3,902 research outputs found

    Review of direct CP violation in two and three body B decays at LHCb

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    Charmless B hadrons decays offer rich opportunities to test the Standard Model. CP violation in charmless charged two-body and three-body B decays provides ways to measure the CKM angle γ\gamma and to search for New Physics. Also, vector-vector final states provide additional interesting observables. Hereby, we present the latest LHCb results on hadronic charmless B decays putting emphasis on the direct CP violation measurements.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2014), Vienna, Austria, September 8-12, 201

    A genetic toolkit for the analysis of metabolic changes in Drosophila provides new insights into metabolic responses to stress and malignant transformation

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    Regulation of the energetic metabolism occurs fundamentally at the cellular level, so analytical strategies must aim to attain single cell resolution to fully embrace its inherent complexity. We have developed methods to utilize a toolset of metabolic FRET sensors for assessing lactate, pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate levels of Drosophila tissues in vivo by imaging techniques. We show here how the energetic metabolism is altered by hypoxia: While some larval tissues respond to low oxygen levels by executing a metabolic switch towards lactic fermentation, the fat body and salivary glands do not alter their energetic metabolism. Analysis of tumor metabolism revealed that depending on the genetic background, some tumors undergo a lactogenic switch typical of the Warburg effect, while other tumors do not. This toolset allows for developmental and physiologic studies in genetically manipulated Drosophila individuals in vivo.Fil: Gándara, Lautaro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Durrieu, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Behrensen, C.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Wappner, Pablo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Patriotism and Dual Citizenship

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    I am a citizen of two countries—the United States and Mexico—and I have a deep love of both, for different reasons. I believe that being a citizen of two countries allows me to be a partial outsider in each, which perhaps gives me an uncommon perspective on both. I know that there are those who argue that it’s impossible to be truly loyal to one country if one is also a citizen of another, and there are those for whom any criticism of one’s country is tantamount to treason. I reject both of those positions. First, I believe that a patriot is a person who loves his or her country and therefore wants it to be the best it is capable of being. The United States has been the leader of the free world for most of the time that the majority of us alive today have existed. This sets a unique standard. I believe this means that we should not only be the best we can be for ourselves, but that we should also set an example for those we would lead. Importantly, to be a good leader, it is essential to know something about those one is leading. In other words, it is helpful to know what makes other countries good, or even best, at some things in order to build on those strengths and perhaps adopt them whenever possible, as well as to lead in a way that acknowledges the strengths of others. This, in my mind, is precisely why promising to “Make America Great Again” is antithetical to true leadership. Making America “great” without helping those we hope to lead also be “great” is the very abandonment of leadership and therefore false patriotism

    (Post) Colonial Embroidery: un studio sobre la situación de los personajes en Of Customs and Excise and Rachna Mara

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    [Resumen] El sistema colonial, seguido por la descolonización y la diáspora,influyen a los personajes de Of Customs and Excise a través de estructuras políticas, sociales y económicas. Pretendo demostrar cómo el sistema colonial y los efectos de la migración conforman un sistema opresivo al que se ven sometidos los personajes que protagonizan los cuentos del ciclo. De acuerdo con mi análisis, la influencia de esta malla de opresión es la clave de la separación entre los personajes. Como contrapunto a este distanciamiento haré referencia a algunos casos en los que determinados personajes son capaces de encontrar maneras de superar este sistema, para así lograr la unión con otras persona

    Reconstruction of Contractual Justice from Relational Justice

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    The reductionist view of contractual phenomenon, typical of civil codes and classical contract law, is a result of a blur that, overestimating the voluntary agreement, undervalues the exchange. Trying to show the partial and inadequate character of that vision of contract law, contextualists or relationists proposals have emerged, focusing on the defense of the relational contract model. These theories suggest relational justice as a new paradigm. It transfers the relational approach of sociology to law, and incorporates the analysis of plural economic reciprocity. Relational justice is formulated as a theory of justice (in the relationship), whose three elements (reciprocity, relatedness and sociality) offer a new theoretical framework where balances and imbalances that have been showing the legal contractual reality throughout history can be contextualized.La visión reduccionista del fenómeno contractual, propia de los códigos civiles y del classical contract law, se produce como consecuencia de un desenfoque que, sobrevalorando el acuerdo de voluntades, minusvalora el intercambio. Tratando de evidenciar el carácter parcial e inadecuado de esa visión del Derecho contractual han surgido las propuestas contextualistas o relacionistas, orientadas a la defensa del modelo relacional del contrato. Estas teorías sugieren como nuevo paradigma la justicia relacional. La misma traslada al Derecho el enfoque relacional de la sociología e incorpora el análisis de la reciprocidad plural económica. La justicia relacional se formula así como una teoría de la justicia (en la relación), cuyos tres elementos (reciprocidad, institucionalidad y socialidad) ofrecen un nuevo marco teórico donde pueden ser contextualizados los equilibrios y desequilibrios que ha venido presentando la realidad jurídica contractual a lo largo de la historia

    Crisis de nación y nueva coyuntura

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    Presentación de cinco grandes retos generales para explicar la crisis de nación de México y su nueva coyuntura, un momento grave, complejo y estructural que vivió el país, tanto en el orden interno como internacional.ITESO, A.C

