884 research outputs found

    Tidal nitrogen and phosphorus exchange in the Palmones River estuary (Algeciras Bay, Cadiz)

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    The estuary of the Palmones River is a shallow fluvial catchment area, which had suffered major hydrodynamic changes over the last decade related to the construction of a dam. The estuary acts as a nutrient sink, and its catchment area shows high eutrophication (Pérez-Lloréns, Fernández and Niell, 1989; Clavero, Niell and Fernández, 1997). Nutrient concentration, salinity and evolution of current speed were monitored at the mouth of the estuary during a complete tidal cycle in the spring of 1997. The authors found strong water- column stratification, which enabled them to determine the input and output estuarine fluxes, using a two-box model. The deepest water mass, with a relatively constant composition, is responsible for the nutrient input into the estuary. Surface waters export nutrients to adjacent coastal zones, although this phenomenon has an obvious seasonal component. Net balance reveals a silicate, phosphate and ammonia output and frequent nitrogen forms (nitrite and nitrate) inputs.El estuario del río Palmones es una cuenca fluvial de escasa profundidad que, en la última década, ha sufrido un represamiento, originando importantes cambios en su hidrodinámica. El estuario se comporta como un sumidero de nutrientes y su cuenca experimenta una alta eutrofización (Pérez Lloréns, Fernández y Niell, 1989; Clavero, Niell and Fernández, 1997). Se ha seguido la evolución de la concentración de nutrientes, salinidad y velocidades de corriente en la desembocadura del estuario durante ciclos de marea completos en la primavera de 1997. Debido a la intensa estratificación encontrada en la columna de agua, los flujos de entrada y salida del estuario se han cuantificado mediante un modelo de dos cajas. La masa de agua más profunda, con una composición relativamente constante, es responsable de una entrada de nutrientes en el estuario. Por el contrario, las aguas más superficiales exportan nutrientes a otras zonas adyacentes, aunque este fenómeno tiene una clara componente estacional. El balance neto pone de manifiesto una salida de silicato, fosfato y amonio y una entrada en el sistema de formas asiduas de nitrógeno (nitrito y nitrato).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    The speciation of inorganic carbon in estuarine and interstitial waters

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    A calculation procedure to obtain pH, total alkalinity and concentration of inorganic carbon, based on the application of Gran functions, is described. An iterative program was used to optimise the electrode standard potential (E₀) and inorganic carbon concentration. Alkalinities higher than 15 mM were detected in interstitial waters from sediments collected in Cadiz Bay. A contribution of 20 % was associated with those acid-based species other than inorganic carbon. Speciation of inorganic carbon in estuarine waters was characterised using laboratory simulation techniques. Total carbonate and alkalinity, as well as inorganic carbon concentration, present conservative behaviour in the mixing process of waters having different salinities.En este trabajo se presenta un procedimiento de cálculo para la obtención del pH, alcalinidad total y concentración de carbono inorgánico, basado en la aplicación de funciones de Gran. Para ello, se ha utilizado un programa iterativo que optimiza el potencial estándar del electrodo y la concentración de carbono inorgánico. Mediante la aplicación de este método se muestran algunas características del sistema del carbónico en el agua intersticial y en sistemas estuáricos. En el agua intersticial de los sedimentos de la bahía de Cádiz se han detectado alcalinidades superiores a 15 mM a profundidades mayores de 10 cm, existiendo una contribución de hasta un 20 % de especies con carácter ácido-base diferentes al carbono inorgánico. La especiación del carbono inorgánico en aguas estuáricas se ha caracterizado utilizando técnicas de simulación en el laboratorio. Se ha observado que tanto la alcalinidad total, como la alcalinidad de carbonato y la concentración de carbono inorgánico presentan un comportamiento conservativo en procesos de mezcla de aguas de diferentes salinidades.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Hydrochemistry characterisation of protected marine ecosystems in Cadiz

