62 research outputs found

    The role of virtual motor rehabilitation: a quantitative analysis between acute and chronic patients with acquired brain injury

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    "(c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."Acquired brain injury (ABI) is one of the main problems of disability and death in the world. Its incidence and survival rate are increasing annually. Thus, the number of chronic ABI patients is gradually growing. Traditionally, rehabilitation programs are applied to postacute and acute patients, but recent publications determine that chronic patients may benefit from rehabilitation. Also, in the last few years, the potential of virtual rehabilitation (VR) systems has been demonstrated. However, until now, no previous studies have been carried out to compare the evolution of chronic patients with acute patients in a VR program. To perform this study, we developed a VR system for ABI patients. The system, vestibular virtual rehabilitation (V2R), was designed with clinical specialists. V2R has been tested with 21 people ranging in age from 18 to 80 years old that were classified in two groups: chronic patients and acute patients. The results demonstrate a similar recovery for chronic and acute patients during the intervention period. Also, the results showed that chronic patients stop their improvement when they finish their training. This conclusion encourages us to direct our developments toward VR systems that can be easily integrated at home, allowing chronic patients to have a permanent VR training program.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Spain: Projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), "CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII," and the Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Educacion, 2008-157).Albiol Pérez, S.; Gil-Gómez, J.; Llorens Rodríguez, R.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Colomer Font, C. (2014). The role of virtual motor rehabilitation: a quantitative analysis between acute and chronic patients with acquired brain injury. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 18(1):391-398. https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2013.2272101S39139818

    Future farming: protein production for livestock feed in the EU

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    Climate change can have a negative impact on agricultural production and food security. Vice versa, agricultural practices themselves contribute to climate change because of land, water, and energy use and anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses and waste. The European Green Deal focusses on ?transition to a sustainable food system that has a neutral or positive environmental impact, helps mitigate climate change and adapt to its impact, and reverses the loss of biodiversity?. Local production of feed proteins in the European Union may result in new agro-ecosystem services that can be integrated to maximize sustainability of agricultural practices. Feed crops with nutritional properties that are both benefcial to functional biodiversity, biocontrol, pollination, and other ecosystem services can be incorporated into livestock diets. However, implementation is hampered by lack of information, embedded habits of specialization, proft maximization priorities, a lack of awareness about the environmental impacts of existing production systems, and a lack of fow of resources and services between the sectors. When economic benefts from investments are not immediately evident, transition can only be successful with government policies that focus on providing knowledge and education, and fnancial support. To convince agriculturists and agricultural workers to adopt sustainable practices, policy changes are needed with close cooperation between, and support from, all actors involved, including producers, non-governmental and civil society organisations, and the retail industry.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria-INIAConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSI

    Deformable brain atlas validation of the location of subthalamic nucleus using T1-weighted MR images of patients operated on for Parkinson's

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    [EN] Parkinson¿s disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system. One of the most effective treatments is deep brain stimulation. This technique requires the localization of an objective structure: the subthalamic nucleus. Unfortunately this structure is difficult to locate. In this work the creation of a deformable brain atlas that enables the identification of the subthalamic nucleus in T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in an automatic, precise and fast way is presented. The system has been validated using data from 10 patients (20 nucleus) operated on for Parkinson¿s. Our system offers better results using a Wendland function with an error of 1.8853 ± 0.9959 mm.Ortega Pérez, M.; Juan Lizandra, MC.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Gil Gómez, JA.; Monserrat Aranda, C. (2008). Deformable brain atlas validation of the location of subthalamic nucleus using T1-weighted MR images of patients operated on for Parkinson's. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 32(5):367-378. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2008.02.003S36737832

    Spatiotemporal evolution of U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)

