1,103 research outputs found

    Influencia de la combinación de nano-SiO2 y nano-Fe2O3 en la resistencia a compresión, resistencia a tracción, porosidad y resistividad eléctrica de morteros de cemento.

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    The compressive strength, flexural strength, porosity and electrical resistivity properties of cement mortars with nano-Fe2O3 and nano-SiO2 are studied. Amorphous silica is the main component of pozzolanic materials due to its reaction with calcium hydroxide formed from calcium silicate (C3S and C2S) hydration. The pozzolanic reaction rate is not only proportional to the amount of amorphous silica but also to the surface area available for reaction. Subsequently, fine nano-Fe2O3 and nano-SiO2 particles in mortars are expected to improve mortar performance. The experimental results showed that the compressive strength of mortars with nano-Fe2O3 and nano-SiO2 particles were lower than those obtained with the reference mortar at seven and 28 days. It was shown that the nano-particles were not able to enhance mechanical strength on every occasion. The continuous microstructural progress monitored by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) measurements, pore-size distribution (PSD), total porosity and critical pore diameter also confirmed such results.Se estudia la resistencia a compresión y flexión, porosidad y resistividad eléctrica de morteros de cemento con nano-Fe2O3 y nano-SiO2. La sílice amorfa reacciona con el hidróxido de calcio formado en la hidratación del C3S y C2S. La tasa de reacción puzolánica es proporcional a la cantidad de sílice amorfa y la superficie disponible para la reacción, esperando que las partículas finas de nano-Fe2O3 y nano-SiO2 mejoren las propiedades de los morteros. Los resultados experimentales han mostrado que la resistencia a compresión a siete y 28 días de morteros con partículas de nano-Fe2O3 y nano-SiO2 era, en ocasiones, inferior a la obtenida con el mortero de referencia. Se muestra que las nano-partículas no siempre son capaces de mejorar la resistencia de los morteros. Las medidas mediante porosimetría de intrusión de mercurio (PIM) de la distribución de tamaño de poro (DTP), porosidad total y diámetro de poro crítico confirmaron estos resultados

    Avances recientes en hormigón estructural reforzado con fibras, con especial atención a macro fibras sintéticas de poliolefina

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    Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) allows reduction in, or substitution of, steel-bars to reinforce concrete and led to the commonly named structural FRC, with steel fibres being the most widespread. Macro-polymer fibres are an alternative to steel fibres, being the main benefits: chemical stability and lower weight for analogous residual strengths of polyolefin-fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC). Furthermore, polyolefin fibres offer additional advantages such as safe-handling, low pump-wear, light weight in transport and storage, and an absence of corrosion. Other studies have also revealed environmental benefits. After 30 years of research and practice, there remains a need to review the opportunities that such a type of fibre may provide for structural FRC. This study seeks to show the advances and future challenges of use of these polyolefin fibres and summarise the main properties obtained in both fresh and hardened states of PFRC, focussing on the residual strengths obtained from flexural tensile tests.El hormigón reforzado con fibras (HRF) permite la reducción parcial o total de barras de acero en el hormigón armado, acuñándose término HRF estructural, siendo las fibras de acero las más usadas. Las macro-fibras poliméricas son una alternativa a las de acero, aportando estabilidad química y menor peso para resistencias residuales iguales. Además, las fibras de poliolefina ofrecen beneficios adicionales tales como mayor seguridad de trabajo, menor desgaste de equipos de bombeo, menor peso en el transporte y almacenamiento, y ausencia de corrosión. Otros estudios también han revelado beneficios medio-ambientales. Después de 30 años de investigación y práctica, sigue siendo necesario analizar las oportunidades que estas fibras de poliolefina pueden proporcionar al HRF estructural. Este estudio muestra los avances y posibilidades del uso de estas fibras y resume las principales propiedades obtenidas tanto en estado fresco como endurecido, centrándose en la resistencia residual obtenida en los ensayos de tracción por flexión