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    Wetlands have a great natural wealth due to their borderline nature, representing the point where lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere converge. The wetlands of Cadiz, at the southern extreme of Europe, also play an important role as a stopover area for migratory birds. This paper presents the results of a sampling project conducted during the spring of 1997 in the Guadiaro and Palmones Rivers, the Barbate estuary, Sancti Petri sound, and the San Pedro River salt marsh. For each system, three sampling stations were established along a salinity gradient, and these variables were measured: salinity, pH and chloride, sulphate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrite, nitrate, silicate ammonia, organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations. Several behaviours were found for the various systems: the Guadiaro and Palmones Rivers fit a fluvial estuary pattern, with low ionic concentrations and poor remineralisation. The San Pedro River and Sancti Petri sound are tidal systems with a typical seawater composition and high benthic regeneration. The Barbate estuary represents an intermediate scenario between the preceding ones, with a pronounced salinity gradient along its course.Los humedales tienen una gran riqueza natural debido a su carácter de franja donde convergen litosfera, hidrosfera y atmósfera. Los de la provincia de Cádiz, en el extremo meridional de Europa, tienen además una gran importancia como lugar de paso de las aves migratorias. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos durante la primavera de 1997 en los estuarios de los ríos Guadiaro y Palmones, el estuario del Barbate, en las marismas del Caño de Sancti Petri y las del río San Pedro. Para cada uno de los sistemas se establecieron tres estaciones de muestreo a lo largo del gradiente de salinidad, y se determinó la salinidad, el pH y las concentraciones de cloruro, sulfato, sodio, potasio, calcio, magnesio, nitrito, nitrato, silicato, amonio, fosfato, carbono orgánico, oxígeno disuelto, clorofila a y feopigmentos. Se encontraron diferentes comportamientos para los distintos sistemas: el Guadiaro y el Palmones responden a un patrón de estuario de tipo fluvial, con concentraciones iónicas muy bajas y una escasa remineralización de la materia orgánica. El río San Pedro y el Caño de Sancti Petri son, por el contrario, sistemas mareales con aguas de comportamiento típicamente marino y una alta regeneración bentónica. El estuario del Barbate es una situación intermedia entre las anteriores y posee un marcado gradiente de salinidades a lo largo de su cauce.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Midiendo el aprendizaje intercultural a través de AICLE

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    CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) —endorsed by the European Commission since 1996— constitutes the official approach to bilingual education in Spain. Intercultural learning (IL) is one of the four defining Cs in CLIL, though the literature has consistently described it as the weakest implementation area. This paper analyses the opinions of 76 Spanish secondary education students about IL through their bilingual curriculum. Their viewpoints clearly suggest that IL comes from two main sources: native assistants; and exchange programmes. These data were contrasted with the views of school principals and bilingual coordinators, who declared that both of these valuable ‘resources’ for IL are scarce due to administrative difficulties and lack of budget. Our conclusions reveal how improving these areas can lead not only to improved scores but also to a better implementation of the intercultural axis in CLIL, if the goal consists in educating 21st century citizens.AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras) es el enfoque oficial para la educación bilingüe en España, avalado por la Comisión Europea desde 1996. El aprendizaje intercultural (AI) es una de las cuatro Cs definitorias de AICLE (comunicación, contenido, cognición y cultura), aunque la literatura ha señalado sistemáticamente que es el área más débil de implementación. En este trabajo se analizan las opiniones de 76 estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria sobre AI a través de su currículo bilingüe. Sus puntos de vista indican claramente que el AI proviene principalmente de dos fuentes: asistentes nativos y programas de intercambio. Estos datos fueron contrastados con las opiniones de los directores de las escuelas y de los coordinadores bilingües, quienes declararon que ambos valiosos “recursos” para el AI son escasos debido a las dificultades administrativas y la falta de presupuesto. Nuestras conclusiones señalan que la mejora de estas áreas puede conducir a mejores resultados y a una mejor implementación del eje intercultural en AICLE, si el objetivo es educar a los ciudadanos del siglo XXI

    Acumulación de fósforo en sedimentos marinos costeros: relación con flujos bentónicos y difusivos

