87 research outputs found

    Management of digital communication in spanish cooperatives

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    El futuro de las empresas, y las cooperativas en particular, por su contribución al progreso económico y social de las comunidades en las que desarrollan su actividad enfrentadas a una gran competencia y a un entorno muy cambiante, va a depender en gran medida de su capacidad de gestión estratégica en general y, más específicamente, de su capacidad para gestionar su comunicación. Ante la importancia creciente que la comunicación en general y la comunicación digital en particular tiene para el desarrollo de las cooperativas, es fundamental llevar a cabo investigaciones que profundicen en la gestión que éstas hacen de la misma. Dada la relevancia que para la economía tienen estas organizaciones, este trabajo se plantea como objetivo general analizar la gestión que de la comunicación digital hacen las cooperativas españolas, a través de la metodología cuantitativa de la encuesta a una muestra de 338 cooperativas. De los resultados se desprende que, si bien la comunicación es una herramienta clave, esto no se ve reflejado ni en la inversión ni en el desarrollo de planes estratégicos por parte de las cooperativas, situándose en un nivel medio-bajo en cuanto a la gestión que de la comunicación digital hacen estas organizaciones

    Shopping behaviour and sensory marketing: an analysis of their influence on fashion shoppers

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    Frente a consumidores cada vez mejor informados y más exigentes, que también buscan que su compra se convierta en una experiencia y a la creciente importancia de los portales de compra online frente al retail físico, se hace necesario el desarrollo de estrategias en el punto de venta para atraer a los compradores y sigan acudiendo a las mismas, no sólo a realizar una compra, sino a pasar tiempo en la tienda. Y, en este sentido, una de las grandes diferencias (por no decir el punto fuerte) entre la tienda física y la online es la experiencia física de poder tocar y sentir el producto. La tienda no debe ser entendida solo como un punto de venta, sino que se debe configurar como un espacio donde vivir experiencias. Y es aquí, integrada dentro de la estrategia de trade marketing, donde cobra especial relevancia el marketing de los sentidos. Partiendo de esta premisa, la presente investigación se centra en el estudio del marketing sensorial utilizado por las tiendas de moda del grupo Inditex y, más concretamente, la influencia que el uso de dichas técnicas tiene en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores y en cómo estos perciben la generación de experiencias. Para ello se aplicará la metodología cuantitativa de la encuesta a una muestra de la población cuyas respuestas se estudian a través del software estadístico SPSS. De los resultados se desprende que si bien el uso de estas técnicas tiene una influencia positiva en los consumidores desde el punto de vista de la experiencia de compra, realmente no les influyen en la decisión de compra final.Faced with increasingly better informed and more demanding consumers, who are also looking for their purchase to become an experience, and the growing importance of online shopping portals compared to physical retail, it is necessary to develop strategies at the point of sale to attract shoppers and keep them coming back, not only to make a purchase but also to spend time in the shop. In this sense, one of the big differences (if not the strongest point) between the physical shop and the online store is the physical experience of being able to touch and feel the product. The shop should not only be understood as a point of sale but should also be configured as space where to live experiences. Furthermore, it is here, integrated within the trade marketing strategy, where the senses' marketing takes on special relevance. Based on this premise, this research focuses on the study of sensory marketing used by the Inditex group's fashion shops and, more specifically, the influence that the use of these techniques has on the purchasing behaviour of consumers and how they perceive the generation of experiences. For this purpose, the survey's quantitative methodology will be applied to a sample of the population whose responses are studied using SPSS statistical software. The results show that, although the use of these techniques has a positive influence on consumers from the point of view of the shopping experience, they do not influence them in the final purchase decision