    Spalling uniaxial strength of Al2O3 at high strain rates

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    In this article research into the uniaxial tensile strength of Al2O3 monolithic ceramic is presented. The experimental procedure of the spalling of long bars is investigated from different approaches. This method is used to obtain the tensile strength at high strain rates under uniaxial conditions. Different methodologies proposed by several authors are used to obtain the tensile strength. The hypotheses needed for the experimental set-up are also checked, and the requirements of the set-up and the variables are also studied by means of numerical simulations. The research shows that the shape of the projectile is crucial to achieve successfully tests results. An experimental campaign has been carried out including high speed video and a digital image correlation system to obtain the tensile strength of alumina. Finally, a comparison of the test results provided by three different methods proposed by different authors is presented. The tensile strength obtained from the three such methods on the same specimens provides contrasting results. Mean values vary from one method to another but the trends are similar for two of the methods. The third method gives less scatter, though the mean values obtained are lower and do not follow the same trend as the other methods for the different specimens

    Identifying Ultra-Cool Dwarfs at Low Galactic Latitudes: A Southern Candidate Catalogue

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    We present an Ultra-Cool Dwarf (UCD) catalogue compiled from low southern Galactic latitudes and mid-plane, from a cross-correlation of the 2MASS and SuperCOSMOS surveys. The catalogue contains 246 members identified from 5042 sq. deg. within 220 deg. <= l <= 360 deg. and 0 deg. < l <= 30 deg., for |b| <= 15 deg. Sixteen candidates are spectroscopically confirmed in the near-IR as UCDs with spectral types from M7.5V to L9. Our catalogue selection method is presented enabling UCDs from ~M8V to the L-T transition to be selected down to a 2MASS limiting magnitude of Ks ~= 14.5 mag. This method does not require candidates to have optical detections for catalogue inclusion. An optimal set of optical/near-IR and reduced proper-motion selection criteria have been defined that includes: an Rf and Ivn photometric surface gravity test, a dual Rf-band variability check, and an additional photometric classification scheme to selectively limit contaminants. We identify four candidates as possible companions to nearby Hipparcos stars -- observations are needed to identify these as potential benchmark UCD companions. We also identify twelve UCDs within a possible distance 20 pc, three are previously unknown of which two are estimated within 10 pc, complimenting the nearby volume-limited census of UCDs. An analysis of the catalogue spatial completeness provides estimates for distance completeness over three UCD MJ ranges, while Monte-Carlo simulations provide an estimate of catalogue areal completeness at the 75 per cent level. We estimate a UCD space density of Rho (total) = (6.41+-3.01)x10^3/pc^3 over the range of 10.5 <= MJ ~< 14.9, similar to values measured at higher Galactic latitudes (|b| ~> 10 deg.) in the field population and obtained from more robust spectroscopically confirmed UCD samples.Comment: MNRAS accepted April 2012. Contains 30 figures and 11 tables. Tables 2 and 6 to be published in full and on-line only. The on-line tables can also be obtained by contacting the author

    Multiwavelength optical observations of chromospherically active binary systems V. FF UMa (2RE J0933+624): a system with orbital period variation

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    This is the fifth paper in a series aimed at studying the chromospheres of active binary systems using several optical spectroscopic indicators to obtain or improve orbital solution and fundamental stellar parameters. We present here the study of FF UMa (2RE J0933+624), a recently discovered, X-ray/EUV selected, active binary with strong H_alpha emission. The objectives of this work are, to find orbital solutions and define stellar parameters from precise radial velocities and carry out an extensive study of the optical indicators of chromospheric activity. We obtained high resolution echelle spectroscopic observations during five observing runs from 1998 to 2004. We found radial velocities by cross correlation with radial velocity standard stars to achieve the best orbital solution. We also measured rotational velocity by cross-correlation techniques and have studied the kinematic by galactic space- velocity components (U, V, W) and Eggen criteria. Finally, we have determined the chromospheric contribution in optical spectroscopic indicators, from Ca II H & K to Ca II IRT lines, using the spectral subtraction technique. We have found that this system presents an orbital period variation, higher than previously detected in other RS CVn systems. We determined an improved orbital solution, finding a circular orbit with a period of 3.274 days. We derived the stellar parameters, confirming the subgiant nature of the primary component and obtained rotational velocities (vsini), of 33.57 km/s and 32.38 km/s for the primary and secondary components respectively. From our kinematic study, we can deduce its membership to the Castor moving group. Finally, the activity study has given us a better understanding of the possible mechanisms that produce the orbital period variation.Comment: Latex file with 16 pages, 18 figures. Available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/invest/actividad/actividad_pub.html Accepted for publication in: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    Search for free-floating planetary-mass objects in the Pleiades

