2,748 research outputs found

    Fragile X Syndrome: detection and intervention in the behavioural phenotype

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    Síndrome X Frágil (SXF) constituye la primera causa de discapacidad intelectual de tipo hereditario. Es una de las alteraciones del neurodesarrollo producido por una mutación en el gen FMR1 que provoca la sintetización inadecuada de la proteína FMRP1. La ausencia de esta proteína sería la responsable del fenotipo físico y conductual que caracteriza a estas personas. En este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer las características más relevantes y significativa que definen el fenotipo conductual: hiperactividad y dificultades de atención, ansiedad social, discapacidad intelectual y problemas de aprendizaje, alteraciones lingüísticas y de comunicación social y dificultades de integración sensorial. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una muestra de 26 adultos con SXF que acuden a centros para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Así mismo se facilitan orientaciones socioeducativas para dar respuesta a las necesidades y se proponen recomendaciones para el manejo de conductas inadecuadas que pueden presentar las personas con SXF.Fragile X syndrome (SXF) constitutes the first cause of hereditary intellectual disability. It is one alteration of the neurodevelopmental produced by a mutation in the FMR1 gene causing inadequate synthesis of the protein FMRP1. The absence of this protein would be responsible for the physical phenotype and behavioral that characterizes these people. This work intends to present the most relevant and significant characteristics that define the behavioral phenotype: hyperactivity and attention deficit, social anxiety, intellectual disabilities and learning problems, linguistic alterations and difficulties of social communication and sensory integration difficulties. The study was conducted on a sample of 26 adults with SXF who attend centers for people with intellectual disabilities. The same socio-educational guidance is provided to respond to the needs and proposed recommendations for the handling of misconduct that people with SXF can present.peerReviewe

    (Auto)Regula: Programa de intervención dirigido a menores testigos de violencia de género

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    La prevalencia a nivel nacional de los/as menores que presencian y tienen conocimiento sobre la violencia de género de su madre oscila entre el 63,6% y 24,7%. Manifestando síntomas exteriorizados e interiorizados. El objetivo del programa “(Auto)Regula” es, por tanto, disminuir los síntomas interiorizados y exteriorizados en menores de 6 a 11 años que han sido expuestos a violencia de género en el hogar a través de la adquisición de estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativo. Aportando un programa con mayor especificidad y estructuración en cuanto a las problemáticas que presentan estos/as menores. El programa consta de 9 sesiones en las que se va a trabajar la asertividad, la autorregulación emocional, el control inhibido de impulsos, la responsabilidad autopercibida, las conductas disruptivas y estilo parental democrático. Sobre la base de la literatura científica en materia de factores de riesgo y protección de este colectivo, se realizará un entrenamiento en técnicas asertivas, reconocimiento de sus propias emociones, autoinstrucciones, reestructuración cognitiva, técnicas operantes de modificación de conducta infantil y, entrenamiento en escucha activa y empatía. Finalmente, se concluye que el programa “(Auto)Regula” podría ser eficiente tras su aplicación y evaluación posterior para reducir los síntomas in/exteriorizados de estos/as menores

    Las redes sociales y su relación con la insatisfacción corporal

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    Las redes sociales son un medio de comunicación no tradicional que se utilizan para publicar imágenes online, las cuales suelen ser parecidas a lo ideal, para así recibir buenos comentarios y una gran cantidad de me gusta del resto de usuarios. Estas son utilizadas por la mayoría de los adolescentes, cada vez con más frecuencia, y es en ese rango de edad cuando comienzan a desarrollarse aspectos preocupantes sobre la imagen corporal, por ello, probablemente una insatisfacción corporal baja provoque un mayor uso de las redes sociales o viceversa. El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si influye o no el uso de redes sociales en la insatisfacción corporal, y cómo lo hace. Se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos en bases de datos. Se realizó una revisión de los resúmenes, para asegurar que coincidían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se escogieron 11 artículos donde se realizan investigaciones con participantes femeninas, de los cuales se llega a la conclusión de que sí que existe una relación entre el uso de las redes sociales y la insatisfacción corporal, con una gran influencia de variables externas como la comparación, la autoestima, el uso de red social, etc.Social networks are a non-traditional means of communication that are used to publish images online, which are usually like the ideal, to receive good comments and a large number of likes from other users. They are used by most adolescents, more and more frequently, and it is in this age range that worrying aspects of body image begin to develop; therefore, low body dissatisfaction probably causes greater use of social networks or Unlike. The objective of this study is to verify whether the use of social networks influences body dissatisfaction, and how it does so. A bibliographic review of scientific articles is carried out in databases. A review of the abstracts was carried out, to ensure that they coincided with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Eleven articles were chosen where research is carried out with female participants, from which it is concluded that there is a relationship between the use of social networks and body dissatisfaction, with a great influence of external variables such as comparison, self-esteem, use of social network, etc