    A study on communication management in Spanish cooperatives

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    Partiendo de la premisa de que la actividad comunicativa es un factor clave en el desempeño organizacional este trabajo de investigación analiza la gestión que las cooperativas españolas hacen de su comunicación. Dada la relevancia que estas organizaciones tienen para el desarrollo económico y social del país y la escasez de estudios que abordan este tema, se ha considerado de importancia desarrollar este estudio para determinar si las cooperativas han asumido la comunicación como una herramienta relevante para su desarrollo y si gestionan la misma de una manera adecuada. Para ello se ha aplicado la metodología cuantitativa de la encuesta a una muestra de 338 cooperativas españolas. De los resultados se desprende que las cooperativas, si bien aún no se encuentran en una fase avanzada en cuanto a la gestión de comunicación que realizan si que presentan algunos aspectos en su gestión que permiten ser optimistas de cara al futuro.Based on the premise that communication activity is a key factor in organisational performance, this research study analyses how Spanish cooperatives manage their communication. Given the importance of these organisations for the economic and social development of the country and the scarcity of studies on this subject, it was considered important to carry out this study in order to determine whether cooperatives have adopted communication as a relevant tool for their development and whether they manage it appropriately. To this end, the quantitative survey methodology was applied to a sample of 338 Spanish co-operatives. The results show that, although the co-operatives are not yet at an advanced stage in terms of their communication management, they do have some aspects in their management that allow us to be optimistic about the future.Escuela de Estudios CooperativosFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Smart tourism destinations really make sustainable cities: Benidorm as a case study

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    Purpose Tourism sustainability is a challenge for 21st-century destinations - this paper aims to analyse smart destinations' sustainability through a case study of Benidorm, the first world destination to be certified under the UNE 178501 standard as smart tourism destination (STD). Design/methodology/approach The methodological component has been divided into developing a framework for measuring sustainability through economic, social and environmental open data. Moreover, studying the plan's contribution "Benidorm, Destino Turistico Inteligente y Sostenible" to the city's sustainability through a time series analysis. Findings The main contribution shows that Benidorm's transformation into an STD leads to more sustainable cities. Thus, the conversion of Benidorm into an STD has a sustained effect in the medium and long term, contributing to the sustainability of the city. Research limitations/implications An open question as a limitation is the subjectivity of the distribution of the relative weight of each indicator. However, statistical analyses are developed to explore the relationship between indicators and global sustainability. Practical implications The debate to contextualise this paper is bridging the gap between sustainability and tourism intelligence, giving an original framework for measuring destination sustainability that provides a reasonable starting point for comparing tourism sustainability in different destinations. Social implications Tourists in the 21st century prefer environmentally friendly tourism. Marketing campaigns based on destination sustainability must be based on data rather than mere slogans. Originality/value To the best of the authors' knowledge, the originality of this paper provides a flexible framework for measuring sustainability from open data sources, being one of the first empirical analyses to study the effects on the sustainability of converting a mature destination into an STD

    A eficácia da publicidade ambiental: uma análise da recolha de publicidade através da neurociência

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    One of the key variables when analyzing advertising effectiveness is message recall. An advertisement is not only effective because it captures the public's attention, but it must also manage to remain in the public's memory. And of the many existing methodologies, neuroscience is the one that can help the most in the study of this effect based on the analysis of memory. On the other hand, environmental issues are becoming more and more socially relevant, so this research will try to understand the role of the focus of the advertisement and the awareness of the environment, by analyzing the memory provoked by the advertisements and determining which brain areas are activated. To do this, an fMRI experiment was implemented using scanners and supported by questionnaires on the attitude of 50 people towards the messages they had viewed. Our analyses indicate that subjects who have a higher level of concern for the environment remember negative advertisements to a greater extent. More specifically, the combination of self-report and neuroimaging techniques has confirmed the link between the memory of negative messages in environmentally concerned subjects and activity in regions that anticipate greater recall during message encodings, such as the amygdala and CMPF.Una de las variables clave a la hora de analizar la efectividad publicitaria es el recuerdo del mensaje. Un anuncio no es efectivo únicamente por captar la atención del público, sino que debe conseguir permanecer en la memoria de éste. Y de las muchas metodologías existentes, la neurociencia es la que más puede ayudar en el estudio de dicha efectividad a partir del análisis del recuerdo. Por otra parte, la preocupación medioambiental cada vez tiene una mayor relevancia social; por lo que esta investigación tratará de conocer el papel del enfoque del anuncio y la preocupación por el medio ambiente, al analizar el recuerdo provocado por los anuncios y determinar qué zonas cerebrales se activan. Para ello se implementó un experimento fMRI mediante escáner y apoyado por cuestionarios sobre la actitud de 50 personas hacia los mensajes que habían visualizado. Nuestros análisis indican que los sujetos que tienen un mayor nivel de preocupación por el medio ambiente, recuerdan en mayor medida los anuncios negativos. Más específicamente, la combinación de técnicas de autoinforme con técnicas de neuroimagen ha permitido confirmar la vinculación entre el recuerdo de mensajes negativos en sujetos preocupados por el medio, con la actividad en las regiones que anticipan un mayor recuerdo durante la codificación del mensaje, como son la amígdala y CMPF.Uma das variáveis-chave ao analisar a eficácia da publicidade é a recordação da mensagem. Uma publicidade não só é eficaz porque capta a atenção do público, como também deve conseguir permanecer na memória do público. E das muitas metodologias existentes, a neurociência é a que mais pode ajudar no estudo desta eficácia com base na análise da recordação. Por outro lado, as preocupações ambientais estão a tornar-se cada vez mais relevantes socialmente; por conseguinte, esta investigação tentará compreender o papel do foco da publicidade e a preocupação com o ambiente, analisando a memória provocada pela publicidade e determinando quais as áreas do cérebro que são activadas. Para tal, foi implementada uma experiência de fMRI utilizando scanners e apoiada por questionários sobre a atitude de 50 pessoas em relação às mensagens que tinham visto. As nossas análises indicam que os sujeitos que têm um maior nível de preocupação com o ambiente se lembram mais dos anúncios negativos. Mais especificamente, a combinação de técnicas de auto-relatação e neuro-imagem confirmou a ligação entre a recordação de mensagens negativas em assuntos relacionados com o ambiente e a actividade em regiões que antecipam uma maior recordação durante a codificação de mensagens, tais como a amígdala e a CMPF

