5 research outputs found

    Artisti in ascesa, caduta e rinascita del pulque nella cultura e nell’identità messicana

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    El pulque, una bebida alcohólica centenaria elaborada con savia de agave, ha sido un componente importante de las culturas e identidades “mexicanas” desde antes de la invasión europea. El autor, a partir de consideraciones sobre su etnobotánica, analiza, en a construcción de una identidad nacional, la relación ambivalente de los artistas mexicanos con la bebida, desde antes de la independencia hasta la actualidad.Pulque, a centuries-old alcoholic beverage made from agave sap, has been an important component of “Mexican” cultures and identities since before the European invasion. The author, starting from considerations on its ethnobotany, analyses, in the construction of a national identity, the ambivalent relationship of Mexican artists with the drink, from before independence to the present day.Il pulque, una bevanda alcolica secolare a base di linfa di agave, è stato una comp o- nente importante delle culture e delle identità “messicane” sin da prima dell’invasione europea. L’autore, partendo da considerazioni sulla sua etnobotanica, artisti messicani con la bevanda, da prima dell’indipendenza fino ai giorni nostri

    Naturaleza: coerciĂłn vs.conseso

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    Tesis doctoral inédita de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Lingüística. Fecha de lectura: 16-10-200

    Naturaleza y sociedad

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    El presente eBook no pretende ofrecer soluciones indiscutibles ni ser la guía ideológica que habremos de seguir todos los seres humanos para mantener la vida. Más bien, busca ser un compendio de las diferentes formas que tenemos, como sociedad, de relacionarnos con la naturaleza, y de las ventajas y desventajas que éstas presentan. De igual forma, pretende dar un panorama de los conceptos, alcances y limitaciones de la ecología como ciencia, así como presentar las principales problemáticas ambientales que enfrentamos y las posibles vías de solución a los conflictos sociales que generan

    Cervical Cancer Cell Supernatants Induce a Phenotypic Switch from U937-Derived Macrophage-Activated M1 State into M2-Like Suppressor Phenotype with Change in Toll-Like Receptor Profile

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    Cervical cancer (CC) is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main risk factor for developing CC. Macrophages are important immune effector cells; they can be differentiated into two phenotypes, identified as M1 (classically activated) and M2 (alternatively activated). Macrophage polarization exerts profound effects on the Toll-like receptor (TLR) profile. In this study, we evaluated whether the supernatant of human CC cells HeLa, SiHa, and C-33A induces a shift of M1 macrophage toward M2 macrophage in U937-derived macrophages. Results. The results showed that soluble factors secreted by CC cells induce a change in the immunophenotype of macrophages from macrophage M1 into macrophage M2. U937-derived macrophages M1 released proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide; however, when these cells were treated with the supernatant of CC cell lines, we observed a turnover of M1 toward M2. These cells increased CD163 and IL-10 expression. The expression of TLR-3, -7, and -9 is increased when the macrophages were treated with the supernatant of CC cells. Conclusions. Our result strongly suggests that CC cells may, through the secretion of soluble factors, induce a change of immunophenotype M1 into M2 macrophages