4,884 research outputs found

    Serial coalgebras and their valued Gabriel quivers

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    We study serial coalgebras by means of their valued Gabriel quivers. In particular, Hom-computable and representation-directed coalgebras are characterized. The Auslander-Reiten quiver of a serial coalgebra is described. Finally, a version of Eisenbud-Griffith theorem is proved, namely, every subcoalgebra of a prime, hereditary and strictly quasi-finite coalgebra is serial.Comment: 22 page

    Dark-matter dynamical friction versus gravitational-wave emission in the evolution of compact-star binaries

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    The measured orbital period decay of compact-star binaries, with characteristic orbital periods 0.1\sim 0.1~days, is explained with very high precision by the gravitational wave (GW) emission of an inspiraling binary in vacuum. However, the binary gravitational binding energy is also affected by an usually neglected phenomenon, namely the dark matter dynamical friction (DMDF) produced by the interaction of the binary components with their respective DM gravitational wakes. The entity of this effect depends on the orbital period and on the local value of the DM density, hence on the position of the binary in the Galaxy. We evaluate the DMDF produced by three different DM profiles: the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), the non-singular-isothermal-sphere (NSIS) and the Ruffini-Arg\"uelles-Rueda (RAR) profile based on self-gravitating keV fermions. We first show that indeed, due to their Galactic position, the GW emission dominates over the DMDF in the NS-NS, NS-WD and WD-WD binaries for which measurements of the orbital decay exist. Then, we evaluate the conditions under which the effect of DMDF on the binary evolution becomes comparable to, or overcomes, the one of the GW emission. We find that, for instance for 1.31.3--0.20.2 MM_\odot NS-WD, 1.31.3--1.31.3~MM_\odot NS-NS, and 0.250.25--0.500.50~MM_\odot WD-WD, located at 0.1~kpc, this occurs at orbital periods around 20--30 days in a NFW profile while, in a RAR profile, it occurs at about 100 days. For closer distances to the Galactic center, the DMDF effect increases and the above critical orbital periods become interestingly shorter. Finally, we also analyze the system parameters for which DMDF leads to an orbital widening instead of orbital decay. All the above imply that a direct/indirect observational verification of this effect in compact-star binaries might put strong constraints on the nature of DM and its Galactic distribution.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, 201

    Ideal codes over separable ring extensions

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    This paper investigates the application of the theoretical algebraic notion of a separable ring extension, in the realm of cyclic convolutional codes or, more generally, ideal codes. We work under very mild conditions, that cover all previously known as well as new non trivial examples. It is proved that ideal codes are direct summands as left ideals of the underlying non-commutative algebra, in analogy with cyclic block codes. This implies, in particular, that they are generated by an idempotent element. Hence, by using a suitable separability element, we design an efficient algorithm for computing one of such idempotents

    Environmental Impacts of and Material Recovery from Biodegradable Waste

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    The environmental impact of biodegradable waste has resulted in legislative drivers that are designed primarily to reduce the impacts arising from (a) pathogens in the waste, (b) gaseous emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, and (c) the effects of biodegradation in landfill sites on leachates to groundwater. These drivers are considered in this research under three applications: (i) the development of a sustainable technology for the treatment of food wastes to obtain a high quality compost product in a closed-loop situation within a single premises, (ii) the development of a programme to assess the environmental impacts and carbon footprints of food waste treatment options and of other secondary recovery processes, and (iii) the development of a methodology to assess the effects of landfill leachate on groundwaters resulting from deleterious landfill practices and management. Technology to overcome the challenges associated with the conversion of food waste to compost has been developed. The resulting in-vessel composting process produces a high quality compost that meets the highest BSI PAS 100 standard. The key factors in the methodology are the rapid transfer of food waste from the kitchen to composter, the efficient maceration and dewatering of the feedstock, optimisation of the C:N ratio, and the achievement of temperatures high enough to destroy pathogens. The fundamentals of the concept of benchmarking was developed in this work as part of a study to permit the determination of carbon dioxide savings in secondary metal recovery, and extended to carbon footprinting of alternative processes to landfill of food waste to permit a comparison of alternative treatments of food waste. The in-vessel composting methodology described in this work compares favourably with the alternative methods of food waste treatment. A computer software programme, HEDAS, for the statistical analysis of landfill monitoring data to predict borehole behaviour, has been developed. The programme permits assessment of the reliability of the data and ultimately determines the extent of groundwater contamination. In the course of the development of the software, a novel concept was used to determine the best applicable experimental standard deviation (BAESD) to be used to assess the reliability of individual borehole and analyte data. The BAESD is used with the measured standard deviations for individual boreholes and analytes to produce a reliability rating for the individual borehole and analyte. These ratings effectively measure the analytical data against the most stable boreholes at the site and provide viable indicators of step changes in concentration or other anomalies. HEDAS was developed using historical data from the UK Environment Agency’s Thames region, and is now used as their standard for assessing monitored data at landfill sites. The application of HEDAS has now been extended from groundwater and leachate analysis to landfill gas emissions