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    Sedimentary phosphorus was characterized in sediment cores from 3 coastal ecosystems of the Gulf of Cadiz. High spatial variability was observed in total phosphorus (from 445 to 20291 μg g.sed-1) and in the other phosphorus phases studied. This variability correlates with the proximity of the 10 sampling stations to sources of urban and/or industrial effluent in the zone. The benthic and diffusive fluxes were measured concurrently with sediment collection at these stations. The measured values of benthic fluxes range between –14 and 6 mmol m-2 d-1. Generally, stations that showed increased interstitial phosphate concentrations with increasing depth were characterized by positive values in phosphate benthic fluxes and by high percentages of reactive forms of sedimentary phosphorus. Negative benthic fluxes were associated with stations receiving more anthropogenic matter, which showed progressively decreasing phosphate concentrations in the interstitial water with depth. In these anthropogenic areas, the non-reactive forms of phosphorus (those associated with ferric oxyhydroxide and authigenic carbonate fluorapatite) are abundant, and reach values exceeding 75% of total phosphorus in sediment.Se ha realizado la caracterización del fósforo sedimentario en 3 ecosistemas costeros del Golfo de Cádiz. Se ha encontrado una alta variabilidad espacial (desde 445 hasta 20291 μg g.sed-1) en la cantidad de fósforo total, y en las otras fases de fósforo estudiadas. Esta variabilidad se correlaciona con la proximidad de las 10 estaciones de muestreo a las fuentes de efluentes urbanos e industriales de la zona. Los flujos difusivos y bentónicos fueron también medidos en las mismas estaciones de forma simultánea. Los valores de los flujos bentónicos están comprendidos entre –14 y 6 mmol m-2 d-1. Generalmente, un incremento de la concentración de fosfato en el agua intersticial con la profundidad se notó en aquellas zonas en las que se encontraron valores positivos de los flujos y que presentan altos porcentajes de las formas reactivas de fósforo en el sedimento. Por otra parte, los flujos bentónicos negativos parecen estar asociados a las estaciones que reciben más material de origen antropogénico y están relacionados con la disminución progresiva de las concentraciones de fosfato en el agua intersticial. En esas áreas antropogénicas, las formas no reactivas del fósforo (asociadas a oxihidróxidos de hierro y a carbonato fluorapatito autigénico) son las más abundantes, y llegan a alcanzar valores que superan el 75% del fósforo total del sedimento

    Early and sustained increase in time in range 1 year after initiation of hybrid close loop therapy via telemedicine in type 1 diabetes patients

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    La evidencia respalda la eficacia y seguridad del sistema Hybrid Close Loop (HCL) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 (DT1). Sin embargo, hay datos limitados disponibles sobre los resultados a largo plazo de los pacientes que reciben HCL con seguimiento por telemedicina. Métodos Un estudio de cohorte observacional prospectivo que incluyó pacientes con diabetes Tipo 1 que estaban actualizando al sistema HCL. La capacitación virtual y el seguimiento se realizaron a través de telemedicina. Los datos de MCG se analizaron para comparar el tiempo inicial dentro del rango (TIR), el tiempo por debajo del rango (TBR), la variabilidad glucémica y el modo automático (AM), con mediciones realizadas a los 3, 6 y 12 meses. Resultados Se incluyeron 134 pacientes con A1c basal 7,6% ± 1,1. El 40,5% tuvo algún evento de hipoglucemia grave en el último año. La TIR inicial, medida dos semanas después de comenzar AM, fue de 78,6 ± 9,94 %. No se observaron cambios evidentes a los tres (diferencia de medias − 0,15; IC-2,47; 2,17; p  = 0,96), seis (MD-1,09; IC-3,42, 1,24; p  = 0,12) y 12 meses (MD-1,30; IC-3,64). <1,04; p  = 0,08). No se encontraron cambios significativos en la TBR ni en la variabilidad glucémica a lo largo del seguimiento. El uso de AM fue de 85,6 ± 17,5% y el porcentaje de uso de sensor fue de 88,75 ± 9,5% a los 12 meses. No se informaron eventos de hipoglucemia (SH) graves. Conclusiones Los sistemas HCL permiten mejorar TIR, TBR y variabilidad glucémica de forma segura, temprana y sostenida hasta 1 año de seguimiento en pacientes con DM1 y alto riesgo de hipoglucemia seguidos a través de telemedicina.Q1Background and Aims Evidence supports the efficacy and safety of the Hybrid Close loop (HCL) system in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, limited data are available on the long-term outcomes of patients on HCL with telemedicine follow-up. Methods A prospective observational cohort study including T1D patients, who were upgrading to HCL system. Virtual training and follow-up were done through telemedicine. CGM data were analyzed to compare the baseline time in range (TIR), time below range (TBR), glycemic variability and auto mode (AM), with measurements performed at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results 134 patients were included with baseline A1c 7.6% ± 1.1. 40.5% had a severe hypoglycemia event in the last year. Baseline TIR, measured two weeks after starting AM was 78.6 ± 9.94%. No changes were evident at three (Mean difference − 0.15;CI-2.47,2.17;p = 0.96), six (MD-1.09;CI-3.42,1.24;p = 0.12) and 12 months (MD-1.30;CI-3.64,1.04;p = 0.08). No significant changes were found in TBR or glycemic variability throughout the follow-up. Use of AM was 85.6 ± 17.5% and percentage of use of sensor was 88.75 ± 9.5% at 12 months. No severe hypoglycemic (SH) events were reported. Conclusions HCL systems allow to improve TIR, TBR and glycemic variability safely, early and sustained up to 1 year of follow-up in patients with T1D and high risk of hypoglycemia followed through telemedicine.Revista Internacional - IndexadaS

