1,783 research outputs found

    Social sciences and humanities research data and metadata: A perspective from thematic data repositories

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    This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them. 397 repositories are reviewed at the general level, including those of a multidisciplinary nature. We discuss and reflect on the special features of research data in these disciplines, and on coverage and information collected by re3data. The metadata schemas and standards most commonly used in SSH repositories are analyzed, with special emphasis on the six main repositories

    Social sciences and humanities research data and metadata: a perspective from thematic data Repositories

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    This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them 397 repositories are reviewed at the general level, including those of a multidisciplinary nature. We discuss and reflect on the special features of research data in these disciplines, and on coverage and information collected by re3data. The metadata schemas and standards most commonly used in SSH repositories are analyzed, with special emphasis on the six main repositories

    La traducción audiovisual durante el siglo XXI

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    The current analysis is the product of a documentary investigation carried out in principle by observations of reality itself, since the functional cultural exchange is progressively significant for the advancement of society. Based on the aforementioned dynamism, Audiovisual Translation supports the practical link between two different cultures in integrity, persuasively including both images and sounds to gain a greater impression on the recipient. This paper shows the thematic, and theoretical trends identified in 22 articles about Audiovisual Translation (ATV), of which 10 are oriented towards the analysis of dubbing, 8 more focus on the analysis of subtitling and 4 more of the works address both modalities. It should be noted that these investigations expose the pre-eminence of interpretation itself as an analysis strategy in this context. The objective was to identify the topics that have been a trend since the beginning of the 21st century and that have represented problems from the translator's point of view. It was concluded that Audiovisual Translation represents a suggestive area of ​​study to examine the intention that a translation itself has: to convey a message to the receiver.El actual análisis es el producto de una investigación documental ejecutada en principio por observaciones de la realidad misma, puesto que el intercambio cultural funcional es progresivamente significativo para el avance de la sociedad. En función de mencionado dinamismo, la Traducción Audiovisual admite el enlace práctico entre dos culturas diferentes en integridad, incluyendo persuasivamente tanto imágenes como sonidos para ganar una mayor impresión en el destinatario. En el presente trabajo se muestran las tendencias temática y teórica identificadas en 22 artículos acerca de Traducción Audiovisual (TAV), de los cuales 10 están orientados hacia el análisis de doblajes, 8 más se enfocan en el análisis del subtitulado y 4 más de los trabajos abordan ambas modalidades. Cabe destacar que dichas investigaciones exponen la preeminencia de la interpretación misma como estrategia de análisis en este contexto. El objetivo fue identificar los temas que han sido tendencia desde el inicio del siglo XXI y que han representado problemáticas desde la mirada traductora. Se pudo concluir que la Traducción Audiovisual representa una sugestiva área de estudio para examinar la intención que una traducción en sí misma tiene: transmitir un mensaje al receptor

    La transformación turística de los puertos marítimos. Casos de studio de España y Reino Unido

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    Many cities around the world have transformed their old industrial ports to introduce new tourist uses. From the pioneer example of Baltimore (United States), the model has been repeated and adapted in cities on the five continents, given the obsolescence of the facilities and the demand for new consumption spaces. This paper analyzes the cases of Malaga (Andalusia, Spain) and Plymouth (England, United Kingdom) to adapt them to the visit of cruises and yachts, as well as commercial and leisure activities. The methodology is based on fieldwork and analysis of documentary sources. Five approaches have been taken into account: external accessibility, internal mobility, activities, heritage protection, and integration in the urban context. The results are presented in comparative maps and a reflection on the degree of integration achieved in both cases is included. The conclusions and methodology can be applied in other cases of cities that are currently adapting their port areas to attract a larger number of visitors.Numerosas ciudades en todo el mundo han transformado sus antiguos puertos industriales para dotarlos de usos turísticos. Desde el ejemplo pionero de Baltimore (Estados Unidos), el modelo se ha repetido y adaptado en ciudades de los cinco continentes dada la obsolescencia de las instalaciones y la demanda de nuevos espacios de consumo. El presente trabajo analiza los casos de Málaga (Andalucía, España) y Plymouth (Inglaterra, Reino Unido) para adecuarlos a la visita de cruceros y yates, así como a actividades comerciales y de ocio. La metodología se basa en trabajo de campo y análisis de fuentes documentales. Se han tenido en cuenta cinco enfoques: accesibilidad externa, movilidad interna, usos, protección del patrimonio e integración en el contexto urbano. Los resultados se presentan en planos comparativos y se incluye una reflexión sobre el grado de integración conseguida en ambos casos. Las conclusiones y la metodología pueden servir de aplicación en otros casos de ciudades que se encuentran actualmente adaptando sus recintos portuarios para la atracción de visitantes

    Datos y metadatos de investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades: una aproximación desde los repositorios temáticos de datos

