen algunes condicions en l'enfrontament de les conseqüències de la contracció, com ara dificultats d'adaptació, distància administrativa, fragilitat patrimonial.The depopulation and abandonment of rural areas is a phenomenon that is repeated on a global scale and is transversal to most territories and cultures. This shrinking process particularly affects vernacular architecture, due to its modest materiality and therefore the cultural values that reside in it, both of a material and immaterial nature. This work analyses the situation of rural vernacular architecture in shrinking areas in three regions of different scales and cultural approaches as the southern areas of China, Morocco and Spain, taking as reference typological elements specific to each region. The research delves into experiences in which the endangered cultural heritage is transformed into a dynamizing force for the territory on which it is based and opens the door to different solutions both for the conservation and valorisation of its own elements and for the resolution of the underlying socio-cultural problems. The research identifies generic and universal aspects of the shrinking process, as well as specific conditions of each of the various study territories. The work found how the cases taken into consideration share some conditions in dealing with the consequences of the shrinkage, such as adaptation difficulties, administrative distance, heritage fragility.La despoblación y el abandono de las zonas rurales es un fenómeno que se repite a escala global y de forma transversal a la mayoría de los territorios y culturas. Este proceso de declive afecta especialmente a la arquitectura vernácula, por su modesta materialidad y por tanto los valores culturales que en ella residen, tanto de carácter material como inmaterial. Este trabajo analiza la situación de la arquitectura vernácula rural en zonas en declive en tres regiones de escala y planteamiento cultural tan distintos como las áreas meridionales de China, Marruecos y España, tomando como referencia elementos tipológicos propios de cada región. Profundiza en experiencias en las que el patrimonio cultural en peligro se transforma en fuerza dinamizadora del territorio sobre el que se asienta y abre la puerta a soluciones tanto de conservación y valorización de sus propios elementos como de resolución de los problemas socioculturales de fondo. La investigación identifica aspectos genéricos y universales del proceso de retracción, así como condiciones específicas de cada uno de los diversos territorios de estudio. El trabajo encontró cómo los casos tomados en consideración comparten algunas condiciones en el enfrentamiento de las consecuencias de la contracción, tales como dificultades de adaptación, distancia administrativa, fragilidad patrimonial.Peer Reviewe

    Traditional houses in the South-Western Iberian Peninsula: Themes for a cross-border comparative typological study

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    [EN] Up until the 13th century, the South-western Iberian Peninsula shared the same cultural and political conditions under the rule of garb-Al-Andaluz. The administrative separation of this territory between two different kingdoms led to deep changes in the culture and daily life on either side of the border, which may have reflected on housing structures. Did the 13th-century border between Spain and Portugal trigger divergent paths in housing types? Or has the previous common background prevailed in shaping house models in the territory around the Guadiana Valley? This paper proposes a set of themes to begin a cross-border study on the traditional house, its changes and continuities. The research is based on in loco architectonic surveys of common houses in the Algarve, Alentejo (Portugal) and Andalusia (Spain). The buildings are analysed as regard their spatial organizations, constructive techniques and urban implantation allowing some themes of change and continuity to emerge. This then allows comparisons between the types of traditional houses in these border regions, their common characteristics, differences and evolution paths. It is noticeable that, given how the South-western Iberia represents the same territorial unit in terms of climate and orography, and – until the 13th century – shared the same historical context, the urban similarities were profound. It is therefore almost surprising how divergent the housing evolution between the two sides would become. The study of housing architecture is of particular relevance to the history of people as the variations reflect how the habits and customs of societies. Especially in societies sharing the same starting point, it shows how habits and customs may diverge after separation into two different administrative entities.The research is part of the IAPH (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico) project “Sistema de Innovación para el Patrimonio de la Andalucía Rural”, ref. PY20_00298, co-funded by ERDF 2014-2020, and of CEAACP project UIDB/00281/2020 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Portugal.Costa Rosado, A.; Gómez-Martinez, V.; Costa, M.; Pérez-Cano, MT. (2022). Traditional houses in the South-Western Iberian Peninsula: Themes for a cross-border comparative typological study. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 71-78. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.14497717

    The relationship between indoor and outdoor levels of PM10 and its chemical composition at schools in a coastal region in Spain

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    PM10 levels and its chemical composition were studied inside and outdoor of seven primary schools (3 in urban environment, 3 in industrial environment, 1 in rural environment) located in the Mediterranean coast in an area with an important industrial nucleus dedicated to the treatment of raw mineral materials. The main objective of this work is a comparison between these levels obtained inside and outside schools and also asses the influence of various natural and anthropogenic emission sources on particles concentrations found inside. The indoor airborne samples were collected using RespiCon TM. In the three outdoor sampling stations was used a minivol air sampler type 3.1 LVS of Derenda. PM10 Chemical composition was obtained by ICP-MS (elements) and ion chromatography The ratio I/O (indoor/outdoor) has been calculated taking into account only the samples taken in the same conditions. In all schools the ratio I/O for PM10 was greater than unity (between 1.3 and 7.8), indicating that existed significant indoor sources of these particles. In the three schools located in the industrial environment were collected PM10 samples inside and outside in non-teaching periods. Comparing the values of I/O when the classrooms were unoccupied with respect to the average value of these same schools when the classrooms are occupied, the behaviour is different depending on the location. On the other hand, a sample in an industrial school was obtained when some infrastructure works were being carried out outside of school. This caused a significant increase in the concentration of particles in the interior (I/O ¼ 19.9). From the levels of As, Ni, Cd, Pb, Al, B, Zn, Mg, Sb, F , ClO2-, NO3- and SO4 2- in PM10 inside and outside of each school, also the ratios I/O were calculated. These chemical ratios I/O were higher than unity in all cases and generally higher than those recorded in the case of PM10. Finally, Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between the elements and anions and the PM10, and between the different elements and anions were calculated for the purpose of establishing the existence of common emission sources

