7 research outputs found

    Alternative access to functionalized 2,8-ethanonoradamantane derivatives

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    7a-(Methoxycarbonyl)-N-methyl-1,3a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4H-1,4,6-(epiethane[1,1,2]triyl) indene-4,9-dicarboximide has been prepared through a modification of a previous synthetic sequence, in which the benzyloxymethyl hydroxyl protecting group has been replaced by methoxymethyl, to avoid the apparent formation of a benzyl ester derivative as a side product. The overall yield of the new synthetic sequence is comparable to the previous one. Two advantages of the new procedure are: (a) no benzyl ester was formed and (b) a stereoisomeric mixture of syn- and anti-alcohols at the beginning of the synthetic sequence could be separated and the rest of the synthesis could be carried out with the main syn-stereoisomer instead of the corresponding stereoisomeric mixture as it was the case in the previous process

    Short access to belt compounds with spatially close C=C bonds and their transannular reactions

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    Two domino Diels-Alder adducts were obtained from 3,7-bis(cyclopenta-2,4-dien-1-ylidene)-cis-bicyclo[3.3.0]octane and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate or N-methylmaleimide under microwave irradiation. From the first adduct, a C20H24 diene with C2v symmetry was obtained by Zn/AcOH reduction, hydrolysis, oxidative decarboxylation and selective hydrogenation. Photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition of this diene gave a thermally unstable cyclobutane derivative, which reverts to the diene. However, both diene and cyclobutane derivatives could be identified by X-ray diffraction analysis upon irradiation of the diene crystal. New six-membered rings are formed upon transannular addition of bromine or iodine to the diene. The N-type selectivity of the addition was examined by theoretical calculations which revealed the distinct susceptibility of the doubly bonded carbon atoms to the bromine attack

    Multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a novel multitarget anti-Alzheimer's compound

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    We describe the multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a donepezil‒huprine hybrid that has been found to display a promising in vitro multitarget profile of interest for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Its synthesis features as the key step a novel multigram preparative chromatographic resolution of intermediate racemic huprine Y by chiral HPLC. Administration of this compound to transgenic CL4176 and CL2006 Caenorhabditis elegans strains expressing human Aβ42, here used as simplified animal models of AD, led to a significant protection from the toxicity induced by Aβ42. However, this protective effect was not accompanied, in CL2006 worms, by a reduction of amyloid deposits. Oral administration for 3 months to transgenic APPSL mice, a well-established animal model of AD, improved short-term memory, but did not alter brain levels of Aβ peptides nor cortical and hippocampal amyloid plaque load. Despite the clear protective and cognitive effects of AVCRI104P4, the lack of Aβ lowering effect in vivo might be related to its lower in vitro potency toward Aβ aggregation and formation as compared with its higher anticholinesterase activities. Further lead optimization in this series should thus focus on improving the anti-amyloid/anticholinesterase activity ratio

    Síntesi i reactivitat de compostos policíclics: aplicacions de la reacció de metàtesi d’olefines a la seva síntesi