    Cómo mejorar el diseño de una campaña en favor de las energías renovables bajo un enfoque de neuromarketing

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    El diseño de campañas publicitarias que generen cambios en las actitudes, intenciones y comportamientos de los consumidores, es uno de los principales objetivos de las organizaciones públicas y privadas. Conocer la tipología de los estímulos que provocan mayor atención, emoción y recuerdo en la mente de los espectadores, determinará las estrategias de marketing a desarrollar para mejorar la eficacia en sus mensajes de comunicación. El presente estudio, analiza mediante el uso de Resonancia Magnética Funcional, el tipo de apelación del mensaje (positivo, neutro o negativo) que consigue una mayor eficacia al presentar energías renovables. Los resultados alcanzados pueden servir de orientación para crear anuncios más efectivos que fomenten el consumo responsable.The design of advertising campaigns generating changes in consumers’ attitudes, intentions, and behaviors is one of the main objectives of public and private organizations. In order to improve the effectiveness of the communication messages in marketing strategies, it is very important to know the type of stimulus that triggers more attention, emotion, and memory in viewers’ minds. The present study uses the Functional Magnetic Resonance to analyze the type of response (positive, neutral or negative) at a given message, which permits to obtain a greater efficiency when presenting renewable energies. The results achieved can serve as a guide to create more effective advertisements that encourage responsible consumption.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2012-39576Junta de Andalucía P12-SEJ-198

    Epidemiology of injuries in First Division Spanish football

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    Abstract The aim was to examine the injuries sustained by Spanish football players in the First Division and to compare injury-related variables in the context of both competition and training. The injury data were prospectively collected from 16 teams (427 players) using a specific web-based survey during the 2008/2009 season. A total of 1293 injuries were identified (145 were recurring injuries). The overall injury incidence was 5.65 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Injuries were much more common during competition than during training (43.53 vs. 3.55 injuries per 1000 h of exposure, P menor que 0.05). Most of the injuries (89.6%) involved the lower extremities, and overuse (65.7%) was the main cause. Muscle and tendon injuries were the most common types of injury (53.8%) among the players. The incidence of training injuries was greater during the pre-season and tended to decrease throughout the season, while the incidence of competition injuries increased throughout the season (all P menor que 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the need for injury prevention protocols in the First Division of the Spanish Football League to reduce the number of overuse injuries in the muscles and tendons in the lower extremities. In addition, special attention should be paid during the pre-season and the competitive phase II (the last four months of the season) in order to prevent training and competition injuries, respectively