    Analysis of Immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    One reason immunotherapy is important for Hepatocellular carcinoma, it’s because there are many immune cells in that organ. Because HCC is very aggressive, immunotherapy must be applied correctly. There are a lot of immunotherapies for all cancers, nevertheless, some has been tested for specific organs or tissues, and probably in the future, this organ-specific treatments can be applied in other tumor tissues.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of Immunotherapy in Lung cancer

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    There are many ways of immunotherapy for lung cancer, and that includes the use of drugs, molecular treatment, and even the combination with radiotherapy. But also, it’s important to investigate in the future the adverse effects of immunotherapy in Lung cancer to avoid breathing complications, and a way to prevent those effects.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Relationship of Limb Lengths and Body Composition to Lifting in Weightlifting

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    Weightlifting is a discipline where technique and anthropometric characteristics are essential to achieve the best results in competitions. This study aims to analyse the relationships between body composition, limb length and barbell kinematics in the performance of weightlifters. It consists of an observational and descriptive study of 19 athletes (12 men [28.50 ± 6.37 years old; 84.58 ± 14.11 kg; 176.18 ± 6.85 cm] and 7 women [27.71 ± 6.34 years old; 64.41 ± 7.63 kg; 166.94 ± 4.11 cm]) who met the inclusion criteria. A level I anthropometrist took anthropometric measures according to the methodology of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), and the measurement of the barbell velocity was made with the software Kinovea. In terms of body composition, both genders are within the percentage range of fat mass recommended for this sport. In female weightlifters, there is a positive correlation between foot length, maximal velocity in the Snatch (ρ = 0.775, p = 0.041), and performance indicator in the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk (ρ = 0.964, p < 0.001; ρ = 0.883, p = 0.008, respectively). In male weightlifters, a positive correlation between tibial length and average velocity of the barbell in the Snatch is observed (ρ = 0.848, p < 0.001). Muscle mass percentage correlates positively with performance indicator in both techniques (ρ = 0.634, p = 0.027; ρ = 0.720, p = 0.008). Also, the relative length of the upper limb is negatively correlated with the performance indicator (ρ = −0.602, p = 0.038). Anthropometry and body composition may facilitate skill acquisition among this sport population, contributing to increase the limited body of scientific knowledge related to weightlifting

    Clinical metagenomic analysis and Cancer

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    After seven years of periodic controls by the SEIMC (Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology), it can be affirmed that the analysis is capable of detecting microorganisms in any type of sample (Blood, CSF, Saliva, BAL, Urine, Sputum, Faeces, Tissues, Prosthetic Material, Exudates, Swabs, Etc…), it requires a small amount of sample, it identifies more than 77,000 pathogens in a single test, simultaneously detects Archaea, G+ and G- Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Protists and parasites, it detects nonculturable pathogens and those that revert to false negatives, it is not affected by inhibition by antibiotics or other causes, resistance to antibiotics and antimycotics are detected, results are obtained in 24 hours, it is the most sensitive and reliable direct microbial identification technique and specific today. The analysis is 87% more sensitive than a culture, 99% reliable in gender determination, 91% reliable in sensitivity, increases the rate of accurate diagnosis of infections by more than 50%, as it is NGS sequencing it is more sensitive, specific and reliable than 16s and 18s sequencing. The test is highly useful for detecting microorganisms associated with cancer.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Pulsed magnetic feld increases the efect of ultraviolet C radiation and thermal shock in aged yeasts

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    The study of the efects of the magnetic feld (MF) on living matter continues to be a dilemma. Until now, the interaction mechanisms of MF with living matter that explain the observed phenomena are unknown. Despite the existing literature and the multiple efects described to date, there are few published articles that study the combined efect of MF with other physical agents during the cellular aging process. In this sense, the aim of this work is to study whether low frequency and intensity pulsed and sinusoidal MF exposure produce alterations in the cell killing efect of ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation and thermal shock during the chronological aging of S. cerevisiae. Yeast cells were exposed to 2.45 mT (50 Hz) sinusoidal MF and 1.5 mT (25 Hz) pulsed MF, during 40 days of aging, in combination with UVC radiation (50 J/m2 ) and/or thermal shock (52°C). Cell survival was evaluated by clonogenic assay. The exposure of yeast to pulsed MF produces an acceleration of aging, which is not observed in cells exposed to sinusoidal MF. The pulsed MF modifes the cellular response to damaging agents only in aged S. cerevisiae cells. In this sense, the pulsed MF applied increases the damage induced by UVC radiation and by thermal shock. In contrast, the sinusoidal MF used has no efect.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This study was supported by the “Plan Andaluz de Investi gación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI); Junta de Andalucía”, code CTS-181