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    The spatiotemporal evolution of both U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD) was evaluated. The acidic tributary, which born from the outflows of an abandoned sulfide mine, flows into the Odiel River. AMD comprises an important source of natural radionuclides, presenting concentrations of 238U and 232Th, two and four orders of magnitude higher, respectively, than the background values of surface continental waters. These natural radionuclides behave conservatively along the mine effluent (pH < 2.5) throughout the hydrological year. Under AMD conditions uranium is in the hexavalent state U(VI) and the main dissolved species are uranyl sulfate complexes. The polluted tributary has a significant impact on the Odiel River acidifying its waters during the low flow season and increasing up to one order of magnitude the activity concentrations of U and Th isotopes. U presented a conservative behavior in the Odiel River during the low flow season (pH ≈ 3), however it is removed from the liquid phase in the wet season (pH ≈ 6), probably due its coprecipitation/adsorption onto Al-phases. Th shows a high sensitivity to small increases of pH, and it is strongly coprecipitated/adsorbed with or onto Fe-oxyhydroxydizes in the river.This research was funded by the University of Huelva and the Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014–2020 (UHU-1255876, UHU-202020); The European Regional Development Fund through the Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on (research grant PID2020–116461RBC21 and 116461RA-C22), and the Andalusian government (I+D+i- JAPAIDI-Retos project PY20_00096). Jos´e Luis Guerrero thank the Spanish Ministry of Universities for the Margarita Salas research grant. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Metabarcoding data of prokaryotes and eukaryotes inhabiting the phosphogypsum stockpiles on the salt marshes of Huelva (SW Spain)

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    Artículo científico de metadatos bioinformáticosAround 100 Mt of phosphogypsum (PG) of extreme acidity and with high concentrations of heavy metals and radionuclides have been deposited on the salt marshes of the Tinto River estuary in Huelva (SW Spain) for more than forty years. The microbial community able to thrive in these adverse conditions remains totally unknown, despite the fact that it can highly influence the biogeochemical cycle of the phospho- gypsum components and include new species with biotechnological interest. High throughput sequencing of 16S/18S rRNA encoding genes is a potent tool to uncover the microbial diversity of extreme environments. This data article de- scribes for the first time the prokaryotic and eukaryotic diversity of two water samples collected in the Huelva phosphogypsum stacks. The raw amplicons of the 16S/18S rRNA maker genes for the two phosphogypsum samples and two reference samples (seawater and the Tinto River water) obtained after sequencing on MiSeq platform are provided. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) obtained after the treatment and clustering of the obtained reads with the QIIME2 pipeline and their taxonomic assignation performed by comparison with the SILVA database are also presented to complete the information of the article “Exploring the microbial community inhabiting the phosphogypsum stacks of Huelva (SW, Spain) by a high throughput 16S/18S rDNA Sequencing approach”.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUAThe authors thank Fertiberia S.A. for its support in obtaining the water samples used in this study. P. Gómez-Villegas acknowledges the financial support of the University of Huelva (EPIT 2016–17). This research was funded by University of Huelva and the Operative FEDER Program- Andalucía 2014-2020 (UHU-1257518 and UHU-1255876); The SUBV. COOP.ALENTEJO-ALGARVE- ANDALUCIA 2021; The European Regional Development Fund through the Agencia Estatal de In- vestigación (research grant PID 2019–110438RB-C22) and the Andalucian government (I + D + i- JA-PAIDI-Retos project 2020- PY20_00728)Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU

    Retraction : evaluation of periimplant bone neoformation using different scanning electron microscope methods for measuring BIC. A dog study

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    In relation to the article of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry ?Calvo-Guirado JL, Aguilar-Salvatierra A, Guardia J, Delgado-Ruiz R, Ramírez-Fernández MP, Pérez-Sánchez C, Gómez-Moreno G. Evaluation of periimplant bone neoformation using different scanning electron microscope methods for measuring BIC. A dog study. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012 Feb 1;4(1):e8-e13?, the authors have used three figures that are the same as those published in three different publications (J Pineal Res 2010; COIR 2010; COIR 2012). The copyright of the mentioned publications was consequently not respected. Retraction of the article is therefore decided

    GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies

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    The aim of this paper is to describe GameTeen, a novel instrument for the assessment and training of Emotional Regulation (ER) strategies in adolescent population. These new tools are based on the use of 3D serious games that can be played under different settings. The evolution of ER strategies will be monitored in two ways depending on the setting where the tool is presented. Firstly, in the laboratory, physiological signals and facial expressions of participants will be recorded. Secondly, in real life settings, ecological momentary assessment tools will be used to obtain answers from the subjects using their mobile phone. The goal is to obtain more attractive and reliable tools to evaluate and train ER strategies.This study was funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Spain, Project Game Teen (TIN2010-20187) and partially by projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), “CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII” and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Consellería de Educación, 2008-157). The work of A. Rodríguez was supported by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316.Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Rey, B.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Baños, R.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Wrzesien, M.; Gómez Martínez, M.... (2012). GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies. En Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. IOS Press. 334-338. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-121-2-334S33433

