962 research outputs found

    Genome-wide identification of novel small RNAs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Bacterial small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) are known to have regulatory functions in a variety of processes including metabolic reactions, stress responses and pathogenesis in response to environmental signals. Recent genome-wide studies to identify sRNAs have been largely based on tiling arrays and RNA sequencing (RNAseq) technologies. The latter approach, in particular, has revolutionized sRNA discovery by enabling interrogation of the transcriptome at unprecedented depths. The size and complexity of the P. aeruginosa genome suggests that it encodes many hitherto undetected sRNAs. In this study, RNA-seq is used to identify sRNAs in P.aeruginosa using a combination of three different sequencing libraries. Over 750 novel sRNAs (including intergenic and cis-encoded sRNAs) have been identified with this approach in this study. The results also reflect that although the use of three libraries increased the number of novel transcripts identified, there were significant differences in the subset of transcripts detected in each library, underscoring the importance of library preparation strategy and relative sRNA abundance for successful sRNA detection. These data will be useful for the study of regulatory sRNAs in P. aeruginosa and the approach described here may be applied to identify sRNAs in any bacterium under different growth and stress conditions. In addition the role of sRNA OsiS was investigated. OsiS was identified in our genome-wide search of sRNAs in P. aeruginosa. OsiS is highly transcribed during oxidative stress conditions. We show that by inducing the expression of OsiS the levels of the sRNA PhrS are greatly reduced. PhrS activates the translation of the pqsR gene under low oxygen concentrations, which in turn activates the synthesis of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS). Thus, OsiS links the oxygen levels to the production of quorum sensing (QS) molecules. It is hypothesized that the interaction is by direct base-pairing between the two sRNAs, with a predicted recognition site of OsiS at the highly conserved-region of PhrS. However, more experiments are required to know the exact nature of the interaction between these two sRNAs. Notably, OsiS is, to the best of our knowledge, the first sRNA whose main function seems to be regulating the cellular levels of another sRNA

    Diseño del programa de gestión del talento humano en la empresa Mercaempresa Ltda. de Dosquebradas

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    Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de modelo de GESTIÓN DEL TALENTO HUMANO para la Empresa MERCAEMPRESA LTDA. con la implementación de un Plan de Acción para su ejecución. Se elaboran los conceptos relacionados con el Direccionamiento Estratégico a partir de la definición del término Estrategia, que comúnmente se utiliza para referirse a una función de la Gestión Organizacional. El hombre combina la habilidad natural de los seres vivos, que desarrollan estrategias inteligentes e intuitivas de supervivencia frente a las circunstancias y enemigos que dificultan su logro, con la capacidad de percibir la realidad para desarrollar estrategias que permitan el cumplimiento de un objetivo determinado, mediante una creación estructurada mentalmente conocida como Pensamiento Estratégico. Es por ello, que mediante el proceso de Planeación Estratégica se define la orientación de los productos y servicios de la Empresa hacia el mercado a la luz de los recursos, de las oportunidades y amenazas del entorno y de los principios corporativos; de igual manera se determinan acciones con el objetivo de satisfacer oportuna y adecuadamente las necesidades de los clientes y accionistas. Bajo este marco, se estima una serie de componentes de la Organización como son el Diagnóstico Organizacional, el Perfil de Capacidades, la Matriz DOFA y los Factores Claves de Éxito, que facilitan la comprensión de los diversos elementos de la Formulación Estratégica de la Propuesta, que incluye el Direccionamiento Estratégico, la Estructura Organizacional requerida, el Programa de Inducción, el Programa de Bienestar Social, el Programa de Evaluación del Desempeño, el Mapa de Procesos, los Procedimientos y las Funciones del Personal de la Empresa.This paper presents a proposed model of Human Talent Management for the Enterprise MERCAEMPRESA LTDA. with implementing an action plan for its execution. Related concepts are developed with strategic direction from the definition of strategy, commonly used to refer to a function of Organizational Management. He combines the natural ability of living beings; they develop intelligent and intuitive strategies of survival against enemies and circumstances that hinder their achievement, with the ability to perceive reality to develop strategies for meeting a specified goal by mentally structured creation known as strategic thinking. It is thus that through the Strategic Planning process defines the orientation of the products and services of the Company to market in light of the resources, opportunities and threats in the environment and corporate principles, are equally determine actions with the objective of timely and adequately meet the needs of customers and shareholders. Under this framework, the estimated number of components such as the Organization Assessment Organizational Capabilities Profiler, SWOT Matrix and Key Success Factors that facilitate the understanding of the various strategic elements of the proposal, including strategic management, organizational structure required, the Induction Program, the Social Welfare Program, the Program Performance Assessment, the map of processes, procedures and staff functions of the Company

