112 research outputs found

    EduRom: Promoting the access of Roma to LLP, VET and employment through family education in Primary schools

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    Over the last two decades, it is apparent that the socio-economic situation of many Roma people has stagnated or even deteriorated in a number of EU Member States. Many Roma people experience unemployment, low income, reduced life expectancy and poor quality of life (Background document of the Final conference on the Adult Learning Action plan - 2011

    A Citizen's Claim: Science With and for Society

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    Social science research has been attacked by neoliberal thinkers who allege that such research lacks economic objectives. In the face of neoliberal and positivist criteria for evaluating the social impact of social science inquiry, social science researchers are developing qualitative evaluation methodologies through which we can have direct contact with citizens. These qualitative methodologies declare our social responsibility as social researchers in addressing relevant problems, especially those affecting the most vulnerable people. From these qualitative methodologies, the most vulnerable groups are included in the assessment of the social impacts of social research. Some examples of people who have participated in this qualitative evaluation include women, youth, immigrants, and Roma organizations. Participants perceived social science researchers as being far from their social reality, but in this research, they began to overcome their skepticism that social science research can help to solve those problems affecting their everyday lives

    EDUFAM. Mejora del sistema educativo a través de la formación de familiares de grupos vulnerables. Plan Nacional I+D+i (2014-2016).

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    Las estadísticas Internacionales muestran que la distancia en cuanto a rendimiento educativo entre los niños y niñas de familias académicas y los de familias no-académicas es una realidad que se da en todo el mundo. Uno de los objetivos de Europa 2020 consiste en hacer realidad el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida (Comisión Europea, 2010)

    Procesos dialógicos de planificación de los servicios sociales: el proceso de cambio en los barrios de La Milagrosa y La Estrella (Albacete)

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    La falta de herramientas adecuadas para la transformación social en los barrios denominados gueto favorece la aparición de dispositivos de atención social que no alcanzan los objetivos por los cuales fueron creados. Los barrios de La Milagrosa y La Estrella en Albacete son un ejemplo de cambio de esta situación. En ellos se empieza a producir una transformación social integral basada en la ciencia y el diálogo igualitario entre agentes sociales y personal investigador. Los servicios públicos rompen dinámicas burocráticas, existe un reconocimiento mutuo entre servicios sociales y ciudadanía que activa las motivaciones y capacidades de aquellas personas que, hasta el momento, tenían un rol más bien pasivo en la relación servicios sociales-usuario. La población de esos guetos cambia la percepción que tiene del Estado y de sus servicios públicos y así se desarrolla una ciudadanía activa que mejora la vida en dos barrios marcados por interrelaciones de personas de muy diversas procedencias

    Beyond Action Research. The communicative Methodology of Research

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    In this article we show how the communicative methodology of research (CMR) makes it possible to implement evidence-based policies to improve people's lives. Drawing on theories and methods developed under other paradigms and based on dialogue, the CMR is now a solid body of theory that researchers can put into practice. As researchers engage in egalitarian dialogic interactions with the members of society who are engaged in the research with them, they construct knowledge together. The researchers contribute empirical knowledge to the dialogue, and the social actors contribute by describing, and reflecting on, their life experiences. The final results are oriented toward transforming society through actions based on this jointly developed evidence

    'Without support, victims do not report': The Co-creation of a workplace sexual harassment risk assessment survey tool

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    Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) remains a common experience for many women worldwide. European policies and guidelines point to the need to establish comprehensive WSH prevention programs and strategies. One of the strategies contemplated is establishing risk assessment and monitoring systems to prevent and identify WSH situations. However, few WSH risk assessment tools are currently available to European organizations and companies. This article analyses the co-creation process that has led to developing an evidence-based risk assessment survey tool (ST) to prevent in a wide diversity of work contexts. This process has involved experts, survivors, activists, and other relevant stakeholders. The research has been carried out based on the communicative methodology through the implementation of qualitative fieldwork. Furthermore, an extensive review of scientific literature and international guidelines has been carried out. The established co-creation process has led to the inclusion of the Isolating Gender Violence approach in a risk assessment ST to prevent WSH for the first time

    A PC-tool to calculate the Moisture Buffer Value

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    Hygroscopic building materials have the ability to moderate the relative humidity variation without the need for active systems. The moisture buffer phenomenon can be assessed by way of the Moisture Buffer Value (MBV). Some authors have pointed out that the MBV is sensitive to several parameters, however, there is no model that involves all them. The aim of the developed PC-tool is to take into account all these variables to calculate the MBV of hygroscopic building materials. The material hygroscopic properties will be needed to solve the moisture storage and transport inside the porous materials and consequently to predict its MBV

    “Your approach directs your Reality”: a Life Dedicated to Join Theory and Practice in the Qualitative Research

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    [ES] La dicotomía teoría-práctica ha sido uno de los debates que han marcado el desarrollo de la investigación cualitativa. Desde diferentes enfoques se ha abordado el cómo poder unir praxis y teoría, y les ha dado voz a los participantes en los procesos de investigación. En este artículo, vamos a abordar las principales contribuciones de José Juan Barba Martín, marcadas todas ellas por la necesidad de transformar la educación. Esta perspectiva transformadora, basada en los referentes de la teoría crítica, le permitió desarrollar investigaciones dirigidas a transformar la realidad social y educativa, y aunar teoría y práctica durante el proceso investigador.[EN] The theory-practice dichotomy has been one of the debates that has shaped the qualitative research development. How to join praxis and theory has been considered from different approaches and the participants in the research processes have been given a voice. In this paper we are going to consider José Juan Barba Martin´s major contributions, all of them characterized by the need to transform the education. This transformative perspective based on the critical theory references enabled him to develop researches intended to transform the social and educational reality and to combine theory and practice in the research process.S

    Posibilidades para la comunidad gitana en el mercado laboral del estado español

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    Las posibilidades de la comunidad gitana en el mercado laboral vienen dadas por aquellos elementos que permiten superar las barreras que dificultan o imposibilitan su inclusión en este ámbito. Desde la educación, la política, la cultura o la propia sociedad aparecen perspectivas asimiladoras y segregadoras que desvalorizan, discriminan, marginan y excluyen a las personas gitanas y su cultura. A partir de la inclusión de las voces gitanas durante todo su desarrollo, el proyecto WORKALÓ apunta algunos elementos para combatir estas perspectivas que frenan la participación de las personas gitanas en el mercado laboral. Entre ellos, destaca la necesidad del reconocimiento institucional del pueblo gitano, una formación de calidad que se acerque al objetivo de la Sociedad del Conocimiento para todos y todas, la promoción de medidas que favorezcan la creación de empresas familiares, o la creación y puesta en práctica de políticas y medidas concretas que tengan en cuenta la situación de los grupos más desfavorecidos