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    [cat] En aquesta Tesi: 1) S’ha estudiat la reacció de metàtesi creuada (CM) de diferents derivats metilenciclopentànics utilitzant el catalitzador d’Hoveyda-Grubbs de segona generació, observant la formació dels alquens tetrasubstituïts corresponents amb bons rendiments. En el cas d’un derivat bis(metilenciclopentànic) s’ha observat la formació de productes de doble i triple CM amb elevada estereoselectivitat anti, fet que en el cas del producte de doble CM s’ha establert per difracció de raigs X. 2) S’ha preparat un nou ciclopentadiè 1,1-disubstituit funcionalitzat, i s’han estudiat les reaccions de Diels-Alder amb diferents dienòfils [anhídrid maleic, cis-1,2-bis(fenilsulfonil)etilè i triflat de fenil(2-iodoetinil)iodoni]. L’adducte amb l’últim dienòfil s’ha transformat en un derivat 2,3-diiodat 7,7-disubstituït del norbornadiè. 3) S’ha estudiat la reacció del triflat de (2-iodoetinil)feniliodoni amb 1,3-difenilisobenzofuran que depenen de les condicions dóna l’adducte Diels-Alder corresponent o un triflat naftalènic format per reducció de l’adducte inicial per part del 1,3.difenilisobenzofuran emprat en excés. 4) S’ha desenvolupat una seqüència sintètica per a l’obtenció de derivats del 2,8-etanonoradamantà molt funcionalitzats, que té com a etapa clau una reacció Diels-Alder intramolecular. Durant la reducció d’una enona a alcohol al•lílic amb NaBH4 / CeCl3•7H2O (mètode de Luche), es va haver de protegir una funció maleimida transformant-la en una barreja diastereomèrica d’adductes amb furà, regenerant la maleimida després de la reducció de l’enona, per escalfament en el sí de toluè a reflux durant 4 dies (reacció retro-Diels-Alder). També s’ha posat a punt un procediment alternatiu per preparar un intermediari clau en la seqüència sintètica anterior, 5-{[(t-butildimetilsilil)oxi]metil}-2-metil-5,6-dihidrociclopenta[c]pirrol-1,3(2H,4H)-diona, a partir de la N-metilmaleimida amb un rendiment cinc vegades superior al desenvolupat inicialment. 5) L’estructura dels diferents compostos obtinguts en aquesta Tesi s’ha establert per mètodes espectroscòpics [1H-RMN, 13C-RMN, correlacions 1H/1H (COSY, NOESY), correlacions 1H/13C (gHSQC, gHMBC), MS, IR] i en diversos casos, també per difracció de raigs X.[eng] In this PhD Thesis: 1) The cross metathesis (CM) reaction of different methylenecyclopentane derivatives using Hoveyda-Grubbs second generation catalyst has been studied. In these reactions, tetrasubstituted alkenes have been formed in good yields. In the case of a bis(methylenecyclopentane) derivative, the formation of products from double and triple CM has been observed. In general, high anti-stereoselectivity has been observed. The assignment of the stereochemistry of the single CM products has been performed through the analysis of the NMR data for the epoxide derivatives and in the case of the double CM product by X-ray diffraction analysis. 2) A new 1,1-disubstituted cyclopentadiene has been prepared. Its reactions with different dienophiles [maleic anhydride, cis-1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethylene and phenyl(2-iodoethynyl)iodonium triflate] has been studied. The adduct with the last dienophile has been transformed into a 2,3-diiodo-7,7-disubstituted norbornadiene. 3) The reaction of phenyl(2-iodoethynyl)iodonium triflate with 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran has been studied. Depending on the reaction conditions, the corresponding Diels-Alder adduct or a naphthalenic triflate, formed by reduction of the initial adduct with 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran used in excess, has been observed. 4) A synthetic sequence for the preparation of highly functionalized 2,8-ethanonoradamantane derivatives has been developed. The key step consists of an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction. On reduction of an enone function to an allylic alcohol using NaBH4 / CeCl3•7H2O (Luche procedure), a maleimide function should be protected by transformation into a stereoisomeric mixture of Diels-Alder adducts with furan. The maleimide function was recovered, after reduction of the enone, through a thermal retro-Diels-Alder reaction. Also, an alternative procedure to prepare a key intermediate of the above synthetic sequence, 5-{[(t-butyldimethylsilyl)oxy]methyl}-2-methyl-5,6-dihydrocyclopenta[c]pyrrole-1,3(2H,4H)-dione, from N-methylmaleimide with a yield five times higher, have been developed. 5) The structure of the different compounds prepared in this PhD Thesis has been established by spectroscopic methods [1H NMR, 13C NMR, 1H/1H correlations (COSY, NOESY), 1H/13C correlations (gHSQC, gHMBC), MS, IR] and, in several cases, also by X-ray diffraction analysis

    Alternative access to functionalized 2,8-ethanonoradamantane derivatives

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    7a-(Methoxycarbonyl)-N-methyl-1,3a,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-4H-1,4,6-(epiethane[1,1,2]triyl) indene-4,9-dicarboximide has been prepared through a modification of a previous synthetic sequence, in which the benzyloxymethyl hydroxyl protecting group has been replaced by methoxymethyl, to avoid the apparent formation of a benzyl ester derivative as a side product. The overall yield of the new synthetic sequence is comparable to the previous one. Two advantages of the new procedure are: (a) no benzyl ester was formed and (b) a stereoisomeric mixture of syn- and anti-alcohols at the beginning of the synthetic sequence could be separated and the rest of the synthesis could be carried out with the main syn-stereoisomer instead of the corresponding stereoisomeric mixture as it was the case in the previous process

    On the Reaction of 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran and (2-Iodoethynyl)(phenyl)iodonium Triflate. A Unique Case of Oxygen Transfer from the Diels-Alder Adduct to the Diene

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    Reaction of 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran (DPIBF) with 2-(iodoethynyl)(phenyl)- iodonium triflate at room temperature gave the expected Diels-Alder adduct, but using an excess of DFIBF (2 equiv.) and performing the reaction at 55 °C or heating at this temperature during the concentration stage, the initial orange solution or product mixture became dark brown and the products 1,2-phenylene-1,2-bis(phenylmethanone) and 2-(3-iodo-1,4-diphenylnaphthyl)(phenyl)iodonium triflate were obtained, which suggests an oxygen transfer between DPIBF and the initial adduct

    Multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a novel multitarget anti-Alzheimer's compound

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    We describe the multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a donepezil‒huprine hybrid that has been found to display a promising in vitro multitarget profile of interest for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Its synthesis features as the key step a novel multigram preparative chromatographic resolution of intermediate racemic huprine Y by chiral HPLC. Administration of this compound to transgenic CL4176 and CL2006 Caenorhabditis elegans strains expressing human Aβ42, here used as simplified animal models of AD, led to a significant protection from the toxicity induced by Aβ42. However, this protective effect was not accompanied, in CL2006 worms, by a reduction of amyloid deposits. Oral administration for 3 months to transgenic APPSL mice, a well-established animal model of AD, improved short-term memory, but did not alter brain levels of Aβ peptides nor cortical and hippocampal amyloid plaque load. Despite the clear protective and cognitive effects of AVCRI104P4, the lack of Aβ lowering effect in vivo might be related to its lower in vitro potency toward Aβ aggregation and formation as compared with its higher anticholinesterase activities. Further lead optimization in this series should thus focus on improving the anti-amyloid/anticholinesterase activity ratio