    What Do You Want to Eat? Influence of Menu Description and Design on Consumer's Mind: An fMRI Study

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    The main objective of this research was to analyse the active regions when processing dishes with a pleasant (vs. unpleasant) design and the effect of the previously read rational (vs. emotional) description when visualising the dish. The functional magnetic resonance image technique was used for the study. The results showed that participants who visualised pleasant vs. unpleasant dishes became active in several domains (e.g., attention, cognition and reward). On the other side, visualisation of unpleasant dishes activated stronger regions linked to inhibition, rejection, and related ambiguity. We found that subjects who read rational descriptions when visualising pleasant dishes activated regions related to congruence integration, while subjects who visualised emotional descriptions showed an increased neuronal response to pleasant dishes in the regions related to memory, emotion and congruence.This study was supported by the Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme (Grant No: B-SEJ209-UGR18, "Research in NeuroSOCOM"project). Project Programme of the University of Cadiz (Grant No: PR2017-039) and the Institute of Research and Development Social and Sustainability (INDESS)

    Influence of message appeal on attention. An eye-tracking study

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    El presente estudio analiza la efectividad publicitaria utilizando una metodología de seguimiento ocular. La investigación analiza las diferencias en la atención según el tipo de apelación del mensaje (agradable, neutral y desagradable), evalúa el papel moderador de la preocupación por el problema medioambiental y el enfoque regulatorio. Los resultados muestran que, los estímulos textuales negativos son los que mayor atención reciben, además en participantes con baja preocupación medioambiental, los estímulos de baja elaboración captan antes la atención. En general, los participantes más preocupados por el medioambiente, se fijan más rápidamente en términos de tiempo y frecuencia en estímulos que requieren mayor grado de elaboración. El trabajo también presenta recomendaciones en materia de elaboración de campañas de difusión de energías renovables (EERR) a través de medios que utilicen publicidad digital.This study analyses advertising effectiveness using an eye-tracking methodology. The research analyses differences in attention according to the type of message appeal (pleasant, neutral and unpleasant), assesses the moderating role of environmental concern and regulatory focus. The results show that negative textual stimuli receive the most attention, and that in participants with low environmental concern, low-elaboration stimuli are more attention-grabbing. In general, participants who are more concerned about the environment focus more quickly in terms of time and frequency on stimuli that require a higher degree of elaboration. The paper also presents recommendations for the development of renewable energy (RE) media campaigns using digital advertising.O presente estudo analisa a eficácia da publicidade usando uma metodologia de rastreamento ocular. A pesquisa analisa as diferenças de atenção de acordo com o tipo de apelo da mensagem (agradável, neutro e desagradável), avalia o papel moderador da preocupação com o problema ambiental e a abordagem regulatória. Os resultados mostram que estímulos textuais negativos recebem mais atenção, além de participantes com baixa preocupação ambiental, estímulos de baixa elaboração chamam a atenção mais cedo. Em geral, os participantes mais preocupados com o meio ambiente fixam mais rapidamente em termos de tempo e frequência os estímulos que requerem um maior grau de elaboração.O trabalho também apresenta recomendações sobre o desenvolvimento de campanhas de difusão de energias renováveis (FER) por meio de mídias que utilizem publicidade digital

    Political Communication in Pandemic. The use of Twitter by Spanish regional presidents

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    Es un hecho que las estrategias comunicativas en política pasan por aprovechar las ventajas del medio digital y, más específicamente, de los social media, dando lugar a la política 2.0. Este trabajo analiza la comunicación que una muestra de presidentes de autonomía en España hizo en Twitter durante el Estado de Alarma. A partir de la metodología del análisis de contenido se han analizado 1840 tuits propios con el objetivo de determinar qué tipo de contenido han generado respecto al desarrollo de la crisis sanitaria analizando cómo lo han dicho y que temáticas han tocado.It is a fact that communication strategies in politics involve taking advantage of digital media and, more specifically, of social media, giving rise to politics 2.0. This paper analyses the communication that a sample of presidents of autonomous regions in Spain made on Twitter during the State of Alarm. Based on the meth- odology of content analysis, 1840 of their own tweets were analysed in order to determine what type of content they generated regarding the development of the health crisis, analysing how they said it and what topics they touched on