85 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Field of Social Media Research through Science Maps (2008-2017)

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    The objectives of this work were to discover the main points of interest in the field of research on Social Media, within the scientific area of Communication, and to analyse how it has evolved. A methodology based on the analysis of co-words and visualisation techniques was applied. The data was obtained from scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, during the periods 2008-2012 and 2013-2017. The resulting maps showed that, during the period 2008-2012, the main areas of interest were web 2.0 and the internet in terms of social networking sites. However, during the period 2013-2017, there was a strong upward trend in the impact of social networks and platforms, especially Twitter and Facebook, in many areas (such as social movements, public relations and publicity, distribution of content, crisis communication, participatory journalism, political communication, or the configuration of public identities through social platforms, with special emphasis on youth). Finally, new scientific challenges were found in automatic analysis of content and management of big data. In conclusion, it was possible to transform a complex, underlying, dynamic and multidimensional reality into visible representations that could help experts in the field to better understand the evolution of research on Social Media

    Organizational problems in team management: Objective misalignment in youth sport

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos empíricamente si están alineados los objetivos entre los distintos participantes en los equipos de deporte base. Para ello, se ha encuestado a directivos, entrenadores y jugadores de fútbol de 28 clubes de cadete en sus campos de entrenamiento, preguntándoles acerca de sus objetivos. Encontramos que directivos y entrenadores valoran especialmente la educación en valores, y que los jugadores valoran más los resultados y la diversión. Dentro de los equipos encontramos una baja alineación de objetivos, no estando correlacionada en muchos casos la relevancia dada por los distintos miembros. La transmisión inadecuada de los objetivos denota un problema de gestión que puede tener importantes implicaciones en la consecución de éstosWe empirically analyse whether the member´s objectives of youth sports teams are aligned. To this end, managers, trainers and players of 28 youth football teams –ages 14 to 16- were surveyed. Stakeholders were asked about their objectives through questionnaires responded on the training fields. We found that values education is especially appreciated by managers and trainers, whereas players especially value results and fun. We found a low objective alignment inside teams. Therefore, the relevance conferred to the different objectives by the different stakeholders is not always correlated. The inadequate transmission of objectives points to a management problem which can have important implications on the achievement of the team´s objectivesActividad Física y DeporteAdministración y Dirección de Empresa

    Industry 4.0: Spanish patents of the largest technology companies

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    A total of 2555 records were found, placing Spain in 15th position in the world, led by China and the USA, while Europe is in a discreet second place. European companies are mixed with Asian and US companies to a lesser extent. All three companies are heavily involved in the 5G technologies field. Figure 1 shows companies with at least 15 patents, where Qualcomm stands out, followed by Huawei and Ericsson. All three companies are heavily involved in the 5G technologies field. Most of these companies are technology companies specialized in microprocessors, computers, and telecommunications. Only one is not a company: the well-known German research institution Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (mp3 developers). The only Spanish company in this ranking is Telefónica. Although most companies are widely known, how important are they worldwide? Is there a relationship between their Spanish patents and their worldwide patents? For this purpose, we have constructed the chart in Figure 2, with the above information and the ranking of the 25 worldwide most essential companies by 4IR patenting in the last two decades made by the EPO. The first thing that stands out in the chart is the position of Qualcomm and Samsung (Korea). As shown in Figure 1, Qualcomm is the leader in Spanish patents, although it is not the world leader. The opposite is true for Samsung, the world leader with more than twice as many patents but very little presence in Spain. Then there are LG Group (Korea) and Sony (Japan), which have a world position like Qualcomm (more than 6k) and similar to Samsung in Spain. There are seven companies between 3k and 5k, but only Huawei and Ericsson stand out in Spain, as mentioned above. Below 3k, two European companies and one American, Alphabet, we thought we would find a little higher in the world ranking. As it appears, autonomous driving has not yet created many patents. Samsung is the leader in 4IR patents and technology patents in general. Samsung Electronics alone has more than 255k patents in total, but if we add all the subsidiaries, it reaches a little less than 380k. There is little interest in Spain, with so many patents globally, which must have been covered with its EPO patents. The only European patent office that seems to take it seriously is the German one (DPMA). Of the three companies that seem to pay attention to the Spanish office, we can only say that they are in the middle of the global war on 5G. The 5G battlefield leads companies to be very careful and cover their intellectual property even in small offices such as the OEPM. Huawei is the company that has taken the lead but is being censored by the USA. The only company with a comprehensive option for 5G (outside Huawei) is the European Ericsson. Apart from the political war over 5G, it must be remembered that Qualcomm has had an intense legal fight for patents with giants such as Intel or Apple in recent years. What is truly curious is that the European country where Qualcomm has the most patents is Spain.This work was supported by Detección de tecnología española para la industria conectada 4.0 a través de las oficinas de patentes europeas (RTI2018-098966-B-I00), project funded by Proyectos de I+D+i «Retos investigación», Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spai