    (Auto)Regula: Programa de intervención dirigido a menores testigos de violencia de género

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    La prevalencia a nivel nacional de los/as menores que presencian y tienen conocimiento sobre la violencia de género de su madre oscila entre el 63,6% y 24,7%. Manifestando síntomas exteriorizados e interiorizados. El objetivo del programa “(Auto)Regula” es, por tanto, disminuir los síntomas interiorizados y exteriorizados en menores de 6 a 11 años que han sido expuestos a violencia de género en el hogar a través de la adquisición de estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativo. Aportando un programa con mayor especificidad y estructuración en cuanto a las problemáticas que presentan estos/as menores. El programa consta de 9 sesiones en las que se va a trabajar la asertividad, la autorregulación emocional, el control inhibido de impulsos, la responsabilidad autopercibida, las conductas disruptivas y estilo parental democrático. Sobre la base de la literatura científica en materia de factores de riesgo y protección de este colectivo, se realizará un entrenamiento en técnicas asertivas, reconocimiento de sus propias emociones, autoinstrucciones, reestructuración cognitiva, técnicas operantes de modificación de conducta infantil y, entrenamiento en escucha activa y empatía. Finalmente, se concluye que el programa “(Auto)Regula” podría ser eficiente tras su aplicación y evaluación posterior para reducir los síntomas in/exteriorizados de estos/as menores

    Features of non-kinship foster care children with birth family contact in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. There are 212 non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family. Their mean age is 8.09 years old (SD= 4.73). The more frequent types of foster care are both long-term and short-term placement (30.7%, respectively), followed by specialized long-term foster care (20.3%), urgency placement (10.8%) and specialized short-term foster care (7.5%). The period of time they have been into the Child Protection System is on average 4.08 years (SD= 3.88) and into the current placement is on average 2.53 (SD= 2.95). Thus, 44.8% of foster children were in residential care and 30.2% were in previous foster care. The latter could have been with the current foster care family. Also, 41.0% of foster children were placed at least with one sibling. It is important to know the features of foster children in order to apply the main principle of “the best interests of the child” to the whole decision-making process about the child’s protection and welfare. In our project, these decisions concern foster care placement and birth family contact to maintain and strengthen family affective bonds and child’s identity formation. Our findings contribute to develop: (a) initiatives to improve children’s well-being; (b) support and social resources required by families; and (c) socio-educative tools for the social workers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Kinect as an access device for people with cerebral palsy: A preliminary study

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of disorders affecting the development of movement and posture, causingactivity limitation. Access to technology can alleviate some of these limitations. Many studies have used vision- based movement capture systems to overcome problems related to discomfort and fear of wearing devices. Incontrast, there has been no research assessing the behavior of vision-based movement capture systems in peoplewith involuntary movements. In this paper, we look at the potential of the Kinect sensor as an assistive technologyfor people with cerebral palsy. We developed a serious game, called KiSens Números, to study the behavior ofKinect in this context and eighteen subjects with cerebral palsy used it to complete a set of sessions. The resultsof the experiments show that Kinect filters some of peoples involuntary movements, confirming the potential ofKinect as an assistive technology for people with motor disabilities

    Features of birth families with foster children in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of biological families whose children are in non-kinship foster care and with whom they have face-to-face contact in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. The results show the difficulties experienced by birth families to deal with the responsibility of parenthood. There is a high percentage of unemployment (54.5% mothers, 46.4% fathers), and a low level of education (61.7% uneducated mothers, 68.8% uneducated fathers). Furthermore, it is necessary to consider their diverse personal problems which undermine their competences to bring up and educate their children: substance abuse, mental health issues, mental disability and prison. Finally, the lack of relation between Social Services and birth families is highlighted. Knowing the circumstances of families at psychosocial risk permits to develop social policies that match with their specific necessities, by providing them the support and resources required, in line with Recommendation Rec(2006)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member states. Moreover, children and families’ rights have to be respected, such as their right to have contact to maintain and strengthen their affective bonds as part of their identity. These findings will contribute to design: (a) family intervention programs which allow parents to acquire the necessary parental skills; (b) support and educational tools for the social workers; and (c) projects to contribute to children’s well-being.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El mestizaje del relato: narrativa y personajes en la serie Lost