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    (Abridged) We aim at identifying the least massive population of the solar metallicity, young (120 Myr), nearby (133.5 pc) Pleiades star cluster with the ultimate goal of understanding the physical properties of intermediate-age, free-floating, low-mass brown dwarfs and giant planetary-mass objects, and deriving the cluster substellar mass function across the deuterium-burning mass limit at ~0.012 Msol. We performed a deep photometric and astrometric J- and H-band survey covering an area of ~0.8 deg^2. The images with completeness and limiting magnitudes of J,H ~ 20.2 and ~ 21.5 mag were acquired ~9 yr apart (proper motion precision of +/-6 mas/yr). J- and H-band data were complemented with Z, K, and mid-infrared magnitudes up to 4.6 micron coming from UKIDSS, WISE, and follow-up observations of our own. Pleiades member candidates were selected to have proper motions compatible with that of the cluster, and colors following the known Pleiades sequence in the interval J = 15.5-8.8 mag, and Z_UKIDSS - J > 2.3 mag or Z nondetections for J > 18.8 mag. We found a neat sequence of astrometric and photometric Pleiades substellar member candidates in the intervals J = 15.5-21.2 mag and ~0.072-0.008 Msol. The faintest objects show very red near- and mid-infrared colors exceeding those of field high-gravity dwarfs by >0.5 mag. The Pleiades photometric sequence does not show any color turn-over because of the presence of photospheric methane absorption down to J = 20.3 mag, which is about 1 mag fainter than predicted by the color-computed models. Pleiades brown dwarfs have a proper motion dispersion of 6.4-7.5 mas/yr and are dynamically relaxed at the age of the cluster. The Pleiades mass function extends down to the deuterium burning-mass threshold, with a slope fairly similar to that of other young star clusters and stellar associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 page

    Parameterized optimized effective potential for atoms

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    The optimized effective potential equations for atoms have been solved by parameterizing the potential. The expansion is tailored to fulfill the known asymptotic behavior of the effective potential at both short and long distances. Both single configuration and multi configuration trial wave functions are implemented. Applications to several atomic systems are presented improving previous works. The results here obtained are very close to those calculated in either the Hartree-Fock and the multi configurational Hartree-Fock framework.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Análisis sobre la influencia de la densidad en la termografía de infrarrojos y el alcance de esta técnica en la detección de defectos internos en la madera

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    This paper shows the results of a laboratory phase for the determination of the 1limits of infrared thermography in detecting internal defects in wood and, furthermore, it analyses how the density of this material can influence the surface temperature displayed in a thermogram. To this end, experimental work is carried out whereby a series of work and environmental parameters are monitored (such as environmental temperature, relative humidity, distance to target), and the process is systematized by using pieces of different wood species (different densities) and by devising a set of samples for which various possible cases are analysed in terms of size and internal position of the damage. Similarly, using these samples, a study has been conducted on the effect on the thermal image produced by an increase of humidity inside the defect phenomena normally associated with wood decay.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos en una fase de laboratorio al tratar de determinar el alcance de la termografía de infrarrojos en la detección de defectos internos en la madera y, por otro lado, cómo interviene la densidad de este material sobre la temperatura superficial mostrada en un termograma. Para ello se ha desarrollado un trabajo experimental donde se han controlado una serie de parámetros ambientales y de trabajo (temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa, distancia al objetivo…), y se ha sistematizado el proceso utilizando piezas de distintas especies de madera (distintas densidades) y diseñando una serie de probetas donde se han analizado varias casuísticas posibles en cuanto a tamaño y posición interna de los daños. Análogamente, sobre estas probetas se ha estudiado el efecto que produce sobre la imagen termográfica un incremento de humedad interna en el defecto asociada normalmente a los fenómenos de pudrición de la madera