    Evaluación de la actividad inmunomoduladora del polvo seco de Punica granatum Linn en un modelo experimental de inmunosupresión

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    Introducción: La inmunosupresión es uno de los principales obstáculos en el tratamiento de cáncer, por esta razón, diversos inmunomoduladores naturales y sintéticos son estudiados, con el fin de atenuar los efectos de la terapia convencional. Objetivo: Evaluar la actividad inmunomoduladora del polvo seco de Punica granatum Linn (granada). Métodos: Ratas machos Wistar fueron divididas en cuatro grupos: grupo I (control), II (inmunizado con glóbulos rojos de carnero), III (inmunosuprimido con ciclofosfamida e inmunizado con glóbulos rojos de carnero) y IV (tratado con polvo de granada, inmunosuprimido con ciclofosfamida e inmunizado con glóbulos rojos de carnero). Las variables estudiadas fueron el peso corporal y detección de anticuerpos hemoaglutinantes. Resultados: Se observó ligera tendencia al aumento del peso corporal en los grupos I, II y III, con respuesta diferente en el grupo IV, donde hubo una leve disminución. El título de anticuerpos del grupo III disminuyó con respecto al II y IV, tanto en la respuesta primaria como secundaria. En el grupo IV el título de anticuerpos resultó ser estadísticamente significativo con relación al del grupo III (p= 0,000) para ambas respuestas. Conclusiones: La Púnica granatum mostró efecto inmunomodulador, al incrementar el nivel de anticuerpos hemaglutinantes

    Caffeine Intake throughout Pregnancy, and Factors Associated with Non-Compliance with Recommendations: A Cohort Study

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    Maternal caffeine consumption is associated with adverse gestational outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the intake of caffeine and factors associated with the non-adherence to caffeine intake recommendations in a cohort of 463 women before (T0) and in each trimester of gestation (T1, T2, and T3), by using validated questionnaires. Caffeine intake (median (mg/day), IQR) was 100.0 (181.1) at T0, 9.42 (66.2) at T1, 12.5 (65.6) at T2, and 14.0 (61.1) at T3 (p < 0.001). Non-compliance prevalence (intake > 200 mg/day) was 6.2% at T1, 4.2% at T2, and 2.7% at T3. Not being an active smoker at T1 (OR = 0.17; 95% CI 0.05–0.59) and T2 (OR = 0.22; 95% CI 0.09–0.52), adherence to the Mediterranean Diet at T1 (OR = 0.50; 95% CI 0.28–0.88) and T2 (OR = 0.39; 95% CI 0.15–1.02), and moderate physical activity at T1 (OR = 0.50; 95% CI 0.28–0.88) were inversely associated with caffeine consumption. Although caffeine intake may be considered low, intake prevalence increases throughout pregnancy. Although the main source of caffeine during pregnancy is coffee, attention must be also paid to the increasingly intake of chocolate, of which the effect during pregnancy is controversial. Smoking, non-adherence to a good quality diet, and light physical activity are associated with a higher caffeine intake and a lower compliance with caffeine intake recommendations. Perinatal dietary and lifestyle educational policies are needed.(PROY-PP 2015-01) University of Granad

