1,459 research outputs found

    Secado natural de yuca para la alimentacion animal: Una nueva agroindustria en Colombia

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    A collaborative project of the Colombian Integrated Rural Development Program (DRI) and CIAT, aimed at establishing small agroindustrial firms to produce dry cassava on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia, is described. It began with the installation of a pilot plant for natural drying of cassava, with the collaboration of a group of 15 farmers. This plant operated on an exptl. basis in 1981 to obtain information about the efficiency of the process under the conditions existing on the Colombian Atlantic Coast and to determine the product`s acceptability by the animal feed industry. In 1982, during the project`s 2nd phase, the pilot plant was operated semicommercially to obtain data on production costs; likewise, it showed the economical and technical feasibility of the process. In 1983, the 3rd phase began, consisting in the replication of the project in other cassava-producing areas of the region. In 1984 and 1985, the project grew considerably, with 20 drying plants functioning in 1984 and 36 in 1985. To establish small-scale natural cassava drying plants, the following requisites are essential: (1) selection of a processing technology that can be assimilated, controlled, and easily managed by farmers; (2) implementation of integrated programs of processing, production, and commercialization that reduce the risks and increase net incomes of farmers; and (3) provision of institutional support that is adequate in terms of technical assistance, credit facilities, management and fiscal training, and of advice in the formation and consolidation of cooperative and associative groups for agricultural production. (AS-CIAT

    Utilización de las puliduras (polvillo) de arroz en raciones para cerdos en crecimiento y acabado

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    Investigacion sobre secado natural y solar de trozos de yuca con aire forzado con un ventilador

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    The natural and solar drying system of cassava chips using natural air forced through the product with the help of a fan is described. This process enables drying to occur in the least time possible without affecting chip quality; likewise, it is not expensive. The system consists of a rural drying bin, a fan, and a solar collector which is optional depending on the drying capacity of the natural air. Illustrations are provided of the system; tables included indicate the materials required and the costs of constructing the different components of the system. The costs of different attachments are also indicated as well as labor requirements. (CIAT

    Correlation functions in scalar field theory at large charge

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    We compute general higher-point functions in the sector of large charge operators ϕn,ϕ¯¯¯n at large charge in O(2) (ϕ¯¯¯ϕ)2 theory. We find that there is a special class of "extremal" correlators having only one insertion of ϕ¯¯¯n that have a remarkably simple form in the double-scaling limit n →∞ at fixed g n2 ≡ λ, where g ~ ϵ is the coupling at the O(2) Wilson-Fisher fixed point in 4 − ϵ dimensions. In this limit, also non-extremal correlators can be computed. As an example, we give the complete formula for ⟨ϕ(x1)nϕ(x2)nϕ¯¯¯(x3)nϕ¯¯¯(x4)n⟩, which reveals an interesting structure

    Producción de cerdos en América Latina

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    Operator mixing in large N superconformal field theories on S^4 and correlators with Wilson loops

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    We find a general formula for the operator mixing on the S4 of chiral primary operators for the N=4 theory at large N in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. As an application, we compute the correlator of a chiral primary operator and a Wilson loop, reproducing an earlier result by Giombi and Pestun obtained from a two-matrix model proposal. Finally, we discuss a simple method to obtain correlators in general N=2 superconformal field theories in perturbation theory in terms of correlators of the N=4 theory

    Large N correlation functions in superconformal field theories

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    We compute correlation functions of chiral primary operators in N=2 super-conformal theories at large N using a construction based on supersymmetric localization recently developed by Gerchkovitz et al. We focus on N=4 SYM as well as on supercon-formal QCD. In the case of N=4 we recover the free field theory results as expected due to non-renormalization theorems. In the case of superconformal QCD we study the planar expansion in the large N limit. The final correlators admit a simple generalization to a finite N formula which exactly matches the various small N results in the literature