    Valoración económica de los servicios recreativos del parque ecológico Chipinque

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    En esta investigación se realiza una estimación del valor económico del beneficio que los visitantes obtienen por disfrutar de los servicios recreativos que ofrece el Parque Chipinque, área natural ubicada en la zona metropolitana de Monterrey, México. Se utiliza el Método de Costo de Viaje estimando una función de demanda por zonas de origen en función de diferentes costos, como el costo de entrada, los gastos de consumo al interior del parque, el costo de transporte y el valor del tiempo de viaje. Se estima que los beneficios anuales del parque por uso recreativo en el año de referencia se ubicarían entre los 13 y 20 millones de pesos.Chipinque, Mexico, costo de viaje, Monterrey

    Design and CFD study of a double V Diffuser

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    The goal of the project is to compare the performance of a conventional F1 diffuser vs. a double V diffuser (a technology pioneered by the BrawnGP team) through computational fluid mechanics (CFD). It is intended to highlight the differences between both devices and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The first step will be designing a conventional diffuser offering acceptable performance to use as baseline. Next, a double V diffuser will be derived from the reference configuration in order to study the effects of the modification. The analysis model will not include the complete car. Therefore, no absolute performance data can be obtained. Instead, only the relative differences between the two configurations will be assessed. The Fluent package of the Ansys suite will be used for the computations. A 3D solution is required to capture the behavior of a double V diffuser. To keep the computational cost within acceptable limits, a simplified treatment of the viscous effects is planned (e.g. using and inviscid solution supplemented with a boundary layer analysis)

    Reconstrucción de la justicia contractual desde la justicia relacional

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    La visión reduccionista del fenómeno contractual, propia de los códigos civiles y del classical contract law, se produce como consecuencia de un desenfoque que, sobrevalorando el acuerdo de voluntades, minusvalora el intercambio. Tratando de evidenciar el carácter parcial e inadecuado de esa visión del Derecho contractual han surgido las propuestas contextualistas o relacionistas, orientadas a la defensa del modelo relacional del contrato. Estas teorías sugieren como nuevo paradigma la justicia relacional. La misma traslada al Derecho el enfoque relacional de la sociología e incorpora el análisis de la reciprocidad plural económica. La justicia relacional se formula así como una teoría de la justicia (en la relación), cuyos tres elementos (reciprocidad, institucionalidad y socialidad) ofrecen un nuevo marco teórico don- de pueden ser contextualizados los equilibrios y desequilibrios que ha venido presentando la realidad jurídica contractual a lo largo de la historia.The reductionist view of contractual phenomenon, typical of civil codes and classical contract law, is a result of a blur that, overestimating the voluntary agreement, undervalues the exchange.Trying to show the partial and inadequate character of that vision of contract law, contextualists or relationists proposals have emerged, focusing on the defense of the relational contract model.These theories suggest relational justice as a new paradigm. It transfers the relational approach of sociology to law, and incorporates the analysis of plural economic reciprocity. Relational justice is formulated as a theory of justice (in the relationship), whose three elements (reciprocity, relatedness and sociality) offer a new theoretical framework where balances and imbalances that have been showing the legal contractual reality througout history can be contextualized.La visión reduccionista del fenómeno contractual, propia de los códigos civiles y del classical contract law, se produce como consecuencia de un desenfoque que, sobrevalorando el acuerdo de voluntades, minusvalora el intercambio. Tratando de evidenciar el carácter parcial e inadecuado de esa visión del Derecho contractual han surgido las propuestas contextualistas o relacionistas, orientadas a la defensa del modelo relacional del contrato. Estas teorías sugieren como nuevo paradigma la justicia relacional. La misma traslada al Derecho el enfoque relacional de la sociología e incorpora el análisis de la reciprocidad plural económica. La justicia relacional se formula así como una teoría de la justicia (en la relación), cuyos tres elementos (reciprocidad, institucionalidad y socialidad) ofrecen un nuevo marco teórico don- de pueden ser contextualizados los equilibrios y desequilibrios que ha venido presentando la realidad jurídica contractual a lo largo de la historia

    Discourse Analysis in the CLIL Classroom. The Effects of Task Dimensions on L2 Oral Performance

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    This study explores the hypothesis that the pedagogical tasks in the context of second or foreign language acquisition within a CLIL programme at the primary leve lof education can be defined as the interplay of of three main factors: the role of the student in the task, the amount of context support embedded, and the task cognitive demand. In order to confirm this theory, a new framework to analyse particular cases has been devised and later on tested. The transcriptions of the tasks carried out by a group of nine elementary school students in the classroom are closely analysed as an example of an action-research study to identify the dimensions of tasks that favour the oral use of the L2, English in this case, by the teacher, students and the teaching assistant. The role of the student in the input, the amount of context embedded in the tasks, and the cognitive demand are the factors chosen for a factorial design. The variables of the study are the amount of the oral L2 produced, as measured in As-units per second, and the quality of these oral productions, which has been measured later according to the number of clauses per AS-unit. The amount of L1 produced is also considered as well as the L2. A number of relevant pedagogical implications and applications are derived from the findings obtained which will be of interest for administrators, educationalists and foreign language teachers