    Altered T-cell subset distribution in the viral reservoir in HIV-1-infected individuals with extremely low proviral DNA (LoViReTs)

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    HIV cure strategies aim to eliminate viral reservoirs that persist despite successful antiretroviral therapy (ART). We have previously described that 9% of HIV-infected individuals who receive ART harbor low levels of provirus (LoViReTs). We selected 22 LoViReTs matched with 22 controls ART suppressed for more than 3 years with fewer than 100 and more than 100 HIV-DNA copies/10 6 CD4 + T cells, respectively. We measured HIV reservoirs in blood and host genetic factors. Fourteen LoViReTs underwent leukapheresis to analyze replication-competent virus, and HIV-DNA in CD4 + T-cell subpopulations. Additionally, we measured HIV-DNA in rectum and/or lymph node biopsies from nine of them. We found that LoViReTs harbored not only lower levels of total HIV-DNA, but also significantly lower intact HIV-DNA, cell-associated HIV-RNA, and ultrasensitive viral load than controls. The proportion of intact versus total proviruses was similar in both groups. We found no differences in the percentage of host factors. In peripheral blood, 71% of LoViReTs had undetectable replication-competent virus. Minimum levels of total HIV-DNA were found in rectal and lymph node biopsies compared with HIV-infected individuals receiving ART. The main contributors to the reservoir were short-lived transitional memory and effector memory T cells (47% and 29%, respectively), indicating an altered distribution of the HIV reservoir in the peripheral T-cell subpopulations of LoViReTs. In conclusion, LoViReTs are characterized by low levels of viral reservoir in peripheral blood and secondary lymphoid tissues, which might be explained by an altered distribution of the proviral HIV-DNA towards more short-lived memory T cells. LoViReTs can be considered exceptional candidates for future interventions aimed at curing HIV

    Impact of pre- and/or post-autologous stem cell transplantation exposure to brentuximab vedotin on survival outcomes in patients with high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma

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    The AETHERA trial demonstrated that brentuximab vedotin (BV) consolidation after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) at high risk of relapse/progression increases progression-free survival (PFS). Patients previously exposed to BV were excluded from that trial. However, BV alone or in combination with chemotherapy is frequently used as front-line treatment and/or pre-ASCT salvage therapy. We analyzed data from 156 patients with high-risk HL who underwent ASCT with (BV-CON, n?=?62) or without (non-BV, n?=?94) BV consolidation. Fifty-seven patients received BV-based salvage regimens before ASCT. The 3-year overall survival and PFS for all patients were 91.6% and 70.0%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that BV-CON was associated with better PFS (HR 0.39, p?=?0.01), whereas positive PET at transplant leaded to worse PFS (HR 2.71, p?=?0.001). BV-CON improved PFS in PET-positive patients (72.2% vs. 43.0%, p?=?0.05), with a beneficial trend observed in PET negative (88.8% vs. 75.2%, p?=?0.09). BV-CON patients with or without BV exposure pre-ASCT had a significantly better PFS than non-BV with or without BV pretransplant treatment (HR 0.36, p?=?0.004). The efficacy of real-life BV consolidation therapy was similar to that in the AETHERA trial. This therapeutic strategy improves survival independently of BV exposure prior to ASCT.© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    NEWSHUB: Incubadora de contenidos formativos para la comunicación profesional de los resultados del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP)