    Comparative transcriptional profiling analysis of olive ripe-fruit pericarp and abscission zone tissues shows expression differences and distinct patterns of transcriptional regulation

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    [Background] In fleshy fruit, abscission of fully ripe fruit is a process intimately linked to the ripening process. In many fruit-tree species, such as olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Picual), there is a coupling of the full ripening and the activation of the abscission-zone (AZ). Although fully ripe fruit have marked physiological differences with respect to their AZs, dissimilarities in gene expression have not been thoroughly investigated. The present study examines the transcriptome of olive fruit and their AZ tissues at the last stage of ripening, monitored using mRNA-Seq. [Results] Roche-454 massive parallel pyrosequencing enabled us to generate 397,457 high-quality EST sequences, among which 199,075 were from ripe-fruit pericarp and 198,382 from AZ tissues. We assembled these sequences into 19,062 contigs, grouped as 17,048 isotigs. Using the read amounts for each annotated isotig (from a total of 15,671), we identified 7,756 transcripts. A comparative analysis of the transcription profiles conducted in ripe-fruit pericarp and AZ evidenced that 4,391 genes were differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in fruit and AZ. Functional categorization of the DEGs revealed that AZ tissue has an apparently higher response to external stimuli than does that of ripe fruit, revealing a higher expression of auxin-signaling genes, as well as lignin catabolic and biosynthetic pathway, aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway, isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway, protein amino acid dephosphorylation, amino acid transport, and photosynthesis. By contrast, fruit-enriched transcripts are involved in ATP synthesis coupled proton transport, glycolysis, and cell-wall organization. Furthermore, over 150 transcripts encoding putative transcription-factors (TFs) were identified (37 fruit TFs and 113 AZ TFs), of which we randomly selected eight genes and we confirmed their expression patterns using quantitative RT-PCR. [Conclusion] We generated a set of EST sequences from olive fruit at full ripening, and DEGs between two different olive tissues, ripe fruit and their AZ, were also identified. Regarding the cross-talk between fruit and AZ, using qRT-PCR, we confirmed a set of TF genes that were differentially expressed, revealing profiles of expression that have not previously been reported, this offering a promising beginning for studies on the different transcription regulation in such tissues.This work was supported by the ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’, Spain (BFU2010-18116)

    Ocean-Atmosphere CO2 Fluxes in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre: Association with Biochemical and Physical Factors during Spring

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    We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) was measured continuously in a transect of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre between Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (18.1° N, 68.5° W) and Vigo, Spain (41.9° N, 11.8° W) during spring 2011. Additional biogeochemical and physical variables measured to identify factors controlling the surface pCO2 were analyzed in discrete samples collected at 16 sites along the transect at the surface and to a depth of 200 m. Sea surface pCO2 varied between 309 and 662 μatm, and showed differences between the western and eastern subtropical gyre. The subtropical gyre acted as a net CO2 sink, with a mean flux of −5.5 ± 2.2 mmol m−2 day−1. The eastern part of the transect, close to the North Atlantic Iberian upwelling off the Galician coast, was a CO2 source with an average flux of 33.5 ± 9.0 mmol m−2 day−1. Our results highlight the importance of making more surface pCO2 observations in the area located east of the Azores Islands since air-sea CO2 fluxes there are poorly studied.The authors would like to thank those responsible for the two projects Proyecto Buque Escuela de Oceanografía 2011 (Research Project CTM 2009-08399-E/MAR) and the Malaspina Circumnavigation Expedition 2010 (Research Project Consolider-Ingenio, CSD 2008-00077), both funded by the Spanish Government. Their collaboration made this study possible. The authors would also like to thank J. Gómez-Enri and G. Navarro for their help with the satellite images.Peer reviewe