    Suppression of Coulomb-nuclear interference in the near-barrier elastic scattering of 17 Ne from 208 Pb

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    The proton drip-line nucleus 17Ne is considered a good candidate for a Borromean two-proton halo with a 15O + p+ pstructure. Angular distributions of the elastic scattering and inclusive 15O production for a 136 MeV 17Ne beam incident on a 208Pb target were measured for the first time at the SPIRAL1 facility, GANIL. Use of the GLORIA detector array allowed high-resolution data over a wide angular range from 20◦up to 95◦in the laboratory frame to be obtained. The elastic scattering angular distribution shows similarities with those for both 6He and 20Ne at equivalent collision energies with respect to the corresponding Coulomb barriers, exhibiting the suppression of the Coulomb rainbow peak characteristic of strong coupling. Optical model and coupled channel fits suggest that this is due to a combination of coupling to low-lying quadrupole resonances and Coulomb dipole coupling to the low-lying continuum, although their relative importance depends on the relevant B(E2)values which remain to be firmly determined

    Immobilization of Hazardous Wastes on One-Part Blast Furnace Slag-Based Geopolymers

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    : The immobilization of hazardous wastes in ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-based materials has been widely studied and implemented. OPC-based materials have a high carbon footprint associated with their production and geopolymer materials are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative. Therefore, this work aimed to immobilize two hazardous industrial wastes: copper wastewater sludge and phosphogypsum in one-part geopolymer materials. For that purpose, the precursor was partially substituted by these wastes (5, 10 and 20 wt.%) in the formulations. The geopolymer fresh and hardened state properties were evaluated, and the immobilisation of pollutants was determined through leaching tests. In phosphogypsum pastes (PG5, PG10 and PG20) it was observed that the compressive strength decreased with the increase in its amount, varying between 67 MPa and 19 MPa. In copper sludge pastes, the compressive strength of the specimens (CWS5 and CWS10) reached ~50 MPa. The mortars, MPG10 and MCWSs10, had compressive strengths of 13 MPa and 21 MPa, respectively. Leaching tests showed that pastes and mortars immobilise the hazardous species of the wastes, except for As from copper sludge, whose the best result was found in the compact paste (CWSs10) that leached 2 mg/kg of As. Results suggest that optimized compositions are suitable for the construction sectorThis research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), grant number PID2020-116461RB-C21 and Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía (IDEA) grant number UHU-1255876. This work was done in the scope of the project CICECO- Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, co-financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC. This research was funded by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), grant number 2020.01135.CEECIND (R.M.N.) and SFRH/BD/144562/2019 (J.C.

    Prevalence of bleeding secondary to anticoagulation and mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation admitted with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common in patients admitted with severe COVID-19. However, there is limited data about the management of chronic anticoagulation therapy in these patients. We assessed the anticoagulation and incidence of major cardiovascular events in hospitalized patients with AF and COVID-19. We retrospectively investigated all consecutive patients with AF admitted with COVID-19 between March and May 2020 in 9 Spanish hospitals. We selected a control group of non-AF patients consecutively admitted with COVID-19. We compared baseline characteristics, incidence of major bleeding, thrombotic events and mortality. We used propensity score matching (PSM) to minimize potential confounding variables, as well as a multivariate analysis to predict major bleeding and death. 305 patients admitted with AF and COVID-19 were included. After PSM, 151 AF patients were matched with 151 control group patients. During admission, low-molecular-weight heparin was the principal anticoagulant and the incidence of major bleeding and mortality were higher in the AF group [16 (10.6%) vs 3 (2%), p=0.003; 52 (34.4%) vs 35 (23.2%), p=0.03, respectively]. The multivariate analysis showed the presence of AF as independent predictor of in-hospital major bleeding and mortality in COVID-19 patients. In AF group, a secondary multivariate analysis identified high levels of D-dimer as independent predictor of in-hospital major bleeding. AF patients admitted with COVID-19 represent a population at high risk for bleeding and mortality during admission. It seems advisable to individualize anticoagulation therapy during admission, considering patient specific bleeding and thrombotic risk.S