    Análise jurídica da desigualdade de trabalho na Colômbia

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    Subject and scope: The principle of equality is a pillar of democratic States, as is Colombia. The Political Constitution issued in 1991 gives a new connotation to this principle, which is why it was chosen to demonstrate that it is not complied with in Colombia. The Colombian Constitutional Court has dealt with the subject on multiple occasions, which give the guideline to analyze the scope and repercussion that this fundamental principle has in labor matters, on which the stability of the individual depends in part. Characteristics: The document will allow to study the constitutional and legal provisions on the subject, as well as the position of the jurisprudence and doctrine on the applicability of the principle of equality in labor relations in the country. It is vital to bear in mind that the fundamental principles, and among them the principle of equality, are a guarantee for the citizen participant of the Social State of Law, where the primordial thing is the respect for the dignity and the human person; therefore, something vital for him/her as work is protected. Findings: Equality is a fundamental right in almost all jurisdictions of the world; therefore, reviewing its legal roots and its implementation since the 1991 Charter is preponderant in this study. It is transcendental that equality exists in labor relations, because if it does not exist, inequitable relations will result.Tema y alcance: el principio de igualdad es un pilar de los Estados democráticos, como lo es Colombia. La Constitución Política expedida en 1991 le da una nueva connotación a este principio, por ello su escogencia para demostrar que no se cumple en Colombia. La Corte Constitucional colombiana se ha ocupado del tema en múltiples ocasiones, que dan la pauta para analizar el alcance y la repercusión que este principio fundamental tiene en materia laboral, de lo cual depende en parte la estabilidad del individuo. Características: el documento permitirá estudiar las disposiciones de orden constitucional y legal sobre el tema, como también la posición de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina en la aplicabilidad del principio de igualdad en las relaciones laborales del país. Es vital tener en cuenta que los principios fundamentales, y entre ellos el de igualdad, son una garantía para el ciudadano partícipe del Estado Social de Derecho, en donde lo primordial es el respeto por la dignidad y la persona humana; por ende, se protege algo vital para ella como el trabajo. Hallazgos: la igualdad es un derecho fundamental en casi todas las jurisdicciones del mundo; por ende, revisar sus raíces jurídicas y su puesta en marcha a partir de la Carta de 1991 es preponderante en este estudio. Es trascendental que exista igualdad en las relaciones laborales, ya que si esta es inexistente, se cae en relaciones inequitativas.Tema e escopo: O princípio da igualdade é um pilar dos Estados democráticos, como a Colômbia. A Constituição Política emitida em 1991 dá uma nova conotação a este princípio, razão pela qual foi escolhida para demonstrar que não é cumprida na Colômbia. O Tribunal Constitucional Colombiano tratou do assunto em muitas ocasiões, o que fornece a base para analisar o alcance e as repercussões deste princípio fundamental em matéria trabalhista, do qual depende em parte a estabilidade do indivíduo. Características: O documento nos permitirá estudar as disposições constitucionais e legais sobre o assunto, assim como a posição da jurisprudência e doutrina sobre a aplicabilidade do princípio de igualdade nas relações de trabalho do país. É vital ter em mente que os princípios fundamentais, e entre eles o princípio da igualdade, são uma garantia para o cidadão que participa do Estado Social de Direito, onde o respeito à dignidade humana e à pessoa humana é primordial; portanto, ele protege algo vital para ele, como o trabalho. Conclusões: A igualdade é um direito fundamental em quase todas as jurisdições do mundo; portanto, rever suas raízes legais e sua implementação desde a Carta de 1991 é de suma importância neste estudo. É crucial que exista igualdade nas relações de trabalho, pois se ela não existe, leva a relações injustas.&nbsp

    Active and Assisted Living, a Practice for the Ageing Population and People with Cognitive Disabilities: An Architectural Perspective.

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    The current digital revolution is causing a paradigm shift encompassing all environments in which human beings conduct their daily activities. Technology is starting to govern the world, gradually modifying not only individual and social behaviour, but also ways of living. The necessary adaptation to new information and communication technologies forces societies to rethink both public and private spaces, in which evolution is slower than rapid social transformation. As part of this change, the concept of Active Assisted Living (AAL) has developed. Assisted spaces can be designed to provide older adults, carers, or people who have cognitive disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, with a healthier, safer, and more comfortable life, while also affording them greater personal autonomy. AAL aims to improve people’s quality of life and allow them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, not in residences. This study conducted a critical review about AAL from an architectural point of view. The research adopted a qualitative approach in which we collected the studies during the last twenty years, then used descriptive, narrative and critical analysis methods. Based on these, this paper aims to explain this new technological paradigm, its characteristics, its main development trends, and its implementation limitations. The results obtained show how the development of AAL will be in the next ten years, and how this concept, and its application, can influence architecture and provide the bases for further research into the design of buildings and citiesPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Towards a Healthy Architecture: A New Paradigm in the Design and Construction of Buildings.

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    The recent COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed a new awareness of what living and working spaces should look like from a different perspective, and healthier cities and architecture have arisen because of inescapable public demand. Society has become clearly aware that there are still unhealthy concentrations within its environment. Spaces in cities are still being built that can favour the spread of diseases, in addition to using harmful construction materials. Living spaces must not only be sustainable, functional, and aesthetically beautiful but also comfortable, safe, and accessible, and, above all, they must be healthy. Healthy architecture has emerged as a new paradigm. This is the subject area of this work. This paper describes and develops the nature of this concept and proposes a novel definition of healthy architecture, aiming to compile state-of-the-art knowledge with a qualitative empirical and multi-method process, using case studies. This article provides a global perspective on new approaches and proposes a Decalogue with the basic principles that an environment or building must comply with in order to be healthy. The main contribution is to establish the basis for the creation of a new healthy architecture epistemology, focussing on cognitive, emotional, and physiological stimuli. This paper can help health professionals, designers, and architects, as well as companies and public administrations, to follow an innovative path in the planning of healthier cities and buildings.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag