68 research outputs found

    Inclusión financiera y discapacidad

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    El origen del sistema financiero supuso un importante instrumento para el crecimiento económico. Sin embargo, con el paso de los años, el surgimiento de nuevas entidades financieras ha dado lugar a una competencia cada vez mayor, orientando la toma de decisiones hacia la optimización de la rentabilidad financiera. En una actividad económica cada vez más dependiente de la financiera, parece inconcebible que los ciudadanos no dispongan de productos y servicios financieros que contribuyan a la mejora de su calidad de vida. Pero, ¿todos los agentes sociales tienen un acceso normalizado al sistema financiero? Parece evidente que, si la decisión de la institución depende de la rentabilidad financiera, la respuesta es que no. Numerosos estudios nos muestran que las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad por razones económicas han sido tradicionalmente excluidas del sistema financiero tradicional, surgiendo nuevos agentes especializados en este segmento de la sociedad. Aunque el desarrollo económico no ha sido equitativo, es innegable que su acceso al sistema financiero alternativo ha permitido el desarrollo de estructuras económicas estables que han dado lugar, en última instancia, al desarrollo económico individual y colectivo. Otros colectivos han sido menos estudiados, como las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad por razones de discapacidad, dado que los estudios de investigación previos (muy escasos) no se ponen de acuerdo sobre su situación real en el sistema financiero. Por tanto, este trabajo de investigación comienza analizando sus dificultades de acceso al marco de derechos fundamentales, detectando que existen multitud de documentos científicos que exponen su dificultad de acceso al sistema educativo, al mercado de trabajo o su fragilidad social, pero no abordan su problemática con productos y servicios en el sistema financiero. Bajo la firme creencia de que existe un amplio margen para favorecer su inclusión financiera, establecemos las bases teóricas, encontrando algunos trabajos de investigación que ponen de relieve determinados factores que dificultan el acceso de las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad al sistema financiero, que, aunque aún no son tan representativos en esta línea de investigación, comienza a centrar el interés de la comunidad científica. Tratando de aportar mayor conocimiento a los trabajos previos en este campo, y bajo la consideración de la inclusión financiera como el acceso, uso y calidad de los productos y servicios financieros, se plantean tres propuestas: la educación financiera, como instrumento para favorecer el acceso; y el credit scoring y la tasa de interés ajustada al riesgo como instrumentos para mejorar la calidad de los productos ofrecidos al colectivo de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad por razones de discapacidad. En el caso de la educación financiera, a través de un cuestionario se recopilan un conjunto de conceptos, productos y servicios financieros que permiten identificar la vulnerabilidad en el acceso al sistema financiero. De esta manera, tanto el sistema financiero como los agentes sociales disponen de una herramienta potente para capacitar y establecer redes de apoyo que reduzcan la vulnerabilidad y mejoren los niveles de inclusión financiera del colectivo. Por su parte, la propuesta de credit scoring establece que, en primer lugar, las variables que deben ser evaluadas en el cálculo de la probabilidad de impago son diferentes en clientes con y sin discapacidad; y, en segundo lugar, que esta probabilidad de impago es menor en el colectivo de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad por razones de discapacidad. De esta manera, en función del modelo obtenido y los requerimientos de Basilea III, proponemos un Método Interno Basado en Calificaciones Internas con el que aplicar el credit scoring, calculando así los requerimientos de capital, las pérdidas esperadas e inesperadas y, en última instancia, un tipo de interés ajustado para ambas carteras. Por tanto, estas aportaciones podrían tener importantes implicaciones tanto para el sistema financiero como para los agentes sociales, que disponen de una herramienta de negociación para favorecer el acceso al sistema financiero del colectivo de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad por razones de discapacidad.The emergence of the financial system was an important factor in economic growth. Over the years, however, the emergence of new financial firms has led to increasing competition that has focused decision-making on optimizing financial profitability. In an economy that is increasingly dependent on finance, it seems inconceivable that citizens do not have financial products and services that help improve their quality of life. But do all social actors have normalized access to the financial system? It seems clear that the answer is no if the institution's decision depends on financial profitability. Many studies show us that people who are in a precarious situation for economic reasons have always been excluded from the traditional financial system, with the emergence of new specialized agents in this segment of society. Although economic development has not been equitable, it is undeniable that their access to the financial system has enabled the development of stable economic structures, ultimately leading to individual and collective economic development. Other groups have been less studied, such as people who are in a precarious situation due to disability, as previous research studies (very few) disagree on whether they are excluded. Thus, this research begins with a global analysis of their situation of exclusion, noting that there are a large number of scientific documents that highlight their difficulties in accessing the education system, the labor market, or their social fragility, but do not address their exclusion in the financial system. Under the conviction of this situation of exclusion, we establish the theoretical foundations of financial inclusion and find some research that highlights certain factors that hinder the access of people in vulnerable situations in the financial system, which, although still not so representative in this line of research, begins to focus the interest of the scientific community. In an attempt to contribute more knowledge to the previous work in this field, and considering financial inclusion as access, use, and quality of financial products and services, three analyzes are proposed: financial education as an access tool; credit scoring and pricing as tools to promote the quality of products offered to the group of people in vulnerable situations due to disability. In the case of financial education, we use a questionnaire, and identify the items, understood as financial concepts, products, and services, that allow us to identify vulnerability to access the financial system. In this way, both the financial system and social actors have a powerful tool to train and establish support networks that reduce vulnerability. In turn, the credit scoring proposal notes that, first, the variables that must be assessed when calculating the probability of default are different for clients with and without disabilities, and second, that this probability of default is lower in the group of people who are in a vulnerable situation for reasons of disability. Thereby, based on the proposed model and the requirements of Basel III, we propose an Internal Method Based on Internal Ratings with which credit scoring can be applied, thus calculating capital requirements, expected and unexpected losses, and ultimately an adjusted interest rate for both portfolios. Thus, these contributions could have important implications both for the financial system and for financial agents who have a bargaining tool to favor access to the financial system for the group of individuals who are in a situation of vulnerability for reasons of disability

    Research Advances on Financial Inclusion: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    With intensifying competition in the financial system, new strategic applications are constantly being devised in the search for greater efficiency. In consequence, decisions are commonly based on locating and retaining market segments with high added value, and those which fail to supply the profitability required by the market are “excluded”. The aim of this study is to analyse the research advances made in the field of financial inclusion and the main lines of investigation currently being addressed by means of a bibliometric analysis. Among the scientific community, there is growing interest in this study area. The most assiduous in this respect are SA Asongu (the most productive author), Enterprise Development and Microfinance (the journal that has published the most articles in this field), Makerere University, Uganda (the most productive institution) and India (the country where most recent studies have taken place). Foreseeably inspiring future research, there is currently great interest in developing a more accessible financial system, especially through the use of digital money (Fintech) as an instrument to promote financial inclusion. For all this, a line of research is proposed that also includes the proposals from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals

    Corporate social responsibility reports: A review of the evolution, approaches and prospects

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    within organizations, especially after the development of strategies and different international regulations, such as the Global Compact and the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda or Directive 2014/ 95/EU. This, together with the boom in CSR research and business management, has given rise to heterogeneity in the conceptualization and management of CSR report. Consequently, this research study proposes a bibliometric and systematic analysis of 4966 research articles, available in the Scopus repository and published during the period of 2001–2021, to improve the conceptualization and management of CSR communication. The documents analyzed were research articles that included concepts such as CSR, communication, and reporting in the title, abstract and keywords and that were published in the 21st century. The results show an exponential growth in scientific production in recent years, coinciding with the development of strategies and international regulations, and with a high percentage of authors, institutions and countries coming from the European Union. Additionally, the main characteristics of the research are obtained alongside data on the most productive authors, institutions, journals, and countries, in addition to information about their international cooperation networks. Finally, the results present the most relevant contributions in regard to the four research topics detected, namely: (a) accountability; (b) disclosure of performance; (c) management of the organization; (d) corporate strategy; and (e) corporate reputation. These results indicate a broad multidisciplinarity of this line of research. Finally, future lines of research that can contribute to improving or expanding the current findings in this research area are established

    The Main Research Characteristics of the Development of the Concept of the Circular Economy Concept: A Global Analysis and the Future Agenda

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    In recent years, the concept of the Circular Economy has acquired greater traction, both in the research community and in wider society, as an instrument that provides innumerable methodologies with which to face the environmental, social, and environmental challenges caused by the linear production model. This study focuses on analyzing the degree of advancement of the Circular Economy in the scientific field through a bibliometric analysis (or scientometrics) of 5,007 research articles available in Scopus database and published during the period 2005–2007. The main research characteristics are presented, and the Paris Climate Conference (COP21), held on December 12, 2015, is highlighted as a key driver of this particular line of research. The analysis revealed the main authors, journals, subject area, countries and current and future lines of research, finding that the Circular Economy is a paradigm with environmental, economic and social implications, both for the productive system and for consumers

    Exploring the three-dimensional effect of corporate social responsibility on brand equity, corporate reputation, and willingness to pay. A study of the fashion industry

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    The fashion sector is considered one of the largest generators of the greatest negative externalities, and the results support this. However, they are making important efforts through actions within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility to improve their commitment to society and sustainability. This research aims to evaluate the value that consumers place on Corporate Social Responsibility activities in the economic, social and environmental dimensions in the generation of brand equity, corporate reputation and willingness to pay. To achieve this, a methodology based on structural equations (PLS-SEM) has been used based on a questionnaire completed by 269 people. The findings show that each of the CSR dimensions contributes differently to the generation of BE, CR and WTP, also highlighting the value of brand credibility as a variable with an important mediating effect

    Intention to purchase sustainable craft products: a moderated mediation analysis of the adoption of sustainability in the craft sector

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    In the modern world, the management of companies has evolved from a model characterized by the extraction, transformation, and generation of waste towards a more sustainable model. This transition affects even more traditional sectors, such as crafts. A key aspect of the transition towards more sustainable models is knowledge of the disposition of consumers with respect to these new artisan products. To date, few works have addressed this research problem, so this paper analyses consumer behaviour towards sustainable craft products empirically. To accomplish this goal, the effect of the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers on their purchase intention is studied. Attitudes towards sustainable crafts, purchase intention, degree of consumer involvement and degree of knowledge concerning sustainability are considered as moderating variables. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of handicraft consumers, and confirmatory factor analysis and an ordinary least squares regression model were used to study the data thus obtained. The results showed that the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers influences their purchase intentions. In addition, this influence is increased when consumer attitudes towards and involvement with sustainable craft products increase. The results of this study can be useful for the sustainable crafts sector with respect to incorporating more sustainable products and designing marketing and communication strategies to help consumers learn about sustainability

    Approximation to the creation of value in the sports sector : a conceptual approach

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    Con el presente trabajo se pretende ayudar a los gestores de empresas deportivas a lograr mejores resultados en sus empresas. A partir de la creación de valor para los clientes las organizaciones deportivas van a lograr mejores resultados, y para ello, la gestión del conocimiento y, en concreto, la creación del mismo, se presenta como un antecedente de la creación de valor para el cliente. El presente trabajo contribuye a explicitar y a proponer cómo las organizaciones deportivas pueden mejorar sus resultados, por lo que se considera de especial interés para los directivos y gestores deportivos. La creación del conocimiento, a partir del proceso de capacidad de absorción, se convierte en un vehículo y antecedente para la creación de valor, y poder lograr mejores resultados y ventajas competitivas sostenibles para las empresas del sector deportivo. Este trabajo se propone como una propuesta conceptual, a partir de la revisión de la literatura anterior realizada por los autores que investigan sobre estas variables, para ser contrastada de modo empírico en un próximo estudio.The aim of this work is intended to help managers of sports companies to achieve better results in their companies. Starting with the creation of value for the clients the sports organizations will achieve better results, and for that, the knowledge management and the knowledge creation is presented as an antecedent of the creation of value for the customer. The present work contributes to explain and to propose how the sports organizations can improve their results, so it is considered of special interest for the executives and sports managers. The creation of knowledge and the absorption capacity process becomes a vehicle and an antecedent for the creation of value and helps to achieve better results and sustainable competitive advantages for the companies of the sports sector. This work is proposed as a conceptual proposal, from the review of previous studies, to be contrasted in an empirical way in an upcoming later study

    Un estudio de caso de Futurvalía Multiservicios Empresariales

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    Las personas con discapacidad han sido históricamente un grupo de la sociedad con especiales dificultades de acceso al marco de Derechos Fundamentales. Su inclusión en el mercado laboral suele estar marcado por la estigmatización por parte de quienes les emplean lo que provoca que su tasa de empleo sea especialmente reducida en comparación con las personas sin discapacidad. El presente artículo propone una serie de indicadores de cuantificación y monetización del impacto social generado por la implantación de acciones de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial orientadas a la inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad, que complementan y están alineados con el estándar 401 y 413 del GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). Las conclusiones establecen que los niveles de absentismo son inferiores a la media nacional, contribuyendo así a la reducción de los estereotipos o estigmatización. Desde el punto de vista financiero, la inclusión laboral de este segmento de la población proporciona un fuerte impacto a la Administración Pública, tanto desde el ahorro como desde los ingresos directos. Y, finalmente, el acceso al mercado laboral supone un desarrollo personal y profesional para el empleado con discapacidad, que contribuye a la reducción de su nivel de apoyo y a la normalización en su puesto de trabajo

    Public–Private Partnership (PPP) in Road Infrastructure Projects: A Review of Evolution, Approaches, and Prospects

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    Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are a widely used procurement method for constructing, maintaining, and operating roads, constituting an alternative to the traditional public works model (TPW). This is because the efficiency of the PPP model has been highlighted over the TPW model. This study carried out a bibliometric analysis of 734 public articles from Scopus on PPPs in road infrastructure projects between 1993 and 2022. The results allow us to identify the general characteristics of the research; the most relevant articles; the most productive journals; and the most prolific authors, institutions, and countries and their main international cooperation networks, as well as to detect the main current research topics, which are: financial management, costs and pricing systems, privatization of transport infrastructure services, and sustainability. Consequently, this study provides a comprehensive overview of research on PPPs in road infrastructure projects over the last 30 years. This can reinforce and complement previous bibliometric analyses on PPPs in road infrastructure project

    Comparative Study of the Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory E ects of Leaf Extracts from Four Di erent Morus alba Genotypes in High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice

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    The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.Increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a low-grade chronic inflammation in multiple organs have been demonstrated in obesity. Morus alba leaves extracts (MAEs) have been used in traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory agents. In this work, the bioactive compounds of di erent genotypes of M. alba L. (Filipina, Valenciana Temprana, Kokuso, and Italia) were analyzed not only by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS) and hydrophilic interaction chromatography–electrospray ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (HILIC-ESI-TOF-MS), but also screened for in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity by means of DPPH radical scavenging assay and Caenorhabditis elegans model. These MAEs were administered daily in a model of diet-induced obesity in mice. Filipina and Italia genotypes significantly reduced weight gain, the glycemic levels in high fat diet, as well as, levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Filipina and Italia MAEs also reduced the expression of proinflammatory mediators such as Tnf- , Il-1 , Il-6 and increased the levels of adiponectin and AMPK, which exert anti-inflammatory e ects. Moreover, Italia genotype ameliorated the intestinal barrier function. In conclusion, Filipina and Italia methanolic extracts show the highest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory e ect, due to the presence of compounds such as protocatechuic acid or quercetin-3-glucoside, and they could be developed as a complementary treatment for obesity and metabolic disorders.Junta de Andalucia CTS 164Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness AGL2015-67995-C3-3-REuropean Commission (FEDER/ERDF)ERDF/FEDER Operational Programme of the Region of Murcia 2007ES161PO001 14-20/20Instituto de Salud Carlos II