    Estudio de hidrólisis enzimática en biomasa microalgal procedente del tratamiento de aguas residuales con purines

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    El presente trabajo investiga la posibilidad de una valorización fraccionada de biomasa microalgal obtenida mediante el tratamiento de aguas residuales procedentes de la industria agroalimentaria. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un tratamiento de hidrólisis enzimática, con el objetivo de extraer las distintas fracciones mayoritarias (carbohidratos, lípidos y proteínas) y, en base a los resultados, poder analizar las distintas posibilidades de posteriores procesos de valorización de las fracciones (fermentación, transesterificación…) para la obtención de diversos bioproductos (bioetanol, biodiesel…) intentando el mayor aprovechamiento a la biomasa residual mediante la aplicación del concepto de biorrefinería. Las hidrólisis enzimáticas fueron llevadas a cabo con enzimas comerciales específicas para cada fracción (Celluclast 1,5L/Novozyme 188 y Viscozyme como carbohidrolasas, Alcalase y Flavourzyme como proteasas, y Lecitase como lipasa) a 50ºC, 300rpm, pH 4,8-5 y un 6% en base seca de alga. Palabras clave: Biomasa microalgal, hidrólisis enzimática, carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Las intervenciones docentes para enseñar a jugar de un modo lúdico

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    La presente comunicación científica tiene como propósito aportar elementos para pensar en la construcción de una "didáctica para aprender a jugar de un modo lúdico" (Pavía, 2011:206), en especial, sobre las intervenciones docentes que permiten el desarrollo del jugar desde un modo lúdico en el marco de las clases de educación física del nivel inicial. Nuestra intención es propiciar el debate en el seno de la educación física infantil sobre los tipos de intervenciones docentes que podrían guiar nuestra tarea profesional, en relación al desarrollo de las reglas de jugar y la construcción de situaciones lúdicas. Tomando a Rivero (2011) quien expresa que los docentes no sabemos cómo intervenir en el jugar por jugar como eje temático propio de la educación física, sostenemos que podemos dar aportes en tanto los tipos de intervenciones docentes que favorecen la construcción de situaciones lúdicas, donde la forma del juego y el modo lúdico se hacen indisociables. En tanto los avances preliminares de la investigación, hemos categorizado las intervenciones docentes, que a nuestro parecer, propician jugar de un modo lúdico, léase: intervenciones como jugador/a experto/a ? Observación comunicativa crítica - Fundamentadora ? Reflexiva y Deliberativa, cada una de ellas han sido conceptualizadas con indicadores devenidos de los registros observacionales desarrollados durante el trabajo de campo en clases de educación física del nivel inicia

    Characterizing and following eddies in Drake Passage

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    Drake Passage, the gap between South America and Antarctica, is a very energetic region, with strong currents and numerous eddies. These eddies are important for mixing waters across the main three fronts, and for affecting the biological productivity in the region. We use weekly maps of colour images, sea level anomaly and geostrophic velocities to characterize physical and biological activity in the region surrounding Drake Passage. In particular, we note that the largest eddy kinetic energy occurs to the east of the passage and is principally in the area bounded by the mean Subantarctic Front (SAF) and the mean Polar Front, whilst the biological productivity is highest in coastal regions, with the SAF acting as a clear southern boundary. In a number of cases, cyclonic eddies detected by altimetry also show a strong signature in ocean color. Regular XBT (eXpendable BathyThermograph) surveys provide information on sub-surface structure, confirming the altimetric identification of features and showing that they often contain water masses originating from the other side of the front