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    NEWSHUB es un espacio de encuentro académico y profesional. Su principal función es cubrir necesidades específicas de formación tanto para el profesorado como para el alumnado en materia de comunicación. La finalidad es facilitar que se diseñen actividades de aprendizaje basado en proyectos orientadas a generar productos comunicativos de calidad profesional, que sirvan a un tiempo como herramienta eficiente de aprendizaje en el entorno académico además de recurso destacado en el porfolio del alumnado para la búsqueda de empleo o la formalización de proyectos emprendedores. NEWSHUB es una incubadora de proyectos. Rediseñamos actividades y prácticas de clase para que se ajusten a una aplicación eficaz de la metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Ofrecemos asesoría y acompañamiento a docentes y estudiantes para que desarrollen su actividad académica integrando estrategias y procesos de calidad propios del ámbito profesional. NEWSHUB es una plataforma de formación. Ponemos contenidos formativos sobre comunicación eficiente a disposición de la comunidad educativa e investigadora y del sector de la orientación laboral y el fomento del emprendimiento. Ofrecemos recursos educativos abiertos a través de una plataforma web modular, interoperable y accesible, que alberga contenidos digitales de producción propia y un banco de buenas prácticas. NEWSHUB es coaching digital. Con la nueva situación provocada por la pandemia tenemos que adaptar nuestra manera de enseñar y de aprender haciendo que el entorno virtual sea un espacio en el que tanto profesores como estudiantes se encuentren tan cómodos como en el aula. Para ello acompañaremos a los docentes en ese tránsito y contaremos con la opinión directa de los alumnos/as que participan en nuestro proyecto. NEWSHUB conecta asignaturas, docentes y estudiantes para que los resultados de los distintos procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje se optimicen para el cumplimiento de los objetivos clave del proyecto: aplicar eficazmente metodologías abiertas en el aula; alimentar el porfolio y el currículum en la búsqueda de empleo y el fomento del emprendimiento; y generar recursos educativos y modelos de buenas prácticas para formar en una comunicación eficiente. NEWSHUB también permite crear un puente entre profesores/as, alumnos/as y materias de otras facultades e incluso de otros países. La virtualización permite deslocalizar y ponernos en contacto para intercambiar experiencias, programas y recursos educativos proporcionando una visión más rica y abierta en diferentes contextos culturales y de diversidad. Como principal novedad, en esta segunda parte del proyecto, NEWSHUB se vuelve más internacional incorporando a profesores y profesoras de facultades de Comunicación y Diseño que imparten materiales similares. El objetivo de esta internacionalización es comparar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje basada en proyectos en diferentes contextos culturales

    Impacto del Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Producción Animal (CEDEPA) en la ganadería del territorio. 1. Programa de formación en extensión rural

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    The impact of a teaching program to train people as rural extension workers was evaluated at livestock centers in Camagüey province, Cuba, from 1996 to 2006. This project, named Rural Extension and Agricultural Technology Office (OFERTA), is and agricultural extension working tool developed by CEDEPA affiliated to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences from Camagüey University. The highest impact of this program was centered on the project management and integration as well graduate and postgraduate teaching to train people as rural extension workers for regional livestock centers. Qualified personnel can be found at every production structure level; however, they are not always oriented towards the communication with simple producers, technology transfer, their own re-qualification, and the links and feedback with alike universities and research centers.Se evaluó el impacto de un programa de formación de recursos humanos como extensionistas, en el período de 1996 a 2006 en empresas ganaderas de Camagüey, Cuba. El proyecto se nombra Oficina de Extensión Rural y Tecnología Agropecuaria (OFERTA), dispositivo de trabajo en extensión agrícola creado en el Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Producción Animal (CEDEPA) de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Camagüey. Las áreas de mayor impacto del programa fueron la gestión-integración de proyectos y, por supuesto, la docencia de pre y posgrado para la formación de recursos humanos en extensión rural para las empresas ganaderas de la región. En las estructuras de producción hay personal calificado en cada frente, pero no siempre orientado al trabajo de comunicación con el productor de base, la transferencia de tecnología, su propia recalificación y el enlaceretroalimentación con las universidades y centros de investigación afines