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    La migración cultural se ha convertido en un fenómeno incipiente que encuentra un reflejo directo en la ficción audiovisual. En estos últimos años se han visto incrementados los discursos narrativos que constituyen una muestra significativa de la migración y la mezcolanza entre mundos distantes entre sí, pero que encuentran en el terreno de la representación ficcional un universo que converge a través de la mezcla permanente de estilos, la imbricación de culturas y los conocimientos diferentes. Este universo representado halla en el personaje un modo de vehicular estilos que se unen, mestizajes de conocimientos superpuestos, que conforman una realidad diegética paralela a la fisonomía de las grandes urbes contemporáneas. Esta investigación analiza, a través de los elementos que conforman la narración audiovisual, los modos de construcción de identidades y los modelos de representación en la serie de ficción Perdidos (Lost).The cultural migration has turned into an incipient phenomenon. He finds his reflection in the audio-visual fiction. In the latter years, the narrative speeches have increased the reflection of the migration and the mixture between distant worlds between them. The permanent mixture of styles, the overlap of cultures and the different knowledge converge on the representation ficcional. The personage is a way of joining styles, superposed knowledge. The personage shapes a diegetics reality and parallel to the physiognomy of the big contemporary cities. This investigation analyzes, across the narrative elements, the manners of construction of identities and the models of representation in Lost

    Investigating Water Splitting with CaFe2O4 Photocathodes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

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    Artificial photosynthesis constitutes one of the most promising alternatives for harvesting solar energy in the form of fuels, such as hydrogen. Among the different devices that could be developed to achieve efficient water photosplitting, tandem photoelectrochemical cells show more flexibility and offer high theoretical conversion efficiency. The development of these cells depends on finding efficient and stable photoanodes and, particularly, photocathodes, which requires having reliable information on the mechanism of charge transfer at the semiconductor/solution interface. In this context, this work deals with the preparation of thin film calcium ferrite electrodes and their photoelectrochemical characterization for hydrogen generation by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A fully theoretical model that includes elementary steps for electron transfer to the electrolyte and surface recombination with photogenerated holes is presented. The model also takes into account the complexity of the semiconductor/solution interface by including the capacitances of the space charge region, the surface states and the Helmholtz layer (as a constant phase element). After illustrating the predicted Nyquist plots in a general manner, the experimental results for calcium ferrite electrodes at different applied potentials and under different illumination intensities are fitted to the model. The excellent agreement between the model and the experimental results is illustrated by the simultaneous fit of both Nyquist and Bode plots. The concordance between both theory and experiments allows us to conclude that a direct transfer of electrons from the conduction band to water prevails for hydrogen photogeneration on calcium ferrite electrodes and that most of the carrier recombination occurs in the material bulk. In more general vein, this study illustrates how the use of EIS may provide important clues about the behavior of photoelectrodes and the main strategies for their improvement.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects MAT2012-37676 and MAT2015-71727-R both cofinanced by FEDER funds

    La extinción de las fundaciones por imposibilidad de realización del fin fundacional

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    El adecuado estudio de esta causa de extinción requiere el examen previo de qué se entiende por fundación y del régimen jurídico al que las mismas se someten, para a continuación, y partiendo de tales premisas, relacionar esta causa con las restantes de extinción, analizar cuándo concurre la imposibilidad de realización del fin fundacional, cuáles son los requisitos que la aplicación de la misma exige y sus consecuencias o, lo que es lo mismo, la liquidación una vez acordada la extinción.An appropriate study of this extinguishment requires first the examination of how foundation is construed and of the legal system to which they are subject, in order, based on those principles, to relate this cause with the remaining causes of extinguishment, analyze what the requirements which the application thereof demands are and their consequences or, in other words, liquidation once extinguishment has been agreed.Die sachgemäße Untersuchung der Gründe für das Erlöschen von Stifungen erfordert zunächst eine vorausgehende Untersuchung dessen, was man als Stiftung versteht und eine Analyse der Rechtsform, der sie unterworfen ist.. Ausgehend von diesen Prämissen werden diese in Beziehung gesetzt zu den weiteren Gründen des Erlöschens der Stiftungen, wie die Unmöglichkeit der Verwirklichung des Stiftungszwecks. Es wird untersucht, welche Anforderungen der Stiftungszweck an die Stiftung stellt und seiner Konsequenzen, die die Abwicklung betreffen, nachdem die Auflösung vereinbart wurde