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    This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them. 397 repositories are reviewed at the general level, including those of a multidisciplinary nature. We discuss and reflect on the special features of research data in these disciplines, and on coverage and information collected by re3data. The metadata schemas and standards most commonly used in SSH repositories are analyzed, with special emphasis on the six main repositories.Se estudian los repositorios de datos de investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades (CSH), recogidos en el Registro de repositorios de datos de investigación (re3data), prestando especial atención a los modelos de metadatos que utilizan para describir los datasets incluidos en ellos. Se revisan a nivel global los 397 repositorios que, según re3data, recogen datos de investigación sobre esas disciplinas, incluidos, los de carácter multidisciplinar. Se discute y reflexiona sobre las particularidades de los datos de investigación en estas disciplinas y sobre la cobertura e información que recoge re3data. Se analizan los esquemas y estándares de metadatos más utilizados en los repositorios de CSH, con un análisis más pormenorizado de los seis repositorios de datos especializados más importantes.This work is part of the project Curator-e: custody and digital management for the reuse of open data research in the humanities and social sciences, funded by the Spanish State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Facing Society Challenges, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Mineco), Spain (CSO2013-46754-R)

    Social sciences and humanities research data and metadata: a perspective from thematic data Repositories

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    This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them 397 repositories are reviewed at the general level, including those of a multidisciplinary nature. We discuss and reflect on the special features of research data in these disciplines, and on coverage and information collected by re3data. The metadata schemas and standards most commonly used in SSH repositories are analyzed, with special emphasis on the six main repositories

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración en los desbordamientos del río Ebro.

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    La falta de mantenimiento de los cauces por parte del Organismo de Cuenca-Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, responsable de la limpieza y la conservación del mismo, fue la causa de los sucesivos desbordamientos del río Ebro a su paso por el término municipal de Novillas (Zaragoza) y de los daños producidos por dichas crecidas. Esta situación conllevó la afección tanto directa como indirecta de las plantaciones de regadío, infraestructuras (riegos, caminos), así como la pérdida total de la cosecha, al llevarse a efecto una inundación continuada, que provocó no solamente daños en el ciclo de las plantaciones aun no cosechadas, sino que igualmente dejó afectadas las futuras, al no poder continuar el ciclo vegetativo. Habida cuenta de lo anterior, y al no haberse realizado dichas labores de forma adecuada, serán imputables a la referida entidad los daños causados en los terrenos de la recurrente. Esta circunstancia permite reclamar a la Administración, exigiéndose la oportuna indemnización por los daños causados al perjudicado tanto por las pérdidas directas en los cultivos, como por el lucro cesante debido a las afecciones de la inundación.<br /

    Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis, Krøyer) from Spanish Bottom Trawl Survey 2009 in NAFO Div. 3LNO

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography carried out in 2009 two bottom trawl surveys in the NAFO Regulatory Area in Division 3NO and 3L during the months of June, July and August respectively. The results on Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) are presented and compared with those from previous surveys from the same series. In 2009 the catch (33 kg.) and estimated biomass (139 t.) confirm the decrease of shrimp importance from 2004 in 3NO. In 2009 the biomass estimated of northern shrimp in 3L Division was 74091 t. showing a drastic decline (50% with respect to 2008) after the upward trend a long the whole period studied. Catch results from the surveys and data analysis are discussed in this paper

    Deep ocean prokaryotes and fluorescent dissolved organic matter reflect the history of the water masses across the Atlantic Ocean

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    Organic matter is known to influence community composition and metabolism of marine prokaryotes. However, few studies have addressed this linkage in the deep ocean. We studied the relationship between fluorescent dissolved organic matter and prokaryotic community composition in meso- and bathypelagic water masses along a surface productivity gradient crossing the subtropical and tropical Atlantic Ocean. Four fluorescence components were identified, three humic-like and one protein-like. The distributions of the humic-like components were significantly explained by water mass mixing, apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) and epipelagic productivity proxies in varying degrees, while the protein-like component was explained only by water mass mixing and epipelagic productivity. The diversity and taxonomic composition of the prokaryotic community differed between water masses: the Nitrosopumilales order dominated in water masses with high AOU and humic-like fluorescence (notably, the SubPolar Mode Water), and tended to co-occur with Marine Group II archaea, the SAR324 clade and Thiomicrospirales, while bathypelagic water masses displayed greater abundances of members of Marinimicrobia, SAR202 and SAR324. Water mass mixing regression models suggested that the distribution of some taxa (e.g., Marinimicrobia, SAR202) was dominated by mixing and selection within the water masses during ageing, while others (chiefly, Alteromonadales) were mostly influenced by local processes. Our results suggest a link between the composition of the prokaryotic community, oxygen utilisation and the signal of fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and has implications for our understanding of the processes that shape carbon cycling and prokaryotic communities in the deep ocean.3,26

    Social sciences and humanities research data and metadata: A perspective from thematic data repositories

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    This paper studies research data repositories in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), from the Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), paying particular attention to metadata models used to describe the datasets included in them. 397 repositories are reviewed at the general level, including those of a multidisciplinary nature. We discuss and reflect on the special features of research data in these disciplines, and on coverage and information collected by re3data. The metadata schemas and standards most commonly used in SSH repositories are analyzed, with special emphasis on the six main repositories